AN: Hey, guys! I know you're probably thinking that this is a bad idea to have to upload an entirely new story since I have A LOT on my plate as it is on this site, but I like to consider this as an experiment. So, for starters, SonicHeroXD and I decided to see to make this a full story, just to see where this goes considering the set up between the two of us; with the former being the main writer and I being the co-writer/editor.

Disclaimer: We do not own Kamen Rider or SSSS Gridman, save for OCs.

Chapter 1: Awa-Kening of a New Fron-Tier

Space. A place of infinite wonders and mysteries. But along with that, there also comes the terrors amongst them.

Across the moon was a strange cloaked figure who was making its way towards a space shuttle. The figure didn't seem to be affected at all by the moon's gravity as it was walking across the surface with ease. It appeared to be holding something in its arms; a metal briefcase. And what was next to said figure was what looked to be the destruction and carnage of a space station. Unbeknownst to this mysterious being, a lone astronaut, who appeared to survive the wreckage, chased after it. He desperately tried reaching towards the cloaked figure, but it could sense his movements. In a split second, the figure nailed the astronaut with one kick powerful enough to launch the astronaut back into the wreckage.

The astronaut was now in a groggy state as he tried getting back up. He looked up to see the cloaked figure remove its hood. What he saw was what appeared to be a strange, cybernetic alien. The alien had a black helmet which sported a red visor, with wires connecting its helmet to its body. The alien gave a chuckle of amusement at the astronaut's struggle as it turned around and continued heading towards the shuttle.

"Wait!" the astronaut yelled, trying desperately for the alien not to escape. But it was too late as the alien had entered the space shuttle before it launched off, leaving the lone astronaut all by himself with no way of returning to Earth.

He stood up as he looked back at the destruction of the space station, there is no else with him. No one to turn too, no way of going back home. He was all alone, stuck on the moon. He looked down in his hands, which was holding a strange crystal. He clenched it out of anger.

"...Sho." The astronaut muttered as the wreckage of the area caused a massive explosion that had a blast radius big enough to consume him and the surrounding area by a couple of meters.

(17 years later)

A boy in his late teens was walking across the streets of the city of Tsutsujidai. He had teal hair and blue eyes, along with slightly tan skin and sported a pair of translucent glasses. He was wearing what appeared to be a school uniform that consisted of a blue blazer with a white buttoned up shirt and red tie. Along with that was dark plaid pants and black dress shoes. He appeared to be holding something in his hand, a small trinket that had a switch on it that he kept flicking back and forth with his thumb. His name was Sho Utsumi.

"Hey Utsumi-san! How was your first day of school?" a nearby merchant called out to him. Utsumi merely ignored him as he kept walking, which made the merchant upset. "Fine, ignore me like you always do. I was just being polite."

Utsumi kept walking as more people tried greeting him, only for him to ignore every single one of them. All with a deadpan expression on his face, he lacked any form of emotion like a walking corpse. Although he didn't pay them any attention, that didn't mean he was deaf.

"Tch. Typical Utsumi. Hardly opens to anyone," one bystander said behind his back.

"Hey take it easy on him, he's been through a lot you know," another bystander said only for another to scoff at them.

"Doesn't give him the right to be so cold to the rest of us."

Utsumi still gave them no attention as he continued walking. He stopped at a small bridge as he looked up to see a plane flying by. After a few seconds he picked the pace back up and continued walking.


The same plane that had passed by, descended to a runway as it made its landing. After a couple of minutes, passengers inside got their belongings and exited their way outside the plane. Stewardesses were checking to make sure everyone had exited but found a red-haired teen sleeping in their seat with a magazine over their face, like a sleep mask. He was wearing a black t-shirt underneath a white denim jacket that had red highlights along with jeans and white sneakers. His name was Yuta Hibiki.

One of the attendants approached the young lad as she gently removed the magazine off his eyes.

"Hibiki?" the stewardess asked the teen. She didn't receive a response, so she gently shook him to wake him up. "Hibiki."

Yuta woke up in a startled matter as he blinked his eyes multiple times get a clear vision again.

"Hibiki, the plane has landed. It's time for you to leave."

"Already?" the young teen asked as the stewardess nodded at his answer. He got up and stretched his arms out a bit. "Ugh. Man, I got a rough sleep."

"Well, be grateful that your flight is over." The stewardess remarked.

"Yeah, thank goodness," Yuta replied. He went to get his belongings and make his exit from the plane. "Thanks for being my company for this flight, Sasaki-chan."

"You're very welcome," Sasaki answered in a kind matter. "It's not often that I talk to passengers. Most tell me to buzz off every time I ask them if everything is okay. So, if anything, I should be thanking you. These flights can get boring at times so it's always nice to talk to someone."

"Don't mention it." The young teen responding with a cheeky smile on his face. He took Sasaki's hand and gave a unique handshake that ended with the two bumping fists. She couldn't help but giggle out of amusement.

"What was that?"

"It's something I call the 'Handshake of Friendship'," The boy answered with a wide smile on his face. "I only give this handshake to those I truly consider my friends, and I consider you my friend."

"Friends? We've just met."

"Still counts in my book."

Sasaki just laughed some more as she did find it quite hilarious. "Okay. I guess I'm your friend now, and as your friend, I highly suggest you get off this plane. You don't want to be stuck here forever."

"Right, right. Well I'll see you some time in the future, Sasaki-chan. Count on it." The boy said as he finally left the plane, giving a thumbs up to her, which Sasaki gladly returned the gesture.

"Oh, I will." Sasaki said with a smile as Yuta was soon out of her sights. "...Man, that kid is something else."

Yuta took out a small book out of his pocket along with a pen. He opened it and the pages reveal countless names, now including one more as Yuta wrote it down.

"Sasaki...Maaaatttsssuuuuuoooookkkkaaaaaaaaaaaaa. There we go. Another one on the list." Yuta said with glee, putting the notebook back in his pocket. He soon entered the airport, taking one deep breath. "Well...home sweet home, I guess."

{ unknown frontier holding limitless cosmic energy.} The scene focuses on the Earth coming from a vantage point of the moon as a small spacecraft is shown on the surface.

{These youths will use the Astro Switches to break into space, and forge their own futures!} The scene transitions to a bright white background, showing the backs of all members of the Kamen Rider Club. It zooms into various Astro Switches that are in front of them.

{"Space on your hand!"} Each member of the Kamen Rider Club have their respective Switches in the hands as they each press of flick the buttons on them.

{Now, take space into your hands too!} Yuta grabs his Switch and presses the button down with his thumb as the logo appears.

(Play Switch On! by Anna Tsuchiya)

{Whoa! Whoawhoa! Whoawhoa! FOURZE! Whoa! Whoawhoa! Whoawhoa! IKOU ZE! Whoa! Whoawhoa! Whoawhoa! OH YEAH!} The scene shows off Fourze from his helmet to his suit before showing the entire Kamen Rider Club in a classroom who are full of excitement.

{High School kara housouchuu burger katate hungry na everyday} Yuta is sitting in his desk, alone in a classroom as he takes off his school uniform in disgust. He is then seen changing into his regular attire, later walking down the halls with a smirk on his face.

{Mada mada tarinai, yume wa large-size, Come On! Switch On!} Utsumi is seen lurking outside of the facility with his Astro Switch in hand. Rikka is seen sitting in the middle of a flight of stairs, her headphones in her ears. She removes one of the earbuds, giving a soft smile. Fourze is then flying around the city with his rocket in hand.

{Retro future, sonna no wa fusaiyou, omoitsuki image mirai he BLAST OFF!} The scene then shows the rest of the Kamen Rider Club individually, from Namiko, to Kenji, to Hass, and finally JK.

{Koushiki nanka imi ga nai} The scene transitions to an astronomy that Yuta, Rikka and Utsumi are visiting. They observe what is inside and even toy around by each getting inside a spacesuit that is on display.

{Hito no hanashi dake de shitta ki ni naranai de, kakan ni tough ni challenge!} The Kamen Rider Club are shown enjoying their spare time together, going to different areas around the city. They are then seen walking together in the hallways, passing by their teachers, Sarina Sonada and Chuta Ohsugi. It then transitions to Alexis is shown in a dark room as purple aura surrounds him, his red visor glowing in the dark. Several Zodiarts are seen beside him along with a hooded person with a gemini mask on, whose eyes are glowing a bright red.

{Genkai nante bukkowashite yare jibun no te de! Whoa! Whoawhoa! Whoa! SWITCH ON! Kinou yori step up!} Fourze is then shown testing various Astro Switches at his disposal. The Kamen Rider Club is then seen walking across a harbor with the Powerdizer and Fourze's Machine Masslinger following them along with a couple of Foodroids. Yuta then runs up and jumps in excitement.

{Going gouin my friends, taikiken datte toppa shite! Whoa! Whoawhoa! Whoa! SWITCH ON! Tabidachi no COUNTDOWN!} Fourze on his Machine Masslinger is avoiding various explosions in his way. The scene then transitions to Yuta, wearing his Fourze Driver, flipping down the Switches and transforming into Fourze. He then gets on Masslinger which is attached to Powerdizer in its Tower Mode, ready to be launched into the sky. The rest of the Kamen Rider Club cheers him on as Powerdizer launches him.

{Tomaranai kurai chou shigekiteki School Days! Whoa! Whoawhoa! Whoawhoa! IKOU ZE! Whoa! Whoawhoa! Whoawhoa! FOURZE YAY!} Fourze is gliding across the night sky as the scene showcases Fourze more. The scene ends with Fourze and the rest of the Kamen Rider Club on the moon taking a group photo with their club banner behind them as the logo appears one more time.

(Tsutsujidai City)

A taxi cab stops on the sidewalk of a suburban alleyway. The door springs open, revealing Yuta who started checking his surroundings before looking at the cab driver. "This definitely looks like where I need to be. Thanks again for the ride."

