


Before creation itself, there were six singularities. When the universe exploded into existence, and the remnants of these systems were forged into concentrated ingots... six elemental crystals, hurtling across the virgin universe. These Infinity Stones each control an essential aspect of existence. Space, Reality, Power, Soul, Mind, and Time.

They were desired and coveted by the mad Titan, Thanos. The infinity stones were collected and sent to far corners of the galaxy where he could not use them against the innocent, to prevent the unification and destruction they could entail.

His lust for genocide, a misguided desire for balance, and his armies combined were finally terminated during a great battle on the planet Asgard, a final showdown between the mightiest heroes of the galaxy combining power and intellect.

The smartest of them strategized. The strongest met him on the battlefield, across the scoped and plunging falls of the bays outside Asgard's capital city. The war waged across every waterfall, balcony and bridge. His minions fell, hundreds by hundreds, until it was time to take on the Titan himself.

Captain Marvel was finally successful in bringing down the Titan, sacrificing herself to save the galaxy. Some Midgardians that were present; Agents of Shield and some of Earth's mightiest heroes, survived the conflict and returned to Earth.

Many of them would be present for another kind of annihilation; an invasion of Chitauri in 2012. The Avengers defended earth but not without great loss and consequence. While decimating the alien ships, a toxic gas was triggered that spread across the entire globe. There are few areas left untouched. Structures and domes are built in farming communities, greenhouses built to try and keep some semblance of flora, fauna, crop, insect life left alive. It's not fast enough.

While the gas is breathable because it does not kill instantly, it has long-lasting effects and is the number 1 cause of lung cancer. Breathing with a mask in public is now a requirement. Death tolls rise as impoverished groups are unable to purchase and/or maintain their gas-masks long term. Rural communities without reliable communications or modern technology cease to exist - death tolls rise by the hundreds. Thousands. Millions.

It won't be long before life on Earth ends completely, while the natural environment slowly suffers and dies, humans struggle to buy passage off-planet to begin anew elsewhere in the galaxy...




One - Concerning Graduation




Peter Parker



I brace myself for the incoming fist.

For all the good my powers do, getting into an unprompted fight with a classmate is always a bad, bad idea. Pulling punches is hard enough. Pulling back on self defensive moves are even harder.

Flash Thompson punches me right below my oxygen mask, clocking me right in the hose and past that into my throat, and I exaggerate my fall a bit, bouncing off the brick wall and landing on the concrete. Anything to make it look like I'm a normal kid and not the web-slinging, wall-crawling, newest Avenger-initiate Spider-Man.

I turn over quickly before he can kick me, scrambling up and out of the way. There's a spray of blood inside my mask, making it harder to see.

"Come on, Parker!" Flash growls. "Bring it!"

"I didn't sabotage your application for getting off planet," I snap, holding my hands out defensively. "Whatever you may think. None of it's true."

"He's a fucking liar!" snarls one of Flash's friends, tag-teamed by two others. They have a certain prep-school bully look, sleeves rolled up, shirts untucked, ties loosened.

"Joining the decathlon team late in the semester like that bumped me out of the top spot," Flash goes on, tugging up at his sleeves angrily. "You knew they were looking at those scores for the scholarships…"

"I wasn't trying to hurt you, or anyone," I protest. "I have my own way for getting off planet. You can have my spot."

"He doesn't want handouts from a loser like you," one of the boys shouts. "You fucking brown-noser. If you're such a favorite, why doesn't one of the Avengers swoop in and save your pathetic ass right now? Huh?"

"It doesn't work that way," I sigh. "I'm just an intern…"

"Yeah, Just-Intern," Flash goads. "Interns don't get off planet. Interns get minimum wage jobs and die in the fog like the rest."

"Flash, I'm serious. My aunt and I already have tickets. We're leaving after graduation. I don't want to hurt your chances of going anywhere. I swear."

"Oh you got tickets, huh? Where'd you get them? Hawk them off an Avenger at that so-called internship? Pulling some strings with Tony Stark?"

"They were graduation gifts," I respond, making fists, feeling the veins in my arms pop and cord, rolling with the post-traumatic heat that always follows when I'm forced to bring him up. "From… my uncle."

"Oh really," Flash says in faux-confusion, "You mean the dead one?"

The heat becomes lead, and I fly at him, knocking him backwards right into the cement. His head would have bounced painfully - and dangerously - if it weren't for his own mask. The other boys cheer lustily with surprise and approval, grabbing at my arms to pull me off of Flash. I get one small shove at his face, pushing it down into the asphalt, before I let them drag me off.

"STOP!" I hear Michelle Jones' voice scream before I see her. "Flash Thompson, you ignorant slut! Get out!"

I'm seeing red when I jerk my arms away from Flash's friends, hearing their laughter as they shove me back against the wall so that they can step out of the alleyway.

"Save me a taste of that," says one of them rudely, giving MJ a gross once over with roaming eyes.

"I'm calling the fucking cops, you neanderthal," MJ responds, leering right into his face.

Flash, to his credit, shoves his friend away from MJ, muttering "Sorry," like a petulant child. "Come on guys. Parker's not even worth it."

The three of them walk down the sidewalk, rude names echoing past their lips, disappearing deeper into the city.

"Yeah, and, and stay away," chimes in Ned, emerging from behind the wall of the alley.

"Dude, where were you?" I exclaim.

"I stopped at the newstand a block ago," Ned held up a paper. The blaring headline was not difficult to miss.



"You, my friend," Ned points at me, "You just kept walking. You didn't even notice."

"I'm sorry," I apologize.

"You okay?" MJ asks. She reaches up and tries to adjust my cockeyed mask on my face. "This looks… sorta broken."

"It's fine," I lie.

It's broken.

"No, shh, listen," MJ puts a hand on my chest to silence me. Suddenly all I can think about is her hand on my sternum and how it sends thrilling electrical jolts through my whole body…

There's a high pitched whistle in the air.

"You're leaking air!" MJ exclaims angrily, removing her hand. "There's a hole in this thing somewhere."

"Come on. Let's get back to your place." Ned suggests. "Aunt May is okay with us coming, right?"

"Yeah. She's been cooking all day."

"That's… not a good sign," Ned admits sheepishly.

"Let's go, let's go, the air ain't getting any cleaner," MJ waves us forward. The three of us make our way down the sidewalk southeast towards my Queens neighborhood.

