The attack on the northern water tribe continue with water and fire every where. But meanwhile Zuko and the three stooges were still walking threw the frozen bizarrely tunra while have the Avatar in their custody. But it was so cold that Curly was shivering and he then he asked Zuko "P p p Prince Zuko I'm fro fro fro frozen to the bone. How exactly how we're going to get back to the fire nation?" Then Larry said "And I think were lost." Then Moe said "For once I agree with these numskulls. Is there any way for us to get out of this place?"

Then Zuko turn to them with an angry glare and said "I know what I'm doing! Well get out of this tundra we just need to keep walking so quite you're complaining." Then Curly said to Moe and Larry "I think the cold is getting to him." Then Moe said "And if we don't get outta this tundra the cold will get to us."

So they're Journey Through the tundra and then after an experience with a cracked ground of ice Larry said "As gee that was close." Then Moe said "Yeah it was." Then Moe said to Zuko "Prince Zuko are you sure you know where going?" Then Zuko said "To be honest no. But we can't give up now we've come to far." Then Curly said "And I get the feeling of we go any further we're gonna get frost bitten." Then Moe slapped Curly and said "Do you have to remind is that we're out here in the cold?" Then Curly stuck his tongue out at Moe then he put snow on it only for him to spite it out and the Larry said "Hey will you guys quite fooling around we got to get going." Then Moe punched him in the face and said "Shut up I give the orders of the three of us so I'd say we get going and we should get going."

Then Zuko said "Shelter." Then they saw a small cave it wasn't a nice woram cabin but it'll do until the bizzard blows over. So the make rest and thanks to Zuko's fire bending he was able to get everyone woram from the cold. Then Zuko said to Aang "I finally have you. But I can't get you home because of this blizzard there's always something not you understand you're like my sister everything always come easiy for her. She's a firebending prodigy and everyone adores her my father said that she was born lucky and he said that I was lucky to be even born. I don't need luck though I don't want it I had a stroke of the fighting that made me strong it made me who I am." Then Curly said "That was beautiful Prince Zuko but I don't think things I've ever been easiy for me. Becuse if it did than what will be in the school that when we?" Then Moe poked Curly's eyes and said "Idoit he wasn't talking to you he was talking to the Avatar."

Then later when the blizzard was still brewing Zuko said "Guess we'll be here a while." Then Larry said sarcastically "Well that's great." Then a while still Aang finally woke up from his meditation then saw that he was tied up and sees that Zuko and the Stooges were there two. Then the fire Prince said "Welcome back." Then Aang said "Good to be back." Then Aang blew air at him and Then was escaping but Zuko catches up with him and Then said "That won't be enough to escape." Then Aang said when he saw his flying bison "Appa!" Not just him but also Katara Skai, and Yuway. Then Zuko and Katara we're staring face to face with each other and then Zuko said "Here for a rematch?" Then Katara said "Trust me Zuko its not going to be much of a match." Then Katara used her water bending to take him out Then Skai freed Aang.

Then Aang told his friends that the sprites are in trouble and while Aang and his friends were on Appa. The three stooges were seeing to Zuko Then Moe said to Aang "Hey wait a minute not gonna to leave with her in the freeze to death are ya?" Then Aang said "His right we can't just leave them here." Then Skai said "Sure we can lets go." Then Curly said "Oh come on be a regular young guy." Then Larry said "Yeah just Becuse we were rotten to you finest mean you have to be rotten back." Then Aang said "His right if we leave them they'll die." Then Aang got them on Apps and then they took off and while doing so Saka said "Yeah that makes a lot of since let's bring the guy who's currently trying to kill us." Then Moe said "Now see here kid. We're just following orders. There's no need to get personal." Then both Yoway and Aang feel something bad so they when back to the Spirit Oasis.

Then the princess told her story about how the water Moon Spirit save her life when she was a baby. Then Larry said "You now I was save by a moose lion once does that count as a sprite?" Then everyone looked at Larry with unamused faces. Then when they got back they see that Zhou has have the moon sprite in a bag and was about to kill it But Aang and the other arravited and during the commotion Moe Larry and Curly see the opportunity to grip Zuko and get out of there.

But but unfortunately the moon spear was killed and then Aang bonded with the ocean spirit and start attacking the Fire Nation ships. During all of that Zhou was trying to make his get away but then a fire blast stopped him from going any feather. Zhuo was surprised to see Zuko who woke up from being unconscious and The three stooges next to him and then Zhou said "Your alive?" Then Zuko said "You'd tried to have me killed!" Then Zuko fired at him some more. Then Zhou said "Yes I did. Your the blue spirit an anime of the fire nation you freed the Avatar." Then Zuko said "I'd had no choice." Then the two fire benders fight each other with great fierceness then Zhou said "You've should have chosen your acceptance your failure your disgrace then at least you could have lived!"

While that was happening the three stooges were cheering Zuko on. Then later the moon was brought back and the ocean sprite return to where it belongs but not before taking Zhou and drowing him but while that was happening Zuko was trying to save him but it was too late. The Stooges was surprised that zuko was offering his help to the man who try to have him killed. Then after Zhou was gone Zuko and the Stooges catches up with Irho and then they were sailing off on a small raff.

Then Irho said "I'm Surpise Zuko. I'm surprised at this very moment that you're not trying to capture the avatar." Then Zuko said "I'm tired." Then Irho said "Then you should rest a man needs his rest." Then Moe said "Can we rest too?" Then Irho said "Well of course you can." Then the three fell and when to sleep.

Well guys that bring the end of this book one of The Three Stooges / avatar Last Airbender. But this story is far from over. Us next time on Three Stooges Book 2 earth numbskulls.

post credit the followed was speaking to his daughter a Azula alongside her was her two right hand men Abbott and Costello. Fire Lord ozai said to her "Your Uncale is a traitor your brother is a failure and those three morons of his are embarrassments of the Fire Nation I have a task for you 3."