The Winds of Change
Fandom: Hawaii Five-O
Ship: McRoll
Characters: Steve McGarrett, Catherine Rollins
Brief Description:
It has been a month since Joe White's death and since Steve McGarrett has been back to his Island. Despite all of his Five-O Ohana wanting to be there for him, he has asked them to all remain in Hawaii till he can come up with a solid plan of attack. The only person he has let in has been Catherine Rollins. She was his first call only hours after Joe White's death. This is the month they spent together before Danny came to Montana to implement their plan to avenge Joe's death.
A lot of it was formulating a plan.. The rest was falling in love again...
Chapter one.. Ke kāheaʻoe, e holo wau
(When you call, I'll come running)
"Cath, It's Steve.. I.. I need you".
Those seven little words were all Catherine Rollins had needed to hear and she was jumping on a plane out to Montana before her last case had even officially wrapped up. It was hard to get someone to cover for her but she wasn't going to let Steve go through this alone. She knew just how much Joe White meant to him. He was like a second father to him and losing him would just bout break him.
She remembered when he lost his father all those years ago and how she had been there for him the moment she could as well. They always found their way back to each other somehow. The fact he was asking for her and not for Danny or any of the other five-o members meant a lot to her.
The roads were familiar to her, Steve had taken her here many times before. Sometimes when Joe was around, and sometimes when he wasn't. It wasn't till many years later when Steve told her that Joe would often make himself scarce while they were there, just to give them some alone time together. Joe himself had also informed her at one point that Steve had never brought another woman to his ranch which made her feel more special.
Driving up the road that would take her into the ranch, her stomach was filled with nerves, She knew who sold Steve's SEAL team out and she knew why as well. Agent Greer had ulterior motives all the time, she had always been the one to cover her own ass at the expense of others, but this time, this was personal.
Falling to Steve's charms was easy for any woman, He was just that kind of man but though Steve never mentioned it to her, Catherine had heard through the grapevine about his short lived romance with Greer. She also heard rumors from her friends that Greer had been jealous of Steve's interest in Catherine. It was when she met Greer herself that she realized just how true those rumors were.
Well wishes were tainted with slight hints and tinges of jealously when she tried to throw Catherine off with how Steve was not one to settle, though not that Catherine was ever bothered by it or believed her. She was actually amused if anything that the woman was still scorned by the fact that Steve had met someone else and his interests in hooking up with her were long gone.
Pulling up to the ranch, she got out of the car, her aviator's still wrapped around her eyes, masking the sun, there was a chill to the air and she was thanking god that she had managed to pack some warm clothing, wrapping her jacket around her middle while walking easily to the porch of the ranch like she had done many times before. Knowing how rattled he was and that he most likely was laying low in there, gun already cocked, and listening carefully, making sure the car that had pulled up wasn't his enemy, she knocked on the door lightly, her voice a low whisper, "Steve, It's Cath".
Author Notes:
I recently saw the latest episode of Hawaii 5-0 and the fact that Steve had been there for a month and Catherine Rollins was there before even Danny Williams has inspired me to write this story. I don't know when Catherine arrived there or when he told her about Joe White, however for the sake of my story, I am going on the assumption that Steve told Catherine very early on and she has been there for most of that month. I am going to include formulating a battle plan along with rekindling their love till the moment Danny Williams arrives in Montana.
On a separate issue, I am sorry that I haven't been writing fan fictions as much. I am going to eventually try to get a lot of them completed one day, but it is a slow thing. I work full time and I have other issues to attend to outside of work. Hawaii 5-0 is my favorite show at the moment which is why I am gravitating to wanting to write fan fictions for it more then anything else lately. I hope you all enjoy this story. I will try to get a new chapter out once each week, but no promises.