I glance up at the sky visible between the old brick buildings. Well, if you can call it a sky. It's dark yellow, like mustard. The fog that was left after the Chitauri ships disintegrated in our atmosphere. When the Avengers saved us, but… just barely. And at the expense of the planet, which of course, they didn't know when they destructed the ships and the aliens within.

The yellow fog hangs over the skyscrapers of New York City, dismal, dark, like an old sunset barely seen through the smoke of a wildfire that occur in more natural parts of the world, with trees and dry brush susceptible to burn.

It's been six years since the world went to shit.

Six months since Uncle Ben died.

And it still feels like it happened yesterday.

When we reach our apartment complex, opening the front door is greeted by a bellowing plume of smoke. So much for wildfires being a thing I only read about…

"Aunt May!" I exclaim worriedly, diving through the living room and into the kitchen, grabbing the closest placemat off the table and waving it in all directions. I take my mask off and wave them both in criss-crossing motions across the room, pushing the smoke towards the exhaust fan above the stove.

"It's fine, it's fine! I already turned the fans on!" Aunt May is waving a potholder, an old-fashioned apron tied around her waist and her hair tossed into a messy bun. "It's really fine, I didn't even burn any food. I mean I did. But not food we're going to eat. Crumbs from last week's pie crust fell down into the bottom of the stove so when I turned it on they all burnt up. But the food is fine."

MJ and Ned shyly stand in the living room. MJ has removed her mask, Ned has not.

"Oh, take your damn mask off, Ned," Aunt May laughs. "This won't kill you. Unlike all that. Out there."

Ned hastily rips off his mask. "Yes ma'am."

"Hello, welcome," Aunt May says. "Welcome, Michelle. Is this, you're, uh, first time here?"

"No, I've been here before," MJ admits. "Just a few times over the years."

"Oh, sorry, my memory is terrible - when were you here last?" May persists.

"Uh… the reception," MJ replies slowly. She means the reception after the funeral for my uncle. "Oh. Um. And a few times for homework. Before that. Like sophomore year or something."

"Well, nice to see you again," Aunt May replies briskly, skimming over the subtle hint of Uncle Ben. It's unavoidable, and she's gotten way too good and bottling up reactions - saving them for later, usually, in an explosive meltdown - far away from me and hiding in her bedroom where she thinks I can't hear her.

I can. The walls are thin.

"So what's for dinner?" Ned asks cheerfully. "It smells really good."

"Parmesan chicken, baked potatoes, and…" Aunt May pauses, checking the microwave. "Broccoli. Frozen broccoli." She hits the timer for 5 minutes. "Which will soon not be frozen."

"How'd it go?" I ask. "Um. The chicken."

"Ah, well," Aunt May laughs uncomfortably. "I got a rotisserie chicken from the grocery store because… yeah. I wasn't going to risk it. But I was able to follow my grandmother's recipe for the parmesan sauce easily enough. That's the hard one. And it came out rather well, if I do say so myself."

"So great," I say a little too eagerly, and my voice cracks. Food is really, really expensive, especially the pre-cooked kind. Mankind has kind of figured out how to still raise and slaughter animals and keep up their exports for the American diet, but…

We usually just get old canned goods. If it's newer than a few years, lucky us.

"So great," Ned repeats, my faithful echo. Just a little too obvious.

"Great," Aunt May says dryly, leaning on the counter. "So… is anyone going to tell me what happened on the way home from school or do I have to beat the truth out of you?"

"Nothing happened," I say confusedly.

Ned subtly touches the tip of his nose and tries to motion towards my mouth. I yank my arm across my nose to rub it, and my sleeve comes away smeared with blood.

"Oh," I say, "That… that was nothing."

"It was Flash Thompson," MJ says.

"I'll call his parents…" Aunt May begins.

"No no no!" Ned and I both screech at the same time.

"Whoa, okay, chill," Aunt May responds. "Boys. Seriously."

"He's already pissed at me because of Uncle Ben's graduation gift," I sigh.

"You told Flash Thompson?" May looks incredulous.

"No, he overheard. But he didn't hear all of it. He thought it was part of the decathlon scholarship. He thought I was taking his spot."

"That's ridiculous."

"I know it is."

"So you got into a fight about it?"

"It's not Peter's fault, honestly," MJ intercedes. As usual. "Flash and his buddies hit him and Ned and I told them to clear out. It was over…"

"In a flash," Ned adds.

"You've always been the comedian of this group," MJ replies, deadpan.

"Yeah, I know," he says, "It's in my blood."

"Jesus Christ," Aunt May mutters, pulling a bag of frozen mixed veggies out of the freezer and handing it to me. "Put that on your face, baby."

I slap it a little too hard into my mouth. "'Kay."

"I need to finish this," Aunt May makes a circular motion with her finger. "You guys should get some homework done before dinner. Deal?"

"Deal," Ned and MJ say simultaneously. They both skirt quickly out of the kitchen and down the hall towards my bedroom.

"Hey, sweetie, uh," Aunt May tugs on my arm to keep me from following. "Was that - um - was that the whole truth? Or… you know…"

"It wasn't a Spider-Man thing," I assure her. "I promise. Cross my heart. It was exactly what they said. Flash Thompson."

"And MJ still doesn't know?"

"No. I'd like to keep it that way. For as long as I can."

"It seems a little sad," May continues, "I don't know. Keeping one best friend in the dark like that."

"I'm really sorry, Aunt May," I say again. I've apologized to her a thousand times, and I feel like it'll never be enough. "If I could have kept it a secret from everyone I knew, I would have."

"Even me and Ned?"

"Especially you and Ned." I put the frozen vegetables back in the freezer. "I'm fine. We can save this."

I can't mistake the hurt that appears in her eyes. "I know," she says instead, but her heart isn't in it. She gestures to the hall. "Go on, get some work done."

"Sorry," I say again. Once more doesn't make much of a difference, but that doesn't mean I don't try. Every time.

I go into my bedroom and Ned is reading my uncle's letter.

"Oh, uh…" I say awkwardly.

"Dude, I'm sorry, it was just sitting out," Ned hands it to me quickly.

"What is that?" MJ has claimed the top bunk, one foot hanging off lazily and a chemistry textbook open across the pillow.

"It's just… the letter Aunt May found. The one I told you about." I fold it quickly and hold it awkwardly in my hands.

