Truth or Dare Rating PG_13

Disclaimer: I do not own sailor moon even though it has been a life long dream so don't sue me. I have nothing to loose!

Chapter 1

I am stuck in some orientation when the principle calls all new or shall I say "fresh meat to come on stage in front of the entire school in the auditorium. I walked up. I was the only transferred student! Now that's something to talk about. The principle says my and some other stuff in which I tuned her out. (Don't you wish we all had that ability to shut people up even if they are still talking?) I scanned my eyes across the auditorium and met the most beautiful pair of midnight blue eyes. His eyes are so amazing I think I might faint. (A.N. I wrote this back when I was 11 or 12 so please sorry for the weird parts I promise it gets better.) "And with that everyone head off to your classes please." I walked off stage and headed off towards my locker. I walked between the middle aisles as some one grabs my arm. I didn't realize it until I tried to move and couldn't. I turned around, my pigtails flowing behind me, when I met those same blue eyes. They were rare, definitely and you could just get lost in them, if you wanted to. But me not being mushy, romantic, or the lady I was raised to be, did the exact opposite. "Do you mind letting go of my arm I have a class to attend to and I don't want to be late." I snatched my arm away from him and walked to my locker. I trailed my nails along each number until I found locker #36990. "I wonder how many students they have here?" I said aloud and made an attempt to open my locker. I looked at the sheet of paper. In my own penmanship it read:

Locker No: 3699 Combo: 13,6,41 Trouble: Don't ask the cutest guy in school. That was the way it goes. I punched in the locker combo. It didn't work. I tried again and pushed up the latch, still didn't work. "Need any help?" a deep, calm, smooth, voice said. It was the guy. "No I don't." I say flatly. I really don't need this guy's company right now! "Please let me help." He had me trapped on my locker. "No and can you please move?" "Why should I? Most girls would love to be in your position." Great not only is he cute, he was cocky and probably arrogant too. This was not my day. "Well if you haven't noticed I am not like most girls and I don't go around school in short mini skirts with belly shirts trying to get a boyfriend. School is a place for learning not for whores." I could tell he was a bit pissed off, but I didn't care. "Okay show me three girls that look like that." I smiled. "1,2,3. Oh and there is 2 more right over there." He let out a sigh of defeat. "Okay fine so we have girls that dress like whores and your point would be?" I laughed. "To see how cocky you are besides I can get it open now." I punched in the combo, lift up the latch hit one good time and it opened. "Now if you'd excuse me I have to get to class." Well the bell finally rings and I am in my seat on time. "Whoa look at her, she has a unique do." "Whatever Lita and why should I care?" " Well if I recall I didn't say 'bitch look at her she has a unique do' now did I?" "Why I outta.." "Guys calm down what if she's our leader?" Another girl said calmly. "No way I'm the leader right?" "Raye get over your self." The girls say in unison. "But it's weird she looks almost like me." Another girl said. "Mina's got a point." Whatever. Ooh look there's Darien.!" "Ah Mr. Shields your late." He smiled. "I know sir and it's all her fault." He pointed tome. The entire class looked at me. I was about to say something, but Mr. Denigleairo said something first. "Yes Mr. Shields, but she got here on time." "But I was trying to help her open her locker, but how was I suppose to know she was going to act like a first class grade A bitch." The class looked at me. "You did not just call me a bitch." He smiled. I hate that smile it's too damn cocky. It's as if he's looking down on me." A first class grade a bitch to be exact." The class turned to me. "You know I don't have to take this shit." I got out of my seat and walked down to Mr. Shields. Then I punched him dead in his jaw.

But before any more could happen I was held back. "That's it you two have detention." The bell rung. "Class dismissed." I walked to my locker. And BOOM out of nowhere Shields is right next to me punching in his combo as if nothing happened. I couldn't stand him. "You ass you got me detention on my first day!" I dove at him. He grabbed me by my waist before I could hit him. I was swung into another hall against the wall. Darien had my arms pinned to the wall. But throughout the entire ordeal I didn't even realize that I had my legs wrapped around Darien's. And I had just noticed that we were a too close for comfort. "Listen girl don't ever hit me. I may not hit back, but you will regret it." His eyes were cold, his voice was low and threatening. I tried to push him off me, but he had a death grip. We were seriously close and I didn't like it. He finally let me go and I walked very hastily back to my locker then went to class. School was finally over and I headed home. On my way I ran into someone. "Sorry." I say quietly as I gather up my things. "Why if it isn't meatball head." I looked up. "If it isn't the jerk." "Look is that her?" Ami asked. "Yeah." Mina agreed. They hurried over to me. "Hi Serena." I turned around. There was a blond and a blue haired girl. "Hi." I say. I picked up my books and headed on my way. I could tell he was smirking at me, almost as if I could sense it. "So Serena how are you?" The blond asked. "Okay. Wait who are you and how do you know my name?" "I'm Mina and that's Ami and in homeroom today, nice. Now what I didn't know is you like Darien." Mina said. "I don't and where are you taking me?" Mina grinned. "To the crown!" I looked at her. "What's a crown?" they stopped dead in their tracks. "The crown is an arcade where everyone goes." Ami stated calmly. I nodded my head. The Crown was wild. People here, people there, people everywhere. "Hey Andrew!" Mina and Ami shouted together as they both grabbed an arm and pulled me across the place. "Hi." I say since it was all I could do. "Serena this is Raye and Lita. Guys this is Serena." I smiled shyly and sat at the booth. I pulled out a pack of gum and a piece of trash. I pulled out my gum and put another stick in my mouth. "Why do you do that?" Raye asked. "It's fun want some?" She jumped back. "Eew gross." I laughed. "I knew you were prissy." She glared at me. "I'm not prissy. I'm a Priestess." "Okay but I still think your prissy." "Oh mi gosh look it's Darien Shields." She stared at him. "Do you like him?" I finally asked. "Like him? He is her idol. She is in love with him." Lita stated. I laughed. Well guys I gotta go." I pick up my things and headed towards the door. "Well hello meatball head." I flipped him off and headed out the door. "She seems sweet." Andrew stated. Darien looked at him. "She just flipped me off!" Andrew just smiled.