There were screams everywhere. Campers running, some holding swords, others holding daggers. And where was Annabeth when they needed her?

"Hallie!" Clarisse, her voice as gruff as ever, shouted to her, "Get the border patrol to me!". Hallie nodded, and ran towards Thalia's Tree where several campers where trying to block a big, weird mechanical bull. "Clarisse needs the border patrol," Hallie panted, "Hurry!". The campers ran towards the small figure screaming out orders.

Who knew this would happen? It had been a fine morning. Hallie had got up, washed, dressed into an orange camp T-Shirt and long blue jeans, collected her Celestial Bronze sword with an Imperial Gold handle, and walked off, not a care for her hair. Walking down to breakfast, she had lazily picked some strawberries.

That's when the commotion happened.

Two big, bad, mechanical bulls could be seen right on the edge on the border. The Pine Tree's colours where dull and sickly looking, and just as a twig snapped the bulls roared and ran inside the camp.

Hallie dimly remembered Annabeth showing her a picture of the same bull, Clochis or Colchis or something bull, but she had not been paying attention.

Now, Hallie dodged fire from the two bulls and grabbed a bow and arrow from one of the injured campers. "Hang on there," She panted as she aimed the arrow directly at Bad Bull Number 1's hide. She shot, but the arrow just bounced off harmlessly against the bull's thick metal hide. "What?!" She shouted, and helped one of the Aphrodite girl her age, seven, up to her feet.

She glanced up to see Annabeth Chase and Percy Jackson running towards them, with a Cyclops behind the border.

Her mistake — Hallie dropped her sword as the bull bellowed and shot fire at her — she managed to dodge it but barely. Most of it caught her arm and now she rolled on the ground in pain, clutching her burning, raw sword arm. She hurriedly put her sword back in it's case strapped on her waste, not wanting to lose it.

The next thing she knew Annabeth and Percy was standing next to her. "Hallie! Oh my gods, are you okay?" Annabeth asked frantically. Hallie grinned slightly, and then winced. Her arm felt limp and burning on her side. "Oh gee," Percy bit his lip as he saw the damage on her sword arm, "You should go to the Apollos', they have medical people.".

"No time!" Hallie gasped as Bad Bull Number 2 came charging towards some campers. "Go!". The two campers both nodded and jumped to their feet, running towards the destruction.

Nearby, Hallie heard the Cyclops say, "Can't go in!".

The seven year old girl staggered to her feet, and stumbled over patches of grass to prevent the cyclops from coming across the border. She wouldn't allow three monsters in the camp in one day! Just as she approached the small cyclops about an adult's size, a baby, she guessed, she heard a distinct voice ringing through the lawns and small hills.

"I, Annabeth Chase, give you permission to enter camp!".

"No!" Hallie shouted as the Cyclops lumbered towards the bulls. To the looks of it, Percy had been protecting a disgruntled Clarisse from a Bad Bull Number 1, but even someone like Percy couldn't last too long. Clarisse slipped from under Percy and charged at the other beast just as Bad Bull Number 1 opened it's mouth.

"No!" The Cyclops screamed, and lunged forward in front of Percy. Hallie was confused, wasn't the Cyclops the Bad guy? She had always learned it like that. The beast blew fire but the Cyclops was unharmed — fire couldn't harm them. The Cyclops punched the bull two times directly on it's ugly face. Bad Bull Number 2 was being taken care of Clarisse. She was on it, and had attacked it several times.

Hallie looked up Thalia's Pine Tree, now it's usual bright green needles were sickly and yellow looking, and in the middle of the bark there was a bullet hole sized mark, oozing yellow stuff all over. Nothing like this has ever, ever happened in her seven years of living there. What had happened to the camp's beloved tree?


"It's been poisoned," Percy said as soon as she met up with him and Annabeth, "But I think I might know who did this.".

"Poisoned?" Hallie asked, her green almond eyes wide with fear, "We have to tell the 'New' activities director!".

"Chiron?" Percy asked, "Isn't he the activities director?". "No," Clarisse butt in, wiping her brow, "He's fired,didn't you know? You have been gone way to long."

Suddenly Percy remembered Luke's cold voice last summer when he poisoned Percy,

'I began to dream of Kronos,' Luke had said, his eyes steely. 'He convinced me to steal something worthwhile, something no hero had ever had the courage to take.'

'I've been used? Look at yourself. What has your dad ever done for you? Kronos will rise. You've only delayed his plans. He will cast the Olympians into Tartarus and drive humanity back to their cave. All except the strongest — the ones who serve him.'

'Goodbye, Percy. There is a new Golden Age coming. You won't be a part of it.'

"Percy?" Annabeth's thick voice brought him back to reality. "Are you okay?".

"Yeah," Percy muttered, still deep in thought, "Yeah."

"Hey, Percy, What is that Cyclops doing here?" Hallie asked, staring open-mouthed at Tyson, getting her sword at the ready. "Should I kill it?".

"No," Percy said, "He's a friend.".

"Percy, stop daydreaming and let's go to the big house."


After the chariot race where the Monster pigeons had attacked and everything had turned into a disaster, Percy, Annabeth and Tyson were doing the chores as the new activities director, Tantalus said that they had ruined everything, which just wasn't fair as they had actually saved the campers from turning into bones only. Tyson just plunged his hands into the lava which were used to wash dishes instead of water, but Percy and Annabeth had trouble with their extra fire-proof gloves.