"It's my job, kid," the cab driver responded in a nonchalant manner. "No need to thank me for anything." Yuta when to the trunk to get his luggage. "HEY!" The cab driver yelled at him which startled Yuta as he went to look at the cab driver again with a confused expression. "You forgot to pay me."

"O-Oh right, my mistake. I'm very sorry." Yuta apologize, getting his wallet out. The cab driver's eyes widened, his mouth agape when he sees Yuta take out a giant stack of yen. Yuta took out a few bills and handed it to the cab driver, who slowly took the money. "Keep the change."

The cab driver didn't know how to respond at first, looking at the amount of money Yuta gave him. He looked back at Yuta, saying to him, "I gotta drive you around more often."

"If I'm ever in a pitch, you'll be the guy I call," Yuta responded, giving a wink. "Well, I'd best be going then. I'll see you some other time in the future!" Yuta shut the door and watched the taxi cab drive off. He waved the cab goodbye like a little kid full of energy until he stopped waving with a moment of realization. "Oh man! I forgot to ask him his name! Damn it!"

Yuta gave a heavy sigh of defeat. "Oh well, at least I know what to ask him next time." Yuta then grabbed his luggage, which consisted of a backpack and a duffle bag and started walking for the rest of his trip. He entered through the alleyway and checked around the area as he felt the rush of nostalgia. "It's been YEARS since I've last been in this city...I wonder what's changed..."

A couple of meters from Yuta was a girl who was carrying some large boxes. Unfortunately for her, the boxes were blocking her vision but luckily, she didn't seem to be having trouble. What either didn't know was they were walking in opposite directions, with the notion they were going to bump into each other. Yuta kept observing until he eventually bumped into the girl. They both tumbled on the ground, the luggage and the boxes landing down with them.

"Hey! Watch where you're going!" The girl yelled at Yuta. Yuta stood up and looked down on the girl, he was just as angry as she was.

"Hey! I can SEE where I was going! You" Yuta stopped in his tracks as he recognized the girl who was sitting on the floor.

"Well if you can see where you're going, you should've moved out...of...the way," the girl said as she looked up at Yuta as she also stopped in her tracks.

The girls had long dark blue hair and blue eyes. She was wearing a white, short-sleeved button up shirt which has a black bowtie attached to it. Along with it, she had a black skirt which covered up to the middle of her abdomen, combined with black sock and white shoes. She also happened to be wearing an orange scrunchie on her right wrist. Her name was Rikka Takarada.

Both teens were frozen in awkward silence that lasted for a couple of seconds, maybe even a minute. Rikka slowly got up to get a better look at Yuta. "...Yuta...? Hibiki Yuta...?"

"R...Rikka?" Yuta asked in an unsure way as he examined her. "...Takarada Rikka...?"

Even more silence escaped the two, simply standing still for a couple of more seconds until they both garnered gleeful smiles.



Rikka went towards Yuta and gave him a hug full of pure happiness which Yuta gladfully returned.

"Oh my god! It's been forever!" Rikka exclaimed, breaking away from the hug.

"Yes, it has!" Yuta replied. "How long has it been? 8? 9 years?"

"I know it's a long time. I'll say that much."

"Do you remember?" Yuta asked as he held out his hand. Rikka smiled as she took Yuta's hand and commenced the Handshake of Friendship which made Yuta grin. "Haha! You do!"

The two laughed as Rikka proceeded to ask him more questions. "So, what are you doing here?"

"Well, I live here now," Yuta answered her, surprising her.

"You're joking."

Yuta points to his luggage. "Does that look like I'm joking?"

Rikka smiled again, hugging Yuta once more, until Yuta realized he made her drop those boxes. "Oh no! I am so sorry! I didn't mean to bump into you."

Rikka went over to the boxes and opened them before giving a relaxed sigh. "Thank goodness, nothing is damaged."

Yuta went over to pick up the boxes. "Allow me."

"Yuta, you don't-."

"I insist," Yuta replied as he stacked the boxes before carrying them. "It's only fair, since I'm the one who made you drop them right?"

"I guess," Rikka said. "But what about your luggage?"

"You can carry it," Yuta suggested to her. "It's not heavy at all, I promise."

Rikka went over to grab Yuta's duffle bag and it felt as light as a feather. "Wow. Very light luggage you have."

"Yeah, I didn't pack many clothes with me," Yuta replied. "I was thinking about searching for some new ones once I get settled around the area. Anyways, where do you need these boxes to go to?"

"Follow me," Rikka gestured as the two started walking towards the direction Rikka was previously going.

"I can't wait to tell you all about my journeys and the new friends I made along the way." Yuta said to her, still carrying the boxes, following her direction.

"Still making new friends?" Rikka asked in amusement.

"Well yeah. It's always nice making new friends. Even if you might never see them again."

"Still persitent as always I see," Rikka remarked at him.

The two kept walking while Yuta kept observing the area. He recognizes some of the buildings and found some that were completely new to him. "So Rikka, what have you been doing since I've been-."

"Stop. We're here," Rikka said, making Yuta stop in his tracks. He shifted his head to see where they were. It looked to be a garage that had a sign at the top.

"Junk Shop...Aya...?" Yuta asked in a perplexing tone. "Rikka, why are we at a-?" Before he even finished, he saw Rikka go inside. "Oi! Rikka!"

(Inside the Junk Shop)

Yuta went inside and found a nearby wall where he gently placed the boxes down. He checked the area and boy did the shop live up to its name. He found various amounts of junk, from nuts and bolts, to screws, mufflers, etc. It wasn't just metal parts either. He also found broken TVs, broken computers, phones, you name it.


Yuta turned to see Rikka, whose head popped through purple curtains. She gestured him to follow her. Yuta looked back at the junk one more time before going through the curtains. He was met with what looked to be a cafe lounge. Yuta was now utterly and profoundly confused as he started questioning if this was the same building. He looked across to see pastries displayed near a window. He also found multiple pieces of furniture, from a leather couch, to stools, to shelves, to desktops, to lamps, pretty much everything.

"Oi! Okaa-san!" Rikka yelled out.

"Rikka? Is that you?" A distant voice replied back to her. Soon a middle-aged woman emerged. She had maroon colored hair and had yellow eyes. She is Rikka's mother. "Ah. You're back. Did you bring the packages?"

"Yes, they should be in the junk shop." Rikka replied. "Though I did have a little mishap along the way."

"Mishap?" Her mother asked. "...PLEASE don't tell me the package broke."

"No. The package didn't break thankfully," Rikka reassured her. "However, I bumped into a someone along the way." Rikka then went to grab Yuta's arm and dragged him to her mother. "Recognize this face?"

Rikka's mother squinted her eyes to get a closer look at the red-haired teen. Her eyes sparkled as she remembered who he was. "Yuta? Oh my goodness! It's so great to see you again! Look how big you've grown!"

"It's nice to see you too, Takarada-san. You don't look a day older, the last time I saw you." Yuta complimented to her, making her blush.

"Oh, please. You're too kind." Rikka's mom brushed aside as she gestured Yuta to sit on one of the stools. "Please, have a seat." Yuta complied with her as he sat down, with Rikka sitting next to him. "So where are your parents? I would love to catch up with them after so long."

"Oh...umm..." Yuta muttered which made the mother and daughter duo confused. "My parents aren' It's just me."

"What? What do you mean?" Rikka asked out of shock. This didn't make sense. Why aren't they here with Yuta?

"Well, after some discussion, my parents decided I'm around the age where I should start figuring out what I want to do with my future." Yuta explained to them. "So they felt the best way for me to figure it out is by sending me on a flight all the way here, to the city I was raised in."

"And they didn't want to go with you?" Rikka's mother asked him. She was just as shocked as her daughter was about this revelation.

"It's not that they didn't WANT to go, but that they COULDN'T go." Yuta explained further to them. "They told me that they have unfinished business to take care of. What said business is, I'll never know. They said that once they're done, they will come back here as soon as possible. But until then, I'm all alone."

Rikka and her mother just couldn't believe it. Yuta was sent here, all alone by himself. His parents could've at least had some dignity to choose their son over whatever business they must attend to?

"It's not ALL that bad however." Yuta reassured the worried duo. "They rented out an apartment for me to stay in the meantime. They will also send me a monthly allowance to use for food and other necessities like clothes and supplies. So even being far away, they are still watching over me."

"Well, you're welcomed here anytime, Yuta." Rikka's mother told him in a welcoming tone.

Yuta then turned to Rikka. "By the way, you didn't answer my question from before. What is this place?"

"Oh. Well this is Junk Shop Aya." Rikka began to explain to him. "What you saw over there is the junk aspect of this place."

"So, then the boxes-."

"Are parts Okaa-san needs to tinker with to fix those broken materials you saw back there."

"Tinkering?" Yuta asked as he turned to look at Rikka's mother. "I would've never considered you to be into a subject like that, Takarada-sama."

"A lot of things have happened since the last time you were here, Yuta." Rikka's mother responded. "I decided to pursue a hobby and turn it into a career."

"So...why the cafe...?" Yuta asked her. If she wanted to have a career in repairing, why does she even need to open a cafe?

Rikka's mother scratched her head in embarrassment. "Lately, the hobby hasn't gotten me THAT far in terms of making the amount of revenue that is to be expected. So, I decide why not add another passion I love doing? Baking."

"I also help out with the cafe," Rikka added to the conversation. "It's basically a two-person job, me and Okaa-san."

"Well you have no choice but to help if you wish to keep living here." Rikka's mother joking said in a wholeheartedly manner. However, that statement further confused Yuta.

" here?" Yuta asked.

"Yup." Rikka answered. "This is where we live. Been living here for about 5 years. Our bedrooms are on the second floor of this building."

"So..." Yuta just couldn't process at all what he was hearing. "...a junk shop...a cafe...and...a house?"

"Damn right," Rikka's mother answered proudly. "This place has everything we need. I won't go into the legalities of it but I got this place for quite a steal."

Yuta took one more glance at the lounge. Stuff really has change since he was last here.

"Speaking of cafe, would you like anything Yuta?" Rikka's mother asked him. "You must be parched from the long flight here. It's on the house."

