Guys! Guys! You're all so AMAZINGGGGG! I love you all so much! The feedback and love from you guys made my day so much brighter!

First and foremost of course:

parimalik-YAASSSSSSSSSSS I am! Took me a bit to get back in with it! Been browsing through the fandom for a bit and it pulled me in! I hope this next installment meets expectations lol! I'm not honestly sure if I will, of course, I read through them to see where I had been going and such and I flinched at it! LOL! So for the near future consider this an official rewrite of those!

Guest-Thank you so much! I haven't really, still sort of low on muses actually, and I unfortunately don't do slash fics. Though the liberty to read anything of mine as such is complete at your discretion and I will never say otherwise, but I don't explicitly write it...Sorry... :D

kyuzi4869- Thank yooouuuuuuuuuu! That means to much to hear that, seriously, it sounds like im being a goof but im not! I actually think he was, in canon at least, taller if at least by an inch of two! But in my canon I made it the other way around lol, cause I can! :D As for Merlin not being able to read well, that's actually explained in this chappy here my friend, I don't wanna spoil anything, but its basically Arthur and Merlin being...Arthur and Merlin...I hope you like this chappy as you did the first one! Fingers crossed of course!

AAAAAAAAANNNNN: So, I was looking over the outline I have for this thing and I was like O.O -_(ツ)/ and laughed cause I was like 'What was I doing when I made this outline?' and still laughed at the sad excuse for humor it had in it. And I was cronking out to my Party Playlist too soooo. good vibes...

"He's an eleven year old child!", King Arthur was infuriated, at his knights for not keeping better track of the lanky child, at himself for not watching over him personally, and at the child warlock for sneaking away from them when their backs were turned for the moment they were. "How could he have bested Camelot's best!", Gwaine exchanged a look with Percival, the gentle giant looked put out that his magical friend was missing, he seemed to have been the silent chosen mouth piece too, so he turned back, "Um...Princess...He got away from you too."

"Don't remind me!"

He knew this castle like the back of his hand, and even after all the years he hadn't inhabited it personally he liked to think he still knew it so well, but on the other hand there was the changes that had undoubtedly been made to it that he was not knowledgeable with. Merlin knew the ins-and-outs of the castle better then perhaps even he did (from his years as a servant) and the tunnels that could lead them anywhere.

"I should have hided him a long time ago! We wouldn't be in this trouble now if I had! Gods!", the knights exchanged looks again, still just as silent as before, it had not been the first time the king had threatened to belt the poor boy, and it would undoubtedly not be the last either, but this time seemed to be drawing closer to that line that was ever changing. Lancelot even winced for his friend, though part of him was loath to admit that on some part he agreed with his sovereign, Merlin had a tendency to jump in front of trouble, whether it be openly or behind the scenes, the consequences be damned, and in more times then not it usually ended up with him coming back with some form of injury. He had little to no self preservation skills when he put his mind to something.

Professor McGonagall cleared her throat, drawing their attention around, and she stood from her chair, "Perhaps, if you had a bit of assistance navigating, we can all search for him?", it was a plan if there ever was one, and Arthur nodded sharply, raising a hand for his knights to listen to her instructions, and they turned. She nodded once, motioning to fellows at her own table, two young men stood, identical in appearance, red hair just brushing their shoulders, and they grinned cheekily at her,"Mr's. Weasley will be of some assistance, I dare say, they know most of the grounds just as well as we do, some parts better.", they nodded in approval at their introduction, and stuck their hands out to the fabled knights.


"And George-"

"Pleased to make-"

"Your acquaintance."

Gwaine snorted, and the others shook their heads, "I think I'm gonna like you two."

Search parties were formed immediately, seeing as morning meal was not going to continue on, and the groups went their owns ways, to report back to the main hall in two hours time.

Fred and George, with Gwaine, Leon, and Lancelot were to check the forbidden forest.

Harry, Elyan, and McGonagall the chamber of secrets.

Ron, Hermoine, and Percival headed towards the left wing.

Luna, Neville, and Arthur the right.

Everyone knew their assignments and were to send any sort of notification if they spotted hide or hair of the missing warlock.

One of the major cons, in his opinion, of being stuck in this body, was just how hard it was to navigate in environments that would have been much easier had he been as tall as his normal self (damn him and his curiousity) but years and years of following Arthur on his Hunting trips, Quests, and other various exploits built up muscle memory and ease when it came to jumping and diving under felled trees and large boulders.