In the meantime, Percy told Annabeth about his dream about Grover trapped in the sea of monsters and finding the Fleece. "Why is this such a big of a deal anyways?" Percy asked Annabeth as they washed dishes, all gross and sweaty.

"It's the Golden Fleece, Percy, from Jason and the Argonauts. You do know that story, don't you?".


So, Annabeth spent the rest of the time telling him about Jason's story. "And so because the Fleece attracts satyrs as it emits a powerful force of nature, satyrs get attracted, thinking it's Pan, the god of nature. Then Polyphemus get's to eat them. Grover said he was in the sea of monsters, right?" Annabeth asked.

"Yeah," Percy nodded, "But what is this sea anyways?".

Annabeth stared at him as though she thought he was playing dumb. "The Sea of Monsters. The same sea Odysseus sailed through, and Jason, and Aeneas and all the others."

" mean the Mediterranean?"

"No. Well yes, but no."

"Another straight answer. Thanks."

"Look, Percy, it used to see the Mediterranean, yes. But it shifts locations as the West's centre of power shifts, like Mount Olympus being above the Empire State Building, And Hades being under Loss Angeles."

"Right, but how would mortals not notice stuff like that, when ships disappear and get eaten and stuff?"

"Of course they notice, they just don't understand. The Sea of Monsters is currently off the East Coast of the U.S., just North-east of Florida. The mortals even have a name for it."

Percy felt realisation sink in as he said,

"The Bermuda Triangle?"



All the campers were in front of the bonfire which was Low and cold, on this particular day. Tantalus made cheery compliments that seemed to discourage the campers more. After boring minutes of half-hearted singing, Mr.D got up and walked away, muttering something like, Chiron was much more fun.

Just as Tantalus got to speak, Percy stood up. "Sir?".

"Ah, so our Kitchen Cleaner speaks. What is it?".

"We found something that can heal Thalia's Pine Tree.".

Before anyone could say anything, Percy started talking about his dream, the Golden Fleece, and the Sea of Monsters. "Sir, we need to retrieve the Fleece—we need a quest.".

The Bonfire roared higher than before as the campers shouted, "QUEST! QUEST! QUEST! QUEST!".

"No!" Tantalus smiled his cold smile.


"Fine! You brats want a quest?"


"Then have it!" Tantalus roared, spit flying.

"But, Mr Jackson, do you know where the sea of monsters is EXACTLY located?" Tantalus asked, a soft smile curving in his lips.

A sudden memory hit him. "Yes,"Percy said, "Yes I do.".

"You do?" Annabeth whispered to him, eyes wide.

"Yes," Percy said, grinning.

"30, 31, 75, 12."

"Now, thank you for saying those meaningless numbers," Tantalus continued, but Annabeth cut him, eyes wide. "Yes, those are the coordinates the Gray Sisters told us!" She said.

"Well then, if you insist," Tantalus shouted over the cheer of noise, "The person saving camp half-blood shall be... Clarisse!".

"What?!" Percy shouted, standing up. "Wait, the dream came to me!".

Clarisse glared at him. "I accept the quest, I, Clarisse, Daughter of Ares!" She shouted, and walked to consort the oracle.


Midnight was approaching, and Percy was on the beach, disheartened.

Should he go with Clarisse? but then, Tyson would be in trouble for letting him go, but Annabeth hated Cyclops. And then there was Hallie to worry about. She would be determined to go, but it would still be too dangerous for her.

As Percy was about to get up, a jogger with rumpled hair and a mischievous grin cam jogging up to him. Percy was alarmed at the thought of a mortal coming inside camp half-blood, but maybe it was possible now that Thalia's tree wa poisoned. "Can I sit down?" He asked. Normally a stranger sitting next to him would make Percy take caution, but he just nodded.

The jogger sat down just as his phone rang. He took out his phone from his pocket—and Percy's eyes widened as two snakes slithered on the phone case. "You have two snakes on your phone," Percy said. The jogger didn't seem to be listenening. I love rats, George hissed inside Percy's head.

"Lord Hermes!" Percy said, surprised, "What are YOU doing here?"

"Well, I can't just leave you here, can I?"

"Is it about Luke?"

And so, a few minutes later, an overwhelmed Percy was to be seen, clutching some vitamin chews, some kind of bottle, and four backpacks.

He watched in the distance as he saw three figures running towards him in the dark; one big and not very distinct, one tall figure with her hair in a neat ponytail was definitely Annabeth, and a much smaller, messy haired girl was definitely Hallie.

As they approached, Percy had to make a desicion in five minutes before anyone found out they were missing—or they would be fed to the hungry harpies.

It was a desicion that would put his, and his friends life in danger.

The three, Hallie, Annabeth and Tyson panted as they caught up with Percy. Percy handed each of them a backpack and said, "We're going to the sea of monsters—we have to get the Fleece.". "Yes!" Hallie pumped her small fist in the air.

"Let's go catch a ship."


Yay! This was, I think, the longest chapter EVER to be written in any of my books—as Long as my chapter was, hope you guys enjoyed it!