"I appreciate the offer but no thank you." Yuta respectfully declined. "I actually need to find my apartment. I was only here to help Rikka get the packages to the shop." Yuta got up from his seat and went to look for his luggage.

"Oh, Yuta. I put your bag over there next to the pastries." Rikka gestured to him, point towards the pastries. Yuta went over there to find his duffle bag. As he picked it up, he noticed a book on a cabinet next to it. He picked it up and noticed an astronaut on the cover of it. He read the title out loud.

"The Infinite Wonders of an Astronaut." Yuta read as Rikka ran up to him and snatched the book away from him. "Is that book yours?"

"N-No!" She denied.

"Wait, are you still wanting to become an astronaut?" Yuta asked her as he remembered parts of their childhood.

"Wh-What!? Of course not! Why would I still want that? That was such a stupid dream." Rikka answered blatantly, denying Yuta's assumption.

"Funny," Rikka's mother chimed in. "That's not the same thing you said when I bought you that model of the Apollo spacecraft last year." Rikka's grew a blush of embarrassment and anger. "You kept going on about how you'll become the best astronaut this country has ever seen."

"O-Okaa-san!" Rikka yelled at her.

"That's what you told me! Don't get angry with me," Rikka's mother answered back. Rikka looked back at Yuta who just had this amused smirk on his face.

"You were saying?" Yuta asked Rikka with a cocky tone in his voice.

Rikka gave a heavy sigh. "Alright, alright. Yes. I still want to become an astronaut. I'm sorry. It's just that I love space. Always loved it ever since I was a kid."

"You still have that inner kid inside you," Yuta remarked which annoyed Rikka slightly. "But hey, I think it's great that you still want to pursue your dreams. And who knows? With the right mind and skillset, maybe you can actually reach that goal."

Rikka sighed again before smiling at Yuta. "Well thanks for being optimistic about it."

Yuta smiled back at her as he headed towards the door. "Well, it's been nice seeing you two again, but right now I have other things that have to attend to."

"Okay then. Take care, Yuta." Rikka's mother said as she waved goodbye to him.

Yuta waved back at her and soon waved at Rikka. "See you tomorrow at school, Rikka."

"School?" Rikka asked.

"Yeah." Yuta answered as he took out a piece of paper from his pockets and read the name of the school off of the sheet. "Starting tomorrow, I will be attending...Amanogawa High School. That's the school you're attending, right?"

"It is. But how did you know?" Rikka asked since she never even told Yuta what school she was even attending.

"I didn't. It was just a hunch," Yuta answered with a cheeky smile on his face.

Rikka just shook her head as she gave a mere chuckle, seeing Yuta leave the cafe entirely.

"Nice to know you now have familiar company with you for this term." Rikka's mother said to her daughter. "Perhaps now you can finally say to him what you wanted to say before he left the first time."

Rikka gave a groan when her mother mentioned that. "Okaa-san that was a long time ago. I've moved on."

"I know that, but...I also know there's a part of you that still felt that way all those years ago."

"Hate to burst your bubble but I am not interested." Rikka said as she stood her ground.

"Okay~ If you say so~," Rikka's mother responded as she went to the back. Rikka scoffed at her mother's teasing. Before Rikka went to go back to the junk shop, she looked at the door Yuta exited from.

Rikka had some contemplating thoughts enter her mind now. Her mother was right about one thing. Rikka was wanting to tell Yuta something important before he left all those years ago. However, due to her own fears, she decided not to. Now that Yuta is back...

"Ugh, great. Now I'm thinking way too much into this." Rikka mumbled to herself as she went through the purple curtain.

(With Yuta)

Yuta was walking outside, searching for his apartment. He only walked a couple of more feet, before he stopped. He turned his head and looked at what was in front of him. It was a house. Yuta, looked back at his paper and back at the house. The house had the exact same address that the sheet of paper had. He looked back at the house once more and noticed that it was not that far from Junk Shop Aya.

" this can't be right." Yuta said to himself. He got out his wallet and took out what looked to be a key card. Yuta had a weary feeling as he slowly walked towards the front door. He felt as if he was invading someone else's property. He looked at the doorknob to see that it had a card reader as a lock. Yuta slowly and nervously placed the key card inside. That nervousness was immediately replaced with shock as the reader verified his card, unlocking the door.

Yuta opened the door to see a fairly large living room, with a nice sized TV, soft looking couches and amazing aesthetic and arrangement.

"...THIS is an apartment?" Yuta asked himself as he couldn't believe that this is where he was living for the next couple of years. He dropped his luggage and shut the front door as he went to further inspect the inside of this so called 'apartment'. He found a nice-looking kitchen that wasn't too crammed but wasn't too large either. Just the right amount. He also found two bedrooms. One that looked like it would be for him, and a master bedroom. Yuta was in amazement of how nice the master bedroom looked.

He marveled at it before noticing a set of clothes laid down on the master bed. Yuta went over to it and noticed a note attached to the clothes. He picked up the note and read it.

"Surprise! I know you were expecting an apartment, but me and your father took it upon ourselves to make sure you are as comfortable as possible. It may seem like too much, but we felt it's perfect for you. I hope you are happy with this house as you will be staying here for a while. And we also made sure to get your school uniform ahead of time. I know you miss us very much and trust me, we miss you too. But this could be very beneficial for you. I hope you understand. Never forget that we will always love you and we hope you make me and your father proud. Be well and stay safe. Love Kaa-san!"

Yuta gave an exasperated sigh as he just couldn't fathom this ever happening to him.

"Sometimes, I think you two spoil me too much..." Yuta remarked as he picked up his uniform off the bed, which was a blue blazer, white button up shirt, a tie, and black slacks. He took a few second to examine it and he wasn't necessarily of fan of it. "Ehhh...not really the kind of style I'm into..." He separated the blazer from the pants and had a disgusted expression once he saw the tie and pants closer. "Aw gross, do they HAVE to be plaid?"

(The next morning)

Yuta exited his new house, wearing his new uniform. He felt slightly depressed as he preferred wearing his regular clothes. But if this is what the school dress code is, he feels he has no choice but to abide to it.


Yuta turned his head to see Rikka, who was wearing the same uniform he was wearing, the only difference was she was wearing a skirt instead of slacks.

"Oh. Good morning Rikka," Yuta greeted to her. Rikka looked over to see the house. "What?"

"...I...thought you said you were living in an apartment." Rikka said in a tone full of suspicion.

"I thought so too," Yuta said with pure honesty. "Surprise. I guess we're neighbors now. Small world, huh?"

"Yeah...small world," Rikka said still suspicious over this. Yuta, acting as a gentleman, gestured her to go in front of him. Rikka accepted the gesture as she walked in front of him with Yuta following her.

Rikka still felt something fishy was going on. Why Yuta be neighbors with Rikka? No. It has to be just a coincidence. That's it. Yes, just a coincidence. Rikka tried shaking it off as she kept walking.


The two friends kept walking as they were nearing a bridge.

"Hey Rikka?" Yuta asked her. "I forgot to ask you. What's Amanogawa High School like?"

"Ummm..." Rikka mumbled as her mind processed the question, she couldn't come up with a clear answer.

"That doesn't sound reassuring." Yuta noted.

"Ummm...It's not that it's BAD per say but..." Rikka tried coming up with some sort of answer for Yuta. "I think it's best for you to see for yourself in order to get an opinion."

"...I'll take your word for it," Yuta answered. Now he wasn't sure what to think about what awaits him.

"E-Excuse m-me, Utsumi-senpai?"

Yuta stopped in his tracks to see a girl in front of Utsumi. She looked very nervous to be in front of him. Utsumi on the other hand had a look on his face like he'd rather spend his time doing anything else.

"Here, pl-please read this," the girl gave him an envelope that had his name on it. Utsumi took it and observed it for a couple of seconds before looking back at her.

"Sorry...," Utsumi answered as he tossed the envelope over the bridge and into a small river. "But you're wasting your time." The girl became very disheartened which started making Yuta very irritated as he walked over to Utsumi.

"Yuta, hold on," Rikka said, trying to stop Yuta in his tracks but Yuta was not listening.

"Oi!" Yuta yelled at Utsumi, which caused Utsumi to actually turn around and look at Yuta with the same deadpan expression he had the day before. "The hell is your problem? If you don't like her, the least you can do is read the letter first to see if it changes your opinion and if not, tell her. You should at least have the decency to show the girl some respect!"

"What's it to you?" Utsumi asked coldly. "I never asked for your verdict in the matter. Stay out of my business."

Yuta slightly squinted his eyes at Utsumi before he climbed up on the rail of the bridge which caught both Utsumi and Rikka by surprise.

"Y-Yuta! What do you think you're doing!?" Rikka exclaimed at Yuta, afraid he was about to hurt himself.

"Simple. I'm doing this guy a favor," Yuta answered as he jumped off the bridge.


Yuta landed with both feet landing on the shallow river, but felt a lot of pain in his knees and calves. He clenched his knees as he groaned in pain like his legs had just been shot by a rifle. "Okay! Nope! Bad idea! REALLY bad idea!" But Yuta pushed forward and went to get the envelope.

"I don't think I've ever seen anything this stupid before in my life," Utsumi remarked, looking down upon Yuta before looking at Rikka. "You know this guy?" Before Rikka, could answer, Utsumi put his hand up. "Don't. Don't even answer that."

Utsumi walked away from the bridge as Rikka looked down to see Yuta struggling. "Yuta, are you okay?" She asked her childhood friend.

"I-I'm fine!" Yuta replied, still groaning in agony. "You go on without me, I'll catch up soon." Rikka was very unsure with his suggestion, but decided to keep walking towards the school. Yuta, meanwhile, tried flexing and stretching out his legs to get some feeling back in them.

