It had only been a short time after Samuel Hayden's betrayal, after killing Olivia Pierce and stopping the demon invasion of Mars the Slayer thought it was finally over until Hayden left him with his parting words "I can't kill you - but I won't have you standing in our way... until we meet again." After a flash of blinding light enveloped the Slayer, he could feel his rage growing and silently swore to end Hayden and destroy the Argent Tower, if he were ever able to return. After a pain filled journey using the tether the Slayer found himself in a grassy area, the bright sun shining down on him and the big blue sky, it had almost seemed that he'd forgotten these sights. Sitting up and observing his surroundings the Slayer realized that he was currently in the middle of a park and he also noticed that he wasn't alone, other humans just like him were walking around and strolling down the streets. At first the Slayer was shocked, it had been so long since he saw another human being, well, one that wasn't trying to unleash the forces of Hell upon humanity, but he noticed some of the humans looked…off. Some humans had ears and tails, claws and hooves, even wings and horns. The Slayer's first instinct was to whip out his Super Shotgun to end these humanoids, but it soon dawned on him that these creatures were the total opposite of the demons he was used to, some of them were walking alongside their human counterparts, playing, talking and generally enjoying the park. "Vega." was the first words to leave the Slayers mouth, he had to know, where the hell was he?

"It seems that the tether has sent us back to the planet Earth."

"Yeah, no shit." The Slayer thought as he pointed towards one of the creatures. "And that?" "My scans detect that they are not human but, I cannot detect any Argent energy signals coming from them either"
"So we can rule out demons." The Slayer thought

"If my theory is correct, the tether must have sent you to Earth, however this is not the Earth you know but a parallel Earth."

The Slayer sighed in annoyance he was getting pretty tired of being sent through different dimensions against his will.

"It also appears that this version of Earth is populated by creatures from Earth mythology."

"So monsters then." The Slayer thought as his super shotgun dematerialized from his hands, but his weapon didn't go unnoticed it seemed a person who was watching the Doomslayer draw out his weapon had called the police and the Slayer soon found himself surrounded by cops with their guns drawn. "Jimen ni notte atama no ushiro ni te o oku!" one of the officers shakily yelled at the Slayer, he noticed that many of the officers seemed pretty intimidated by his size and stature. "VEGA." The Slayer said in a gruff voice. "It appears that the officers are speaking Japanese, shall I translate for you?" The Slayer nodded his head as VEGA began the translation. "The officer is ordering you to get on the ground and to put your hands behind your head, it appears that you are being placed under arrest."

Great just great the Slayer hadn't even been on Earth for 15 minutes and someone already was threatening him. "JIMEN NI NOTTE ATAMA NO USHIRO NI TE O OKU!" the officer yelled again having regained his composure. Glaring at the officer from under his Praetor helmet the Slayer balled up his fists and took a fighting stance. The officers, feeling threatened by this took the safety off their guns and took aim at the man in the suit of armor, but before any of them pulled the trigger… "CHOTTO MATTE!" the shout gained the officer's and the Slayer's attention as they saw a woman with raven black hair wearing a white dress shirt with a black tie, a black blazer and matching professional skirt, black pantyhose and heels step out of the newly formed crowd of people. The woman in question began to walk toward the Slayer, the officers began to tense up preparing for the worst but to their surprise the Slayer took on a calmer stance, the woman finally stopped a few inches away from the Slayer, "Watashi ga itte iru koto o rikai dekimasu ka?" the woman said, right on cue VEGA began the translation "She is asking if you can understand her?" The Slayer shook his head .

"Anata ga watashi o rikaidekinainara, anata ga watashi ga itta koto o dō yatte shitte imasu ka?" "She is asking how can you understand her right now?" The Slayer, in response tapped on his helmet, the woman seemed to get what he was trying to say and nodded in response "Anata ga watashi ni shitagatte kudasai?" "She wants you to follow her so you can get away from public eyes." The Slayer looked around and finally noticed the large crowd of people that had formed all staring at him with eyes laced with fear. Some people flinched as the Slayer turned his gaze on them.

"Anata ga taiho sa rete inai koto o shinpaishinaidekudasai." With the Slayer's attention turned back to her the woman turned around and yelled at the officers "Shita ni tatsu! Kare wa kyōide wanai!" and with that the officers became a lot more relaxed as they holstered their guns. "She says not to worry you are not under arrest and has ordered the officers to stand down." The woman turned back to the Slayer "Forō shite kudasai." she said as she began to walk towards a black car parked on the side of the street. "She is asking you to follow her." Turning back one more time to look at the crowd the Doomslayer began to make his way towards the car "I will begin the creation of a translation module so you can understand Japanese." The Slayer only grunted in response as he got into the car sitting right next to the woman as the car began to drive away."

