A/N :
It's been a long time since I wrote a story, so bear with me if this is cringy af...please.
I've never been an active-fan in any fandom, so I thought I could try to be at least a bit more active, especially in this fandom, my first fandom.
And forgive me if the grammars are wrong, English isn't my first language.
Well, I'm sure none of you wanted to read this A/N so let's just get into the story.
Warning : Curse words, a lot of tort− I mean tutoring from Reborn, and many more things that I will only add after I finish. Also, this will be really really cringy so I'll ask for forgiveness now before you all read.
Don't Like, Don't Read, please.
Katekyo Hitman Reborn © Amano Akira
Cover © Me
Life has never been fair for him.
Every single thing he did, no matter what, will never be enough for people.
Not only that, his school and neighbourhood is hell. They only exist to make him suffer. Like, seriously? He only passed by them and they either insulting him, sneered at him, or many worse things. He has never done anything wrong, not that he remembers anyways.
It all happened after his father went home with his 'grandpa'. After that day, he becomes clumsier. And worse, he can't really concentrate on anything. He isn't an idiot like his classmates calls him. In fact, he knows that his father and 'grandpa' are the only reason he's like this.
If not, could anyone explain to him how did he suddenly become 'Dame' after those two came? No, right? He's not a dame. He is..was a clever (if not genius) boy, he knows things way much sooner than everyone but he always hid it, he never likes being in the spotlight.
He knows the source of his misery is after all his never-come-home father and his suddenly-I-have-grandpa 'grandpa'. He knows it. But he never likes to have a grudge, the only exception is only if he's really pissed.
So he did what he thinks is right.
He forgives them.
He could have not forgiven them. But he can't, his mother always been a little too happy whenever he starts a topic about his father or 'grandpa'. He couldn't tell her that he hates them.
He can't make the smile he loves so much to disappear from her face.
Don't get him wrong. Forgives doesn't mean he will forget about that.
He'll hold his anger. Until his useless father comes home, he won't utter a single hate word in the same sentence as his father's or grandpa's name whenever he speaks to his mother.
Only until he comes back.
Until then, he'll make sure he makes his mother happy. He will study hard even though it's hard for him. He will try not to make his mother worry. He will do anything for Sawada Nana.
This, is a story about a boy named Sawada Tsunayoshi.
"Tsu-kun! It's already morning, you will be late!"
A rustle could be heard from inside the sheets. Followed by a groan and then a yawn. Lastly, a thud could be heard.
"Tsu-kun? I heard a thud, are you okay?" he heard his mother's worried voice. He quickly stand up and shouted back.
"Yeah, mom. I'm okay! Just..uh, a little accident." he whispered the last bit, he didn't want to make his mother worried. He quickly went to the bathroom and take a shower to make sure he's awake enough to go to *cough*hell*cough* school.
When he's finished, his head suddenly throbbed painfully. He quickly placed his hand on the wall, steadying his body. The pain didn't lasted too long but he is sure as hell that it was his 'head thingy' that always warns him about either danger or something unpredictable.
This time though, he wonder what could trigger it to make the pain that strong? Even if it warned him about the bullies, it didn't feel as painful as this.
He curses slighty, just what in the hell did he did to deserve this?
He frowns and getting himself ready for school. He didn't wanted to make his mother worried after all. After finished gathering his items, went downstairs to grab his breakfast.
When he arrived downstairs though, Nana looks awfully happy. He have a hunch that his 'head thingy' was telling him something about this thing that involves Nana. First, he never likes it whenever Nana got involved at something that his head warned him about. It usually is dangerous things, he doesn't wanted his mother to get hurt. Second, whenever Nana wears that face, he's screwed.
"..Mom..?" he carefully walked to his mother's side. Don't get him wrong, he loves Nana very much. It's just, whenever she's in this mood, it never ends good. Always.
Nana turned around and excitedly showed Tsuna a..paper? No, it's a brochure. A brochure about..a tutor? What..? Oh, no. Tsuna groaned inwards and preparing himself for his mother's excited explanation, "Tsu-kun! You're finally ready! Look, I found this when you were upstairs getting ready!"
She excitedly showed him that brochure again. When he was about to tell her that he, in fact already read them, Nana suddenly said something that makes his head hurts again and then he gaped.