"I'm a snoop," Ned admits. "Sorry I read it without asking."

"Can I read it?" MJ asks.

"Um…" I take a deep breath. "You're going to freak out."

She gives me a vampiric expression. Possibly dead. "I never freak out."

"You did call Flash an ignorant slut earlier," Ned points out.

"I was quoting the Office, anyone can do that," MJ won't take her eyes off me. "It's… it's okay. Don't worry about it."

She's my best friend. My bestest friend. Someone I'm head over heels for. Someone I'm keeping huge secrets from.

Maybe I owe her just a little.

"Okay," I say slowly. "Just… my parents… they worked with Shield. I've never told anyone that. So. Don't freak out."

MJ gives me a trusting smile, and I put the wide card envelope into her hand. "If I freaked out every time someone was associated with Shield, or the Avengers, I'd be a lot less fun to hang out with, wouldn't I?"

Ned hums guiltily and looks towards the window.

I sit at my desk and try to look busy. I listen for the crinkle of envelope, and the unfolding of plain, white paper inside.

The room falls quiet except for Ned's shuffling, taking his usual spot on the lower bunk and digging through his backpack for his pencil bag.

I sneak a peek at Michelle, waiting to watch her eyes flick from side to side of the page, and grow slightly bigger when she reads something that stands out.

I wait.

Dear Peter,

Okay, before we get to the congratulations and the fun part, I have to get scentimental. Bear with me. Before the world as I knew it ended, Thanos was my biggest worry. Everyone knows the story I bet, it's probably part of your school curriculum now. It's hard to believe it was so long ago now. You were six months old.

I've told you this before, but it bears repeating; your parents would have never left Earth if they had known they would be killed in the battle and leaving you without parents. They loved you so much. They loved you more than the world. Sometimes it seems like we were there by sheer accident. We were just a couple of Shield agents, picked by Captain America and Nick Fury to go off-planet and devise a plan with the Asgardians to save the world. We were there to strategize, not to fight. I know I thought I was pretty special. A lot of us did.

But your parents didn't, they loved you more than life. They loved you so much, they would have let Asgard fall to be at your side. They would have left everything behind for you. They loved you that much; beyond reason, beyond belief, infinitely.

Your parents died so bravely, Peter. And their last thoughts were of you - always you.

When you grow up, there's going to be moments of self doubt. You should never, ever doubt their love for you. People die, but love can't. It's always there.

That goes for your aunt and I, too. I know this wasn't the family you planned on. Life hasn't been easy. Remember when New York had trees and sunshine? I miss it too. Here comes the fun part. I'm going to take you and May to a place with blue skies again. There is a planet I went to on my travels called Xandar. It's a beautiful place, and I think you would really love it. They have a really great college program, and my contacts there tell me that tuition is free for kids from Earth. Don't read into that too much. You know I want you to go to college wherever YOU want to go.

You don't have to answer right away. This is part of your present. I have a delivery to make off-planet anyway, and it's about time you got some fresh air. We have tickets for Xandar for a little family vacation, and there's an extra ticket for Ned, too, if he'd like to come. If we get there and you would like to stay, then we'll stay. If you want to come back home, we'll come back. This is about your future. I'm privileged to be a part of it. I love you son. Congratulations!

Happy Graduation.

Uncle Ben


"Wow," MJ says softly, folding it up. "Wow… uh… I feel like a jackass, I'm sorry. That seems… really private."

"Yeah," I mumble quietly. "It's okay, though, really. I don't mind. You guys are my best friends."

Ned smiles at me, and I smile back.

"So what's with the lock combination at the end?" MJ asks.

I feel like my heart falls down to my stomach. "What?"

"The lock combination," MJ says. "Seventeen thirteen zero six."

"Isn't… I didn't notice. Isn't that a date?" I ask. I feel like my blood is draining out of my face. "Year 2017, right? I mean. I just figured. He died last year and the tickets are still good to use. So..."

"I mean, it could be, if he switched the month and the date… six month, thirteenth day," MJ muses. "But that's not how people do it…"

"Don't Europeans do that?" Ned asks.

"My uncle wasn't from Europe," I point out. "And I honestly don't know if they do."

"Do you think it's for a safety deposit box or something?" Ned says, trying to contain his excitement. He always liked those seventh grade mystery paperbacks of the hero, the nerd, and the girl solving a ghostly treasure hunt and proving that old mansion really isn't haunted after all.

"Um," I say awkwardly, pretending to fiddle with a textbook and flipping through the pages. "He ha… has… a safe. In his closet."


I glance up, and Michelle and Ned are both staring at me like I've suddenly sprouted a Thor hairdo.

"What?" I ask.

"Dude, you have to check this out," Ned presses. "This could be part of your present. What if the tickets are in there?"

"The tickets were in the envelope," I say lightly. "Aunt May put them on the fridge."

"Okay, so, maybe there's something else for you in there," Ned continues. "Like… money."

I give him a glare. "Probably not."

"Doesn't your aunt have the combination?" MJ asks gently.

"No… no she doesn't. It's been something she's been really upset about. She asked me to take it to the Avenger's facility and ask if they can use their super-whatever technology to break it open for us."

"Would they do that for an intern?" MJ exclaims. "Really?"

"Not so much," I say quickly. "And it's kind of weird for me to ask them. That's why I haven't. And why it's still in the closet."

Another pause, heavy and conflicting.

"Don't you WANT to know what's in there?" Ned asks.

"Of course I do," I mumble. "But I don't want to upset May. I really, really don't."

"So don't tell her," MJ says quickly. "Don't… don't tell her. What if it's something that's for her, too? Then you can surprise her."


"I'll go to the kitchen right now and distract her for five minutes and make sure she doesn't go in there," MJ continues, her eyes lighting up. Paperback mystery junkies, both of them, apparently. "I'll tell her I need… girl advice. I'll have her undivided attention."

"What could you possibly need advice about?" Ned wonders, a little too loudly.

"Hey, well," MJ slips off the top bunk and pops her knuckles. "Even goddesses like myself must seek the counsel of older, wiser ones. So." She looks at me. "Are we doing this, or what?"

I sort of wish she'd say something like that to me in a different context, like, you know, kissing. That'd be great.

"Sure," I reply uneasily, grinning widely, but my voice cracks. "Okay. Yeah. Ned and I will check it out. And you… do the girl thing."

