Chapter 25 The Secret,

Stephanie got to Trenton Memorial hospital and found Joe's mom and grandma there in the waiting room.

"You are the reason why my grandson is in surgery right now and I curse you Stephanie Plum" Grandma Bella said to her.

"Mom leave Stephanie alone. This was not her fault." Angie Morelli tells Bella.

"It is Joseph's fault, because he was only thinking with one brain and it was the wrong one." Angie told her mother.

Angie was the only one looking at her left hand. She noticed the wedding ring but said nothing to call it out.

Stephanie took a seat and waited. Lester came in to the waiting room and sat by Stephanie. Stephanie took Lester's hand and they waited to hear about his son.

Ranger came in with the fake Morelli.

"Stephanie, we found the fake Morelli and he is right here. He is a cousin to Morelli and the reason why you were raped. He is also the punk that is after me." Ranger told everyone in the waiting room.

" Just to let you know the real Morelli has been cleared of all charges and as soon as he is better will be back on the job in no time."

Lester walked up to Ranger, "You did good protecting Stephanie. Keep it up and the two of you be happy."

"Mr. Santos, your son is going to be fine just a couple weeks rest and he will be good as new" The doctor told Lester.

"Thank you, doctor can we go, in and see him.?" Lester asked the doctor.

"Of course." The doctor let him to a private room.

They got to the hospital room that Thomas was in. Stephanie and Lester took a seat in the room.

"Hi dad" he softly told him.

"Hey, how are you?" Lester asked him.

"It hurts, but I am going to have a story to tell when I go back to school." Thomas told his father.

"Well we got the shooter, and he admits that he is the one that did the shooting. He also admitted being the one who kidnapped Stephanie. He is the one who, is responsible for everything. He will be going away for a long time Thomas; you will not need to worry about him.

The end