"I've already called him, he said he only needs a house to life. He will pay his own expenses! Isn't that great? It's said in the brochure, 'Will train your children to become a leader'! Aah, I can't wait for him to arrive!" she giggled and then went off to resume her work while her son still gaped at her statement.
When he regained his composure, he quickly run after Nana, "MOM! Isn't− Isn't that a scam?!"
Nana shushed him and then smiled, "It won't be a scam, Tsu-kun. You could feel relieved now."
With that, Nana just happily continue her work. Tsuna stood there, dumbfounded.
"..Mom..! How could you be so su−" Ding dong −"re..."
"Ah! It must be him, I'll get the door," once again, she left Tsuna with gaped mouth.
"MOM!" he shrieks, quickly thinking about 9999 ways to make sure Nana understand that he doesn't want or need a tutor. Before he could utter any words though, Nana already opened the door.
"Yes! Are you the tu− Ara? Where is the one who just pressed the bell?" she scanned the area and find nobody, she was about to go back inside when a voice could be heard from below.
"Ciaossu! I'm the home tutor, my name is Reborn," a kid, no. An infant could be seen when she looked down. She tilted her head and stare at the infant worriedly, "Oh, my. Are you lost, little one?" she tried to reach and hold the infant, but was stopped by a tiny hand.
The infant just shakes his head and said, "No, Ms. Sawada. I'm not lost and I'm in fact, the tutor that you just called," the not-so infant answered her while fixing his fedora. He smirked and then looked up to stare at Nana.
"Now, where is your son? I wanted to take a look at him before I start teaching him."
"Oh? My, my, you're a genius, right? To be a tutor at your age...", she giggled and then allowed him to come inside, "Please, get inside. This is my son, Tsunayoshi. Tsu-kun, greet your new tutor."
"B−But, mom..! I said I don't need a tutor!" while he knows that refusing is not an option, it won't hurt to try, right? Sadly, he's right. Nana won't take no as an answer.
"Tsu-kun, greet your new tutor," she repeated her sentence earlier. Tsuna know that he doesn't have any choice when Nana got into this mood, but he really don't need a tutor! Especially an infant tutor, no matter how smart and genius he is!
"..But− Ugh, fine," he sighed and bow a bit to Reborn. Hey, no matter how young the tutor is, he's still a tutor, "As my mother said earlier, my name is Tsunayoshi, Sawada Tsunayoshi. I..look forward to your services." he straighten his body again and then kissed Nana's cheek.
"I'm going to school, mom. And..you too, Reborn-san." he politely smiled in Reborn's direction and walked towards the door. As soon as he's outside of Reborn's point of view, he dropped the smile and instead replace it with an emotionless expression.
"Be safe, Tsu-kun!" Nana called after him while waving to his direction, still smiling. After Tsuna is out of range, she ushered Reborn to sit on the chair, "Anything you want, Reborn-kun?"
"Espresso, please, Sawada-san." Nana raises her eyebrow when heard the request, but still make it anyways. "Do you want any cream? Espresso is pretty bitter, you know. And, don't call me 'Sawada-san'! It makes me feel a lot older. Just call me mother."
"No, please don't use any cream or sugar, maman. Ah, maman is how Italians call their mother or mother figure, is that okay?" his eyes never leaves Nana, according to the reports, Sawada Nana is your normal civilians mother. But she's pretty clueless and an airhead.
"Of course you can, Reborn-kun, I quite like how that sounds," after his new nickname for Nana got approved by her, his mind wandered to Tsuna.
That boy, Reborn wondered why, his reports said that he's useless, emotionless, have no friends, etc. That's why he's the one who got sent here by Nono. He pretty much doesn't want to come, but seeing Nono is his ally he can't just refuse. Furthermore, Vongola is the greatest mafia famiglia in the world.
(Sure, he may be the greatest hitman in the world, but he can't fight Vongola alone if he somehow got labeled as their enemy.)
He wondered why the boy was called emotionless, because he knows very well, while he may have that emotionless facade, that look in his eyes, is the looks of someone who will do anything for their family, or people that he already trust with his life. Plus, if he is emotionless why would he smiled (even though it's only a polite smile) at him, a stranger (who's suddenly appeared in his life, albeit forcefully). Guess the spy need to be replaced with someone who can identify which one is real and which one is just a facade, huh?