MJ nods with a serious expression. "Don't fuck it up, boys."

Ned and I creep out of the hall and wait until we hear MJ strike up a conversation in the kitchen.

"Hey, May," MJ asks quietly. Too quiet for Ned to hear, but, she doesn't know about my super-secret-hearing-abilities. Another Spider-Man perk. "I was wondering if I could bug you about… something."

"Um, yeah, sure, sweetie," I hear May instantly pull out a dining chair for her. "Anything. What's up?"

"So there's… there's this guy I really like…"

Ned rolls his eyes. "Oh please."

"Dude, shut up," I nudge him out of the way and tiptoe down the hall, motioning for him to follow me. He shuffles quietly enough.

Luckily, May didn't shut her door, so there's no fiddling around with the old knob to try and keep it from creaking. I push the door open quickly enough to keep the squeak in the hinges from sounding the alarm, slip inside, and then open it a little wider for Ned.

Ned leans against the doorframe to keep watch. But with it being the dead-end hallway with only three doors - my bedroom, the bathroom, and Aunt May's room - there's no way he'd be able to fake doing something else if Aunt May were to suddenly walk around the corner.

Why we're even being so secretive, I don't know.

I walk over to the closet and open the double doors carefully. They creak and clatter, but the trilling tones of the microwave timer beeping in the kitchen sort of drowns it out.

For a moment, the smell of Uncle Ben's shirts still hanging inside wash over me. Part of me wants to grab a sleeve and carry it with me everywhere, but that's… sort of creepy.

I look at the small, cube-shaped safe at the bottom of the closet.

"Here goes nothing," I whisper, punching in the code.


The light turns green, and I crank the small handle and open the door.

Holy shit.

There's nothing inside except for a small, triangular shaped container, like a sheath for a curved dagger. The container is thin, like a crescent-moon-shaped wallet, made out of silver and onyx instead of leather. It's closed with a clasp I can't identify, and the lid glows with an icy blue color.

I reach in carefully and touch it lightly with one finger. It feels sort of… warm, but it sends shivers cascading up my arm and down my spine.

Okay, then.

I pick it up very slowly and hold it loosely in the palm of my hand, testing the weight. It's very… light, but the lightness feels forced… as if the container is built to suspend something much heavier or stronger inside, like a diamond encased in gelatin.

"Weird," I whisper.

"What is it?" Ned hisses.

"Give me a second," I cover the container with my hand, holding it in between my palms like I caught a butterfly. I close the safe with my foot, clicking it shut, and then bump the closet handles with my elbow till they're pushed into place.

"Come on, let's go," I say as quietly as I can. "Back to my room. Let's go. Come on!"

Ned shuffles comedically back towards the kitchen, and I slip into my room and wait around the corner, nearly pressing myself into my closet.

I hear Ned ask Aunt May politely for a glass of water, and apologizes to MJ for interrupting their girl talk.

"Naw, it's okay, we were just… yeah, wrapping up," MJ says loudly. "Thanks, May."

"Any time, sweetie. That's what… what I'm here for. Really."

I hear them laughing pleasantly together before my friends leave the kitchen.

MJ walks as casually as she can back into my room, and we both wait in absolute silence, staring at each other.

"What is that?" she mouths, looking at my closed hands.

I open my palms up and show her the box.

"What the FUUUUU," she expresses silently.

Ned returns with a glass of water and shuts the door behind him, planting the glass quickly on my desk and whirling on me.

"What IS THAT?" he shrieks.

"Shhhh, dude," I whisper. "Can you NOT?"

"What is IT?" he repeats, quieter this time.

"I have no idea. Really. Watch," I move the box slightly, and the icy blue tone shifts and glitters, like a crystal reflecting sunlight.

"Wow," MJ breathes. "That's… super weird."

"Can you open it?" Ned asks.

"Should I try?" I ask hesitantly. "What if it's like… I don't know. Dangerous or something?"

"Why would your uncle leave something dangerous to you?" MJ asks logically.

"Maybe because… I don't know. Because he had no other choice?" I shrug my shoulders. "I'm not saying he'd try to hurt me. But if he felt like he couldn't trust someone, other than Aunt May and me, then…"

"That makes sense," Ned says, "I mean, if he was an Agent of Shield, maybe he couldn't trust a lot of people."

"Except you," MJ says. "So. I don't think opening it is going to trigger like, a cataclysmic catastrophe on a global scale."

"You're probably right," I sigh. "Okay. Um. Here goes nothing."

I push at the clasp and try to figure out what it is, exactly. It's silver and cylindrical and tiny. A small piece slides out, and a seam in the middle, long-ways, suddenly clicks open.

I lift the top half. Opening the container leaves two matching sides, like a Pisces zodiac symbol, and the inside is dark, thick metal. Nestled inside is a tiny, warm-colored jewel. No, not a jewel, it's not a fancy cut like diamonds and whatever those things are.

It's a small rock. Glowing orange, the colors alive inside and roaming like the reflection of water on a wall beside a lit pool.

My Spider-senses seem to jolt and wriggle with an electrifying frenzy, undulating under my skin and causing a cold sweat to break out under my hair and down my back.

What the hell?

"What the hell is that?" MJ echoes my thoughts.

"I have no idea," I whisper. "It's uh… it's uh…"

MJ reaches out to touch it, and I jerk my hands back.

"Dude," MJ exclaims. "Chil. I'm not going to take it out."

I give Ned a look over MJ's head, as she ducks down to take a closer look. I make a knife cutting motion across my throat. "It just seems really… dangerous," I add lamely. "I wouldn't touch it unless we know what it is."

Ned understands what I mean instantly. He trusts the Spider-sense more than me sometimes. "Yeah, it could be like, the ark of the covenant from Indiana Jones," Ned exclaims. "Maybe you touch it and you burn up."

MJ leans back again. "It's a stone. And a pretty one."

"It's giving me bad vibes," Ned interjects quickly. "Super-bad-vibes."

"Vibes? Really?" MJ looks as him incredulously.

I close the container quickly, and it clicks shut. "This seems… really… weird, don't you think?"

"Maybe it's the delivery he mentioned in the letter," Ned ponders. "Like… maybe it's a gift for Thor or something. And he planned on sending it by some galaxy-post-office while you were on Xandar."

