Patriot-112: Hey folks, here I am with a, another, re-edited version of Aure Mors. Specifically, my idea has evolved into something more believable. Though I will keep a few things from the original story, like the inclusion of the Wolfwatch, which I will explain in future chapters. Until then, my peeps, enjoy.


The Maiden Knight

"You understand what you have to do?"


"Repeat it to me,"

"Dismantle the White Fang, piece by piece. Eliminate any Grimm that I see. Protect the individuals under the designations RWBY and JNPR. Eliminate the following individuals: Adam Taurus, Mercury Black, Emerald Sustrai, Cinder Fall, Hazel Reinhart, Tyrian Callows, and, if possible, neutralize the immortal queen known as Salem,"

"What are you to do, when seen?"

"Evade as much as possible,"

"What are you to do when cornered?,"

"Fight back 'til I'm free,"

"What will you do when captured?"

"...End it, if no avenue of escape is available,"

"...And what will you do, when all objectives are achieved?"

"I...choose what I deem satisfactory"

"You're taking a big step into a larger world, Dorée. You were well trained in the sword, your shield, and your semblance, but never let cockiness rule you. You will feel conflicted in your choices, but in the end, you will achieve victory...And, I know that they, will be proud of you..."

Docks of Vale

The shipping docks of Vale were quiet, as a large assortment of Dust containers of the Schnee Dust Company lie in wait for the trucks that would take them to a warehouse in downtown Vale. Normally, this much Dust would require a large amount of security guards to protect it from thieves...but for some odd reason, there were no signs of any guards of the SDC anywhere, nor any Atlas soldiers, or any local dock watchmen.

This was noted by an individual, who was watching from the roof of a warehouse. It was a woman by the shape of their figure, clad in what looked to be to a dark yellow combat dress, with red trim, with a steel breastplate, gauntlets that covered the entire forearm, and, under the hem of the dress, armored plated boots with a slightly raised heel.

The physical features that could be seen, where her pale white skin, and golden blonde, red streaked, hair which was secured into a lace braid sock bun, tied off by a red ribbon. Her face on the other hand, was half hidden, with only from her mouth down being seen, while the rest was obscured by a visor style mask, which was colored red with gold vine plant designs, which did well to hide her eyes.

Another thing to note, were the weapons she was carrying. On her back, was a bronze plated round shield which at one part, had the noticeable end of a gun barrel, while at her side, was a classical long sword, which was well crafted, and looked sharp enough to cut through the toughest metal or stone.

The eyes of the masked woman narrowed as she looked at the shipping dock.

"You'd think the SDC would have, you know, at least a few dozen guards protecting their most valuable product," she said, while sighing in exasperation, "My expectations of the Schnee family are starting to deteriorate further, rather rapidly."

"Well, It is likely a 50-50 percent possibility that either A. the SDC is extremely incompetent when it comes to their security," Said a computerized female voice, "Or B. someone in the higher echelons of the company is bribing the guards not to be here tonight. I vote B, since we both who is in charge."

"I have to assume it's both," said the woman, just as she heard the sound of jet engines overhead and spotted a Bullhead VTOL flying about the docks before it descended and landed on the clear space of the dock. The woman's mouth curled slightly into a smirk "And right on time. Just as she said...,"

"Are you...alright?" the voice said worriedly at the woman's depressed tone.

"I'll be fine," The woman said, "Let's get on with it, shall we? Wouldn't want to keep our guests waiting..."

Roman Torchwick.

Thief, crime boss, and egotistical ass, was leading one of his biggest heists yet, which was stealing containers of Dust owned by the infamous SDC, from the Vale shipping docks. He was told by his contact that the containers will be out in the open, and unguarded, thanks to a little...persuasion on their part.

Of course, they could've of least given him better help than these supremacist morons from the White Fang. Sure, they had senses any Human would kill to have, since the White Fang are entirely made up of the Faunus race, but they were just so. DAMN. DUMB!

'Sigh, why the heck did that chick give me these animals to use for this job?' he thought to himself, after he just berated a White Fang member with a tow cable, who can't tell the difference between his ass and head. However his thoughts were interrupted as a blade was placed dangerously close to his throat.

"What the!? Oh, for the love of-"

"Don't move!" ordered the person, a young woman wearing a gothic style outfit with some inklings of a ninja. Her hair was long and black as night, yellow cat like eyes, and was wearing a black bow at the top of her head.

