Celebrimbor squeled in terror and delight, as his grandfather suddenly let him fall off his shoulders. As soon as they both regained their breath, Feanor looked down at the small boy, a pleased smile gracing his too often grim face.

"How have you been, Tyelpe?" he asked. It wasn't merely a bored question to break the silence. Feanor did not mind silence. It was a sincere question, for Feanor never said or asked anything he didn't mean.

"I am fine," answered Celebrimbor. When he noticed that his grandfather was waiting for him to elaborate, he went on: "Father took me to his forge a few days ago. He told me I wasn't allowed to make anything yet, and I didn't tell him about the time you let me help make a bracelet. But he did show me a pendant he was making for mother. It was very pretty. He also showed me another one almost the same, but somehow different. That one he gave to me, and told me to give it to you when I saw you today. He said that you had made the other one, and it had been a gift to your wife, his mother." Celebrimbor reached into his pockey handed the copper pendant, set with a red jewel, to his grandfather. Feanor's face suddenly went thoughtful and sad when he saw it.

"Who was she?" asked Celebrimbor, disturbing him from his thoughts. "Who was my grandmother?"

Feanor looked at the young boy a moment, remembering his wife. He felt sorry for Celebrimbor, he shouldn't have to not know who his own grandmother was. Neither was it fair for Nerdanel to not even know her own grandson. "Nerdanel." Feanor finally answered.

"Why doesn't she live with you anymore, grandfather?" inquired Celebrimbor.

Feanor became annoyed with Celebrimbor. No one had dared to talk about Nerdanel with him since she had left, not even his own sons, and now this little child was asking him these bold questions; bringing tears to his eyes. But how was Celebrimbor to know. He was young, he had no way of knowing that he was causing pain by asking. He only wanted to know, and he had every right to.

"She left," answered Feanor. "She just wanted to be alone."

Celebrimbor heard the sadness in his grandfather's voice, and wrapped his small arms around him. "I don't think she wants to be alone all the time. She would probably like to have visitors sometimes."

Celebrimbor's sweet yet wise words lightened Feanor's heart. He smiled sadly. "Yes, Tyelpe. I think she would like to have visitors." He paused a moment, and then looked into Celebrimbor's wide grey eyes. "How would you like me to take you to visit your grandmother?"

"Really Grandfather!" cried Celebrimbor. "Of course I would like to visit her! When can we go?"

"We will go right now."
Celebrimbor had fallen asleep beside Feanor on the horse. Feanor could see the house of Mahtan in the distance, and he was filled with so many memories. But this time they truly didn't hurt. He was ready to accept that she was gone. There was no reason they could not remain close. And there was certainly no reason for her to not remain close with her sons, and to be able to meet her only grandson.

Once they arrived, Feanor lifted Celebrimbor off the horse, and he woke up, blinking. "Are we here?" he asked.

"Yes, we are here." said Feanor.

He took Celebrimbor's hand and they walked up to the door. Feanor knocked, and Mahtan came to the door. He looked at Feanor for a long while, with a look of surprise on his face.

"Feanáro." he said, almost to himself.

"Yes I have come," he said. "and I have brought your great-grandson with me." Mahtan looked down at the child and smiled. Celebrimbor looked back at him and said; "We came to see my grandmother!"

Mahtan laughed and opened the door. "Yes, of course! Come inside, she is here." Celebrimbor ran boldly inside. Yes, Mahtan thought, he was definetely Feanor's grandson. Feanor followed him inside, but with less eagerness.

When Celebrimbor saw a lady sitting at the table with long red hair he knew right away that it must be his grandmother. "Hello," he said. "Are you Nerdanel?"

Nerdanel looked up from her book and at the small boy. She nearly dropped her water when she saw the child. He looked exactly like him, like Feanor, only in the innocent form of a child. He also looked exactly like her son Curufin had at that age. She knew straightaway who he must be. She had been told when her grandson had been born, but she had not yet seen him. "Yes I am," she answered. "and who are you?"

"I am Tyelperinquar, son of Curufinwe Atarinke. But you can call me Tyelpe." She smiled at him and extended her arms towards him. He eagerly accepted and hopped up into her lap. Nerdanel then looked up, ecpecting to see her father, and smiled. But it was not her father she saw, but someone else: Feanor. She stopped smiling and looked into his eyes. For a long while neither of them said anything. Then Feanor finally smiled faintly at her. "He wanted to see his grandmother," Feanor explained. Nerdanel simply returned his smile.

Celebrimbor broke the silence. "Grandfather," he said. "Do you think I could stay with grandmother for a while?"

"It is fine with me, as long as it is alright with her."

"I don't mind." answered Nedanel. "But what about his Father?"

"He won't mind." replied Feanor. "I will come to get him tomorrow evening." With that, he turned around and began to leave. He was stopped by Nerdanel though, who came running up beside him.

"You will come back sometime, won't you?" She aksed. "It gets rather lonely here, I wouldn't mind visitors."

So Celebrimbor had been right afterall. "I will come back." Feanor replied. And then he handed her the pendant he had been carrying. Nerdanel looked down at it in wonder. Feanor simply smiled at her and left without another word.

"Grandmother, aren't you going to come back?" Celebrimbor interupted her thoughts.

She smiled at him. "Yes, Tyelpe, I am back."
A/N: My sencond silmfic. I have recently developed a liking for Celebrimbor, and decided I would attempt at putting him in a story with a somewhat happy Feanor. Nerdanel of course had to take over. I have used their Sindarin names except when they address eachother to avoid confusion. I cannot find where the name Tyelpe came from, so if you think you're the one who deserves credit for the name, let me know and I will give credit where credit is due. Please let me know what you think!