Total Drama Chapter One: Beginning the Pain-Game

Chris was happily lounging on a pool raft, drinking a face-painted coconut, with his sunshades over his eyes and enjoying the nice breeze that gently swept over him. He let out a happy sigh, while Chef was on a lounge chair drinking his own coconut with a face on it. The sound of heeled shoes filled the area and Blaineley sat at the bar ordering her own face-painted coconut.

"You know, I never thought that us three would come together and host a show."

Chris moved his sunshades up his face, and gave her one of the famous McLean winks.

"Oh, I know, turns out you do hold a devious mind more than what I thought. Surprised still that you threatened Heather to do the show or you ruin the whole life that she knows."

"What can I say? A girl who knows how to do make up can do a whole lot."

She smiled evilly while putting on a black wig that looked like Heather's hair, and turned towards them. Rubbing her hands together, the three of them just laughed as she removed the wig and threw it on the ground. Chris looking around for a small second, finally took notice of the camera crew and immediately stopped laughing.

"How long have these camera's been rolling?"

Chef and Blaineley immediately perked up, the latter spitting out the pineapple juice.

"You say what now?"

"We've been rolling? I haven't even touched up my makeup yet! Chris do something!"

"You got it, Blaineley."

Lowering his sunshades, he stretched a small bit and showed his famous smile.

"To all of you viewers out there, I'm Chris McLean. Successful host of every total drama show, except the Ridonculous Race. The Ridonculous Race was my off year, because I needed a vacation… and it also reminded me of Total Drama World Tour without the singing. Anyways, this year, I'm back for a whole new season!"

He thrust his fists into the air, knocking his face-painted pineapple into the pool. The smile on his face was replaced with an annoyed frown, but it quickly came back when his eyes darted back to the camera.

"Now this year, I'm hosting with both Chef and Blaineley. Weird right, well get use to it. I agreed to host with Blaineley if and only if she got some old members to do the show. To which, she did. And she has the list as to who is back on the show, take it away Blaineley!"

Finally done with her makeup, she put on her innocent acting face.

"Thanks Chris. Blaineley here with the list. First up, we got a total queen wolf. The Queen of Mean herself, Heather. Threatening her whole lifestyle and the fact that through Alejandro's family she learned more about honor, she had to protect her honor and thus she has to accept. Of course, her boyfriend said he'd root for her at home."

Laughing a small bit, she held up a video tape of herself acting as Heather that could ruin her whole life.

"Next, we got the lovable giant marshmallow, Owen. No threats, long as he gets a bag of marshmallows an episode even if he gets booted, he will do the season. After Owen, we have Duncan. Bad boy is back, and no idea if he is going to redeem himself or not. I didn't even threaten before he grabbed my extension and threaten me to leave him alone if he did the show. To which I consented."

She gave a small weary laugh, as the camera's flicked to the scene of Duncan threatening her.

"When did I say you can play that? Anyways, next we got the two best of besties, Gwen and Courtney. These two sent the contracts to me before I could reach their houses. Guess word got out about me, so those who didn't want to do the show went into hiding. And us three hosts… went hunting. Chef, how was hunting season?"

Chef let out a menacing laugh and pulled out his meatball bazooka, while putting on cameo hat. Behind him, two sharks appeared with harpoons in their fins and their teeth shining every so brightly. The cameras soon went back over to Blaineley, with Chris now sitting next to her with a new face-painted pineapple drink in his hand.

"That's right everyone, Chef has a hunting crew with him now. I'm not allowed to explain anything about Chef's hunt, as that is Chris's job. Our next contestant is crazy Izzy. Our lovable pain striker upon Owen is back. She has two different contracts, the other is to be a part of Chef's hunting team, right Chris?"

"Oh, you got that right. She's insane, but when she gets eliminated, she's on that team."

The two of them laughed, clanking their pineapples against each other.

"Next up, we got… Chris, you're going to hate this one."

"Uh, why?"

"Because you called this contestant, your one-man cockroach infestation. It's Ezekiel!"

He spat out the juice from his mouth and pulled out his phone, walking away while calling the lawyers. Blaineley and Chef both stared at each other, and she let out a heavy sigh.

"Chef, can you fill in and do the rest of the contestants for me? Thanks."

Getting up, she called out Chris's name and the camera's panned over to Chef.

"Okay, while those two get whatever anger out, i better use my screen time. Ezekiel is back, deal with it! Next up, we got Mike and Jo from Revenge of the Island, those two got dared to do the show or they had to do some ridiculous punishment if they don't. From Pahkitew Island, we got Shawn and Samey. Sugar heard about this, tried to get on but I shot her with a jalapeno meatball and walked away."

He muttered a few things about the contestants under his breath and drank some more of his pineapple juice. Leaning back, Chris and Blaineley returned and the cameras went over to the two of them. Blaineley, smiling while holding a steak over her eye sat down with Chris standing next to her looking perfectly fine.

"Pays to take defense lessons, Blaineley. Thank you, Chef for finishing up the list of original contestants. This show, we're getting a total of TWENTY-FOUR contestants! So that leaves a lot of spots open, here. But before we explain how many spots are open, let me explain what's new."

Rubbing his hands together, he popped his neck and gave a devilish grin.

