"I wish upon the Holy Grail."

"I pray you find a world where you won't have to suffer any longer."

"I pray that you meet kind people."

"I pray you find friends you can laugh with."

"I pray you find a warm small share of happiness."

Emiya Miyu opened her eyes. Where was she? The last thing she remembered was her brother's wishes. Her brother...

"Hey, you alright?" A stranger asked her. He was around her age, with unkempt brown hair and a big worried expression.

Miyu blinked when she realized the one addressed by the stranger was her.

"What are you doing here alone? In the middle of a park, sleeping alone, with that kind of clothes?"

Miyu looked down to see what she was wearing. Ah, it was the one that the Ainsworth made her wear, except there was a layer of a sweater on top of them. Miyu looked questioningly at the boy.

"It's mine. You can wear it if you think it's cold. I can manage," the boy grinned, though not a second later, he shivered from the cold wind.

"It's fine," Miyu said shortly as she moved to remove the boy's sweater.

"At least my clothes aren't made of thin fabrics! And also, you don't wear any shoes, your feet's gonna be cold. Where are your parents?"

At this, Miyu looked downcast. "I... don't have any."

"A-Ah, I'm sorry, I don't know..." The boy looked really sincere in his apology.

"It's okay. You don't know."

"Still, I feel bad... what about your lunch or dinner? Do you have anywhere to go? Or any money at all?"

Miyu shook her head in resignation. The boy was right. Before all of this, everything else was handled by her big brother. Now she had no roof, no money, nor her big brother.

"I can ask my mother to make lunch and dinner for you! Do you want to?"

Miyu was surprised at his suggestion. "I don't mind but..."

"Don't worry, my mother will like you!"

"That's not the problem..."

"Come on!" The boy held out his hand for her to take. But instead of taking it, Miyu just looked at the boy. There was sincerity in his eyes. The boy wanted to help her.

Slowly, Miyu took his hand.

The boy grinned enthusiastically. "Wait!" his grin turned into a frown. "You don't have any shoes. You'll be cold when you walk."

The boy dropped to his knees and offered his back. "Hop on, I'll carry you!"

Miyu was stunned. There in front of her was someone so kind that he would offer to carry a stranger to his house.

"Why do you do all of this?"

The boy blinked, not understanding her question. "What?"

"Why do you do all of this for a stranger like me?"

"Ooh... my mother would be angry at me if I left a girl alone in a park shivering with the cold so I lend you my sweater. After that well, my mother would definitely be furious with me if I left a girl alone in a park, shivering with the cold, and had no one to come back to. At least, my mother wanted me to offer you her courtesy."

Miyu had forgotten how it felt to have a mother. The familial warmth she had experienced up until now was all her big brother's. Were all mother this kind even to a stranger?

"I... I see..."

"Come on!"

Miyu nodded and grabbed his back. "Are you ready?" she nodded.

"One, two, three!" the boy stood up and promptly fell to the ground along with her.



Miyu rubbed her aching butt. Despite being thoughtful, the boy was not strong enough to carry her.

"I'm sorry!"

"It's okay," Miyu said.

"I know, why don't you use my shoes?!" the boy offered another idea, but Miyu frowned.

"Your sweater is enough, I don't want you to feel even colder. I can manage."

The boy looked at her seriously. She matched his stare with her own dull stare.

"Okay then, let's go. Oh, before I forget, I'm Hyoudou Issei, you can call me Ise, what's your name?"

Miyu followed his steps. This was a new road for her. A world without her brother...

"Miyu. Emiya Miyu."

"Come on, Miyu-chan! Let's be friends!"

At that words, Miyu remembered her brother's wishes.

"I wish upon the Holy Grail."

"I pray you find a world where you won't have to suffer any longer."

"I pray that you meet kind people."

"I pray you find friends you can laugh with."

"I pray you find a warm small share of happiness."

Big brother... his wishes were coming true already.