"Whoa, easy there little lady," said Torchwick, just as the White Fang noticed the unexpected guest as they readied their weapons. The young girl then untied the bow, and removed it, revealing a pair of cat ears that showed she was a Faunus, which surprised the other members of the Fang.

"Brothers of the White Fang!" Blake Belladonna shouted for everyone of her fellow Faunus to hear, "Why are you aiding this scum?"

As the Faunus became slightly hesitant, a new voice was heard.

"They're aiding him, because they have no choice."

(BGM: The Battle is to the Strong - Fate/Zero OST)

Everyone turned to the source of the voice, and on top of a shipping container, and with the shattered moon of Remnant behind her, was the woman. The illumination from the moonlight, made the sight of her appear to be like she was a completely different being.

"Unfortunately, that doesn't excuse them of the other crimes they committed," she finished as she drew the blade in her left hand and slipped the shield onto her right arm. "And thus, must be punished,"

Roman's eyes along with the White Fang grunts all widened at the newcomer. This didn't go unnoticed by Blake.

"Oh, come on!" the crime lord shouted, "You again!?"

The woman's mouth curled into a smirk at the man's outburst.

"If I can't mess up your current boss' big plan for this city, who will?" she said, making Blake blink at that, while Roman's eyes widened even further.

"Wait, wha...!?"

"That's for me to know, and for you to never know," the armored woman said, just as the sound of more Bullhead VTOLs were heard as they flew over the dockyard. "Now then..."

With that, she threw her shield arm around, launching the metal disc like a missile which hit the jet engine of one VTOL, but then the shield suddenly came back around like a boomerang, and took out the other engine, causing the aircraft to crash to the ground. The woman grabbed the shield with her left hand and placed it back on her arm.

Everyone's eyes widened at that, including Blake's, until Roman used Melodic Cudgel to blast the ground in front of the cat Faunus, sending her flying, and then turned to the Grunts.

"Well, what are you waiting for!?" he shouted while pointing at the woman who destroyed the Bullhead, "Kill her!"

The White Fang wasted no time as they either shot at the woman or charged at her with their swords. The woman jumped from the top of the container, her shield, emblazoned with a crescent moon and spear, blocking the dust bullets being fired at her, and landed on the ground before charging at the grunts.


With a quick swipe of her longsword as she cleaved one Faunus' head off in one sweep, before nimbly dodging another attack and stabbing another in the gut. She kicked the corpse off her blade, before jumping and cork screwing over a attempted stab from another, before she delivered a strong kick to his head.

After landing on the ground, she heard the sounds of guns cocking and turned to a group of White Fang who all aimed their guns at her. But then she threw her shield at them, the round disc hitting them all in the head, while bouncing off them like a pinball machine, knocking them out, and then it returned to her like a boomerang.

Watching this from a lamp post, a blonde haired monkey Faunus could only look on in astonishment.

"Whoa! Okay, that's badass!" Sun shouted, as he joined the fray, as he used his signature bo-staff/nunchaku/shotgun weapon to fight Torchwick.

"Oh, fucking Oum, why won't you piss off!" Torchwick shouted in annoyance.

Contrary to popular belief, said thief was actually once a huntsman. Of course, that was decades ago, when he wasn't jaded and decided crime paid better.

He was beginning to think that was a very bad idea, as while he was holding the two off, they were getting VERY close to taking his head off.

Both of them.

He's just glad the mysterious knight lady is busy dealing with the White Fang, to focus on him at the moment. However, that didn't mean he was scared of her.

Eventually, he got away before he heard a familiar voice. "HEY!"

"Godsdamnit, not her." Torchwick groaned out.

He looked to a rooftop, finding Little Red there, scythe rifle in hand, red hooded cloak flapping as she spun the weapon around before the blade hit the rooftop.

"Oh, hey Red! Isn't it past your-SON OF A BITCH!" Blake's bladed sheath nearly took off the man's head, forcing him to duck.

"Pay attention to me, scum!" the Cat Faunus shouted as she used Gambol Shroud's pistol form to fire a barrage of dust rounds at the thief.

"If that blade had connected, I would've been VERY upset!" Roman growled, because let's face it, NO MAN wants their junk cut off. However his attention then went back to the woman who was just finishing up the last of his help.

The White Fang idiots finally fell to the ground, some dead, others simply humiliated by the Maiden Knight.

VERY humiliated.