"A gift for Thor?" I snort.

"If it's a gift, it's probably for May," MJ points out. "Think about it. Your uncle meant for this to go with the letter. He talked about being at the final stand on Asgard, so maybe it's from Asgard. It's probably like, the Asgardian version of a spessartite garnet or an imperial topaz."

Ned's eyes widen. "How do you even know the names of orange jewelry off the top of your head like that?"

"Because I'm effing smart and I study for decathlons, okay?" MJ snaps.

"Maybe it's not Asgardian at all," I breathe a small sigh of relief. "Maybe it's just… yeah. One of those. Topaz."

"But what about the dangerous part?" Ned pushes.

I widen my eyes at him and purse my lips shut.

"I mean… well, it just seems weird, I guess," Ned backpedals. "Maybe you could ask Tony Stark about it."

"How is that weirder than asking them to open a safe for you?" MJ asks.

"Well, it's not asking them to use technology barred to the general public," I offer. "And it's not asking any special favors. I could just… show it to him and ask him what it is. If he knows."

Silence falls.

"How am I supposed to concentrate on my homework now?" moans Ned. "This is the best worst thing that's ever happened to us."

"Um," MJ points out. "Except for the part where Peter needs a new mask?"

"And I don't have any money," I interject awkwardly, and then bite my lip. Oops. I really, really try not bringing up the fact that Aunt May and I are… poor.

I don't really know if either of them realize that receiving the tickets was like being handed the keys to escape our own coffins.

"I'll ask my parents if they have an extra one," Ned says quickly. "I'm sure they do. I'll bring it to school tomorrow."

"Thanks, Ned."

MJ hoists herself onto the top bunk again with a sigh. "Let's do chemistry. Please? Anyone?"

"I read the chapter already," Ned grins widely. "Study hall is awesome."

MJ points her pencil in my direction. "Don't forget to tell Ned and I how it goes tomorrow."

"Uh huh."

"You are going to the Avengers facility tomorrow, right? For the internship?"


"And you're going to ask Tony Stark?"

"I mean, yeah, I'll try, if he's there."

"Great," MJ responds. "Text Ned and I right after."

"Okay, okay," I set the container carefully on my desk next to my open textbook. The light plays across the light blue surface, casting a slight reflection on the wall above my desk. I still feel the warmth in my hand even without it there. "Did either of you use the study guide for this chapter?"

Ned and MJ both scoff simultaneously. Study guides, apparently, are for the weak.


I don't go to the Avengers facility as planned.

"CAPTAIN GUN PICK UP!" screeches Ned, running by me at a full sprint.

"A what?" I call after him, slamming my locker shut and staring at him.

I've never seen him move so quickly in my life. I'd be concerned, except my spider-senses are practically asleep right now. There is nothing to be worried about, unless you're a Ned.

"CAPPINGONEPICKUP!" he yells again, turning the corner ahead and disappearing.

The school halls are nearly completely empty at this point, the final bell rang ages ago. Only MJ is still at her locker thirty yards away, struggling to shove an overly large textbook into a backpack already full with books that she probably reads for fun and has nothing to do with school.

The crescent-shaped container for the orange jewel is in my pocket, and I could almost swear it radiates a sort of hum - something completely unheard by both Ned and MJ when I asked this morning.

I stare at MJ down the hall. Part of me wants to just walk up to her and ask if she wants to get a coffee or something. It is Friday, after all. And next week is finals, half days, locker clean outs… the end of our high school careers.

Maybe she won't think it's weird for me to ask. Maybe she'll ask why I'm not inviting Ned too. Or maybe she'll ask me right out if it's a date - that seems like something she'd do.

Then I'll have to decide first if I'm going to answer that honestly or not. If she asks me if it's a date, saying yes will be admitting my feelings for her. Saying no will mean I'm saving face and we're just two best buds getting drinks. And then it will be wrong to not include Ned, which defeats the purpose of the date… some time where I can just pretend we are more together than we are…

I'm halfway to her now, barely realizing I've placed one foot in front of the other.

I open my mouth to call out her name.

"Hey, Jones," a tall, lanky guy suddenly appears out of a classroom door directly across from her, throwing his arms around her from behind and burying his face into her neck. "What'd that book ever do to you, huh?"

"It refuses to obey my commands to fit inside this backpack," she replies, with that dry humor of hers. Then she giggles.


And turns her face slightly, kissing him on the lips, and just out of the corner of her eye, notices me.

"Peter," she doesn't pull away from the guy, but she turns her head to address me. She's not embarrassed at all - because that's not MJ - she owns everything she does. "Peter, this is Shawn. Shawn, this is Peter."

I know Shawn. I know he's in band, works with the yearbook. He can dance, sing, and draw. He runs on the track team. He's a likeable, nice guy. He's in our class. He's friendly with everyone.

He's really tall. Taller than me. He has long-ish brown hair, sorta straight and pointy. It would look gross and like a rockstar wannabe on anyone else, but with Shawn, it just looks… elvish. His ears have large, quarter-sized gauges, and he wears nice sweaters and scarves. Very metro.

"Hi," I blurt out.

"We've met before," Shawn detaches himself from around MJ and holds out a hand. "Remember we were partnered freshman year for the volcano project?"

"Right," I paste a faux-grin on my face and shake his hand, easing up on the firmness because I might - accidentally - crush his hand and pulverize his bones in mine. "Nice to see you again."

"Shawn and I were thinking of grabbing coffee," MJ says, handing the offending book to him. He holds it as if she just handed him a newborn child. She zips the backpack shut. "Do you want to come?"

"Oh, uh, maybe, I should probably go see why Ned was yelling," I smile and act overly casual. "He seemed to be freaking out about something."

"He's late getting his cap and gown, they're about to lock the gym," MJ narrows her eyes at me. "You did remember to get your cap and gown today, right?"

My eyes widen. "That's today?"

MJ laughs outright. "Oh my god, Peter."

"Better run fast, Pete," Shawn adds.

"Uh, right, yeah, thanks guys," I turn and shuffle quickly down the hall, aiming for the same exit.

"Maybe faster," MJ suggests loudly, and I start sprinting.

"Damn, he IS fast," Shawn says, not expecting me to overhear. "Why didn't he ever join track or football or something?"

