Going on a short hiatus while I write out the rest of the episodes for this season. Then on to big hiatus until December/January.

Episode Forty One - Hammer of the Gods

Ella was grinning widely at him and he didn't like it one bit. This was one of those episodes Ella said he would cry watching. Well, he was going to make sure he did no such thing.

"You are so going to cry in this one!" She stated, as if she hadn't said that to him two nights ago.

He scowled at her in response. "No, I'm not."

She nodded back. "Oh yeah, you are."

He folded his arms under his chest and glared. "Not."

Ella threw back her head and laughed. "You look like a two year old. And are too."

He pouted and leaned down to grab the remote whee it lay on the coffee table.

"Not," he said for the final word, before pushing play.

He paused it after the splash screen showed up. "You know for a second there I thought it was going to be a haunted hotel, which would be hilarious. But then that guy showed up and ate the security guard."

Ella grinned wider. "Oh yeah. Food. Not for all, of course, just some."

He rolled his eyes. "Yes, thank you, they're all coming. So I heard."

Ella nodded and stared at the screen as if her gaze alone would turn it back on. Naturally, since she wasn't gifted with telekinesis nothing happened until he pushed play with the remote.

He laughed at the elephant in the room turning into a man and suddenly the title made a whole lot more sense. "Oh, I get it now. Hah, pagans gathering. Humans for dinner. Makes sense. Also, if he didn't want to be perved on, why did he leave the door open?"

Ella shook her head. "I have no idea. It's a mystery to all and nothing but a sight gag."

He nodded. "Yeah, shame really. This got a whole lot interesting. So many gods and these two not knowing, hah!"

Ella grinned widely and nodded. "Yep."

He pushed play again, eager to get on with it.

He paused it again when they realised they were led there to be guests for the pagans. He raised his hand and then pointed at the screen. "Okay, few questions. One, why does Odin have two eyes. And two why is Baldr there? Baldr is dead."

Ella sighed and shrugged her shoulders. "I have no idea. What the heck is Baron Samedi doing there. I didn't think he was a god, pagan or otherwise. I thought he was a spirit."

He nodded at that one. "Vodou god of life and death...this is one weird convention."

She nodded at his side before prodding him to get it on again. He complied and hit play.

He paused it and blinked when Gabriel entered. "Oh. Oh I forgot he is Loki as well, isn't he? A pagan god and archangel wrapped in one tiny little package. I want to hug him."

Ella snorted, before giggling. "Dude. I want to hug him and he isn't even my brother."

Lucifer grinned. "Hey, I helped raise him, you know?"

Ella blinked and frowned at that, her smile falling so fast he didn't know what he had said wrong. "Wow. Okay, keep on watching then and see why that just happened, Lucifer."

He blinked back at her and turned back to Gabe on the screen. "Okay, I can do that..."

He pushed play and hoped that all hell didn't break loose. He had a sudden bad feeling he got what made Ella think he would cry.


He laughed when Gabriel got the boys out of the hot seat and back into their hotel room for safekeeping, and paused it when Gabe made the joke about Kali being all hands. "Gabe, you so would. Why is this not going to end well... I don't want him to die. I don't want any of them to die. It's highly entertaining."

Ella patted his shoulder. "You don't always get what you want. It's going to be a god slaughter and you know it."

He sighed and nodded. "Yeah..." He pushed play again. May as well get it over with.

He blinked and paused it with the sudden and completely unexpected Ghostfacers interference. "Where the heck did this come from out of nowhere?"

"Out of nowhere, duh." Ella answered and he grinned.

"True. Well, moving on. Poor Gabe just got shackled to a man hating goddess of War. Nice." He pushed play wanting to know how they got out of this one.

He blinked when Kali stabbed Gabriel with his own blade. "No wings..."

Ella grinned. "No scorched wings. Nope. They may not know that's a thing that happens."

He nodded at that one. "Hmm, true. Either way, he's not truly dead, so I am happy with that."

Ella smiled at him sadly. "Yeah..."

He pushed play because he didn't like that at all.

He scowled when Lucifer ended up in because Mercury called him, meaning no need to erase the marks on Dean's chest.

He paused it after he killed Mercury with a flick of his wrist. "Okay. I am way not liking fake me in this show, but I do have an odd sense of humour. Is it wrong that I like that?"

Ella shook her head. "Nope, I find that funny too. Also, Pagans worse than humans and demons, haha. Is there anything fictional you does like?"

He shrugs. "I don't know. I haven't seen him in nothing but a handful of episodes. But I think the thing he likes most is killing things. Killing is his hobby and I don't like it at all."

