The sounds of beeping and robotic chatter echo around where Ruby was sleeping...
Mercy had been working her ass off day and night attempting to analyze Ruby's body to eventually discover her speed, just to find out how can she run faster than Tracer without using any gadgetry. It really wasn't her fault that Ruby was now wearing lingerie as the Swiss doctor didn't really want to examine her whole. She might have been a bit darker on that side but she wasn't really a pervert. It was until then she woke up when Ruby breathed heavily and went to examine her...
but that didn't work out the way she expected. Ruby punched Mercy to turn her around and locked her in an sleeper hold, demanding...
"Who are you?! Where am I?"
Mercy managed to loosen Ruby's grip enough to knock her down with an headbutt then with a few gasps, pressed the alarm, alerting everyone inside the building.
Only Soldier 76 and Winston ran through the hallways to reach Mercy, hoping that their healer friend can hold Ruby off enough for them to arrive. They were joined in by Ana and her daughter, Fareeha.
But she didn't. She struggled against Ruby when they wrestled for a scalpel that Ruby was using to kill her. She was always a pacifist, not really interested in fighting as much as her fellow agents. Ruby broke out of the lock by kneeling Mercy in the stomach, threw the scalpel away and pinned her in the ground with her hands in her throat. The doctor struggled as long as she could, trying to break out of her attacker's grip.
Ruby stopped choking Mercy for once when the reinforcements arrived, with weapons pointed at her.
Aware of the fact that she didn't really have Crescent Rose in her side as usual, Ruby raised her arms up in surrender, spitting out a wad of saliva with a grim expression in her face.
Several hours later...
After Mercy recovered from her attack, a restrained Ruby was then taken in a room with Winston at the side. The look of this gorilla barely reminded her of the Beringel she killed back in Kuroyuri, but seemed smart enough to even talk. What the hell is up with talking gorillas these days, she wondered.
"Please, state your name." the gorilla asked, surprising Ruby.
"Ruby Rose."
"Twenty six."
"Somewhere not from here." Ruby lied then replied "Excuse me but I'm not from this world."
"Miss Rose, you do have realized that attacking an agent of Overwatch is seriously consequential according to our laws and terms, correct?"
"No, not exactly. I am not aware of these rules and regulations you have."
"I see."
Winston pulled out a couple of video files for Ruby to see.
"Miss Rose, how could you have performed such astounding feats without requiring gadgetry?"
"It's my semblance. And my aura."
"And may I ask what are such things?"
"Semblance, is practically, the weaponized manifestation of the soul which depicts the character of the person born with it. Aura, on the other hand, is more of a force that..."
As Ruby continued discussing with Winston, Tracer, despite her injuries, was viewing the questioning as a spectator. She was kinda surprised by Ruby's knowledge, which she determined is why she was beaten by the same woman as her age. Though, she kinda felt a cold ping in her, as her lack of brightness tells that she was born in rough, aggressive times (despite the fact that she's actually lying), leaving the poor Brit to feel sorry for Ruby. She ran a hand in her hair, as , Lucio and McCree joined in the speculation.
"I believe that unique information is enough, Miss Rose."
"So, can I leave now?" Ruby asked in a bitter tone.
"No you can't."
Outraged, Ruby banged her hands against the table and asked again, in an angered tone...
"What the hell do you mean I can't?!"
Winston, despite being freaked out from this outburst slightly, answered...
"Well we-"
His explanation was interrupted by a computer AI speaking...
"Winston, we've spotted what seemed to be a random attack on HQ."
"What? Who's attacking?"
Winston rushed out and ordered Athena to warn the agents, leaving the door open.
Ruby noticed this at first glance, and with enough Aura in her side, she concentrated much of it, which snaps the restraints.
As soon as Genji and Reinhart were barely holding against the more experienced Reaper...
Widowmaker moved in to take the shot against the stubborn Tracer, who attempted to come and help her fellow agents, until her view was blocked by rosebuds. She stood up and turned around, only to find a scythe's blade swung at her neck.
Sombra successfully hacked into Athena and used her defensive measures against the whole of Overwatch, but before she can leave, a trail of supersonic speed rammed at her, with a dropkick, crashing her against a wall, which KO'ed her out of the fight.
Reaper lost contact with his fellow Talon agents, only to encounter a hooded figure carrying a scythe, and in him, he felt such fear and panic. He never felt such before, that this stranger dared to usurp him as a real reaper. He opened fire twice, but the figure dodged them in a streak of red and rosebuds, then spun her scythe with so much speed that he lost his shotgun, then was beaten after his armor suffered lacerations of the chest and his face, breaking off half of his mask. He still didn't react again when a boot hit him in the chest, knocking him out when he hit a wall behind him, which dropped him with objects heavy enough to put him out cold.
It wasn't till long that Talon was apprehended, again, but Overwatch couldn't explain or comprehend who was behind the surprise attack on Talon.
Sometime later, after Ruby was interrogated once more, the young woman was in the cafeteria, relishing in her favorite food: Cookies and milk. It was such a warm feeling, and it was one of the rare occasions that put a big smile on Ruby's face. It was such a warm feeling, except she remembered how Yang failed to make her cookies, just as the way her deceased mother, Summer had made for her. All while looking at the picture of her and Team RWBY back then when they were on Beacon.
But she wasn't alone. the still recovering Tracer sat down next to her, which surprised Ruby.
"Can I help you?" she asked blankly.