That was 4 months ago though to the Slayer it only felt like yesterday, the woman identified herself as Kuroko Smith a government agent that was sent to deal with the Slayer but was able to calm the situation, during the car ride VEGA had finally installed the translation mod on the Slayer's Suit so he could finally understand Japanese, the car finally stopped at a police station where Smith took the Slayer straight into an interrogation room, seems like the most logical thing to do when a 6 foot tall man covered in military esque armor armed with a shotgun appears in the middle of a public park in broad daylight,once in the interrogation room Smith of course asked the Slayer where he came from, the Slayer or mostly VEGA recounted to Smith the invasion of the Mars colony. At first she was skeptical of the Slayer's stories, any sane person would, but after viewing the various holo-videos VEGA had recorded of the Slayer ripping and tearing through hordes of demons, she quickly change her tune, right after she spat out her coffee and puked on the floor after seeing the huge amounts of pure gore that was shown to her "No wonder why he's armed." she thought after wiping her mouth. In turn VEGA on the Slayer's behalf had asked her about the whole "monsters walking around with humans thing". Smith explained the "Interspecies Exchange Bill" which the UN had revealed to the public that monsters exist among them and in turn used the bill to integrate monsters into human society. The Slayer also found out that on this world there was no UAC nor a colony on Mars and no colonies meant no Argent energy. The Slayer sighed in relief as he knew this meant one thing, no Argent energy= no demons.

Once the interrogation was over the Slayer, now free to go walked out of the police station and stood out on the street. Smith noticed that the Slayer wasn't going anywhere but he was just standing there but it dawned on her that he had no place to go or money for the basic necessities. At first she shrugged it off and began to walk back to her office knowing if she helped him it would mean more paperwork for her but she began to pity the Slayer, after all that had happened to him the horrors he had witnessed on Mars, Smith knew in her heart that she had to help him.

Walking towards the door Smith yelled toward the Doomslayer, "Hey!, I can help you find a place to stay!"

"I believe using your skills as a mercenary, you will be able to afford a place to-" VEGA's idea to become a mercenary was interrupted as the Slayer turned his attention towards Smith, at first he was torn between VEGA's idea and Smith's offer but quickly shrugged and walked back into the police station. "So I noticed you have nowhere to go so, I figured as a welcome to this Earth gift, how about I get you a place to stay? Is that alright Doom-kun?" Smith said as she took a sip of her coffee, the Slayer only nodded in response. "Great, let's get the paperwork started." Smith smiled as she led the Slayer into her office.

It only took a few days but the Slayer had a home of his own and money provided by the Japanese government, of course the government was hesitant to give money to a heavily armed man clad in armor but Smith was able to convince them seeing how the Slayer was technically an being from another universe and an extra terrestrial and it would've been a great way to welcome the Slayer to Japan.

2 months had passed and the Slayer fully settled into his new home though it wasn't completely sound since the Slayer had nightmares every night of the horrors he had witnessed throughout his life, but on the bright side he didn't have to keep fighting for his life every day or carry the fate of the world on his shoulders. He even found a way to upload VEGA as an A.I. for his house, but somehow he felt.. Empty inside. He had nothing to do countless days and months he fought for humanity against the armies of Hell but now he had no purpose but to laze around and watch T.V. all day. But it all changed one day when the Slayer heard his doorbell ring. "Ms. Smith is at the door." VEGA announced as the Slayer grunted in response getting up from the couch, opening the front door the Slayer thought it was gonna be another "Smith routine" the Slayer got surprisingly good at cooking for himself and Smith always dropped by to get some free breakfast from him, even though he tried to intimidate her a few times she only shrugged it off and always waltzed through the door to the dining table. As time went by the Slayer just rolled with it but this time he wasn't ready for who Smith brought with her.

"Doom-kun I'm happy to say that you're application for the Interspecies Exchange Bill was accepted, you are now able to have a homestay live with you." Smith happily said with a smile on her face as she handed a bunch of papers to the Slayer "And speaking of which." she said as she stepped aside revealing her guest a Lamia girl with long bright red hair and amber eyes, with slitted snake pupils, large red and pointed ears. With small red scales on her cheeks and wearing a yellow 'D' hair clip on each side of her head, wearing a red blouse with a yellow jacket over it and a denim skirt tightened around her snake half. "Doom-kun this is Miia from now on she'll be living with you."

"H-hello m-my name is Miia, it's nice to meet you, please take care of me." the lamia said as she bowed her head.

The Slayer invited Smith and Miia into his house as he led them to the living room and once they were inside the Slayer pulled Smith aside to speak with her, though VEGA would be doing most of the talking. "The Doomslayer asks, why is there a Lamia here?" "Isn't it obvious Doom-kun?" Smith said as she took a sip of her coffee "You're application for the Interspecies Exchange Program was accepted." "The Doomslayer says he never put in an application for the program." "Oh, is that so?" Smith said as she put a finger to her mouth feigning innocence. "Well honestly Doom-kun now that she's here I can't be bothered taking her back to live with another host."

