Author' notes: Hey guys! It only took me two weeks to post this time. Be proud of me. I'm kidding. I was supposed to upload last week, but I was grounded and well, so I couldn't post. So this is the moment you've been waiting for (if you've been reading my notes), the Pepperony break up is in this chapter! There's also another surprise because some of you guys have been saying that this has been just a total Team Cap bashing and that it's kinda strayed from a story-line to just a random series of events which are mostly Team Cap bashing. It's getting repetitive. SO, SPOILER ALERT we are going to have reconciliation in this chapter. And as I am writing this I don't think that I have discussed Endgame yet, so ENDGAME SPOILERS IN THIS AUTHORS NOTE! I loved Endgame, though it was kinda rushed and I am very very very sad. Tony Stark was a father to everyone who needed one, but now, he doesn't get to be one to his very own child. WhAT SHiT iS tHiS MaRvel? Another warning is that I am ABSOLUTE SHIT AT WRITING KISSING SCENES! Someone help me. I can't do it to save my life and so there is one in this chapter so excuse my rather horrible writing when it comes to that. Anyway, I hope you enjoy this chapter love you guys

From a young age, Pepper Potts was often praised for her patience. It had stayed with her as she grew up and that was the only reason that she was able to put up with Anthony Edward Stark for so many years. Of course patience got her through his infuriating ways and his annoying habits, like overworking himself, spending too long in his workshop or not turning up to meetings. Sometimes it annoyed her that she had to be the babysitter of a forty-year-old, but then she'd walk into his workshop with him nodding off against the workbench, mouth open as a drool leaked out or she'd listen to some ridiculous excuse of his and she'd realized that he was an idiot, but an idiot that she loved. So when had her love for him dulled?

She wouldn't have a clue.

She'd realized before he did.

They didn't love each other as they used to.

They were best friends, they were family.

Her, Rhodey, Tony, Happy and Peter.

They were the only ones who stuck around when things got difficult.

So when they were cuddling on the couch one night, she looked up at him.

"Tony, do you think you'll ever marry me?"

He'd been rather baffled by her question, but recovered quickly.

"Are you proposing, Miss Potts?" he'd asked, a sly smirk on his face.

"No you idiot," she'd hissed before pausing and taking a deep breath, "Tony, I don't think we love each other."

There was a sharp intake of breath, and she could practically feel the tears welling in his eyes.

"Pepper, where is this coming from?"

"I love you Tony. I really do, but, not like that, and you don't either."

"I think I'd know if I didn't love you, Pepper."

"Tony you don't love me," she'd said firmly, and at his frustrated expression, she'd continued, "at least, not in a romantic way. You love me like a sister. You love me like a best friend and I think that I love you in that way too."


"I think that it's time that we move on from each other. It isn't healthy to be in a relationship when we're lying to ourselves. Just remember that I love you, I'll always love you, just not in the way that we both hoped."

She gave him a sad smile as she pulled herself up and patted his shoulder, turning around and heading to a guest room. She shut the door and let herself slide down to her knees. Tears spilled down her cheeks, as she slumped against the door. She could hear the pattering of rain outside.

And that was the day that Pepper Potts allowed herself to be weak.

She knew that it would hurt, but it had been the right thing to do and she wasn't going to go back onto it because she'd meant what she'd said. She loved Tony Stark and Tony Stark loved her but not in the way they both thought that they did.

And maybe, for now, that was enough.

After Pepper had essentially left him, he'd headed down to the lab, his hands needing to tinker. Maybe, given some time, he'd understand. The last person he'd wanted to run into was Steve, but alas, the world was against him and he couldn't get his coffee in peace. Nevertheless, he persisted.

"Hey," Steve whispered, almost inaudibly.

He ignored the greeting in favour of glowering at the coffee machine.

Rogers seemed discouraged, but he continued.

"I didn't think I'd find you here. What's wrong?"

No reply. Steve sighed.

"I'm here to get my coffee and go tinker in my lab, I'm not here to argue with your morals, again," he'd spoken stiffly, not looking the blond man in his eyes.

"I'm not here to fight. I'm here to apologise, Tony."

"We've had this conversation, Rogers. I don't want anything to do with you, we aren't friends. Not anymore, at least," he'd said, sounding defeated.

"I'm sorry. I've realized that I've been excusing my behaviour and I understand now that that isn't the right way to go about something. You might not be able to forgive me yet, but I'm hoping that you will in the future, because I know I messed up. I'm sorry Tony, I'm sorry for everything."

Tony perched himself on the end of the kitchen bench, coffee in hand.

"Are you sorry for what happened or are you sorry what you did that made it happen?" he'd asked.

"I'm sorry for what I did," Steve said, looking so sorry and so sad and so honest.

"I can't forgive you," he spoke, and he watched the man's face crumple, "Yet."

Steve broke out into a wide grin and he whispered a small thank you.

"I— I'll, uh, let you be. Good night, Tony."

He'd nodded to Rog— Steve, before giving him a small smile and watching as the man left.

They weren't friends, they weren't going to be for a long time, but at least they could be civil.

And for now, that was enough.

James had been crushing on Tony Stark for a while now.

That wasn't the bad part, no, what was worse was that everyone seemed to notice.

He'd already received the shovel talk from Rhodes, Peter, Pepper and Vision.

Steve had been oddly supportive after the 'Pepperony' break up had been publicly announced. Oh god, Peter and Shuri were getting to him with memes and the ship names.

It had happened when they were down in the lab, working on his arm.

Tony had finished tweaking it and they had both swooped down to grab the screw driver, when their heads collided.

Being in such close proximity with the man that he lov—liked had been dizzying. He hadn't been able to resist and he'd suddenly locked lips with the genius. James had expected the man to pull away, but when he'd kissed back, James had been rather surprised. They'd pulled away later, when they both needed oxygen and that was when Tony panicked.

"I just broke up with Pepper like a month ago and I-I'm so sorry, I shouldn't have done that," he'd fretted.

"Hey, hey, Tony, look at me," James had said, putting a slight damper over his mood, "You didn't start it, I did and I'm not going to make you do anything you don't want to, okay? If you want to take it slow, I'm ready to take it slow. If you want me to forget this ever happened, I'll do that too, okay?"

The smaller man had nodded, "I—I want to take it slow. Is that alright?"

"Of course it's alright, doll."

"D-Doll?" a blush blossomed on his cheeks.

James rubbed the back of his neck, flushing, "Old habit of mine. It's what I used to call people back in the day."

"Oh," he'd said, before he flushed even deeper, "Um, I-I know it might be weird, but, uh, could we, I mean, could you, hold m-me?"

"Oh, of course, c'mere," he'd said, holding out his arms, beckoning the shorter man towards him.

They'd ended up spooning the whole night.

Maybe Tony couldn't say that he loved him for a while, but he could accept James for who he was, flaws and all.

And for James, that was enough.

A/N: Tell me how it was in the reviews!