Disclaimer: The wonderful world of Harry Potter belongs to J.K. Rowling. The fanfic is all I own. No copyright intended!

Author's note 1: A Harry/Gabrielle pairing story. This will also be part one of my 'Harry Goes To Beauxbatons' series. Gabrielle will be in the same year as Harry, while Fleur will still be three years older, as in canon. The Dursleys decide to take a vacation to France, where they have little choice but to bring Harry along. Greater Good Dumbledore; bad Ginny, Ron, Molly and Snape. There are likely going to be some OC's as well. Rated M for implied child abuse and neglect, just in case.

Harry Potter And The Beauxbatons Acceptance

fanfic by Brockster550

Chapter 1: Vacation To Paris, France

The Dursley family of #4 Privet Drive in Little Whinging of Surrey, England were, in their minds, a perfect family. They despised anything what they viewed as 'out of the ordinary,' because they took great pride in being a normal family. Vernon was the director of a firm called Grunnings, which was a drill making company, while Petunia was a housewife who looked after her's and Vernon's son, Dudley. To Vernon and Petunia, Dudley was the best boy in the whole, wide world and 'wouldn't hurt a fly.' The neighbors believed that the Dursley household only had three people. They were unaware that it also housed a fourth person.

The other person who lived at #4 Privet Drive was a small, stick-skinny, raven-haired boy with emerald-green eyes. This boy was called Harry Potter, and he wasn't talked about all that much because in the Dursleys opinion, he was a burden to the family. The Dursleys rarely referred to Harry by his actual name, and instead called him insulting names like freak, or anything in that type of the branch. The boy called Harry was asleep at the moment in a cupboard under the stairs, but not for too much longer because at that moment, he heard rude rapping on the door, waking him up with a jolt.

"UP! GET UP, NOW!" yelled the familiar voice of Aunt Petunia. "You're to start breakfast right now, freak! You'd better not let it burn, or you'll pay!"

"Yes, Aunt Petunia." said Harry flatly.

"Don't speak to me in that tone, boy!" snapped Aunt Petunia.

So Harry reached for a pair of pants that were too big for him and an overly large t-shirt. These were rags that Harry received as hand-me-downs because according to Aunt Petunia and Uncle Vernon, the 'freak' was too expensive to deal with. Harry never really knew his real name until he started his first year at St. Grogery's Primary School. Harry had to use a belt to keep his much-too-big pair of trousers from falling down. Harry tried to tuck his overly large shirt in, but the top could slip down at any time. Harry tried desperately to make sure it didn't, because his back and torso were covered with all sorts of scars and bruises, with some of them being fairly recent. Many of them were 'awarded' to him by Uncle Vernon, and some of them by Dudley and his gang.

When Harry walked into the kitchen, he saw like dozens of presents covering the table. This surprised Harry because it was June 13th, and Dudley's eleventh birthday wasn't for another ten days. What could have come up to celebrate Dudley's birthday ten days early? Harry turned the burner to the necessary temperature, so he wouldn't accidentally burn anything. One time when he was six, he accidentally burned the bacon and Dudley just threw a tantrum, as bacon was one of his favourite foods. Uncle Vernon had even seared 'the freak's' left hand as 'punishment' for ruining his precious Dudders' breakfast. Harry once said that Dudley should quit complaining about things that weren't too big a deal, which resulted in more beatings.

Harry managed to fix breakfast to the Dursleys' liking, but he never counted on getting any praise. Dudley arrived in the kitchen a couple minutes later and proceeded to eat his breakfast. The phone rang, with Petunia getting up to answer. She came back a few minutes later, with a combination of anger and worry on her face.

"Vernon," Petunia informed her husband. "Mrs. Figg won't be able to watch the boy while we're gone. She'll be going to Austria to visit her mother."

"What're we going to do with him?" asked Vernon.

"We're going to need to bring the boy with us." said Petunia reluctantly.

"Yes, he will have to come," said Vernon, rather reluctantly. "But only if we can't find another sitter who can look after him."

So Petunia called a few other friends, but she had no luck in finding a sitter for 'the freak,' even with Dudley mock crying in an attempt to make sure it was a success. Realizing that they had no other option, Aunt Petunia ordered Harry to get ready to go to a post office, so they could get him a passport. Dudley began mock-crying again, knowing what 'the freak' was bound to do. On the way to the post office, they stopped by Piers Polkiss' house to pick him (they invited him along). Piers and Dudley walked back to the car. Piers was a scrawny boy with a rat-like face. Aside from being Dudley's best friend, he was also Dudley's second-in-command in the gang. Piers was also usually the one who would usually hold victims arms behind their backs, while Dudley dealt with punching.

Anytime the Dursleys had an outing, they always left Harry behind with Mrs. Figg. For Dudley's birthday, Vernon and Petunia would always take their son and a friend (usually Piers) out for the day, from museums to amusement parks. This time was one of the few extremely rare occasions where Harry would tag along with the Dursleys, but they always allowed it reluctantly.

After they finished getting Harry his passport and got back into their vehicle to go to the London International Airport, Vernon turned to Harry, with a glare.

"I'm warning you now, boy," said Vernon seriously. "Any 'funny business,' any at all, and you'll be in that cupboard until Christmas when we get back. Have I made myself clear?"

"Yes sir." said Harry, while Dudley and Piers sniggered.

Inwardly, Harry groaned because he knew that they would always find some sort of loophole, just to look for any excuses to 'punish' him. Secretly, Dudley and Piers decided to try anything to get 'the freak' in trouble. Harry couldn't believe his luck (which was rotten like 99.9% of the time), and he was determined to make sure the vacation wouldn't be ruined in any way.