But something is strange. The reports said that he didn't have any friends and is emotionless, but his eyes..Reborn is determined to follow stalk his new student after this. Surely he can't be having literally zero friends, right? Right?
He pondered a bit and then smirked, 'I found an interesting student, huh?' he glanced to the window and raised his eyebrow when he saw the sky was getting darker, no. It's the clouds, it's going to rain soon. And Reborn had a bad and good feeling about this rain.
"Ara? I guess it's going to rain soon... Hopefully Tsu-kun reached school before it rains," a cup of espresso was placed in front of Reborn, thanking Nana, he reached the cup and sipped the espresso.
"..This is quite delicious, maman." he smiled at Nana, who just giggled, "Why, thank you, Reborn-kun. But my coffee isn't that good, I usually just made tea. Coffee isn't really my style, though Tsu-kun likes it."
Reborn turned his head at Nana, "Oh? He doesn't seem like the type that likes coffee..."
"Mhm... He likes coffee because he said it helps him awake and..relax." she sat down across Reborn and sipped her tea, "..he doesn't want to go to school before drinking a coffee, saying that without coffee he can't tolerate school."
"But didn't he go without drinking coffee before?" at the mention of that, Nana only pointed at the half empty cup of coffee and chuckled, "I told you, he won't go unless he drank at least a half cup of coffee. I bet he drank that when I was talking to you," Reborn glanced down at his espresso, wondering should he ask her about the thing that have been bothering him or not.
Reborn decided to ask Nana about something that have been bothering him since he saw Tsuna's eyes. Eyes full of love, care, affection, faith, respect, fondness, devotion, you name it. But it's shadowed by wariness, distrust, hatred, resentment, pain, and many more. He wondered, what could make someone have eyes that screams so much faith, yet also have an equal−if not more− distrust.
"Yes, Reborn-kun?"
"Did Tsuna have any friends?" at the mention of that, Nana tensed and looked away.
Nana glanced at Reborn and sighed, "No," she smiled sadly at him, standing up and grabbing her cup and Tsuna's half empty cup, "He doesn't have any friends, Reborn-kun. He's always alone, his classmates calling him 'Dame-Tsuna', his teachers calling him useless, the entire neighbourhood calling him weird because he's always seemed emotionless... Why do you think anyone wants to be his friends?
"I tried to urge him to socialize with other kids, he never wanted to. Even though everyone calling him useless, he's actually a genius. But suddenly, after Iemitsu and his boss come to visit, he changed. He's a lot clumsier than ever, he's having trouble focusing on things, and a lot more," she started to wash the cups, but still continuing her rant, "He thinks I didn't notice, but whenever I mentioned his father or his boss, Tsu-kun always have that face... The face that he always makes whenever he's faced with something or someone he hates."
Reborn just sat there sipping his espresso, listening to Nana's rant. Turns out she's not as clueless as he heard. The Sawadas are really intent on making him scraping every single bit of the reports, huh?
"After I saw that face the first time, I always tried to mention them less. I don't know what they did to him that day, but Tsu-kun is definitely angry− no, mad at them... I just hope Tsu-kun won't do anything bad if his father is coming home," she dried her hands and smiled at Reborn.
Reborn's ears perked up at the mention of 'if his father is coming home'. He smiled at Nana too, and carefully picked his words before opening his tiny mouth, "Thank you for being that trustful of me, maman. To tell a stranger like me something like that must be hard. I appreciated that and also let me give my condolence about what happened to Tsuna."
"..Thank you too, Reborn-kun, for listening to my rant. I'm sorry, you were just asking me about Tsu-kun's..friends, yet I ranted about all of that to you."
"It's okay, maman. I'm his tutor after all, I need to know about my student so I can help him." Nana turned her head in Reborn's direction, her eyes shining with hope when Reborn said that, "H−Huh..? Reborn-kun, does that means−"
"Yes, maman. I'll help Tsuna."
Okay, I think I'm doing okay..?
Sorry to leave it there, but I seriously don't know where to cut the chapter and this bit seems..appropriate?
I may or may not update this fast, I made this in the worst timing ever. Next week I'm going back to school and I have a lot of exams after February.
Anyways, thank you for reading! I hope you enjoyed that even though it's just a bunch of Reborn and Nana's conversations. I will (hopefully) include actions in the next chapters.
See you later!