(Later at the school)

The school bell rang as Utsumi and Rikka were in a classroom, with other classmates conversing and being friendly towards each other. Rikka was reading her astronaut book while having headphones on. Utsumi was in the back of the classroom, looking out a window. He turned around to see if anyone was watching him, no one was. Once he felt the coast was clear, he swiftly opened the window as a tiny robot emerged. It jumped off and entered the classroom without garnering attention to itself. Utsumi sat in his desk and opened a book to hide the robot who was now on top of his desk. The small robot started showing Utsumi holograms that carried amounts of data for him to see.

"How did it go?" Rikka asked Utsumi as she turned around, putting her book down and removing the earbuds.

"Not good," Utsumi answered as he grew concerned over what the small robot was showing him. "The Hole is starting to become more active...we're going to need Fourze's power soon."

"Fourze!?" Rikka quietly asked him without drawing attention from other classmates. "We can't! It's not ready yet! We need more time!"

"There's not gonna be much time left, Rikka," Utsumi replied as he then saw the homeroom teacher enter. She was a beautiful woman, who had brunette hair tied in a ponytail and was wear a white dress coat with a blouse underneath along with a black skirt and high heels. Her name was Sarina Sonada.

"Good morning class!" Sonada greeted everyone as she set her materials on her desk.
Various students, greeted her back, some even calling her cute which she giggled at and brushed off. Utsumi grabbed the tiny robot and turned a knob which caused it to transform into a hamburger. This robot is what known as a Foodroid.

"Well class, starting today, a new student is going to be joining Junior Class B," Sonada announced to the class. "Just in time for the new term. Without further ado, allow me to introduce him right now. Come on in."

This new student just so happened to be Yuta, who was still walking a bit in a groggy state from that jump he made earlier. His shoes and ankles were drenched from the water by the shallow river. Yuta gave the teacher a bow before looking at the entire class in front of him.

"My name is Yuta. Hibiki Yuta," Yuta said, introducing himself to the class. "I hope to be friends with each and every one of you in this room, no matter how long it takes. Nice to meet you all!"

The other students couldn't help but snicker at him and his proclamation. The snickering continued as he gave high fives to random students. Yuta then grew a more serious attitude as he recognized a familiar student sitting in the back. He approached said student who really didn't feel like talking to Yuta.

"Utsumi Sho..." Yuta said his name as he slammed the same envelope the girl had given Utsumi earlier down on his desk. It was still wet and hadn't dried at all. "You got mail," Yuta told him. Utsumi looked down at the envelope and looked up at Yuta as he started becoming more and more agitated towards him.

"You seriously went to that extent to get it? How much of an idiot are you?" Utsumi insulted him, turning his head away, not even want to look at Yuta for much longer. Yuta got down on both of his knees to meet Utsumi's eyes level.

"Idiot is kind of a hurtful term, don't you think?" Yuta asked him. "Especially considering we are friends."

"Friends?" Utsumi scoffed. "I don't ever recall us being friends. I don't even know you, and quite frankly I have no interest at all."

"You might as well," Yuta stated, not budging at all to a thing Utsumi is saying. "I will admit, I can't forgive you for throwing away that girl's letter. A pretty heartless thing for you to do. That's why we're gonna be friends." Rikka was so confused with what was even coming out of Yuta's mouth as Utsumi became more annoyed the longer this conversation with Yuta went.

"What an illogical thing for you to say."

"No," Yuta rebuffed as he stood back up. "I have my reasons. If I can't become friends with a heartless person like you, then I can't be friends with anyone in this school." Utsumi had enough of what he felt like was a one-sided conversation as he got up from his chair. He turned to face Yuta, his face not changing expressions at all. No smile, no smirk. Nothing.

"I don't think you really know when to get the hint," Utsumi said. "What you don't understand is the probability of us being friends is a big fat zero. Get it?" Utsumi then proceeded to walk out of the classroom.

"Hey!" Yuta yelled. "Hold up!"

"U-Utsumi-kun! Acting on your own again! You can't leave, class is just in session!" Sonada yelled at Utsumi.

"My apologies, Sonada-sensei," Utsumi apologized, although half-heartedly. "I'm going to the nurse's office." Utsumi then turned to look at Rikka who gave him an 'okay' signal. Utsumi nodded before heading off and shutting the door.

"...Well then," Yuta said as he proceeded to sit at his desk which was next to Rikka's. "If you wanna do this the hard be it. I'll show you my tenacity." He declared.

Rikka just gave a sigh, rubbing her forehead in frustration. "Very VERY persistent indeed..."

(The Teacher's Lounge)

Class was over and Sonada had a look that just screamed pure frustration, especially after the scene Yuta and Utsumi caused.

"All these students are very selfish..." Sonada stated as she looked across at a middle-aged man who had slick black hair. He also donned on a formal dress shirt and tie combine with overalls that covered up his abdomen. His name Chuta Ohsugi.

"That's our school tradition, Sonada-sensei," Ohsugi tried explained to her. Ohsugi has had his fair share of obnoxious and disrespectful students throughout a majority of his tenure working at this school. He got up from his seat with a laptop in hand as he walked over to Sonada's desk. "By the way, Sonada-sensei, did you see this on the bulletin board recently?" Ohsugi placed his laptop on her desk and showed her what was on the screen. It had appeared to be a threat towards the school.

"Amanogawa High is a den of devils," Sonada read off the message. "I will...destroy it?"

"What a joke," Ohsugi said, brushing it off.

"However..." Sonada said nervously. "Now that I think about it...have you noticed an increase in unusual activity here in the school lately?"

Lately, a lot of strange occurrences has happened around the school. Sonada can recall various students from the near end of the last term, hardly showing up to class. Sure, it could be students who are impatient for break, but in a large number, felt very strange. Plus, there have been instances of property damage, from bathrooms to the lockers recently.

"Hmmm..." Ohsugi contemplated on Sonada's question. "Nope! But no need to worry about it!" Ohsugi put a brave face on for Sonada but he failed to notice she had got up from her desk to talk to another faculty member about the situation. That didn't stop him from rambling on, however. "Because I, Ohsugi Chuta, will do everything it takes to protect you Sonada-sensei...So...Sonada?" He looked around to see she was out of his reach. "Where'd you go?"


Far away from the school were three aliens on top of a skyscraper. Each one being a different color. One was pink, one was white and the other was black. They were awaiting the arrival of someone else. Eventually, a hooded figure arrived at the roof. Unlike these aliens, this figure appeared to be a human and was wearing a strange Gemini mask on, one side of the mask being white and the other being black. They gestured the unknown person to follow them, which they did as they walked off.

(Nurse's office)

Yuta opened the door of the nurse's office, to check and see if Utsumi was actually inside. He saw curtains in front of him.

"Oi, Utsumi, you there?" Yuta asked as she slid the curtains only to find that there were empty beds, confirming Yuta's assumption that Utsumi was in fact not here. Yuta would be angry, but instead he just felt extremely disappointed. "Just like I thought..."


It was now lunch break as various students were inside. Yuta entered, hoping to find Utsumi there too. But just like the nurse's office, Yuta had no luck.

"He's not here either..." Yuta mumbled to himself. "Where could he have possibly gone to...?" Suddenly Yuta felt his stomach grumbling. He hadn't eaten anything in a while. Since he was already in the cafeteria, might as well grab some food before continuing to search for Utsumi.

Yuta greeted random students who brushed him off, wanting nothing to do with him but Yuta didn't care. As he was walking further in the cafeteria, Yuta was starting to be taken aback by what was around him. It's like he was surrounded by stereotypes. He saw the stereotypical bullies, who had ridiculous hair and sunglasses on. He saw stereotypical tough guys, who weren't wearing their uniforms and had tank tops and orange pants instead, which made Yuta mistake them for prison inmates. He soon found Rikka sitting alone at a table. Rikka noticed him and waved. Yuta waved back as he approached her and noticed she didn't have any food with her.

"You're not gonna get food?" Yuta asked her.

"Oh, there's no need to. I pack my own lunches." Rikka told him as she took out a brown bag. What she took out of it was a fruit granola bar and a homemade smoothie. Yuta was a bit puzzled as Rikka crumbled up the bag.

"Where's the rest of your lunch?" Yuta asked her.

"This IS my lunch," Rikka answered which really surprised Yuta.

"What...?" Yuta asked again as he was pretending that he just didn't hear that.

"Yeah," Rikka replied again. "This is my lunch every day. I hate calories."

Yuta's mouth dropped slightly, he really couldn't come up with anything to say about this. EVERYDAY Rikka eats this. Rikka knew where this was going as she did the talking for him. "If you have something to say, it'd be best to keep it to yourself," Rikka said to Yuta, which almost sounded like a threat.

"G-Gotcha," Yuta said, still astonished about Rikka's diet. "A-Anyways, has Utsumi been around here lately?"

"No. I haven't seen him at all since you two disrupted class earlier." Rikka said. "That really wasn't necessary, you know."

"I know I know. I admit it was very stupid of me to do that, but I will not let this go with Utsumi. I'm gonna be friends with him no matter how much he hates me," Yuta proclaimed which made Rikka just shake her head.

Yuta soon left to get food and once he did, he looked around to see where to sit, until he found really nice tables in the middle of the cafeteria. He approached the table which started getting some of the students' attention. They all gasped as he sat down on one of the middle tables. Yuta heard them loud and clear, turning his head from left to right in pure confusion.

"What?" Yuta asked loud and clear. "Did I do something wrong?" He could then hear students whispering, but not fully understanding what they were talking about. Yuta brushed it off as he started eating his lunch. Suddenly, a flamboyant teen approached him and wrapped his arm around his shoulder while he had a milk carton in his other hand. He had light brown hair and was wearing a plastic headband.

"Hey, where do you think you're sitting, transfer student?" The flamboyant teen asked Yuta in a playful demeanor. "Think you're a hotshot because you're not from here?"

"I don't think I've ever considered myself a hotshot in my life," Yuta answered him, pushing him off as he kept eating his lunch.

"What's with him? He took it so seriously." The flamboyant teen laughed as he walked back to his table which consisted of many happy-go lucky girls who laughed along with him.