"Killing you is optional. But I don't see any reason not to." The knight said as she made her approach, causing alarms to go off in Roman's brain like warning sirens.

A rather distinct sound that signaled fear and an urge to RUN THE FUCK AWAY. So he did, to one of the only remaining Bullhead VTOLs that wasn't destroyed.

All the while, a certain copper haired girl was destroying the other two Bullheads he brought along, via a green laser beam of DOOM.

"Okay, these kids are just getting weirder and WEIRDER! Plus more scary..." he said as he closed the hatch and the transport took off.

The woman seeing the thief take off, now decided it was time to leave.

Torchwick was an annoyance at best. Killing him wouldn't change anything, and he was more useful when he was afraid.

After all, she had her mission, and her interfering more with Teams RWBY and...JNPR...would cause more problems than she needed. So, after securing her weapons, she proceeded to run to the edge of the dock and jumped into the water, swimming the hell away.

Thank Oum her armor is made up of a lightweight, and water proofed alloy.

"I don't care what you're offering me. I will not give you anything."

"I need you to help me because we now share a common enemy..."

"Oh, you mean that immortal Queen Bitch? Well boo hoo for you,"

"What I have planned will be beneficial for both of us!"

"And what exactly do you want? I'm not exactly in a position to give anything."

"I know what you can do. All you need is blood, or a hair sample. Anything containing DNA."

"I'll still need a second donor. A clone wouldn't live past its' birth having only 80% of its' genes."

"I have a pair in mind. This will work and everything that's happened will be undone."

"You're serious. Fine. But once this is done, we're finishing what we started when you blew up my island,"

"I can do that."

"Are these my...?"

"Yes... these are your parents, Dorée,"

"'re saying that they're..."

"Yes...they've been dead for years. Your mother died a martyr, even though she didn't have to, while your father died in a quest to avenge her,"

"...would they...would they have loved me? Even though I'm..."

"Don't think like that, Dorée. I knew them when I attended Beacon...and I know they would've adored you. Just like I do."

"Stop filling her head with fairy tales. She's a binary clone that you ordered me to create, in order to prevent this hell Salem created,"

"She needs to know who and where she comes from! She may be a clone, but that doesn't change the fact she's still human!"

"Ha! Listen to you acting like the doting mother, you're doing because you stil- AHH!"

"If you even DARE finish that sentence old man...!"

"You...still...need fucking little bitch..."

"GAH! Be lucky you still are needed, you fucking mad scientist!"

"Luck? No. Necessity. You need me to make sure she reaches maturity without deforming, while you train her,"

"I know that... But she will still have her humanity intact. And that includes knowing her parents."

"Whatever you say. But let me ask you something."


"Why did you order me to have her created in the first place?"

"...Pyrrha and Jaune were denied the chance to be together when the Fall happened. I watched the former die right in front of me, and the latter was later captured, tortured...and later killed by Cinder. I had you create Dorée, in order to at least give them what they were was my only way of atoning for what happened to them"

"...You really are a damaged individual aren't you."

"I doubt a man like you could understand,"

"I only strive to understand the Grimm. Nothing else matters,"

She coughed as she got out of the water. Her armored dress was soaked, and heavy, as she pulled herself out onto the pier, far away from the SDC dock that was now crawling with VPD.

"Damn cops are slow," the woman growled out, "What good are they if they're too lazy to get here in time."

"The police during this time of 'peace' are too complacent to take their duty to the people seriously," said the voice, "But we must leave the docks at once, before we are discovered, and return to the hideout."

The blonde-red haired woman nodded and proceeded to move away from the area, sticking to the shadows to avoid detection.

Professor Ozpin, Headmaster of Beacon Academy, was watching the camera feeds on his scroll of the recent heist by Roman Torchwick. His main focus on the mysterious masked woman, called the Maiden Knight, who had been making quite a vigilante reputation in the city, as well as on the continent of Anima, and dealing damage to White Fang Cells all over Remnant.

Of course, the Atlas Military and all the Kingdoms' Councils had placed her on a wanted list, due to her interfering in police work, and vigilantism. But, many people, including some police, actually sided with her, and were against the charges placed against her. Ozpin could understand them, but he also understood that the White Fang will no doubt target her in retaliation.

He watched as she dove into the water as soon as the other surviving VTOLs of the White Fang, along with Torchwick fled. Then the camera changed to another pier as the said masked Huntress got out of the water. After looking back at the SDC dock, she turned and left the area.