"Don't you know?" MJ responds. "You're dating a nerd, so I shall educate you. People like Peter, Ned, and I prefer sweating it out in PE and graduating on the absolute fewest athletic credits as we possibly can."

Shawn laughs appreciatively. I hear them kiss again.

I turn the corner and check the top of the stairwell. The building is practically empty. Closing my eyes and concentrating, I can hear - for the most part - where people are, and aren't, as long as they're noisy enough.

I hear a fly land on a window three stories down.

I hear Ned leave the building four stories down.


I jump through the opening in the stairwell, plunge down three stories at a deadfall, catch part of the railing with a bare hand, and swing myself down and over the last story.

Feet first, I plunge them right into the double doors, and they swing open with a wide crash and I run out onto the sidewalk by the gym entrance.

Ned is opening the other door and beckoning to me. "Dude come ON! They are so pissed."

I hurry up to him and he holds the door open for me.

Mrs. Morgan is standing inside the gym atrium with a pinched expression, her white top-knot higher than ever and hands clasped as if she's praying for our souls.

"Ned Leeds and Peter Parker," she intones dryly. "My last two pick-ups of the day. Should have guessed."

"Is it too late?" I ask.

If her left eyebrow went any higher, they'd be on top of the Empire State building.

"No," she says shortly. She leads us to a white folded table, where two gowns wait in a very large basket. She scratches our names off a list on a clipboard, picks up the two gowns tucked into their plastic zippered bags, and hands them to us. "You know, teachers don't get paid for the time we sit around after the bell goes off," she reminds us drolly while we scramble to stuff the gowns into our backpacks.

"We're so, so sorry," I say quickly. I grab Ned's shoulder and push him back towards the door.

"We won't do it again," Ned promises.

"Uh huh," Mrs. Morgan replies, with a roll of her eyes. "I would be worried if you did. As you would not be a student here any longer. Please don't show up for next year's graduation."

"Oh, duh," giggles Ned.

"And boys?" Mrs. Morgan adds.

We both turn slowly, worried now. "Yes?"

"Please. Put your masks on. I hate seeing my students walk from building to building even for a minute without them."

"Yes ma'am," I respond. Ned and I both dig into our backpacks and withdraw our masks, fitting them over our faces before we open the doors again.

Ned's parents didn't have an extra mask, so my hose now has a patch of duct tape. I'm sure there's something at the Avenger's facility I can use, but I have to get there first.

We step back out into the late afternoon sunshine. Which isn't really sunshine. For a moment I can pretend the yellow light is from a setting sun, but no such luck.

"So," I say awkwardly, voice muffled by the mask. "Did you know that MJ had a boyfriend?"

"I mean… kinda?" Ned replies. "Why? Didn't you?"

"I just met him like… officially. I mean. They were kind of kissing and I interrupted."

"Oh. Yeah. I mean. I figured she was dating someone. She was on her phone a lot more and got all hissy about it."


"Yeah, like, secretive. And she hasn't been hanging out with us as much."

"I wonder why she didn't tell us yesterday?"

"Probably because she knew you'd act weird about it."

"I'm not acting weird."

"Yeah, you kind of are."

"I'm not. I'm just surprised that she didn't confide in us. You know. We're her best friends."

"False," Ned holds up a finger. "She is our best friend. We're not her best friends. We're just two guys she hangs out with when she wants someone to do homework with."

"I never thought of it like that."

"Yeah, well," Ned shrugs. "Truth hurts I guess."

I sigh and look away. "It does. A little."

Ned gives me a look. "I know you like her, you know."

"I figured that."

"Are you ever going to tell her?"

"I can't now, can I? I'll just ruin whatever friendship I imagined was there and make it weird. Plus, Shawn's a nice guy, and Michelle really seems to like him. I'm not going to get in the way of that. Not if she's happy."

"Doesn't lawful good ever get tiring?" Ned asks.

"What does that even mean?"

"Like stop being a hero for two seconds and doing something selfish for once?"

"I'm selfish all the time."

"Not like normal people are selfish."

"I don't even know what to say to that."

"Well," Ned shrugs, "It's hard to explain."

"You're a genius. Try me."

"I'm good with computers," he beams widely.

"That's… not what I meant."

"Hey," Ned brightens and does a complete 180. "You're going to go talk to Tony Stark today, right? About the stone thing?"

"Um… yeah, I mean, I was planning on it…" I check the time on my phone. "I missed the train."

"Oh. Okay," Ned looks like they just cancelled Firefly all over again. "Maybe… tomorrow?"

"My graduation party is tomorrow."

"I almost forgot. You're doing yours the weekend before our last week. Nick's Pizza, right?"


"I'll be there!" Ned grins. "Maybe we can sneak upstate before your party?"

I give him a disbelieving look. "You're crazy if you think I can sneak away from May tomorrow."

"I've been accused of worse!" he holds out his hand for a hi-five. "Still your guy in the chair?"

I shake my head and fight back a laugh. "Always."

We conduct our super-secret (but not so secret since we've been doing for four years) best-friend handshake.

By the time we finally memorized the whole thing, it was too late and we realized secret handshakes were no longer cool.

But Ned and I have never been cool guys.

Not like Shawn. Shawn's a cool guy and genuinely nice to people. Michelle is an edgy girl who sees right through people's bullshit, pretending to be anything you're not immediately pushes her away, keeps her at arm's length. She wouldn't be able to be with anyone less than Shawn's type - honest. Transparent. Kind.

It's kind of terrible how perfect they seem for each other.

Nick's Pizza has a sign on the door that says CLOSING SALE. MAKE YOUR BEST OFFER.

"Oh my god," Aunt May says to one of the workers over the counter. "You guys are still… uh… open, right?"

"Of course," the man says quickly, an apologetic smile on his face. "We're open for at least another month. But yeah, we're um… accepting offers on the stuff to make the sale a little easier. Like the booths and the stuff on the walls."

"I'm really sorry to hear that," Aunt May replies, giving me a slightly panicked look.

"So what can I get for you?"

"I called and made a reservation. I know you don't normally do that but we're expecting a few people. The Parkers?"

"Gotcha! Yeah you have the big table right here. Can I get you started with waters and drinks?"

"Thank you. Yes. Coke for me. Peter?"

"Just water, thanks!"

May leads me to the table with the small reserved card sitting on it. With a goofy grin, she then opens the large garbage bag she's been clutching.

