Of course I had to be punished for that last minor very minor incident. So Mama and Papa told me that they were taking me to Dad for my punishment. After that conversation Papa sent me to my room. Which leads me to this exact moment I'm crying in my room because Mama and Papa have never punished me this hard.
I was sitting in my office near the Triskellion not wanting to do anything but watch a couple operas yelling advice at them with a champagne. Man that was the life! "I thought." Unfortunately 5 minutes later I got a call that Skye was gonna be staying here for 3 days as punishment. Ugh! Seriously I have to watch the brat Coulson your her Papa and Mama you discipline her at your house! "I yelled."
5 hours later
I was sitting in my room at dad's house thinking because mama took away my toys and tablet especially the bouncy balls I don't think I'll ever get those back. Anyway dad just finished yelling at me and I realized that dad probably doesn't like me. I don't think mama and papa like me either. I'll probably be sent back soon I am always sent back. It was sad but true I've been in and out of there so many times that I know every single person by name. Like before it blew up I was one bunk under Emory. My roommates were Emory, Klai (her real name is Klailea but the nuns don't like it and she doesn't want them to change it too much), Tari (Tariyanna but like Klai the nuns don't like it), Bridget, Jervonna (names like it made nuns crazy but kids weren't gonna change it that easily), Aliya, Ryan, and Erin. It was sad to think that they died. Or to think that Diane left me. Diane ran off and got married she always told me she loved me took me to meet with potential homes and cheered me up.
Flashback to Harlem at sunnyside child adoption center. Hey Amanda Lemon lets go you have a meet and greet with a potential parent! Hey I told you not to play baseball in that dress -. HEY where'd the dress go! "Diane said." After that they got in the car. I'm not Amanda so I don't know what happened in there. Then we were all going on vacation because they were closing I didn't wanna come but Callie ratted me out and Diane came to the room. Skye. "She said calmly." Camp vacation let's go! "She said in a whiny voice." Forget it, it doesn't matter I'm not Amanda! Amanda gets all the families! "I cried." Oh really. "She said." How many is that. "She asked." More than I can count. "I said." Hey that's not fair okay I promised you that I'd find you a perfect home but it takes time. Look most people just wanna adopt.- "Skye cut her off." Babies I know I've heard, this adoption stuff is annoying, just for once I'd like to sleep in my own room. One made just for me and only me! "I whined."Skylar Grace! Ugh. Skylar Grace Zaborian get back here right now! "Diane yelled making me come out." I had tears in my eyes. What's this? "I yelled." You wanna ship me off! "I yelled." You said you would find a perfect family for me, YOU! "I yelled and cried at the same time." Skylar it's gonna help you don't have much luck in Harlem maybe you will in England, or Spain, or Russia, or Jamaica or even somewhere else in America? But honey they have connections and I don't I'm sorry Skye. "Diane said." That was the last thing she said to me.
So that was a spinoff of Agents of shield and it takes two I just thought of it after watching it takes two also it's my birthday today January 14 so that's exciting!
-yours truly Victori