Meanwhile, a certain wizard with silver-gray hair and a silver-gray beard was getting ready to leave for a International Confederations of Wizards Conference, which was bound to last for four weeks at least. The first week would have him be in Ireland, the next in Japan, the one after in Australia, and the last one in France. A couple hours earlier, he had checked some sort of silver instruments on his desk in an office at a wizarding school called Hogwarts School Of Witchcraft Wizardry. One instrument emitted red smoke, indicating that the wards around the Dursleys household were strong. The other silver instrument emitted blue smoke, indicating Harry Potter was close by either Privet Drive, St. Grogery's Primary School and/or that Harry was close by Vernon and Petunia at least. The wizard's name was Albus Percival Wulfric Brian Dumbledore.

'Harry will be prepared for The Greater Good,' thought Albus, proud of himself. 'All this will also help for his eventual marriage to Miss Ginevra Weasley!'

Meanwhile, the Dursleys, Piers and Harry made it to the Heathrow Airport for the flight to Paris for their vacation. Before getting out of their vehicle, Vernon instructed Dudley and Piers not to bother 'the boy,' as they didn't want to attract unwanted attention, so Dudley and Piers reluctantly obeyed. Then they all went through security, were searched to make sure they didn't have any contraband and given clearance to continue. It was noon when their plane started leaving and soon, they were already beginning the fly to Paris.

(Meanwhile, in a house with seven floors going up vertically, near a village called Ottery St. Catchpole)

A short, dumpy woman with curly, red hair was sitting in the living room with two of her children (who appeared to be the youngest children), going over their plan that Albus Dumbledore had proposed to them a few hours earlier. The woman's name was Molly Weasley, and her youngest children, a boy named Ronald (or Ron) and a girl (the aforementioned Ginevra, or Ginny for short).

"So we'll befriend Harry once he and I start Hogwarts?" asked Ron.

"Yes dear," said Molly. "And Albus will be paying us, too. Albus also set up a marriage contract for Ginny to marry Harry on his eighteenth birthday."

"Yes, yes, yeeeeeeesssssssssss!" squealed Ginny ecstatically and she started bouncing off the walls. "An eventual dream come true!"

"And I'll get to act like his best mate!" said Ron with glee.

"But, we have to act like we're poor," Molly instructed her youngest children. "He won't suspect a thing that way."

"We will do well to obey that, mum." said Ron and Ginny in unison.

(Back in the plane to Paris)

Harry sat on the window seat, with Petunia sitting next to him, to make sure no 'funny business' happened. Vernon, Dudley and Piers were sitting in aisle seats. Harry was looking out the window, thinking that it would be his only option in minding his own business. The plane finally landed at the Paris Charles de Gaulle Airport after a seventy-five minute flight, at 2:15 PM Paris time.

Harry got up and stretched, like the other passengers in the plane. Remembering Uncle Vernon's warning about 'funny business,' Harry started mentally telling himself to behave himself, he didn't want a beating in any form. Vernon went to a car rental center while Petunia, Harry, Dudley and Piers waited. Once Vernon got a rented car, he and the others got in. Vernon and Petunia decided on walking around for a bit, since sitting on a plane seat for long periods can be hard on the legs.

Harry wished he had eyes all around his head, so he could see in all directions. He did spot a tower made out of wrought iron in the distance. Harry remembered seeing that tower in a book at his school library one day while he was avoiding Dudley and his gang playing their favourite game called Harry-Hunting. The book mentioned that the Eiffel Tower was the most famous landmark in Paris.

'At least I found a famous landmark,' thought Harry. 'Maybe this trip won't be so bad after all, as long as I avoid trouble that is.'

The Dursleys (as well as Piers) decided to take a bus tour, to pass the time before dinner. Harry had to sit by Uncle Vernon (who felt he had a better chance to keep the 'freak' in line), while Dudley and Piers sat next to Aunt Petunia. After an unspecified amount of time, the bus drove right by some kind of forest just a little in the south southeastern part of Paris.

"On your right," the tour guide announced over the bus intercom, pointing a finger to indicate. "Is the Foret de Senart!"

Harry didn't really pay much attention, not wanting any trouble. It was a little while later when they all decided on getting food. After the tour ended, they all went to find a restaurant for dinner. Vernon and Petunia got Dudley and Piers each a couple hamburgers and a large plate of fries, while Harry was given only a handful of fries and a hot dog, with a little water, while Dudley and Piers also got large Dr. Peppers. Harry didn't complain, as he was getting something good to eat instead of dry bread or anything like that.

Later that evening, they all found a hotel to stay in for the duration of their vacation. They got conjoined rooms, where Dudley and Piers shared one, while Harry shared the other with Aunt Petunia and Uncle Vernon, so they could keep the 'freak' in line, and also to not worry about any 'funny business.' Harry also didn't complain about sleeping closer to his aunt and uncle, guessing that sharing a room with either Dudley or Piers would've been the worst option. While Vernon, Petunia, Dudley and Piers fell asleep almost immediately, Harry layed awake before sleep had overtaken him as well. He was grateful that he had a more comfortable bed to sleep in, instead of that wretched worn-out mattress in the cupboard under the stairs. He didn't think he'd find any friends anywhere in Paris, after all he, the Dursleys and Piers were tourists. But little did Harry know that his luck was bound to take a shocking, but wonderful turn for the best.

To be continued!

Author's note 2 (updated 1/5/19): I may end up bringing Hermione into the story (or this series) after all. I'm going to wait a little while first, to see if there is a right moment for it.