Jason awoke gasping, every muscle in his body tingling with alarm. He immediately felt for a certain spear that was impaled in his back what felt like moments ago. No spear. Even more surprising, he couldn't feel a gaping hole in his back. That spear should've killed him. He should be dead. Yet… he wasn't. Otherwise, he would be in the Underworld, or at least the Los Angeles entrance of the Underworld.

Maybe he was wrong, and he assumed too quickly this wasn't the Underworld. After calming down a bit from the initial shock, he let his demigod instincts kick in, and examined the situation. Starting with himself: although he wasn't sure if he was dead or not, he was at least aware that he wasn't going to die for the first time or again because of injuries. Next: What did he have on him? He was wearing his dress shirt and the stolen mercenary uniform from when he was killed on that ship, except with much, much less blood. When he died (although, perhaps when he passed out, but Jason was pretty sure he died at this point), he had arrows coming out of each of his limbs, and blood coming out as a consequence. Yet, those arrows seemed to be gone, too. Another piece of information Jason noted was that the gladius he died with, Juno's gladius, was lying next to him, within his reach. Odd, he thought to himself, very, very, odd. Deciding he didn't particularly cared how it ended up with him, only that he had a weapon at all, he grasped the weapon and began to analyze the rest of the situation: where he was.

Jason got to his feet, and analyzed his location like it was a battlefield. The first thing he noticed was the imposing town house in front of him. The second thing he noticed was that he was, in fact, in a courtyard, more than likely for the townhouse in front of him. Finally, and with a sense of dismay, he realized there were no exits from this courtyard: the only way to leave was to either hop the fifteen-foot-tall white limestone wall surrounding the courtyard, or to go in. Concluding that he probably shouldn't walk in to a mysterious house, Jason felt inclined to attempt to hop the fence. He recognized there were some other things in the garden, like a tree and a plaque, but didn't quite want to stick around.

Hoping that his abilities still worked, Jason willed the winds to push him upwards, just a bit. Surprised it worked, Jason kept going, going, until-

The double doors of the townhouse swung inwards, and a burly man appeared on the stoop. "Hey, kid! What do you think you're doing! Escaping your fate?" That only inspired Jason to fly even higher. He did not feel like dealing with fate and prophecies anymore. Yet, the craziest thing started happening: as soon as he flew as high as the wall went, 15 feet, the wall kept getting higher and higher.

The man scowled. "Seriously kid! You better stop whatever you're doing now!"

Jason kept himself stable for a second, and shouted down to the man, "I'm good! I think I'm at the wrong house, but you won't have to deal with me once I leave!"

The scowling man didn't seem fazed. "Yeah, about that. You aren't going to leave. You're checking in."

"Checking in?"

"You're dead, aren't you?" The burly man said. Jason nodded, and slowly lowered himself down. He finally accepted he wasn't going to leave anytime soon. He got close enough to read the man's name tag: HUNDING, SAXONY, VALUED TEAM MEMBER SINCE 749 C.E. Before he could even comprehend what it "749 C.E." meant, Jason already landed on the ground. As if that was his cue, the man spoke. "Follow me. I'll show you to registration."