Ella patted his shoulder again. "Yeah, I would hate it too if he was me."

He nodded and pushed play again, starting to hate the rest of this episode simply because fictional him walked onto the scene and started killing.

He paused it when Gabriel came back to fight and handed Dean a Casa Erotica disc. "Wait...he gave Dean the porn he was looking at earlier for free and told him to guard it with his life? Pfff hahaha. Aww, I am going to miss him. He was fun and my favourite. And he ended up being one of my better brothers. Who knew?"

Ella sighed beside him. "Yeah it sucks. Spoilers though."

He glared at her. "I don't think there's much spoiling to do here..."

She grinned. "You wouldn't think so, no."

He rolled his eyes and pushed play. He knew Gabe was about to die. She didn't need to try and get his hopes up like that.

He had to laugh at Gabriel calling fictional him a great big bag of dicks. "Yes, Gabe, yes he is."

Ella nudged him to pay attention. He rolled his eyes but didn't pause and paid attention to what was going on.

He wanted to pause after Gabriel was killed by Lucifer but didn't have it in him to say anything right then. Instead he blinked and paused it when the screen went red and writing that made him think the show had turned into a porno came on the screen. "Wow, mood whiplash. We go from brother death to porn flick."

Ella patted his shoulder and nodded. "Yep."

He shook his head. "This is weird and I don't like it..."

She laid her had on his shoulder and rubbed his arm. "No one likes it."

He nodded and pushed play.

He let the rest of the episode finish without pausing it. He turned it off horrified by what he had just seen. "Okay, one, I am not crying. Two, that was the most horrifying thing I have ever witnessed in my life and third, eww."

Ella laughed at that. "Aww, I so wanted you to cry over Gabriel's death."

He shrugged. "Maybe I would have if it was the last scene, but it wasn't. It then had to give us my fictional brother starring in a porno. I..I have never been so horrified over anything in my life. Just... Why did we have to watch the start of him in a porn movie? Just... why?"

"For the lols obviously."

He grimaced. "It may be funny to you humans, but he's my damn brother, or a fictional version of him anyway. And that is not something I want to see. Thank Dad the boys stopped it before much happened. Just...no."

Ella laughed. "Aww, your face. It was even better than you crying, I swear. You had a lesser reaction and looked away when Dean had sex with Anna."

He grimaced. "Don't say things like that. And of course it's worse. Anna isn't actually a real sister of mine, unlike Gabriel."

Ella frowned but nodded at that one "Hmm, true."

"Also, I now get the whole spoilers thing for Gabe giving him the disc. It was a spoiler. And a big one too."

She blinked and nodded. "Yep, sure, that was the spoiler alright."

He wasn't sure she was being serous, but let it go. He had one more thing to say. "So how come Lucifer doesn't know that the cage he busted out of is still open and he could be shoved back in it?"

Ella shrugged. "I have no idea about that one at all. It makes no sense to me. He should know. He's the one who busted out of it, as you said."

He nodded. "Good thing Pestilence is here then. And eww. That was a gross scene."

Ella nodded at that. "Oh yea, absolutely 100% agreed with that. Pestilence is gross."

He nodded and got up to stretch. "Well, want a meal? Kitchen will be closing in an hour, but the food should still be dished out now?"

Ella grinned and nodded. "Sure. Diner sounds great."

Together they left his flat and went down to join the people in the club that was being used as a restaurant until later that night. A short night tonight. Wednesdays always were.

It was good for food with friends though.

He wondered if next week he should include the Detective and the spawn? They might like something to eat afterwards too.

Note - I know next to nothing about Vodou/Voodoo, so yeah I just took what came up on the first page of google search for that one.

Note - This is an odd thing to say, especially since Gabriel is my favourite character, but...I really liked Lucifer in this one. He's shown as extremely powerful, killing gods left and right with no problem whatsoever.

Note - I was planning to bring Chloe into this in season 7, but maybe I will early season 6 instead. She won't be sticking around long regardless, because this isn't really her thing. It's much more Dan and Trixie's thing. Dan may or may not bring Trixie with him some weekends. What season would be better for her to be appearing in for a few episodes? 6 or 7?

Headcanon - Gabriel made the porno in between being in the car and facing Lucifer. One last Hurrah before possibly dying. He just put it in a case for Casa Erotica, not that it actually is. He just made it like it was that video. Mainly because anyone who actually watched it would be really confused with the start, as it was privately made for the Winchesters. Private porn lol.

Either that, or he cut that part out from the main film and gave a copy of the whole thing to the Winchesters. How nice of him :P