"Smith's laziness at its finest." The Slayer thought as he rolled his eyes under his helmet, the Slayer was starting to get more and more annoyed at Smith for the fact she brought a liminal to his house unannounced from a program that he didn't even apply for. "But there is another reason why I brought her here." Putting a hand on the Slayer's shoulder Smith explained to him the real reason Miia was there "You need someone, you can't just stay cooped up in your home all the time. Look, I understand what you're going through, living on an Earth different than the one you know where you're surrounded by peace and quiet and you don't have to fight to survive everyday." Smith then took off her sunglasses as she stared deeply into the Slayer's visor "You need companionship, now I'm not doing this because I'm lazy… well partially because of that but I'm doing it for you Doom-kun, just give her a chance, please?"

The Slayer didn't know what to think, at first he thought this was another scheme for Smith to avoid doing her job but now she actually showed genuine compassion towards the Slayer, hell she even took off her sunglasses and in the few months that the Slayer got to know Smith was that she only takes off her sunglasses are when things are about to get serious. Ever since the first invasion of Hell the Slayer never needed anyone, well except VEGA, most of the people he met were for a short period of time, or the demons got to them and of course most of them betrayed the Slayer for their own goals. Thinking back to Smith's words the Slayer internally debated with himself , did he really need companionship?

After a few minutes of silence the Slayer looked back to and gave her a nod, feeling relieved and giving the Slayer a smile Smith walked past the Slayer and headed towards the front door, "A wise choice Doom-kun, though you should probably go talk to Miia you know, get to know her a bit." Smith said as she walked out of the house and closed the door behind her. The Slayer then walked into the living room and sat on the opposite side of the room facing Miia. "Big." the Lamia thought "He's so big." intimidating was an understatement when seeing the Doomslayer for the first time Miia was as nervous as can be, even worse now that they were now completely alone together. Slowly and slowly Miia started to feel dejected, the Slayer hadn't said anything since he sat down "Maybe he doesn't want me here." Miia said in her thoughts "Maybe Smith made a mistake." "Maybe he hates Lamias or maybe he hates liminals in general." Miia began to feel unwanted even more now that those thoughts crossed her mind. Miia was brought out of her thoughts at the sight of the Slayer getting up and leaving the room without a word, with that Miia felt like she didn't belong there even tears started to form in her eyes "He definitely doesn't want me here." Miia thought to herself while trying to hold back her tears.

Miia was surprised when she felt something touch her tail, turning to check whatever the feeling was she was shocked to see the Slayer place multiple blankets on her tail. Once he was done the Slayer headed to the thermostat and turned it up all the way to 95 degrees, the Slayer then walked towards the kitchen where Miia could hear the clanging of pots and pans. "D-does he really want me here?" Miia whispered to herself until an unknown voice knocked Miia out of her current shock, "Greetings Ms. Miia."

"KYAH!" Miia yelped as she jumped from her seat as she tried to look around to find the source of the voice "Who's there?" "I am VEGA, I am an A.I. uploaded into the Doomslayer's house, it is a pleasure to meet you." "Oh, I see well it's nice to meet you too VEGA." Miia felt a bit silly talking to literal thin air and actually have it respond back to her. "The Doomslayer has notified me of your arrival and your current status as his homestay." "Homestay?" Miia thought to herself she was still shocked to see that the Slayer actually did want her to stay. "Hey, VEGA?" "Yes Ms. Miia?"

"Does he really want me to be here?, to live with him I mean." "Of course, after some careful consideration the Doomlayer has decided to let you stay as his homestay."

"Then what's he doing now?" "The Doomslayer is currently preparing a pot of hot tea for the both of you, considering that Lamias are cold-blooded and require heat."

"Wait so he knows about how Lamias need to stay warm?"

"Indeed, ever since he arrived he has been reading about different liminal species including Lamias"

Miia began to feel elated, the Slayer actually wanted her to live with him, but he didn't even bother to talk to her. "VEGA, if he really wants me here, why doesn't he talk to me?" "The Doomslayer is a man of few words, even I do not know why he never speaks, but he has on very rare occasions."

Once VEGA's explanation was over the Slayer returned from the kitchen holding a teapot which he poured the tea into Miia's cup. Finally gaining the courage to talk to the Doomslayer Miia finally asked him "Mr. Slayer." The Slayer looked over to Miia as he placed the teapot on the table and sat back down. "D-do you honestly, really want me here?" Miia finally asked. Silence surrounded the room after Miia's question Miia truly hoped for the Slayer to say yes. To her surprise and joy the Slayer nodded in response. and Miia could've sworn she saw under that bright visor she could see the Slayer smiling at her, The Slayer was surprised too when Miia began to cry, "The Doomslayer apologizes if his actions had hurt you in any way." "No, no it's okay." Miia said while drying her eyes "I'm just so happy, at first I thought you didn't like me but now, I'm so glad to be with you." Miia then launched herself towards the Slayer knocking them both down as Miia pulled the Slayer into a tight embrace. "Thank you for letting me stay….. Darling."