Rikka finished her lunch and got up from her seat before noticing where Yuta was sitting. She immediately rushed towards Yuta. "Y-Yuta! What are you doing!?"

"What does it look like?" Yuta asked back at her. "I'm eating my food."

"No no no! You have to move from that table!" Rikka exclaimed as she grabbed Yuta's arm, trying to get him off from his seat. "This is very dangerous!"

"Why?" Yuta asked her. Yuta has had nothing but questions today about this school which finally made Rikka crack.

"I didn't want to tell you this myself. But you left me no choice." Rikka answered. "This school is segregated by certain groups and the seating in the cafeteria is based on that." Rikka pointed to various directions. "Look. Those are the delinquents." Yuta looked to see those same stereotypical bullies from earlier. "Those are the nerds." Yuta turned his head to see a group of said stereotypical nerds with obnoxiously large glasses and had history and chemistry books with them. "Those are the goof-offs." Yuta then turned to see the same group that flamboyant teen is a part of as they greeted Yuta in a carefree way.

"Those are the otaku." Rikka pointed elsewhere. Yuta looked over to see otaku stereotypes which enclosed themselves from everyone else. They had trading cards and mangas with them. Amongst said group was a girl with long black hair with a part of it tied by a scrunchie and had light blue eyes. She also had a flu mask on top of her face. Yuta noticed the girl was looking at him funny.

"And THOSE are the muscle men." Rikka pointed at another direction, which were the same muscle-bound freaks in white tanktops and orange pants. They looked at Yuta in a threatening manner as they kept lifting their dumbells and showing off their arm strength.

"Segregation?" Yuta asked as Rikka nodded at his question. "That's stupid! I've never heard of anything THIS ridiculous."

"Look, I don't like it as much as you do," Rikka responded. "But that's how this school operates. That is this school's rule."

"That's right," the flamboyant teen from before chimed in as he looked at Rikka. "Plus, it'd be bad for a geek like you to be sitting with us."

"Geek?" Yuta asked

"It's a subsection of an otaku," Rikka replied. "Which is what I am, technically." Rikka grabbed Yuta's arm again, desperately trying to get him away from the table he's sitting. "But enough talking! You MUST leave this table! Trust me, you have no idea how much trouble you'll be in if they catch you!"

"'They?'" Yuta asked further to Rikka. "Who's 'they?'"

Just as Yuta ask them, door of the entrance way to the cafeteria opened, which caused silence to immediately spread across the area. Yuta was still confused until he saw who was walking towards the table that he was sitting in. It was three cheerleaders, dressed in red and black outfits. They were incredibly beautiful which made Yuta slightly blush at the sight of them. Especially the one in the middle who looked to be the head cheerleader. She had short brown hair and a red hair pin attached to her and had grey eyes.

"Whoa...who is that?" Yuta asked as he couldn't take his eyes off of her.

"The name is Namiko. Kazashiro Namiko." Namiko answered with an annoyed look on her face as she sees Yuta sitting at what is presumed to be HER table. She then noticed Rikka next to Yuta. "Ah. Takarada, finally found yourself a boyfriend?"

"He is NOT my boyfriend," Rikka responded with a sense of malice towards Namiko which made Namiko laugh.

"Sorry," Namiko responded. "My mistake. But then again who would want to date a geek like you, especially with your weird diet?"

"Rikka, do you know her?" Yuta asked her.

"EVERYONE knows her," Rikka answered, while still not breaking eye contact with Namiko. "But I knew her the most. She was my best least I thought she was. Now she's let her ego go to her head and thinks she runs this school."

"Oh, I don't think, Takarada. I KNOW." Namiko answered, full of pride and arrogance before looking at Yuta with her arms crossed. "And what I want to know is, what is a piece of trash and a geek doing at our table?"

"Trash?" Yuta perplexingly asked Namiko.

"That's right," Namiko replied. "The TRASHIEST of TRASH."

"Hey look," Yuta said as he stood his ground, not getting up from his seat. "No need for name calling alright? Why don't we all sit together and get to know each other better? I'm sure we all could be great friends."

The three cheerleaders grew mischievous smiles as they laughed at him. Yuta sweatdropped as it basically told him they were not interested. Suddenly he felt a hand grab his shoulder, he looked to see a jock who ends up tossing Yuta up a few feet in the air as Yuta crash-landed into a separate table.

"Yuta!" Rikka yelled as she rushed towards his aid. "Are you okay?"

Yuta looked up to see a group of stereotypical jocks enter the scene, they all had black and red jackets on them, including the culprit who threw him across. He was a fairly tall lad who had short navy-blue hair and brown eyes. His name was Kenji Daimonji.

"Why thank you Kenji-kun." Namiko said as she wrapped her arms around his left arm, resting her head on his shoulder. "But you stirred the dust."

Kenji merely chuckled at Namiko's remark. "My sincere apologies, Namiko-chan, I'll be more careful."

Yuta regained his composure as he stood back, now very irritated which has Rikka concerned. "What the hell was that for!?" Yuta yelled at Kenji.

"Be quiet," Kenji responded coldly. "I was merely taking out the trash."

Yuta looked to see Namiko's arms around Kenji's as she gave the same mischievious grin, which really made Yuta angry. "Let's get one thing straight here! This so-called piece of trash has a name, and it's Yuta! Hibiki Yuta!"

"Stop talking," Kenji replied back, not wanting to hear another word from Yuta. "I don't want hear anyting from the mouth of a piece of trash." Kenji snapped his fingers which signaled the rest of his group to approach Yuta as they cracked their knuckles in anticipation.

Yuta lightly pushed Rikka aside, as he wasn't afraid of backing down. Rikka was now afraid for Yuta's wellbeing, she didn't want to see her childhood friend get hurt by these ruffians.

"Can't say I hate to use force..." Yuta said as he removed his tie, tossing it aside. "But just remember, you guys started it." The jocks charged at him as Yuta swiftly dodged them. One tried tackling him only for Yuta to grab his arm and give him a judo throw. Another tried punching him but was all for naught as Yuta block said punches and responded with front kick to the chest so hard, it launched the jock a few feet back, landing back first on a table.

The girl with the flu mask kept her eyes on Yuta, as she started to be more intrigued by him. Meanwhile, the flamboyant teen was slightly impressed with Yuta as he watched him hold his own over these meatheads. "New kid's got spunk, I'll say that much."

Yuta was dealing with another jock, which he had trapped in a side headlock until he saw another one with Rikka in his arms. The jock had the strength to actually carry her towards Kenji and his crew, who quickly recovered.

"Let go of me!" Rikka yelled as she struggled to break free. "I said let go!"

"You bastards..." the word escaped from Yuta's mouth, letting go of the jock he had in his grasp, giving the jock time to regroup with Kenji.

"If you stay still, she won't end up like you," Kenji proposed, while Namiko kept that sinister smile on her face.

"You damn coward! Leave her out of this!" Yuta exclaimed, which caused set off one of the other jocks.

"How dare you insult Daimonji-san!" the jock yelled back at Yuta. This jock was a few inches shorter than Kenji. He had brown flowing, spiky hair and had green eyes. His name was Hiromu Miura.

Yuta was taken aback as he felt like he recognized that name before. "Daimonji?"

"I'm the captain of the football team, Daimonji Kenji," Kenji stated. "Follow me...If we do it here, it'll disrupt the ladies' meal."

"What part of 'let go' do you not understand!?" Rikka yelled as she proceeded to bump the back of her head against the jock's face which forced him to let her go. But Rikka was not done there as she proceeded to give him a kick to the groin, followed by a spinning roundhouse kick. Yuta was stunned by this action as was everyone else as Rikka rushed back to his side.

"I didn't know you could do that," Yuta said in amazement.

"There's a lot of new things you don't know about me, Yuta." Rikka said to him. "Now come on! Let's go!" Yuta nodded at her demand, grabbing his tie before the two ran to the exit.

"Well don't just stand there!" Kenji yelled at his crew. "After them!" The jocks followed his orders as they followed Yuta and Rikka. Kenji gave Namiko a kiss on the cheek before exiting the cafeteria himself.


Yuta and Rikka were running for their lives as they were now in around the smaller facilities of the campus. They soon were met with a steel fence blocking their path. It was a dead end for them.

"Hey! There they are!" Yuta and Rikka turned to see the jocks were on their tail. They would not let up as they ran towards the two.

"Rikka, go!" Yuta told her, gesturing her to leave him behind.

"But Yuta-!" Rikka tried to argue.

"I said go! I can handle myself!" Yuta broke her off. Rikka reluctantly left him, going in one direction, while Yuta tried going another. One of the jocks was contemplating about going after Rikka.

"Forget her!" Kenji told them as he pointed towards Yuta. "It's HIM I want!"

Rikka turned around to see the jocks kept going after Yuta, which made her gain an enormous amount of guilt. She felt that what she's doing is wrong. She can't just leave her friend behind like that, even if he's the one who suggested it. Rikka donned a brave face as she went to follow the jocks going after Yuta.

Yuta, meanwhile, kept running but felt his knees starting to wear out, probably still aching from that jump of the bridge earlier this morning. Yuta soon found himself trapped as another fence blocked his way. He turned around to see the jocks had caught up to him. Yuta tried running a different direction again, only to receive a hard tackle to the ground by Kenji. Yuta groaned in pain as the jocks grabbed a hold of him.

"That's right. Pick him up!" Kenji yelled. Two of the jocks held one arm of Yuta's as he could barely stand up from that tackle he was given by Kenji himself. Kenji approached Yuta before giving him punches to the gut which made Yuta wince and groan in pain. "Come on! Scream for me! I want to hear you beg for mercy!"

Kenji was then tackled from behind by Rikka who had followed him and his group. "Leave him alone, you asshole!" Rikka angerly yelled at him as she started paint brushing the back of Kenji's head with multiple slaps before some more jocks intervened, grabbing her from behind by the waist, and this time they made sure she wouldn't escape again. Others also helped Kenji back up to regain his composure as he looked at Rikka, very pissed off.