"All contestants are still eliminated through voting, but instead of me announcing it Chef will be blasting them with a meatball… the soft ones to avoid lawsuits." [Scene pops up with an intern being hit by a meatball and gives a thumbs up]. "His therapist said he needed to do something to get rid of some stress, and when meatballs were brought up the therapist took notice that it made Chef relax… so, we gave Chef a meatball hunting team and a meatball elimination."

Blaineley and Chef broke out laughing, with Blaineley falling off the barstool with the steak still on her eye. He snickered a small bit and continued on announcing.

"For this season, we're starting out in Hollywood! That's right, the popular movie making city in the world. When merge season comes, we will be traveling! To where, no idea! That's a detail we have yet to discuss… though we probably should, because I said we would four weeks ago, and we haven't."

Chef's Confessional Scene:

Chef: "Chris said "we would four weeks ago" well we did. Threw those papers out the window. Oh, that felt good." Chef merely let out a snicker while rubbing his hands together.

Blaineley's Confessional Scene:

Blaineley with steak over her eye still: "Yup, we talked alright. After we got rid of those papers. No, way are we leaving Hollywood! Long as we don't sign or talk about locations, they can't make us move."

Chris's Confessional Scene:

Laughing a small bit, he wiped a tear from his eyes. "Throwing those papers out with Chef, that was a wonderful moment. Thing is, I wish I had it recorded… oh wait, it is recorded! Confiscated and hid the tape where the producers won't be able to find it. Not saying where, not even all the torture in the world is going to get me to reveal the location."

"So anyways, with me, Blaineley and Chef running the show, there's going to be a lot of stuff going on. The contestants will be staying in a hotel and also partake in less extreme challenges there, for more extreme challenges they will be doing them at some sets. Not going to reveal what the challenges are right now, that stuff will come later. Blaineley, how many spots are opened?"

Blaineley had pulled herself back up onto her feet, wiping away the tears caused by her laughter away and straightened herself out. Throwing the steak aside, she fluffed her hair and took in a small breath of air.

"Down below, is the application list. The audition tape is not required for this season, but if you want to submit one you can. And if only agreed to, the person eliminated will have their audition tape shown before they leave the hotel that very night. Not only that, but they will also have the chance to show their Total Drama Application shown after they get eliminated if they consented to it."


Rubbing her ear that Chris yelled in with a megaphone, she gave him a sour look and turned back to the camera.

"Ugh fine, eleven spots of the twenty-four competitors have been filled by original cast members, to which we already listed. We already have five positions claimed by some new competitors, so that leaves only eight audition spots opened. So, if you want in on the show send those applications! Back to you Chris."

He swallowed the last bit of his salsa-dipped chip, and leaned back against the bar counter. Looking at the waitress, he threw her a quick wink and could hear Blaineley making an annoyed noise.

"Sixteen spots have been filled, eight spots remain open. Once the new players have been chosen, the application will be removed. Until the first episode comes out all new players will be kept a secret, but all of the players, new and old, will be playing for…"

Chris looked over at Chef and Blaineley, nodding at the two of them. Together, they said the prize money amount.


Walking over to a hot tub, Chris flicked his sunshades back on and one more time gave the cameras his famous smile.

"New season! Bigger cash prize! A whole lot of new DRAMA and ACTION! Ratings will go above the charts! And, this is our new season, Total Drama HOLLYWOOD!"

[The cameras soon zoomed out to a sky view of the three of them lounging at the hotel pool, slowly fading into black].

(This is now closed):

The Total Drama: Hollywood Application

The Basics

Name: [don't need to have a last name]

Nickname: [only if you want to add it]

Age [16-19]:




Appearance: [like skin tone, hair, eye color, piercings/tattoos; if doing swimsuits, will do bikini tops for a top [nothing completely see-through] or full swimsuit long as there is a bottom like shorts with it; if you want to do how tall the contestant is the tallest you can go for is 6ft 9in.


Backstory: [add it if you only want to add one]:


Dislikes/fears: [put fears in BOTH parenthesis and bold ex: (sharks) to not get them confused with the dislikes].



Behavior: [rude, shy, over-excited, that sort of stuff]

Anything else about their personality to list?

Winning the Game:

Strategies to win:

- How will they help their team win?

- What will they do to avoid elimination:

- Will they betray their own team, yes or no?

How will they react to people opposite of their personalities?

What will they do with the money?

Their Reaction upon being booted after being shot by a pillow-soft meatball:

[You can do quotes or just put down a reaction, or both. Your choice].

- Being eliminated first:

- Eliminated second:

- Elimination third:

- All other eliminations before pre-merge:

- Eliminated upon the merge:

- Eliminated after the merge:

- Eliminated at final-three:

- Runner-up:

- Winner:

Their Game Relationship:

Will they have a romance with someone on the enemy team? Or one the same team?

Are they looking for someone, yes or no?

Are they in a relationship?

Will they cheat during their relationship?

Other Information:

Any Family members: [don't need to put names, but if you want to you may].

Are they friends with any original members of Total Drama:

What will they do to get back on the show?

Other information: [Anything else you wish to list, that isn't listed above please list].

Audition Tape [you don't need to do it, your choice if you want add it]:

Will the contestant allow their audition tape to be viewed after learning they were eliminated?

Final Question:

Will the contestant application be shown after elimination, yes or no?