A war was brewing.

Magic was on edge, something big was about to happen, something bad. He just knew it. They needed to begin preparing as soon as possible. There was colonys in this forest that could be of assistance should the need arise. He huffed as he pulled himself over another felled tree, grimacing at the mud that caked his hands and pants, another con of simply being in this here forest.

Merlin stopped for a breath, hoping it wasn't much farther, he needed to get back before his absence was noticed. He'd heard many things about the Centaur colony that had lived here, he'd even visited them once or twice years ago during his first round of stays at this magnificant school. The Colony elders, almost as old as he was, almost, were good for lengthy conversations. A wicked sense of humor too. Don't let them fool you.

"A small one wanders into our forest?", he turned at the voice, younger then any of the elders he knew, a dark brown centaur had come up behind him, lower half a deep chestnut color, front holves padding at the ground, "But you are no usual small one, are you?", it took a moment for his mind to click with a name, and his eyes brightened once he had it, "Mikeros!", the centaur laughed deeply, kneeling forward to greet him, taking his hand as they were customed to do with those they respected, and pressed it to his chest for a moment, "Emrys it has been some time."

They had met some time ago, when Mikeros had just left colthood, and joined the hunt. Fast friends, they shared many stories of their times and sights, and a sense of humor that would stop any one in their tracks. It was a bit morbid, but, one doesn't live as long as he has without gaining one somewhere along the way. He smiled up at the great creature of old, letting him take hold of both hands, and swing him up onto his back, "I am to assume you need to speak with the elders?", he hugged his arms around the half man's shoulders, nodding softly, "Yes, I am afraid this is not a social visit."

He nodded, turning them in the direction of their camp, despite what many in the ministry thought (they were a bunch of jokers in his opinion anyway) centaurs were very advanced creatures for what land they possessed and what resources they could procure for themselves.

"Mars has been exceptionally bright for the last weeks past."

"I know, old friend, I am afraid that history is on the verge of repeating itself in the present."

"I am sure the elders will stand behind you should you have need of us."

Merlin nodded solumnly, "That's what I'm hopeful for too."

They rode for a bit, deeper into the forest until they came upon a village, some sneered in disgust at the sight of a human riding on the back of a creature as awesome as they were, but they were paid no mind to, their focus on the group of elders nearest the center fire. A gray palimino stood from his resting position at the sight of them, the others following suit, and they bowed in respect for him as they came to a halt.

"Lord Emrys, it is a pleasure to have you in our woods again."

He smiled at the elder centaur, bowing in turn, "The pleasure is mine Argernon.", the leader of the colony huffed in amusement at his bow, kicking at the ground softly, as he turned to greet the rest of the council, "Jasoros, Tyrophon, Amathythia, Ismusa, the pleasure is once again mine.", the other four bowed in turn with him, greeting him in kind as their leader had, "What brings you to our council great one?", Ismusa was the youngest on the council, but not any less then the others, the protection of her people came first and foremost (Argernon was proud of his only daughter) and he nodded at the need to get straight to business.

"I'm sure you felt it.", Merlin looked them each in the eye, respect given where respect was deserved, and they shifted slightly, exchanging looks, as he carried on, "The Old Religion, Magic itself, has called out. The time has come to us."

"The Once and Future King has returned to us?", Tyrophon, voice deep and smooth, rumbled softly into the silent forest around them. All movement stopped, the camp growing still and silent, all knew the prophecy and all knew what his return meant, Merlin nodded, lips pursing together for a moment, "We felt a shift in the planes but had not been sure, if what you say is true, war is upon us."

Jasoros hoofed the ground again, kicking up dirt, as he turned to his companion, Amathythia met his gaze just as sharply, her fingers tightening around the shaft of the bow strung over her shoulders, "Emrys, something is coming, you felt as such too?", the Warlock nodded in affirmation. He had indeed noticed the shift in the planes himself, magic had shifted, in a way it hadn't in some time.

"Is it who we fear it may be?"

"I couldn't say at the moment, but one thing is for sure, whomever it may be is no friend of ours.", Merlin closed his eyes a moment, "They have not stepped foot on this earth for some time. Conquerer of death as they are. But it could be a number of a persons. I cannot name them just yet. Even still they are hidden from even me."