There's two CONGRATULATIONS balloons inside. Freed of the bag, they rise up and tug at the end of their strings.

I laugh outright. "You were holding that bag really tightly."

"The bag was trying to float away!" Aunt May ties the strings to the back of the chair.

Ned and his parents walk through the door, and then MJ and… Shawn. Yay. Uncle Ben's partner from Shield, Sharon Carter, comes in carrying a cake.

Suddenly there's a small crowd and everyone is hugging and talking and laughing. The noise is a little overwhelming but I do what I'm supposed to do; I laugh, I say thank-you, I hug everyone (I don't hug Shawn). Mr. and Mrs. Leeds act just like their son, peppering with questions, too many hugs, round faces beaming with huge smiles.

I accept the cards and nod sheepishly at the multitude of congratulations. I exclaim over the cake, which Sharon informs me she made it herself, and then heads back for the kitchen to ask for extra plates and forks.

"Who's that?" Ned whispers when she steps away.

"Uncle Ben's stepsister," I say, using their old cover. Then I try to wink.

"Why did you just wink?" Ned asks.

"I didn't," I say. "I have something in my eye." I wink again.

"Stop doing that, you're freaking me out," Ned hisses.


Eventually we're all sitting around enjoying our pizza and cake. The small bell above the door DINGs again, and Tony Stark walks in.

Ned's mouth drops open, as do his parents.

Mr. Stark doesn't bother to take his sunglasses off, the shade seems to dissipate once he's indoors. "Sorry I'm late," he says brusquely. "I'm never on time."

MJ blinks and glances up at the ceiling, realizing the negation of his apology.

"H-hey," I say with surprise. I get up to greet him, and he shakes my hand quite formally. "I didn't know you were coming."

"Your aunt invited me."

"She did?"

"I mean it's cool, right? Inviting your super secret internship boss to your graduation party."

"It's… cool… sure…"

"Here." Mr. Stark shoves a small box at me. "Happy graduation."

I try to take the box, but he holds on to it a little too tightly.

"Open it later," he grins, and then lets go.

"O-okay," I reply, a flutter of excitement in my chest. "What is it?"

He opens his mouth, shuts it again. Wags his finger. "No. Don't play mind games with me." He abruptly turns to May and gives her a Hollywood type of greeting, a small handshake and a kiss on the cheek.

"Carter," he says, with a jolt of his chin.

"Stark," Sharon replies with a shit-eating grin. He gives her a hug.

"How do they know each other?" Ned whispers, his lips practically plastered against my ear.

"Chill," I whisper back, and I give him a look. "Just… I'll explain later, okay?"

"Hi, Tony Stark, pleasure to meet you," Mr. Stark makes the appropriate rounds, introducing himself to Ned's parents, and then MJ and Shawn.

"Ah, Michelle Jones," Mr. Stark nods when she introduces herself. "I've heard about you."

"Um. Cool," MJ doesn't know how to reply to that. "This is my boyfriend, Shawn."

"Huh," Mr. Stark's eyebrows look doubtful as he shakes his hand firmly. "Mazel tov."'

"Ah - um - okay, well, Tony, if you'd like to have a seat, please help yourself," May gestures to the table. "Pizza. Cake. I don't know if you have any dietary restrictions…"

He shakes his head. "None that I know of. You'll have to ask Pepper." Then he sits uncomfortably in the only available seat, between Ned and Shawn. Oh boy.

"I promised I wouldn't embarrass Peter," Aunt May says loudly, giving me a look.

I sit down at my spot quickly, giving her rabbit-eyes. Yes, please, please don't…

"But I just wanted to say something very, very fast. As is custom for graduation… things." Aunt May puts her hand on my shoulder. "We've um… been through. A lot, these last few years. I know Ben wanted to be here."

She holds her voice steady, almost monotone, but her fingers turn into a cat-like, clawing grip into my shoulder. She's nervous and losing steam.

I reach up and pat her hand gently.

"Peter really excelled in school this last year, and, um, I'm just really, really proud of you," she directs this down to me, with a warm smile. "You could have… well, you had every reason to grieve and shut down. And you didn't. And that helped me."

"Well done, Pete," Mr. Leeds says kindly. He and Mrs. Leeds are grinning happily, all sunshine and pride, like I'm their adopted kid and their seeing me off to war or something.

Mr. Stark's awkward demeanor melts into a frown, but not a bad frown, the type of frown where someone is trying not to get emotional in front of strangers. A proud expression. Proud of me.

"So, um, Ben bought Peter's graduation present before he left," Aunt May continues. "Off-planet tickets. We're going to take a trip to Xandar and look at the collegiate programs there."

"Holy shit," Mr. Stark whispers. That truly surprised him.

"Oh my god," Sharon says. "Oh my god! Congratulations!"

Mr. and Mrs. Leeds both applaud happily.

For a split second, I think I see MJ look absolutely devastated. As if someone just died. But it's gone so fast into a congratulatory smile, that I wonder… maybe I just imagined it.

"Um, so, I guess maybe this is supposed to be a toast or something," Aunt May holds up her soda. "I'm terrible at this stuff. Congratulations, Peter. Happy graduation."

"Here here," Shawn says loudly.

Everyone raises their water or soda, and I feel my face turning tomato-red. "Thanks," I mumble. I wait till Aunt May sits down beside me again, exclaiming for everyone to please dig in and don't be shy, and I give her another hug.

"Larb you," she whispers.

"Larb you too."

"I'm going to take off," Mr. Stark announces to me. Everyone is standing and putting on their coats against the weirdly brisk springtime air, if you can even call it springtime. Anyhow, it's still chilly, especially when the light starts to fade.

"Can I walk you out? I have a question," I ask carefully.

"Sure thing, shortstop. May?" Mr. Stark places a kind hand on her upper back. "Thank you for having me. It's been a pleasure."

"Thank you for coming," Aunt May replies.

"Nice to meet you all," Mr. Stark waves at the room.

Everyone chimes in a goodbye.

"I'll be right back, Aunt May."

"Oh - okay, hon."

As the door swing shuts behind us, I hear Shawn gush.

"Holy shit he knows Tony Stark," he giggles. "That's unreal."

I follow Mr. Stark outside onto the sidewalk. There's a very fancy white car at the curb. I couldn't even begin to identify what sort of car it is. It's probably new enough to use the horrible air conditions to power itself instead of contributing any new pollutions to the atmosphere.