"You shouldn't have done that..." Kenji said with pure malicious intent. "But be grateful I never hit a woman. Instead you get to watch your friend suffer in front of your eyes." Kenji then turned to face Hiromu, instructing him to stand watch in case if anyone else unwanted show up. Hiromu nodded he left the scene to keep watch.

"Let Yuta go!" Rikka yelled as she kept on struggling to break for this bearhug.

"It's...It's okay Rikka," Yuta tried reassuring her only to be met with more punches by Kenji. "God damn! What have they been feeding you!?"

Kenji pulled the back of Yuta's hair, forcing him to look at Kenji. "Has anyone ever told you that you just don't know when to shut up?"

"Trust me, you're not the first one who's felt that way towards me today," Yuta answered which only prompted Kenji to punished Yuta even more until Yuta got down on his knees as he couldn't handle anymore punishment but still refused to have his spirit broken.

"No no no," Kenji said. "We're not done unless I saw we are. GET. UP!"

Yuta then felt something was off. He felt as if a strange presence was watching them. He turned his head to see this dark cloud of smoke across from him with blue lights shining from it. The way the lights were aligned, it was almost as if it represented a constellation in space.

"Stars...?" Yuta asked, tilting his head.

Everyone turned towards what Yuta was now staring at. The cloud of black smoke grew bigger and bigger which started causing the jocks to panic. Eventually the smoke faded, revealing a tall, menacing red cybernetic alien. This alien had red bulky armor which aquamarine and black highlights, and had the resemblance of a medieval army general.

"Wh-What the hell is that thing!?" Kenji asked with hints of fear.

"A monster?" Yuta asked trying to inspect this figure some more.

This alien approached everyone slowly, having a menacing aura around it, striking fear within the hearts of the jocks. Kenji thought quickly as he gestured his group to leave. "Let's go! We're done here!"

The group left as Yuta stood back up as did Rikka who was finally free from the clutches of one of the jocks. Rikka stood there frozen in fear, like she couldn't move as the alien turned its attention towards her.

"Rikka!" Yuta yelled at her. The alien was charging up for a blast, but before it made contact with Rikka, Yuta grabbed her and they both fell down, missing the impact of the blast. The two sat up, looking back at this strange creature. "What is that? Nevermind. Rikka, you need to get out of here." Yuta got up and saw a barrel which had long metal pipes inside. Yuta went over and grabbed one of them. "I'll drive whatever this thing is away, that should give you time to escape."

"Are you mad!?" Rikka asked him as she was baffled that Yuta actually thinks he can hold his own against this alien.

"After what just happened earlier, yeah kind of," Yuta admitted. "I just want to take my frustrations out on something." Yuta then charged at the alien, hitting it as hard as he could with the metal pipe. He put all of his anger into one swing after another, but unfortunately the unknown alien was unphased by Yuta's attempts. His swings did nothing to hurt it. The alien had enough as it grabbed the metal pipe from Yuta's hand bended it like a pretzel with ease.

"Well...shit." Yuta mumbled as the alien gave him a powerful that sent Yuta flying a few feet back.

"Yuta!" Rikka yelled out. She turned to see the alien turn its focus back on her, charging up another blast. However, Rikka was saved from the blast again but this time by what looked like a giant wheel attached to something. Rikka and the alien looked to see that it was a yellow mech that resembled a giant rover. This mech was known as the Powerdizer.

"Are you alright Rikka?" A voice escaped from Powerdizer and it was a familiar voice. It was Utsumi as he was inside the mech, piloting it.

"Yeah, I'm fine. Thanks for the save," Rikka nodded as she pointed at the alien. "Look. His body is the constellation of Orion. It's definitely a Zodiarts."

"Sure, looks like it," Utsumi agreeing with her. "Get back, I'll take it from here!" Utsumi pushed forward, as the Powerdizer marched towards the Orion Zodiarts. Powerdizer started wailing haymakers at the Orion Zodiarts, but it did very little damage. Utsumi was immediately struggling as the Orion Zodiarts began to fight back, nailing punches of his own to Powerdizer.

Utsumi began to feel a little light headed by continuing to fight the Orion Zodiarts as he gave him a desperate kick that successfully connected, lauching the Zodiarts against a nearby wall. However, Utsumi start groaning in pain which Rikka could notice judging from the movements of the Powerdizer.

"Utsumi? Are you okay?" Rikka asked out of concern. Utsumi didn't answered as he attempted to continue fighting but the Orion Zodiarts got back up and started running away, retreating. Powerdizer kneeled as Utsumi became very exhausted.

Rikka looked over to see Yuta passed out on the floor, she quickly ran towards him. "Yuta! Yuta! Wake up!"

"Forget him." Utsumi said, still inside Powerdizer. "He'll live. Right now, we has to find that Zodiarts before it's too late."

Yuta's eyelids started fluttering, as he slowly opened his eyes as it made Rikka sigh in relief.

"Rikka?" Yuta asked. "What happened?"

"The Zodiarts got away," Rikka answered.

"Zodiarts? What the hell is a Zodiarts?," Yuta sat up and immediately scooted back the moment he saw Powerdizer. "And what the hell is THAT?

Yuta heard a groan of annoyance escape the machine. "Great, he woke up..."

"...Utsumi?" Yuta tilted his head as he recognizes his voice. "Rikka, what is going?"

"Can you please stop bombarding me with questions?" Rikka retorted back at him. "I can't answer EVERY single one!"


The trio exited from a warehouse located in the outskirts of the school, the warehouse appears to be where Utsumi keeps Powerdizer.

"D-Does the school know you're keeping that machine inside?" Yuta asked Utsumi.

"No, and they never will as long as you keep your big mouth shut!" Utsumi told him, practically threatening him. Utsumi then groaned in pain as he leaned against a wall.

"Oi, Utsumi! Are you okay?" Yuta asked him, genuinely concerned about him as he placed his hand on his shoulder.

"I'm fine. Get off of me!" Utsumi said, shrugging off Yuta's hand which only made Yuta miffed.

"Hey, I'm legit worried about you!" Yuta barked at him. "For once, stop trying to ignore me!"

"Yuta, please stop," Rikka said. "We have to get him to the Rabbit Hatch."

"The what?" Yuta asked her.

"We're almost there, follow us," Rikka answered as Utsumi and Rikka went on ahead of Yuta, so he could follow them. One thing that Yuta noticed was that Utsumi was now carrying a metallic suitcase which made him raise suspicions toward him.

The trio were soon in a restricted part of the school which was completely empty, no one else but them were inside. Utsumi was then in front of a door that a sign that read, "Keep Out." Yuta was very unsure what to think of all of this, it didn't help much when he sees Utsumi take out a key and unlock the door. Rikka noticed Yuta having second thoughts about this. Rikka gestured him that it was alright. Yuta reluctantly entered the room with them. It looked to be a storage room. It was full of dirt and dust as if this room hasn't been clean in decades.

"Okay. Here it is," Rikka said, as Yuta looked around.

"This is the Rabbit Hatch?" Yuta asked. "I was hoping it'd be...cleaner."

"No, Yuta," Rikka shook her head as pointed at something. "THAT'S the Rabbit Hatch."

Yuta looked over to see that what Rikka was pointing at. Yuta raised an eyebrow at the sight. "But...that's just a rusty old locker." And indeed, it was. The locker looked to have been 100 years old, it looked very dingy and the lock was completely missing.

"You know what they say..." Utsumi responded. "...Never judge a book by its cover." Utsumi opened it which reveal a bright white light which totally caught Yuta offguard. Even more so when he sees Utsumi enter it.

Rikka then grabbed Yuta's hand in reassurance. "Come on," Rikka said. "Trust me."

It took Yuta a few seconds before complying with Rikka as the both entered the locker. Yuta was so amazed as once he entered, he was surrounded by the majesty light and could also see rainbow highlights in the mix. It felt like he was walking on air.

The real kicker happened immediately as Yuta was met with a door that looked like it belonged in a space station. Yuta's jaw dropped as it opened revealing this huge room. Yuta was bewildered by all of this, until he suddenly felt the lightest that he's ever been. He looked down on his feet did a small jumped was he gently levitated for a few seconds before landing back down. It was unbelievable, it was zero gravity, just like in the moon. Yuta couldn't but get excited over all of this as he kept jumping, having some fun. That was until Utsumi pull down a lever that said 'Gravity Control.' Yuta stumbled a bit during mid-jump as the gravity in the area was back to being normal.

He looked to see Utsumi make his way to a button that opened another door. Rikka and Yuta followed him to see Utsumi in front of a computer that had a display of a strange looking figure on it that had a helmet the shape of a rocket.

"Utsumi, wait!" Rikka said to him. "You can't use Fourze! Your body can't contain its power!"

"I don't care!" Utsumi yelled at her as he went over to a board that had strange looking trinkets place in numeric order. Utsumi pulled out the first four trinkets. One was orange, with the number 1 on it. Another was blue with the number 2 on it. The third one was a yellow one with the number 3 and the last one was a pure black one with the number 4 on it. "This thing is the only chance we have of defeating that Zodiarts!"

Yuta looked over to see Utsumi place them in this strange looking device that have four slots open. It also had 4 switches along with a lever on its left side, as well as what looked like an LED screen attached to it.

"Look at how exhausted you are right now, Utsumi!" Rikka pointed out to him. "You can't possibly expect to go out there and handle this by yourself!"

Utsumi completely ignored her as he placed the four trinkets inside the open slots of the strange device. Each trinket having a sound escape from it.





"Only I can do this," Utsumi stated as he grabbed the device, but he was visually starting to look weaker and weaker.

"Wait, Utsumi!" Rikka exclaimed as she grabbed Utsumi's arm, trying to make him rethink this. But Utsumi still refused as he pushed her slightly.

"Don't even try to stop me," Utsumi said to her. He was then taken by surprise as Yuta snuck up when he wasn't looking and snatch the device from him. Utsumi nearly threw a fit of rage towards Yuta. "Hey! What are you doing!? Give that back to me!"