They shifted nervously, nodding in response the news they'd feared they'd have to hear, "Emrys, you have not come for social matters", Argernon stepped forward, his large form sillouetted by the bright flames of the fire behind him, "Ask us what you must."

He swallowed, "Argernon, my old friend, when the need arises, can your King trust that you will fight by his side?", the old centaur ducked, kneeling so they stood almost on same levels, and their eyes met for a moment and locked there, "Emrys, it will be our honor to fight alongside High King Arthur. Shall the time come. Just call. We shall come.", they braced arms, fingers gripping the forearm on both sides, and behind him the whoops and cries of agreement rang into the dark of the forests night.

"I feel as if it should be alarming at how well you seem to know your way around.", Leon didn't want to be the one to bring the lightheartedness around them down, but it had to be said, "Isn't this forest meant to be off limits to students?", though he doubted that they were still inhabited with as many bandits as they had been during their time, it was almost a sure thing that other beings now called this place home, hence the reason it was meant to be out of bounds for children.

One of the young men waved his concern away, with another mischeivious smile, "Nothings really off limits."

He seriously doubted that sentiment but let it go. They had other pressing matters to attend to. Up ahead, Gwaine held a hand up, sharply, his head turned away from them as he though he'd heard something. Lancelot fell in beside him, hand gripping the hilt of his sword ever tighter, Leon stood just behind the two twins brothers, their other priority, not including the one involving their young magic friend, was to keep the young men with them currantly just as safe.

"Did anyone hear that?", Gwaine looked around, just as sharply, and waved a hand towards the left.

"So, we did want to pick your minds a moment, your dear friend,", Fred turned to peer at Lancelot, "Mr Merlin himself, he wouldn't be friends with...magical creatures?...would he?"

The knight raised an eyebrow in question, "I am sure he would be, why?"

"Centaurs my good gents. Centaurs."

They exchanged looks again, this just kept getting more and more interesting, and they followed the boys finger where it pointed at something in the distance. Sure enough, there stood a group of three shadows, just far enough out of range that nothing else could be made out. Training kicking in at a moments notice, Lancelot took to the left, Gwaine to the right, and Leon stayed with the twins as they crept forward stealthily. As they drew nearer, they could make out the soft tones of a conversation being had, and the knight with them tensed in recognition of the voice.

Two different sets of eyes turned at the crack of the twig that George had stepped on, widening at first, and then narrowing, "My friend, I fear your disappearance has been noticed", rumbled the deep voice of a creature. The third spun around at the warning, eyes widening as the two Camelot Knights closed in on either side of him, taking an arm in grasp, Lancelot and Gwaine could be very frightening when angered, perhaps it was due to the fact that it was not something easy for one to accomplish.

"Merlin.", Leon stood up a tad straighter, keeping the twins just as close, his eyes hard as they bore into the warlocks, "Just the one we were hoping to see."

One of the centaurs chuckled, "Oh to be young again", he stepped back a pace, "We leave you in their capable hands Lord Emrys."

Gwaine stopped them before they could take their leave, a hand half raised, he did not want to trek all the way back through the forest again, "Mates, would it be too much to ask..."

Arthur had been pacing the length of the step before the staff table since word had reached them that their query had been located, safe and sound, and they would return shortly. Classes had been dismissed for the day due to the search (it had taken longer then they'd like to admit to find their warlock friend), and the students had rejoiced as they ambled away to do what children do when not worrying about classes and school work, some to the field outside, others to the library, and common rooms, they dispersed with a happiness as any child would have at such joyful news.

The Great Hall had been turned into a study hall, as it did during the school day between meals, and some students took up benches to study their notes and play quiet games. The teachers that remained; McGonagall, Dumbledore, to name a couple, watched the king as he paced back and forth muttering to himself under his breath.

If anything, the great warlock was indeed in for a good dressing down, at least.

There was a gallop of hooves on stone and the corner revealed their asteemed visiters. A quartet of Centaurs cantered into the great hall, down the main aisle, towards the king. Arthur came to a stand still, hands folding behind his back, straightening up regally. The students that remained in the hall gasped at the sight of the magnificent creatures.

Dumbledore stood, raising a hand in greeting to the head of the pack, "Argernon, it is not often you come to the castle.", the leader of the centaur colony bowed lowly to allow his passengers to disembark safely, and turned to bow to the king respectfully, "Indeed Albus.", and, "My King, to see you with mine own eyes, it is an honor."