'Who are you exactly, my dear?,' thought the old professor with curiosity, before his personal scroll beeped, signaling he had a message.

Opening the text message screen, he saw it was from his best field agent, Qrow, the uncle of Team RWBY's Ruby Rose, and Yang Xiao Long.

He opened the inbox and saw the message text that caused his eyes to squint.

Queen has Pawns.

"Hmm," was his response as he rubbed his chin, concerned thoughts on his mind.

He then typed a message to send back to Qrow.

New player has appeared, return to Vale as soon as you can for more details.

He pressed the 'send' button, and placed the scroll back on his desk. The Vytal Festival is approaching, and he couldn't help but feel a sense of foreboding that something catastrophic might happen.

One Hour after failed Heist.

Roman walked into the abandoned warehouse, grumbling after the colossal failure to steal the SDC Dust shipment at the docks. And it was all thanks to a bunch of brats, and that damned masked woman, who was making quite a vigilante-esque reputation as the Maiden Knight. It all started just shortly a week after he met Cinder. And every time he, and whoever was with him, went out to steal Dust, that bitch appeared and ruined it, making his success streak suffer terribly.

And this biggest possible score was yet another disaster added to the list.

He sighed as he put the Dust crystal case on the wooden table in front of him, and placed Melodic Cudgel next to it.

"Man, what a night," he said, grudgingly, "Another score ruined by that blonde haired masked bitch,"

"Trouble on the job, Roman?," a seductive voice said, causing Roman to jump.

"WHOA!" he shouted as he quickly turned around and spotted the woman who hired him to steal as much Dust as possible, "H-Hey there Cinder, was not expecting to see you guys so soon."

"That was the point." Cinder Fall said, the seductive smirk still on her face, "And what did you mean by 'blonde haired masked bitch'?"

Roman rolled his eyes at that, sighing annoyingly, "Remember that one masked vigilante I told you about that's been causing a little bit of trouble for us?" he said, and Cinder nodded.

"Yes," she said, "Let me guess, she struck again?,"

"Bingo," Roman said, "And those White Fang grunts you lent me, they got their collective asses creamed. And she showed me that she's not scared of shedding a little blood."

Cinder blinked at that, "They're dead?"

"Or wishing they were!" Roman shouted, "If I were any slower, I'd be a stain on the ground! Hell, YOU'D be a stain on the ground!"

The Fallen Maiden's eyes narrowed at that, "Really?" she said.

"Damn right! I witnessed the whole beat down right in front of me," the thief said, "But let me tell you something about that girl: She is NOT to be messed with! She may look like a Huntress, but that kind of brutality is something entirely."

Cinder hummed in thought at that, as she turned to the shadows.

"Emerald, add this masked woman to the list." she ordered, "If she is as Roman claims, she could prove quite the handful,"

"If you want a face..." Roman as he brought out his scroll, "...I got a photo of her, though like I said, she's wearing a mask."

Cinder looked at the image. Blonde hair, with red streaks, tied up in a bun, an...odd battledress, a sword and shield, the latter of which included a built-in SMG from the looks of it.

She also noticed the mask not only hid her identity, but also her eyes, and since she couldn't see her eyes, she will not be able to tell what type of person they were, for the eyes were the gateway to the soul of a person. A trait only a few share with her, including her queen, and Ozpin... smart girl.

"She doesn't look that tough," she heard the grey haired assassin said, only to receive a smack to the head courtesy of Emerald. "What!?"

"She just killed a whole bunch of White Fang with no problem, and you're NOW gonna underestimate her?" Emerald said, her deadpanned tone clearly a sign she was not amused. Mercury looked like he was about to argue, but Cinder immediately put a stop to it.

"Stop your bickering!" she snapped, "We will deal with this Maiden Knight, but not on her terms. Until then, I want you two to keep a low profile for the time being and not get your hands dirty. Is that understood?"

Her amber eyes glowed in anger and the two cohorts both winced that. They hesitantly nodded, not wanting to incur her wrath. Cinder took that as a yes, and nodded.

"I also managed to get the recordings from the Dock's CCTV cameras." Roman said, "Through hacking of course. It will help you find a way to counter our little vigilante problem."

Cinder nodded at that, a grin on her face. "Of course." she said, and then pressed the play button.

