This is a commission done for SetsunaRay or in the DeviantArt, he's called ShegoXP. He wanted me to write a crossover between Sekirei and Infinite Stratos. It's an idea that he wanted me to work out and I got stuff I can do already.

Btw. This take place after the Sekirei plan and before the Infinite Stratos.

Some ideas were borrowed from a Veil of Passion by Phen0m20. Look it up, it is pretty good.

And this was added after some time. I had some lyrics and I wanted to put those on where they would fit the song.

Dying swans twisted wings,

beauty not needed here.

Lost my love,

lost my life in this garden of fear.

Minato woke between the bodies of several females. Where his former self would complain about two or three Sekirei, he was buried underneath seven of them now.

Although one could be excepted from the Sekirei. Next to him laid the one female Human. Chiho Hidaka. The Ashikabi of Uzume or better said, the first Ashikabi. During the periods that the two had spent at the inn, Uzume felt a reaction towards Minato which was weird considering that she had been winged for a second time by Chiho.

The crest on her got a second circle which happened not too long ago. When Chiho found out the lengths that Minato went to save both her and her Sekirei, Chiho became very approving of the man. What didn't help was that during the plan, Minato changed from a meek and withdrawn young man to a bit more confident and willing to stand up.

So it was with Chiho's blessing that Uzume pursued a relationship with Minato. Uzume herself found it weird she was attracted to Minato but after all what he did for her, it wasn't a surprise. She liked the guy and her teasing only proved that. And she wasn't the only new face in the 'harem' that he had. Chiho herself decided that if her Sekirei would fall in love with that guy, she'd follow suit.

What really caused to lit the fuse was Chiho's demand that Uzume would make babies with Minato.

While the vast majority, Musubi, Matsu and Kazehana, had no real issue with the fact a familiar face would join their little family (and the latter two had been hoping for the same thing), Kusano was delighted that her U-neechan would join their family and the fact she could play with Chi-chan was also fun to have her as well.

Tsukiumi on the other hand blew a gasket. It was bad enough that both Kagari and Kazehana had joined their little group despite the claims that she was his true Wife. It nearly caused the destruction of the Inn. Luckily, Tsukiumi calmed down especially after hearing the reasons why Chiho wanted to pursue a relationship with Minato.

In the end, it didn't really matter.

What did matter was that Minato was stuck between several girls of beauty that wasn't seen in this Earth. Which was true, from the Seven, six were Sekirei. A sort of alien that had crashed.

After a blood soaked game came to an end, most of the Sekirei looked for their Ashikabi's and were either winged by them or looked for their true loves. But the world wasn't quiet during that period he was off. Supposedly, you find crazy geniuses everywhere.

For Minato, it was clear that his supposed father wasn't the only maniac around. Asap he returned to Shinto Teito, he had learned about a new machine that was invented. The Infinite Stratos. It was developed by the supposed child genius Tabane Shinonono.

A machine that had the firepower of a nuke, the agility of a soldier and the speed of a jet. In all words, a deadly weapon and it was proven correct as matches with a skilled enough pilot proved that even Sekirei couldn't stand up to them. But that wasn't the biggest concern. The Japanese Government hadn't forgotten what happened and the fact that a hundred or so overpowered aliens were in the hands of a few unstable guys wasn't really reassuring.

Politics were a dirty game so the machine saw green light. Tabane proved to see the world as a bigger toy compared to Minaka. She had shipped the cores away to every country in the world, hence starting an arm's race.

So far, there was another big thing that evened out the relationships between men and women. Only women were able to pilot the IS as it was called short. So that tipped the balance out for the women. But for Minato, it didn't really matter to him. He was out of the problems and he had several girls who loved him, his school went well and Musubi had returned the Earth. So he was fine for now.

The Infinite Stratos didn't really bother him. He had his girls (and Kagari) to help him out and with the domineering women in his life, ranging from his grandmother to his sister and his mother in between and Tsukiumi as well, he could say he was pretty much used to this.

If only he could get away before Miya ended up at his room, summoning a demon mask and banning them all for breakfast, that would be great. He moved his body from the warm and nice mess that were his lovers and he could make just out the door until he was greeted by an abomination so well known.

"My, Sahashi-kun, can you explain to a demure widow why I catch you sneaking out a bed with several girls in that said bed? Might you have a good reason why I find them sleeping in your room again?" Minato prayed to whatever God he thought might listen to him that would grant him with an answer he so desperately required.

The Sekirei woke up and all got the idea that they had to get breakfast again. Chiho nuzzled in Uzume's lap hoping that the sight might go away. Meanwhile, Minato thought on how he would get out this mess.

Luckily for him, he had some help.

"Miya, cut the kid some slack. After all, I am surprised that they all slept through the night. Besides, weren't you the one that said Kusano had the green light to sleep next to Minato?" A young man walked in.