"What's up?" Mr. Stark swings around and gives me a slightly impatient expression.

"Oh, um, well, I… I found something. I was wondering if you could tell me if it was Asgardian or not."

Mr. Stark's chin trembles, withholding laughter. "Asgardian, huh? Where'd you find it? A pawn shop?"

"No. Um. My Uncle left it for me. It's been in a safe for years. Maybe even since he got back from Asgard."

Mr. Stark's smile looks less certain. "Bring it by the facility tomorrow. What is it, exactly?"

"I… uh… well, I happen to have it on me. It didn't seem safe to leave it lying around in my room." I pull the crescent box from my pocket, holding it across to him.

"The hell is this?" Mr. Stark carefully takes it out of my hand. He's handling it like it might spring to life and bite him.

"Open it. Just… be careful."

Mr. Stark's gives me a heavy look under his furrowed brows, squinting at me over his glasses. "Are you punking me right now? I'm not in the mood."

"Is… punking even a thing? Like that old show?"

"God, you are young," Mr. Stark presses the clasp and opens the container. For a moment, his face is completely frozen, mouth hanging open. I feel the rise of my arm hair, Spider-senses tingling weirdly in shivers across my skin. Yup, still dangerous.

"Mr. Stark?" I ask.

"This… this…" Mr. Stark fumbles. I've never heard him at loss for words before.

"Do you know what it is?" I ask.

"This is… not for you," Mr. Stark closes the container quickly. "I'm confiscating this." He slides it into the inner breast-pocket of his suit.

"Wait… what?" I exclaim. "What do you mean confiscating it?"

"It means I am taking it back with me to the Avenger's compound tonight and…" Mr. Stark looks at me. "You said this was in a safe?"

"My uncle's safe."

"Where is that safe?"

"In my Aunt's closet. She's wanted to open it since he died but we didn't know the combination. But when we found the letter from Ben last week, the combination was in there. So I opened it and this was inside of it."

"I'm going to need to look at that safe," Mr. Stark starts to walk back into the restaurant.

"Wait, wait, wait," I panic. "Listen. I didn't tell her I opened it. She doesn't know. As far as she is concerned, it's still locked, and I'm too much of a shy intern to ask the Avengers for a favor to use super-special technology to unlock it. She thought the combination in the letter was the date it was written, like I did. Okay? I didn't want to upset her… I thought…"

"Thought what? That you could keep this a secret from May? That does not fly here."

"Not a secret. A surprise. I thought it could be, like, magical Asgardian topaz. From Ben."

"Topaz," Mr. Stark repeats. "You think this is topaz?"

"I mean, when you say it like that… okay, yeah, it sounds dumb when you say it out loud, but…"

"No buts. End of discussion."

Mr. Stark storms back into the restaurant, and I'm right on his heels.

May steps away from Sharon and approaches us, a confused look on her face. "Everything okay?" she asks.

"I hear you have a locked safe giving you some trouble," Mr. Stark says calmly.

"Oh… oh yeah, I do," Aunt May gives me a startled smile.

"It won't be a problem any longer. I'm going to have Peter bring it by the facility tomorrow. We'll see what we can do with it."

"Really?" Aunt May exclaims. "That's - that's very kind of you. Thank you. Really." She loops an arm around me, giving me an appreciative smile. She thinks I finally got over myself and asked him to unlock it for us. "Thanks sweetie," she says to me.

"No problem," I reply tightly.

"It's a deal, then. I'll see you tomorrow, Mr. Parker." Mr. Stark turns on heel and marches quickly out, taking my magical Asgardian topaz with him.

"You finally asked!" Aunt May says excitedly as soon as he's outside. "Thank you!" she gives me a huge hug.

"You're welcome," I lie uncomfortably.

Aunt May returns to her conversation with Sharon, and I sit with a slight slump between Ned and MJ.

"Not so hard after all," MJ nudges me with her elbow.

"He took the thing," I whisper.

"What thing?" Ned asks.

I glare at him. "The thing."

"Ooooh," he taps his nose. "The thing."

"Seriously? He just took it? What for?" MJ whispers.

"What thing? What are we talking about?" Shawn asks eagerly.

"Trade secret, sorry," MJ says quickly.

I try not to notice the confused, and possibly hurt expression, on Shawn's face.

I see Mr. Stark's white car scoot into traffic and peel out smoothly, the fancy engine nothing but a light purr as it disappears around the corner. Why on earth he felt like he could just take it and not say why, I have no idea.

That was Uncle Ben's present to me, or, part of it, anyway. I feel like someone just took something rightfully mine and spirited it away, and it doesn't seem all that fair.

"What are you going to do?" Ned asks quietly. "Demand it back?"

"You could do that, it's yours," MJ adds.

Shawn gives me a strained smile.

"You're not missing much," I tell him quickly, feeling badly about leaving him out. "I just… I have this relic from my uncle and Mr. Stark insists on taking it to the Avengers facility to study it. I only just got it recently so I wasn't… well…"

"Ready to part with it yet," Shawn assumes. "I totally get it, man. Not cool." He gives me an encouraging nod. "I mean, I'm with you on that. You go over there tomorrow and just demand he gives it back. He can borrow it some other time." He blinks slowly, realizing he has no idea what it is. "What is the relic?"

"Asgardian topaz," MJ and I say in perfect, deadpan unison. The four of us fall apart in peals of laughter. Aunt May and Sharon glance over at us, warm smiles on their faces.

I reach over and open the box from Mr. Stark. Inside is small wrist brace. It's not normal looking, a little too inspector gadget and bulky to be an Apple product. More like a cyberpunk bracelet.

"What's that?" Ned asks.

"A fancy watch," I say quickly, shutting the box.

I know exactly what it is.

It's the Iron Spider suit.



NEXT: Peter Parker goes to the Avengers facility to discuss exactly what his uncle left him, and what's to be done about it next... But he's not the only one interested in its future.

Dear readers,

if this story feels a little familiar but you can't quite put your finger on it, it's because I am basing this AU on the Lord of the Rings trilogy. I will be borrowing the premise for quite possibly the biggest frickin' fanfiction of my life and I feel like I must be a crazy person for taking this on. If you like it and want me to continue, please do send a review and let me know your thoughts.

Sincerely, Pip