The footage began to play, showing the entire battle and how the Maiden Knight fought. They then caught sight of the girl, though her back was to the cameras as she climbed out of the water, after swimming in freakin' armor.

"Hmm, very interesting," she said, "Clearly not someone to sniff at. Especially how she used her shield to destroy a Bullhead. Still she's a problem that needs to be dealt with, and soon,"

"We'll be able to get her out of our hair," said Mercury assuredly, "But, from what we saw, she's damn good with that sword of hers. We need someone who's equally, or more skilled,"

The Fallen Maiden tapped her chin in thought for a moment before a smirk formed.

"Call in Adam." Cinder ordered, "I'm sure he'll be happy to get a shot on the one who has been killing his people off lately. However, tell him that I want her captured alive if possible"

Adam Taurus, the leader of the White Fang's Vale Branch, and answering only to Sienna Khan, the current High Leader after the previous Leader, Ghira Belladonna stood down and left the Brotherhood in the hands of his former subordinate. The Bull Faunus was proud of his Faunus heritage, to the point of murdering any fellow Faunus who didn't want to be a part of White Fang's ideals.

Of course, she had a little hope that the Bull Faunus will kill this Masked Maiden, due to his superb mastery of his sword Wilt. In the meantime though, she decided she will watch how this girl fought, and study everything about her. If she ran out of research material, she would either bust a few knees, or just do a stealth mission to find out more.

"Oh, and before I forget," Roman suddenly pointed out, "When she announced her presence, she stated, and in her own words: 'If I don't mess with your current boss' plan for Vale, then who will?'"

Cinder's eyes widened at that, and snapped her head back to the thief.

"She said that?" she said, and Roman.

"With full confidence," he said, "It's possible we have a rat in our midst."

That made Cinder burn with anger, a traitor in their group could put the entire plan into jeopardy. She knew Emerald and Mercury would never betray her, they were scared of her too much. Thus, they need to find out who it is, and deal with it. But for now, she had a vigilante to study.

Meanwhile, White Fang Base

"WHAT!? HER AGAIN!?" shouted one Adam Taurus as he just received the news of the failure of the SDC heist at the docks, and the loss of over half of the White Fang who went on that operation.

"Yes sir, it was that vigilante known as the Maiden Knight," said one Faunus, who had a full face mask, and had a chainsaw on his back.

"That bitch is almost as bad as that traitor Belladonna!" Growled another Faunus, named Perry, who had a pair of glasses over his mask.

"At least we have more information this time." said a female Faunus, with a pair of calico cat ears, "Torchwick survived... though barely, but we have managed to find out she's in Vale,"

Adam growled as his grip on his sword tightened.

"Torchwick even managed to get some video for us, as well," said Mr. Chainsaw, "We'll be able to study how she moves, and find a way to counter her. Of course... Cinder wants us to capture her alive if possible,"

Adam growled at the mention of that flame woman's name. She claimed that she could give his people the means, including Dust, weapons, and funds, but thanks to that damn Maiden Knight, it was looking like she was bringing them into the crosshairs to be massacred instead.

"Anything else?" He said, already on a short fuse. The glasses wearing faunus stepped forward.

"We've been hearing rumors from the other Branches around Remnant." Perry said, "Apparently, the Wolfwatch is beginning to spring up again."

Adam snapped his head toward Perry at that.

"How is that possible!?" he yelled out, "The Wolfwatch's back was broken when the Atlas military destroyed their main base on Citadel Island!"

"Apparently it's possible that what they destroyed was just a small contingent." Perry clarified, "Of course, if we need to find out more we have to capture one of them."

Adam sighed at that.

"Right... this meeting is adjourned. Back to your assigned positions," he said, and the other Faunus nodded as they leave the tent, leaving the Bull Faunus alone, as he looked at the footage that Torchwick sent them, his eyes behind his mask glaring at the image of the Masked Knight.

"When I get the chance, I'll run you through with Wilt, and watch with a smile as the life leaves your eyes, and your body goes limp," He growled out, his hand clenching before turning to a photo, of another certain Cat Faunus. His masked facial features softening slightly. "My beloved Blake. Why did you do it? Why did you leave me like that?"