"'re saying this device can defeat that monster, right?" Yuta asked, just to be sure.


Class was back in session as Sonada was lecturing the students but noticed three empty seats. She couldn't help but pout as she knew exactly who was missing from the class.

Suddenly, an explosion can be heard going off. Students outside were running in terror as the Orion Zodiarts was still on campus, slowly walking throughout the school.

(At the Rabbit Hatch)

"Did you hear what I said!? I said give it back!" Utsumi yelled at Yuta as he went to go hit him until he gained a massive headache that stopped him from doing so. Utsumi then fell backwards and sat on a nearby bench.

"Utsumi!" Rikka said as she went to his aid.

"Look at yourself," Yuta said. "How do you honestly expect to fight that monster when you look like you're going to die from exhaustion? You can't do anything right now with this."

Yuta had a good point. Utsumi's health was very poor at the moment, even if this device he had with him could defeat this Zodiarts, the end result for him could be disastrous.

"But you can't either." Utsumi remarked at Yuta.

"You may be right," Yuta admitted. "But that doesn't mean I can't try."

"You've got to be joking!" Utsumi said to him in pure blasphemy.

"Leave this to me, Utsumi." Yuta said in a serious tone as he exited the Rabbit Hatch.

"Stop!" Utsumi yelled as he tried to go after Yuta but his massive headache struck him again as his clenched his forehead in pain, causing him to fall down on both of his knees.

Rikka looked at Utsumi before looking back at the exit of the Rabbit Hatch. If Yuta is really serious about this...

"Dammit, Yuta..." Rikka muttered as she exited the Rabbit Hatch and went after Yuta, leaving Utsumi by himself.

Utsumi meanwhile felt so much anger and frustration building up inside of him. He hated himself at this moment. He was supposed to be the one to handle this situation and then Yuta comes in and decides to deal with these matters for him. It made him feel so weak. Utsumi's blood was boiling as he looked down at his hand before clenching it into a fist.

"Why...?" Utsumi started asking himself. "...Why was I born with this body!?" Utsumi slammed his fist down in pure anger and rage. He was now alone in this situation...alone in a distant space station...on the moon.

(Meanwhile back in school)

"Students! Please calm down!" Ohsugi was yelling at students who were panicking and running through the halls. Sonada opened her classroom door as soon as she heard his voice.

"What's happening!?" Sonada asked him.

"Oh, Sonada-sensei!" Ohsugi greeted her as his face brightened at the sight of her beauty. "It's just-"

They both heard distorted screaming as they turned to see the Orion Zodiarts across from the hall as more students ran away from him. Ohsugi freaked out at the sight of him as he too started running like a madman with Sonada following suit.

Meanwhile, Yuta was running throughout the halls in search for the Orion Zodiarts. He heard screaming from upstairs as he ran up them in a brisk pace. Once he got to the top, he saw the Zodiarts terrorizing students, shoving them against the walls.

"HEY!" Yuta yelled at the top of his lungs, which got the Zodiarts's attention as he turned his focus towards Yuta, slowly approaching him. Yuta pointed the device at the Orion Zodiarts but nothing happened. Yuta realized at that moment that he has no idea what the contraption is actually supposed to do. He quickly started panicking himself. He had to figure out how it works fast before he gets mangled by this monster.

Right behind him, Rikka made her way up the stairs. Once she made it to the top she turns to find Yuta who had no idea what he was doing. Rikka groaned and rushed to his aid, taking the device from him. "You're suppose to wear this around your waist!" Rikka place it on his waist as a strap magically emerged from it, wrapping itself completely around Yuta.

"Wait, it's a belt?" Yuta asked. It indeed was a belt, a belt that is known as the Fourze Driver.

"Yes. It's called the Fourze Driver. Now flip the Switches!" Rikka told him further.


"Yes! This belt will give you the power of space." Rikka explained to him. "Flip the Switches, and transform now!"

"Power of space...?" Yuta asked her as Rikka groaned louder and angrier.

"Do I have to repeat myself!?" Rikka yelled in an annoyed state as she flipped down the switched of the belt. Each switch highlighted the LED screen on the belt with each Switch represent arms and legs on the screen. She immediately went to hide behind the corner of a wall.

"W-W-Wait! Rikka!" Yuta shouted at her. "Transform!? Transform into what!?" Yuta turned back to face the monster who was getting closer. He suddenly heard the belt shout out words.


Rikka emerged out of the corner to give Yuta further instructions. "Now hurry! Say 'Henshin' then pull the lever!" Rikka yelled out to Yuta. "And go like this!" Rikka then did a pose where her right arm was raised up and her left arm point diagonally downwards.

"Wh-What!?" Yuta asked, he was truly and utterly confused about all of this.

"Just do it!" Rikka yelled back.


"DO YOU WANT TO DIE!?" Rikka shouted at him with an extremely annoyed face.

"N-No!" Yuta exclaimed.


"Okay! Okay!" Yuta said, not wanting to feel Rikka's wrath. Yuta placed his right hand on the lever and his left arm in front of him, dynamically.


Yuta pulled the lever and did the pose Rikka instructed him to do. A huge puff of smoke came out of the belt like vapour coming out of a rocket. The belt also created a gust of wind as Rikka held her skirt down, her hair blowing from the wind. A cyberhnetic circle appeared around Yuta's waist, and levitated enough to be above his head. Yuta was then consumed by a flash of light. What emerged then made Yuta feel like he was dreaming.

Yuta was donning a what resembled a white spacesuit that had crosshair etchings on it. It had around it orange, black and gray highlights. Small rounded rectangular shoulder pads. The suit also had armor attached to his limbs, each with different shapes etched onto them. His right gauntlet had an orange circle, his left one had a black square, his right boot had a blue X and his left boot had a yellow triangle. On the back of the suit looked like a hover pack. And to top it off, was a helmet that resembled a rocket, which had silver antennae, a small green gem in the middle of the antennae, a black round polygon that encapsulated the front of the helmet and orange compound eyes that lit up. This was Kamen Rider Fourze.

Fourze looked at his hands, his feet, his body and started touching his own helmet. He was freaking out as he turned to Rikka, even more confused now than he's ever been at all today.

"What kind of school is this!?" Fourze asked in a way that felt as if he was on the verge of losing his sanity.

"Shut up and kick his ass, Fourze!" Rikka yelled at Fourze, in hopes of getting him motivated.

"Fourze? I guess I'm Fourze now..." Fourze tried regaining his composure, taking deep breaths, before he finally started gaining the right attitude to fight. "Very well. I got this."

Fourze pointed at the Orion Zodiarts, preparing himself.

"Let's do this man-to-man!" The white Rider declared.

The Orion Zodiarts charged at Fourze and vice versa. Fourze started nailing punches and it actually did some damage to the Orion Zodiarts. However, whatever offense Fourze had was short lived as the Orion Zodiarts gave a big smack powerful enough for him to crash through a wall.

The Orion Zodiarts was about to enter the room that Fourze was thrown in until a giant puff of dirt emerged, briefly blinding him. Fourze got some momentum back as he landed more punches to the Zodiarts, resulting in him crashing against a wall as well.

"Oh no..." Rikka said with a wide-eyed expression as she was seeing Fourze and the Orion Zodiarts cause property damage around the halls. Fourze grabbed the Zodiarts and dragged him away from the halls. Rikka got out from the corner and followed Fourze.

Fourze and the Orion Zodiarts were now in the gym's locker room bumping into more items like tables and lockers, as half dressed students screamed at the top of their lungs in fear. They ran out of the room as Rikka was the unfortunate victim of seeing these half naked boys leave.

"Put some clothes on, you animals!" Rikka yelled, covering her eyes in embarrassment. "Fourze! You NEED to get him out of the school! Press the upper right Rocket Switch!"

"Upper right Rocket Switch?" Fourze asked as he looked down at his belt, specifically at the orange Switch. "You mean this one?" Fourze pressed down on it with his thumb.


Fourze's lower right arm was now encapsulated by an actual orange rocket which went off immediately, going out of control, making Fourze lose his balance. The Orion Zodiarts tried to attack him but Fourze would not stay still because of the rocket. Fourze quickly used this to his advantage as he grabbed a hold of the Orion Zodiarts and the two soon flew up and crashed through the ceiling, creating a huge hole on the roof.

Rikka slowly walked towards the carnage, having a disturbed expression on her face. She looked up at the ceiling with pure silence for about a minute before she started questioning herself. "...Dear lord, what have I done...?"


Fourze and the Orion Zodiarts were still up in the air before they both landed hard on concrete. They were still near the campus grounds, but at least away from the facilities. Fourze still couldn't control his rocket as he grabbed a small tree and went around in circles. He then ultimately pulled the button of the Rocket Switch up, the orange rocket disappearing from his right arm.

"Ugh. I feel very dizzy..." Fourze muttered as he felt very groggy from going in constant circles. The Orion Zodiarts charged at Fourze again and was going for a punch until Fourze dodged it by merely hunching over as if he was about to puke. "I feel very sick..."

Fourze tried to brush it off as he still managed to punch and kick the Orion Zodiarts. Fourze had enough time to think of what else to do after giving the Zodiarts a hard roundhouse kick to his head.

"Well, I know what one Switch does," Fourze said to himself, looking back down at his belt. "But is there anything else these other ones can do?" Fourze look at the blue one to his center-right and push the Switch forward.


Suddenly, Fourze's lower right leg was encapsulated by what appeared to be a missile launcher. "Woah..." Fourze said as he lightly lifted his right leg to look at it. However, once he set his foot down, the launcher went off, making Fourze stumble and fall to the ground. The missile didn't even hit the Orion Zodiarts at all but instead hit the surrounding area. The missles destroying fences, windows and walls of other buildings.

"I did not mean to do that..." Fourze said in a worried as he stood back up. Meanwhile, the Orion Zodiarts got angrier as it approached Fourze once more. Fourze then heard a sound resembling an old telephone. He looked down to see the black Switch light up which prompted his to push it.