His companions knelt in the same fashion, first allowing their passengers to dismount, and then in greeting and in respect.

Argernon smiled, "We return what is yours High King.", Merlin shuffled under Leon's grip on his shoulder, trying to smile innocently, waving goodbye to his centaur friends as they departed. He shuffled towards his king, as he urged him forward with a finger, and yelped when a hand made sharp contact with the back of his head, "Merlin?"

"Yes...Sire.", he winced at how meek his voice sounded, what was happening here?, he's the great and powerful Emrys for gods sake! (and he cowed under the stern glare from his king and brother)

"What was the one, one, thing I said was not negotiable?"

Another wince and he ducked his head, scuffing his boots against the stone flooring, a pale hand snatched his chin up forcing him to look back into those blazing blue eyes, "Umm...notoditchtheknights."

"Slower. Speak clearly."

Merlin felt his cheeks burn in embarrassment at the audience they held, it was bad enough that all the Knights were there to witness, but the teachers and students made it all that much worse.

"Not to ditch the Knights."

"And what did you go ahead and do anyway?", his grip on his chin was hard, firm, but not painful and he swallowed, "I...I guess...I did?"

"Question or statement?"

"Statement...Sire.", his chin was released but he didn't dare look away now, not when he was crossing his arms as he was, the fire still burning just as hotly in his blue eyes, "Good Merlin, so you know what you've done", perhaps he was treating him a bit like he was younger then he actually was, but it was hard not to, for when in all appearances, he was just as young as he looked to be, "So give me one good reason why I shouldn't turn you over and give you a tanning!"

The warlock's eyes widened slightly, he took a step back in turn, ready to try and bolt despite the wall of strong and agile knights behind him, "No, no Arthur, not again!" (though it went ignored by both parties in question-Gwaine leaned over to Pervical and inquired 'Again?'). McGonagall pressed a hand to her mouth at the scene playing out before them. Though such punishments hadnt been used at the school for some time, where they came from, it was perfectly reasonable for certain offences. Just thinking about King Arthur doing such a thing to Powerful Merlin was...unthinkable.

But then they didn't seem to know them as much as they had originally thought they had.

"I was...I was gathering allies. War is coming. We needed allies."

Arthur seemed to accept the answer, but the tongue lashing that still followed, that even had a few of the quiet students at the tables blushing as if they'd been caught breaking orders themselves. Merlin had looked all the picture of thoroughly chastised and muttered an apology and 'it wont happen again, sire'.

And then they'd turned, the King's arm thrown over his shoulders, and walked towards an empty place next to one of the hearths burning bright and warm. Shyly, a dark haired girl shuffled over, tapping a knight on the shoulder. Elyan halted the conversation he'd been having to turn to the girl, a smile on his lips, seeking her inquiry.

"Why does he read to him?", she pointed to where their king was murmuring the words from a book to their warlock, "Does he not know how to read?"

Elyan smiled at her question, shaking his head, "He does. It's not common for us though, Merlin grew up in a small farming village, most of them don't know much in that regard.", he peered over at his King and Warlock, "Merlin's mother taught him to read and write, and our Physician Gaius took over when he came to Camelot, he lets Arthur read to him though because he enjoys it.", she blushed and gave a soft thank you, and Elyan smiled again at her, chuckling at her blush, "Personally though, between us, we think its just so they have an excuse to spend time together again without admitting that they like spending time together.", she seemed satisfied and scurried away again, Elyan shook his head as he quickly spotted his brother in arms, Gwaine, with his head bent down with those trickster sort of twins that he'd gone into that forest with earlier that day.

Nudging Leon, he motioned at them, "Something tells me that whatever they are whispering about is nothing good."

So like, who doesn't want our beloved Gwaine and Weasley Twins teaming up! Like. YAAASSSSS. BEWARE WORLD! Arthur being all bromantic and stuff like staaahhppppp and not taking Merlins half cocked crazy shit anymore. Can I just. Merlin does have that tendency guys. Sure hes well planned and stuff but come on. Self preservation has to kick in some time, destiny be damned, come on. Anyway... Centaurs are awesome! We'll see more of them down the line cause Argernon is gonna have a bigger part to play. Merlin sneaking off to gather allies in the Forbidden Forest, he's going to have to be extra careful now that he's been caught in the act. Ummmm. Magic has shifted? Mars is burning bright? Who is this big bad on their way? Besides Voldy-shorts and Umbitch for obvi!