He had grey hair that hided part of his face and he wore a kimono much like Miya which had the color gray. Takehito Asama looked only amused to see the sleeping flock all gathered here. He had been happy to see that Minato looked after the Inn and he had been fascinated that he could attract the Single Numbers.

And even more how he could attract a Sekirei that already had been winged. So he let Minato be. After all, that kid cleaned up a big mess.

He wrapped his hands around Miya who got a blush stammering like a school girl. It also became clear she had forgotten she was no longer a demure widow and that while Takehito lived up to the rules, he didn't mind that Minato's room was the place you'd find most of the Sekirei sleeping. He also wondered what sort of children they'd get.

Seo was one story but he had been hoping to see those kids.

If he didn't beat Minato to that.

"Now, we can all think of why you wanted Kusano to sleep in his room." In a rare sharp insight of Musubi, she covered the ears of Kusano. She was clueless but she had decided to act. Minato on the other hand had figured it out and was a mix between awkward and hilarity.

Matsu was ready and able to tease Miya with that as she enjoyed this soap opera. Kazehana was a bit of a mess as she was smiling when she saw the conversation. She shared a look with Uzume as the two snickered on the action that Takehito caused Miya to blush like that.

Tsukiumi was shocked blue as she had no idea that the landlady would act like that and she had a blush that took the blue away from her.

"Now then. I think we all need breakfast, especially me. Last night was really rough. You sometimes forget that I am a Human dear." Miya wrapped away from him and walked away while the group that could hear the conversation through the same thing.

'Too much information, Doctor, too much information'.

The group walked to the dinner after they all got dressed in their own rooms. Today, none of them had college, work or anything else to attend so they'd take the day off. During the breakfast, the usual antics occurred and after that, Minato sat outside with Musubi in his lap, enjoying the time they had now together.

Wrapping his arms around her, the former Ronin wrapped his arms around the girl he had lost for a year and he was just sitting down when he had nothing to worry about. Just the girl in his lap and the sun on their sky.

It would take some time to do the things they never had. But alas, times like these pass by fast.

"Minato, you have to come." Looking up, he saw Uzume running down the stairs as he turned his head towards her. The look on her face showed it was urgent.

"Uzume, what's wrong?"

"Matsu said you have to come. She said she has some big news." Musubi looked at the guy and hopped from his lap. The two ran up the stairs, right at the techno's wizards room.

"Matsu, what's wrong?"

The door opened and the red hair let them in. On the screens, there was just one thing. A young guy in his fifteens or sixteens was shown there. He had black hair and brown eyes. Pretty fit built and lean, much like a swimmer.

Minato recognized that face from a hundred's miles away. "Ichika?"

"Someone you know?" Matsu asked, shocked that her Ashikabi could recognize him.

"Yeah, I know him. He and his older sister lived near our place, couple of years ago. We often hung out and because his sister wasn't around, I kinda took care of him. What's wrong with him?" Wondering if their Ashikabi should have more secrets that he needed to tell, Matsu dropped the thought. They had bigger fish to fry.

"He's the first male Infinite Stratos Pilot." She said and the truth bomb was a shocker. "What?"

"He's the first male Infinite Stratos Pilot." Matsu repeated and Minato had to sit down.

"When did this?"

"Just this morning. Things have been busy on the Internet. I have been looking at him and I wonder what is going on. He is indeed the first male Pilot and this is some big news as he has the right age to be sent to the ISA."

Downstairs, Miya listened to information. She had been shocked to hear that as Takehito sat across her.

"Isn't that the little brother of …"

"Her. Yes indeed. And both of us know what that means." Miya said. She had been around for the siblings as Minato wasn't the only one who had connections to those pair of siblings. She had been around them for a while and this could only be bad news. She knew that Minato and Ichika were pretty similar.

While she did enjoy teasing him, she kept his Sekirei in line to make sure that no one would go too far. And she was merely delaying the inevitable. Sooner or later, they would go all the way.

And while all those girls had their faults, they very dearly loved him although some would have a hard time to say that truth. But even so, she had an idea this wouldn't be the case for Ichika.

You couldn't get groceries in this city and see at least four females abusing males. Now Miya, despite being raised and taken care after by Takehito, was a lot but she couldn't stand cruelty. More often then not, she'd stand up towards it.


And the Orimura siblings weren't the only link they had with a machine that was linked to the sky. She had been there as well and saw the things. That rabbit drove her crazy but at least, Tabane distracted her from the problems that came ten years ago.

"You think we need to prepare one more room."

"Yes, it might take too long. And I had hoped things would calm down." Takehito answered as he hoped to work on his research with Minato.

"You better think again. In those years, things never went quiet. We have new issues to deal with."

I've written finer stuff, I'll be the first to admit that but I am busy and I am not sure that I'll be able to put more on paper later on this week as school will kick in and I still got some stuff to take care off. But I should be able to take care of some issues. So this is all for now.