Fourze's lower left arm was now encapsulated with what appeared to be a mini satellite radar. The radar has a screen which turned on, revealing Utsumi who was still in the Rabbit Hatch.

"Aim with the radar, or else you'll destroy the entire school, you dumbass," Utsumi said to him through the projection.

"Utsumi?" Fourze asked, unbeknownst that the Orion Zodiarts was in front of him. The Zodiarts gave him a punch in which Fourze return with more force.

"Focus on the battle," Utsumi instructed him.

"Got it."

"You just activated the left arm radar," Utsumi told him. "Use that to lock onto your target."

"Understood," Fourze responded as the Orion Zodiarts grabbed a hold of him and tossed him up in the air. Luckily for Fourze, his hover pack saved him from a hard landing. Fourze turned around and pressed a button on his radar.

"Like this?" Fourze then aimed the radar at the Orion Zodiarts. He looked at the screen of the radar, the Orion Zodiart was locked on target. "Gotcha! Take this!" Fourze used the launcher again and the missiles this time hit its target launching the Orion Zodiarts up in the air as it crash landed on the concrete.

"Alright," Utsumi said. "Now switch to close combat. Try switching the right leg switch."

"How do I do that?" Fourze asked him.

"Check the compartment on your belt," Utsumi explained. Fourze noticed a tiny metalic pouch on his right side, he opened it and found another Switch inside. It was a lighter shade of blue and had the number 8 on it.

"This one?" Fourze asked again as he proceed to remove the Launcher Switch and place in the new one in its place.


Fourze flipped the Switch open.


The launcher on Fourze's right leg was now replaced with an actual chainsaw, with the blade attached to the tip of his boot.

"I think I'm starting to like this suit," Fourze remarked.

(Play Switch On! by Anna Tsuchiya)

Fourze charged again towards the Orion Zodiarts, using the chainsaw attached, to his attacks, nailing him with rapid kicks. Even a front flip kick with assistance from Fourze's hover pack.

The Orion Zodiarts was fed up with Fourze as he started to unleash a barrage of blasts which actually managed to hit him, and they sent him flying a few feet. Before the Orion Zodiarts unleashed another blast, Fourze became quick on his feet as he closed the Chainsaw Switch, the chainsaw disappearing, as proceeded to do a side roll to dodge the blast.

"I'm getting tired of being hit by that!" Fourze said as he pressed the Rocket Switch again.


The Orion Zodiarts launched another blast, but Fourze used his rocket to fly up in the air to avoid it. As he was high in the air, Fourze looked down at his belt again and saw the yellow Switch he hasn't used yet.

"What's this one?" Fourze asked himself as he turned the Switch.


Fourze's left leg became encapsulated by a yellow drill.

"Holy crap!" Fourze said in awe. "Alright! Time to finish this!"

"Wait a moment, Hibiki!" Utsumi exclaimed through the radar.

"Shut up," Fourze responded as he turned off the Radar Switch, the radar now disappearing from his left arm. Fourze proceeded to use his free hand to pull the lever on the Fourze Driver.


The yellow drill begun spinning itself at a rapid pace as Fourze descend towards the Orion Zodiarts who tried using his blasts again to try and stop Fourze but to no avail.

"Eat this!" Fourze yelled as he got into a sidekick position. "ROCKET DRILL KICK!"

Fourze pierced the Orion Zodiarts through its chest, causing him to explode in defeat. Once the yellow drill made contact with the ground, Fourze was spinning at breakneck speed before stopping himself.

Some trinket went flying away from Fourze due to the explosion. The small trinket turned out to be a strange black device with silver etchings and a red button on it.

(END Switch On! by Anna Tsuchiya)

Fourze sighed in pure exhaustion as he turned off the Rocket and Drill Switches before falling flat on his rear end. "I did it...I actually did it."


Fourze turned his head to see Rikka who was running towards him.

"No way," Rikka said in disbelief. "You actually did it!"

"Why do you sound surprise?" Fourze asked, feeling puzzled.

"Well, I wasn't sure you could actually do it. I feared that you could've gotten seriously hurt," Rikka explained to Fourze as he stood up. "But there was a part of me that knew you could do it from the start."

Fourze chuckled underneath his helmet as he proceeded to thank her. "Arigatou, Rikka." Fourze held out his hand which made Rikka chuckle herself. She accepted it as they commenced the Handshake of Friendship. The two laughing afterwards.

Fourze then gave a heavy sigh as he looked around and saw the destruction that battle with the Orion Zodiarts caused. "...I am so dead..."

"Not if we stop standing around," Rikka said. "Come on, let's get out of here!" Fourze nodded as he got up. Rikka started guiding him back to the Rabbit Hatch to find Utsumi.


A middle-aged man was sitting in a dark room, with the same device that was seen previously in the aftermatch of Fourze's battle with the Orion Zodiarts.

"I see," the man said as his eyes glowed red. " seems Fourze is at my academy."

A figure emerged in front of him, it was a familiar alien. The same alien that had ambushed that space station on the moon, all those years ago. The same alien with its black helmet and red visor. His name was Alexis. Alexis Kerib.

"So, it appears to be the case..." Alexis spoke. "No matter, his involvement is a means to an end."

Behind Alexis, were three sinister looking aliens, who appeared to be Zodiarts themselves. The same Zodiarts that were on the rooftop that day.

"And you're sure your new recruit can help get the job done?" the man asked Alexis.

"You don't have to be concerned about that," Alexis reassured him. "I placed a lot of faith into her and I know she won't let either of us down...Isn't that right Shinjo...?"

The same hooded figure with the gemini mask, who rendezvoused with the three Zodiarts earlier, appeared to Alexis. She bent down on one knee in a gesture of worship and loyalty.

"...Yes, Alexis-sama..." She muttered as her eyes glowed red.

(Back at Amanogawa)

Fourze and Rikka were almost near the Rabbit Hatch until they were approached by the Powerdizer.

"Hibiki Yuta..." Utsumi's voice emerged from the yellow mech. Utsumi's tone of voice was full of nothing but disdain.

"Yo, Utsumi," Fourze said as he walked up to Powerdizer. "I told you I could do it. You just needed to have faith in me is all."

"Don't ever say my name so casually!" Utsumi shouted at him which startled both Fourze and Rikka.

Rikka was completely shocked when she sees Powerdizer grab a hold of Fourze, practically shaking him. "U-Utsumi! What are you doing!?"

"Hey! Utsumi!" Fourze yelled as he was struggling to break free. "Let me go! Utsumi!"

The scene focuses on Rikka's phone, which had headphones plugged into it. Her thumb presses the 'Play' button.

(Play A Town in Blue by Asian Kung-Fu Generation)

Rikka is seen walking through various parts of Tsutsujidai City. From alleyways, to school hallways, to the streets, all with her eyes hiding underneath her hair.

{Mada samenai yume ga makuramoto de boku ni tachi shita} The scene showcases parts of Tsutsujidai, from the Amanogawa High School, to parks to train stations.

{Asa no nioi machi ga ugokidasu gamen no tenkiyohou} Rikka is seen walking across a harbor, unbeknowst to her something was flying past her a ridiculous speed. This turned out to be Fourze who flew past her as Fourze was charging towards various Zodiarts and Powerdizer soon joined the fray, helping out Fourze. Meanwhile Rikka just stands and watch as it zooms into her face which had a deadpan expression.

{Hibi ni negai motome ubai atte sekai wa datti-rou} The scene focuses now on Rikka who was in class reading her space book and her headphones in her ears as Yuta was sleeping and Utsumi having this annoyed look towards Yuta.

{Meguri ai fureru kimi no subete ga boku no ai no mahou} The scene focuses on Rikka who is enjoying lunch with Yuta and the rest of the Kamen Rider Club.

{Namariiro no machi nezumitachi no nigoru buruu} The scene transitions to Alexis, his red visor glowing. It also focuses on various Zodiarts and even the hooded masked female, whose eyes were glowing.

{Boyaketa nibui kodou mune ni nokoru wazukana shirosa yo} Yuta was standing on top of a skyscraper, wind blowing through his red hair. He had his Fourze Driver around his waist. He ran and jumped off the skyscraper before pulling the lever, transforming into Fourze in mid-air and activating his rocket.

{Tarinai kokoro wo mitashitakute kakedasu! Hajime no ippo ne de keshiki sae mo KIERU YO!} Fourze was fighting multiple Zodiarts, using various Switches with Powerdizer acting as his shield. From a far distance the rest of the Kamen Rider Club, Rikka included, cheering them on.

{Miageta sora kara ato tadotte oikakeru} The scene transitions to Fourze fighting Alexis in a hard-hitting battle, knocking lumps out of each other. Alexis gaining the upper hand as Fourze started losing stamina.

{Kimagure na kumo ni kimi no kao ga UKABU YO! KITTO!} Fourze was then had a special Switch which he activated, causing him to be consumed by a white light which blocked Alexis's vision briefly. Alexis looked to see Fourze who was completely white, his form unknown as Fourze flew like a bullet towards Alexis. The scene suddenly transitions to a close up of Rikka's face as her eyes open.

{Kitto...} Rikka was laying down she on top of a hill, underneath a tree. She stood up, a bit weary as she noticed the sun was setting.

{Hikari datte yami datte kitto} Rikka turned to see a magnificent view of the city before walking away.

{Hikari datte yami datte kitto} It was nighttime as Rikka was now near a vantage point at a park, which had another wonderful view of the city, with the city lights making it more breathtaking.

{Hikari datte yami datte kitto} Rikka still had a deadpan look on her face, headphones still in her ears. She then felt something weird. She turned her head to see Yuta was next to her. He decided to join her on her sightseeing.

{Hikari datte yami datte kitto...} Yuta had a smile on his face, looking at the city before looking up and staring at the night sky. Rikka looked up at the sky as well, and was now donning a smile on her face too as they both enjoyed the magnificent night sky with beautiful looking stars and constellations that complimented it.

AN: And there's the first chapter! As you know, I'd like to debut with two chapters as opposed to one, so enjoy the second part!