This is an old idea that I had, but chose to never write. But after encountering quite a few 'enablers' on tumblr, I finally decided to put the Prologue out. This story WILL be updated in time, but I'll be Focusing on my stories, "Flame's Desire" and "Red Herring" first.

Warning- the violence within this story CAN and WILL get dark. Please pay attention to any warnings I may post for each chapter if you want to avoid being uncomfortable. This is my try at a story MUCH darker than any others that I have written. Read at your own discretion.

Beauty can be deadly.

This was a truth that Princess Hisui learned very quickly while visiting the Faust Empire. Such visits of the state were needed to foster good relations with allied Kingdoms- and in her case, she and her entourage were desperate in their attempts for opening trade routes through Faustian Waters. All that was required was a signature: and time spent in the Emperor's Presence. As stressful as it was boring, Hisui counted down the days of lavish dinner parties and whispers being thrown behind her back hoping to return home soon. It would all be worth it in the end. A Mantra she told herself daily with each placid smile and formal greeting she gave, but each moment spent in Emperor Faust's presence was a chip at her soul in ways she couldn't list.

This, however, was big one: The Colosseum. Rumors and tall tales had spread through all the Kingdoms about Faust's need for battle and entertainment. Hisui hadn't taken them seriously or realized the full truth until she had been invited to one of his many, daily, displays. Sitting comfortable in the shade as cheers from the audience roared into her ears- the Princess thought she would vomit at any moment.

Death and Glory. A man's game. She'd heard it many times before. The shouts and battle cries of men in armor or tattered clothes resounded through the arena.

Sweltering heat caused waves to rise above the sand and with each win, more blood was spilled as the crowd went wild. Entertainment. That's what they called it. "Not all who lose die," Faust had told her, lips thinned in a cruel smirk. "As long as the crowd is happy- even they can live to fight another day. Merciful, is it not? - but only if they're lucky."

She prayed his fighters held more luck than any God could grant. - but her silent wish was unheard for many. The bodies piled up. One after the other- a stench rose into the air enough to make her gag and hide behind a floral handkerchief (given by one of of her many guards.) Their looks of discomfort helped ease her own mind. She wasn't the only one disgusted by the vile display before them. It would all be worth it in the end- She told herself once more, hiding her grimace when the Emperor turned his soulless gaze on her.

It would all be worth it

Relief washed over her when the bodies were cleared away. An end to the depravity and senseless fighting. Hisui could not escape her chair any fast enough, but was stopped by Faust's hand, raised to bar her path, while his smirk turned to a frown. "Leaving so soon?" He asked, brows furrowing, "We've yet to see the finale."

"I thought the clean up meant…" She paused, searching for a diplomatic word she could use: abomination was certainly not a good way to form ties between their Kingdoms, but the phrasing she used was pulled through her teeth. "- that the proceedings was over?"

It felt like a betrayal towards her own self to speak those words, but Faust took no notice. (Or relished in her sickness.) Ushering her to take her seat, he motioned back towards the field, a strange glint of glee marking his features. "Not at all! I've saved the best for last!"

Hisui was positive she didn't wish to see any further, but slid back into her chair regardless, stomach churning as the final two contestants stepped onto the field. Shock ran up her spine when a man and a woman, dressed in the tattered remains of tribes often ignored in the Southern Continent, emerged from their cells. Their skin gleamed even from the distance, glittering in small pinpricks that the Princess Recognized to be scales.

"You have Draconians?!" She breathed, awe filtering through despite herself. They were gorgeous. The male with the strangest pink in his hair and red speckling the sides of his face, arms and torso- blending with bronze skin and muscles clearly made to hold power; and the female- toned just as well, glittering in golden yellow that matched her long, tangled hair.

"They killed twenty of my men before being secured." Faust admitted, chuckling at the sight of them. "Oh, but the moment the woman fell- we were able to control the man with… limited ease." She wanted to question what he meant by this, but the Emperor chose to give no further details while his eyes were trained on the couple. "They were truly made for my Colosseum."

The leather of their clothes looked old, distantly faded in old colors- even from her seat, Hisui could see the telltale marks of old cuts healed on their skin. Scars crisscrossing their arms, legs and stomach- some even on his face. She had never seen a Draconian up close- most never survived travelling to the southern continents to get the chance. Her curiosity almost consumed disgust, eyes flickering over the pair in study. It was as the drums beat out the signal, that Hisui realized the truth. A large gash across the girl's stomach, the ugliest of them all- and the tortured expressions on their faces. She didn't want to believe it. Didn't want to stop to even consider the possibility….

The matching tattoos on their shoulders shattered her denial and a sudden sob escaped while the Princess felt the bile in her own gut rise to her throat.

"These two are- you took a husband and wife!"

The way Faust's grin widened to that of gleeful mania was the only answer she needed before the Princess of Fiore left her seat, uttering a string of apologies. Swiftly she rushed off to empty her lunch into the nearest bucket- as far away from the sounds of fighting and pain as she could muster.

Just what had they done to that woman to make her male companion surrender? Hisui could put it all together quicker than her heart could handle, and she would never get the memory of that scar out of her mind for the rest of her life.

It would stay there. Even in her nightmares.