Disclaimer: All Characters belong to their original owners.

Author's Note: I am Handicapped so please bare that in mind if my spelling is off. I use spell checker. I also have a slight mental disability so please excuse any mistakes. I do the best I can with writing these stories and trying to post chapters.

Author's Note: HAPPY NEW YEAR!


Percy is betrayed by those at Camp and leaves nobody could find him in 8 years. After getting the blessings of Hades, Hestia, Hera, Hephaestus and Apollo. Because of the son of Zeus, Brett and his half brother Dale. But Demigods keep turning up at the camps. When one day Artemis, Athena and some of the seven are giving a clue by a new saved Demigod about the Underground Demigod community. Will they find the answers they seek?


Percy was having a bad few months. First two knew demigods turned up on the border with a horde of monsters following them. Percy had heard the cries of them and rushed to help they with Clarisse and Annabeth.

"Ares Cabin! Make march to the boundary prepare to engage!" Percy yells, "Apollo Cabin prepare to receive wounded!"

They arrives at the border where two teens where trying to hold of Hellhounds and Cyclopes. Percy immediately goes into battle with the Ares Cabin and Annabeth by his side. Percy cuts down the monsters nearest the two boys. Saving their lives as the Hellhound was going in for the kill. Percy pushed them out of the way. And cut done the Hellhound soon all the monsters had been destroyed.

Percy looked to see the two boys unconscious on the ground from where he shoved them.

"WILL!" Percy yells

Will Solace and the Apollo Cabin had come out and start treating the two new demigods. Percy helped the Apollo cabin members get them to the infirmary and went to tell Chiron what was going on.

"Chiron we found two demigods at the border they were tailed by a lot of monsters", Percy explains to the Centaur

"They must be very powerful then. Where are they now?" Chiron asks

"They are in the infirmary unconscious", Percy replies

The two boys woke up three days later. They were called Brett Smart and Dale Smart. They were playing capture the flag. When at the end of the game after Percy had disarmed Dale and Brett two symbols appeared above them.
"All hail Brett Smart son of Zeus, King of the Gods, God of the Sky, Weather, Kingship. Honour, Justice, Rain and Lightning. All Hail Dale Smart, Son of Poseidon, King of Atlantis, God of the Seas, Storms, Earthquakes, Droughts, Floods and Horses!" Chiron says

Percy couldn't believe it he had a half-brother. His new half-brother had the same mother as the new son of Zeus.

Things started to change around the camp. People started turning on him. It started with the New Campers. All of them believing the lies coming out of Brett and Dale who had decided to gang up on Percy. Percy ignored them as he could because he had friends and a girlfriend.

But suddenly the Veteran Campers started to turn on him. Katie and Miranda from the Demeter Cabin first, the Strolls next with Hermes Cabin but Chris, Ares Cabin but Clarisse next, Apollo Cabin by Kayla Knowles next, Aphrodite Cabin next including Piper, Dionysus Cabin, Hephaestus Cabin including Leo, and then the Athena Cabin but Annabeth. Plus Grover who also yelled at him and broke the empathy link.

Percy was slowly being pulled down. He was trying to help Annabeth on the city Design for New Athens it was all he could do at the moment. He soon he felt Annabeth pulling away from him. Percy had went into the city on day and got an engagement ring for Annabeth made and returned to camp later that day. He went looking for Annabeth and when he found her on the beach made his heart shatter. She was there making out with his Half-Brother Dale.

"What the hell Annabeth!?" Percy asks

"Percy!" Annabeth, "I was going to tell you. You where being very selfish and rude to everyone. So I know we can't be together. I was going to break up with you today"

"I think you already did that", Percy says and drops the ring

He runs into the forest and cries out in heartbreak and grief. Suddenly he felt physical pain go through him and he saw Brett was standing over him with his sword covered in his blood. Dale was just joining them.
"We are going to show you, you will always be unworthy", Brett hiss

Percy was in too much pain to draw his sword. He felt more pain before it went black…

Percy groans his whole body was aching. And he was in so much pain.

"Cousin can you hear me ok?" a voice asks

Percy realises it was Apollo trying to talk to him.

"Percy try and open your eyes", a female voice says

Percy recognises the voice as Queen Hera's.

"Percy you are safe now", another female voice says

Percy recognises the voice as Hestia's. Percy tries to open his eyes but he found it very difficult. He thought he had them open but it was still all black.

"Why can't I see?" Percy croaks

"You where tortured Percy. That was a week ago. I can only heal so much", Apollo says

"How bad am I?" Percy asks, "Why can't I move my left arm and leg? Or hear out my left ear?"

"Percy your left leg and arm where severed from your body. Your left ear and eye was also destroyed and your right eye was blinded", Apollo says gently

"How?" Percy croaks out in a whimper

"It was Brett and Dale Smart but we have no proof. Not like my idiot husband will listen", Hera says

"Your mother and stepfather have been killed as well but we don't know how as the building them where in caught on fire. But we know it was deliberate. They said spirits told me they couldn't get out of their apartment. They were trapped. They send their love. And Sally said she will love you always. She is in Elysium now with Paul", Hades says softly for once

Percy begins to cry as he remembers what happened. He feels himself being pulled into an embrace but Hestia and Hera.

"We are here Percy and Apollo has an idea", Hestia says

"Hephaestus has been working on limbs for you for a week with my designs with Hecate's help. I will attach them if you wish", Apollo says

"And we will help you back on your feet. Hestia and I would like to adopt you as our son", Hera says

"Really? But I am ruined", Percy whispers brokenly

"You are not! You have been dealt a hard fate. We will help you", Hestia says

"So will I. As my son as hurt you not physically but emotionally. I want to take you as my son. I have made you the best limbs available whatever you choose", Hephaestus says

"I will bless you as you have given me my spot on the council", Hecate says

"I will bless You. As you have taken Nico in like a little brother. You gave me my throne back and you have earned my respect and gratitude so would you allow us to help you?" Hades asks

"Please help me", Percy begs

"And so we will young hero", a female says

"Who are you?" Percy asks

"I am Lady Chaos"

Author's Note: What do you think? Please review:)

Have a Happy New Year also a Safe, Happy and Better one:)