Steve and Stephen follow Olive Peridot throughout the cave until they came into a much bigger space on the other side. "Wow, this part of the Kindergarten is huge," said Stephen in amazement. "And I thought this place couldn't get even bigger," said Steve. " that the Rutile Twins..told us about," said a voice. "Huh? Who said that?" asked Steve. Then a caterpillar-like fusion gem came out of the shadows with the Rutile Twins on the left and Yellow Peridot on the right. On top of her dark blue section, there is another fusion gem and an orange gem. Then Yellow Peridot joined Olive Peridot and the boys again. "Umm, who are they, Yellow?" asked Stephen. "These are the Rutile twins' friends. They called themselves 'The Off Colors,'" said Yellow Peridot. "The Off Colors?" said Steve. "Yes, we were considered outcasts due to our..decisions or how we were made," said the raspberry pink fusion gem. "Oh. Well, that's not right. You guys look fine to us," said Stephen as he and Steve got closer to the gems. Then the raspberry gem got off the caterpillar-like fusion's back and hid behind the Rutile Twins. "Rhodonite, I told you don't have to be afraid of them," said Rutile (Red Suit). "Well, I'm still not taking any chances. I know they're not the diamonds themselves like you said, but they still have their gems. So who knows what they are thinking," said Rhodonite. "Oh, come on. If we were the diamonds, you would've been dead. All of you would be dead," said Steve. "He's right..Rhodonite. They seem..harmless," said the caterpillar-like fusion. "Sighs. Alright Fluorite. If you say so," said Rhodonite. Then she got from behind the Rutile Twins and went on the other side of Fluorite.

"Sorry..about that. She just..make sure that we're..not in real danger. By the way..My name is Fluorite. I'm..the guardian of these..gems. I'm also a fusion of..six, but I won't mind..adding more," said Fluorite. "Well, nice to meet you," said Stephen as he shook her hand. So, what about the rest of you? What's your deal?" said Steve. "Well, I..well my gems were under a fancy gem named Morganite. When she found out about us fusing, she kicked us out of her department. Then Fluorite found us and we've been together since then," said Rhodonite. "Oh. Well, maybe I can have a talk with this Morganite," said Steve as his gem and eyes glowed. "Steve, calm down. We'll deal with stuff as the time comes. We didn't come down here for that," said Stephen as he put his hand on his brother's shoulder. "Yeah. You're right. Sorry about that," said Steve as he calmed down. "Well, what about you, Rutile Twins? How did you meet them?" asked Stephen. "Well, when we emerged, we weren't supposed to live because of how we look. However, we did because the other Rutiles ran away from us. Then when we were deemed as outcasts from Gem Society, we ran and ran until we found Fluorite, Rhodonite, and Padparadscha. We have been with them since then," said Rutile (Black Suit). "Pad..parad..scha?" said Stephen. "You mean the peachy orange gem on Fluorite?" said Steve. "Yes. Padparadscha, can you come down?" asked Rhodonite. Then Padparadscha got off of Fluorite and stood by Rhodonite.

"This is Padparadscha. She's a sapphire with late predictions. Because of this, she was cast out as well," said Rhodonite. "I predict that Rhodonite is going to tell my story," said Padparadscha. "OMG, she's adorable," said Stephen as he picks her up and hugs her. "I predict that the hybrid white gem is going to hug me," said Padparadscha as she hugs him back. "Stephen, can I talk to you privately?" said Steve. Stephen nods and puts down Paddy. "We'll be back," said Stephen. "Ok, but don't wander off anywhere too far," said Olive Peridot. Soon, the brothers were at another part of the kindergarten, but not too far away from the Off Colors. "So, what do you want to talk about, big bro?" asked Stephen. Then suddenly, he saw Steve's skin turn yellow and electricity surrounding his body. "Bro, are you OK?" asked Stephen. Then Steve turned around with a sullen look and said, "No. I'm not OK." "Why do you feel like this?" asked Stephen. Then Steve got close to Stephen's personal space and yelled, "ARE YOU THAT OBLIVIOUS TO THE SITUATION WE HAVE HERE?" Then Stephen took a step back and said, "Hey! You didn't have to yell. I know what those gems did to them is wrong." "IT WASN'T THOSE GEMS I AM MAD ABOUT! WELL, I KINDA AM, BUT IT WASN'T THEIR FAULT NEITHER! IT WAS OUR MOTHERS' FAULT. THEY MADE THIS PLACE! THEY MADE THE RULES! HOW THE HELL THE FOUR OF US WILL FIX THIS?! WE CAN'T!" said Steve. Then he crawled into a ball and cried. Then Stephen got close to him and touched his head. "Steve, I know we can fix this. I mean, that's why we came down here right? We are getting everyone together for a party; meaning no gems are left out. I mean, I'm just 11 years old and I barely know about my life before this. But I do know one thing: I have my three big bros to help me with this. Also, I know there's more crap that we're going to have to fix, but we can't give up now. Homeworld as we know it was on its last legs before we showed up and it looks better in these few months we've been here than it did for a long time, I think. So, can you stop being so upset and be with me on this?" said Stephen.

Steve's skin color returns to normal and he hugs his little bro. "I'm always going to be here with you. I don't know what kind of relationship Yellow and White had, but I'm..happy to be your bro," said Steve. Stephen hugs back and says, "Thank you." Then suddenly a bright yellow light surrounded them. Olive Peridot noticed it and told the Off Colors and Yellow Peridot she'll go see what it is. When she got to the location where the boys were, she asked, "Steve? Stephen? Are you two OK?" "Yeah, but we feel different," said Steve and Stephen. Then Olive Peridot saw something amazing. "Did you two realize what you did?" she asked. "No..wait..did we just..?" "Yes, you two fused. Look at yourself," said Olive Peridot as she pulled up a screen. The boys then noticed that they did fused with both of their gems being a light yellow color. "Huh, I never knew this would happen so soon," they said. "So, what are two going to call yourselves? By a gem stand point, you guys are Light Yellow Diamond, but you guys are human as well," said Olive Peridot. "Hmm, I think I'll stick to that for now," said Light Yellow Diamond. "Heh. Alright, come on. You two haven't told the Off Colors about the party yet," said Olive Peridot. Then the boys unfused and followed Olive Peridot back to the kindergarten where the Off Colors were.