His hand reached forward as he caressed the face of the girl on the picture. "We were going to bring a new era to Remnant, you and I... but then you left me," his hand then clenched into a fist before he slammed it into a file cabinet, "Make no mistake, my dear Blake. I will find you, and I will make you mine again, but not before I make you suffer by making you watch as I kill all of those you love around you... starting with your new friends,"


"Before you go Dorée, I have one more thing to give you,"

"Th...This is...,"

"It's just like your mother's, though I had a few things added to it to make it more original. I have no doubt that she would've wanted you to have it."

"Thank... Thank you,"

"Listen to me. No matter what that foolish old man says, clone or not, you're still a human, and Jaune Arc and Pyrrha Nikos are your parents. Do you want to know why I gave you the surname Arkos?"


"Because it is their names. Arc and Nikos combined. You are their child. Do not forget this."

"I won't. But-"

"Tune him out. He's a bitter old man because I denied him his greatest wish."


"You'll find out in due time. Also, remember what I said about the powers they gave you."

"They're to be used wisely, and to be used in the dire of circumstances,"

"Yes...good luck my little maiden. And remember..."

"Do it with confidence...right,"

A small light switched on, and a sigh was heard as the masked woman walked into the room of a building that served as her headquarters. That being the Vale Royal Palace, home of the Monarchy that used to rule the Kingdom of Vale, until the Great War happened, and the Last King of Vale abolished the Monarchy, and the kingdoms were now ruled by the oligarchical councils. In a sense, the city-states were kingdoms without kings.

The woman reached the bed before she exhaustedly sat down and removed her mask, revealing a pair of brilliant emerald eyes. They showed the tiredness, pain, determination, and loneliness she felt.

Looking to the side, her eyes and face took a more solemn look as she reached over and grabbed something off a small table.

It was a circlet, one of the few precious things that her Auntie had ever given her. It was made of bronze, with two emeralds connected to two silver inlay chains that would loop around the ears.

This item was specifically special to her, because of who originally one before her... One of two people who she so desired to meet with all her heart, but couldn't due to the circumstances of her birth.

She knew she would never be accepted by them. The Scientist who created her may've been an asshole, but he spoke the truth. They will never see her as a human being...But, she'll be damned if she let them suffer the way they did. She WAS going to stop that bitch from ruining their lives, and she was going to do it, even if she died doing it. No matter what.

She caressed the circlet carefully before gently putting back on the table. She then stood up as she began to remove her armor and battle dress, but left her hair in it's bun. When she was just in her underclothes, she pulled the covers of the bed back, climbed in and went to sleep, however, her dreams will be plagued by visions of a future soon to come, a future she was determined to prevent.

Patriot-112: And there we have it! The V2 version of Reforged edited and ready, I hope I did right by some of you by tuning down some number of OCs, like Raoul Konstantine and the IMD. It was mostly 117Jorn's idea, but I was okay with it as long as it went good. But then, as I learned more, thanks to reviews from you guys. Hopefully you'll be satisfied. Well, enjoy this little profile from the original reforge...

Name: Dorée Arkos

Age: 17

Gender: Female

Race: Human (Clone)

Eye Color: Vivid green

Hair Color/style: Blonde with red highlights/mid back length/braided bun

Build: Athletic

Semblance(s): Polarity (Unlocked); Aura Amplification (Locked)

Birth Year: 13 years after the Fall of Beacon

Also Known as: The Golden Rogue; The Maiden Knight

Personality: Calm and Collected, is hesitant in making friends. Suffers from internal grief due to the belief that she is just a mere clone of Jaune Arc and Pyrrha Nikos, and will never be seen as their daughter.

Weapon: Aurea Mors (Sword and Shield SMG combo, former based on Caliburn, while shield is based on Akouo but with Doré's personal emblem carved on the face.)

Bio: Born 13 years after the Fall of Beacon, and three years after the end of the Salem War, Doré Arkos is the clone daughter of the late Huntsman and Huntress partners: Jaune Arc and Pyrrha Nikos. She was raised by a reformed Cinder Fall, who under a different name, and wearing a mask, trained her extensively since she was seven to kill her past self, and her former mistress Salem, who had betrayed her. She is sent back to the past, however she has difficulty accepting who, or what she is, believing herself to be an abomination. And thus, she believes, her death will make them happy.

Appearance: Maiden Alter Ego: Saber from Fate/Zero, blue part of outfit is colored dark yellow with red trim, wears a Saber Alter style mask to hide half of her face, and eyes. Unmasked: Looks like a blonde haired Pyrrha.

Patriot-112: And there, for those of you who are new to this. Until next time, later!