I wouldn't necessarily call this a true crossover, as the two fandoms don't cross. It's a - watches - story. But instead of having the characters of the show watch their own lives, it's Lucifer Morningstar from Lucifer watching Supernatural on a dare. Ella doubts he will get through it because of the Lucifer involved. She never thought Dean would be a problem for him too. This started as a way for Ella to learn more about angels, Heaven and Hell than she really ever wanted to know. It turned into something with a tiny bit of plot. There is continuation in the characters' lives outside what is said here which sneaks through. Also, expect Charlotte to turn up (and not die horribly for man pain...) and drags along Dan with her.

Once again I write fic where Chloe is the last to find out Lucifer is actually the Devil.

Lucifer Reacts to Supernatural

Episode One – Lazarus Rising

It had been a silly little dare he had going with Ella. She said he wouldn't last past the first 3 seasons of Supernatural, before rage quitting the show. He stated he could watch it all the way through the 13 seasons that are finished and catch up with the 14th when it was available.

She had laughed and shook her head, believing full heartedly that he'd just be too angry to carry on with it.

He had gotten through the first 2 seasons without a problem, though he laughed at the hilarity of what they thought demons were like every time one showed up in the series. He had a frown on his face during one episode when he was mentioned as the god of demons since he wasn't, but he could live with that. Occasionally Maze would get humans to believe that he was their father, even if he wasn't her father, and it could be pretty fun to mess with.

And, after about a week of binge watching to get to that point, he had reached this dreaded season 4. Ella, having no faith in him being able to continue watching had come over the moment she had learned he was just about to start the season, so she was there, sitting on his couch, more turned to looking at him than the screen where the first episode was ready to play. She had lent him her DVD copies. Apparently this was a show you didn't watch on Netflix.

He took a deep breath, suddenly unsure if he wants to watch, but deciding that he'd never live it down if he lost this dare.

He pushed play.

He never should have taken this on.

He blinked at the flashing screen, glad he wasn't one of those to suffer seizures. And he knew that it was supposed to be Dean in Hell, but it looked nothing like Hell unless Dean had been torn up by hooks while alive before, and he very much doubted that. But, he could live with a wrong interpretation of both Heaven and Hell in basically anything, so he let it go.

He raised an eyebrow at the whole coffin scene, especially the trees at the end. He leaned in to Ella and said. "You know, resurrections are a lot less showy than this. I mean, sure, if the person was buried they wake up again in the coffin, but usually whoever got them back would dig them out first. Or do it before they were buried, which is even better. Too much time in Hell is...well, not good for the soul, let's just say that. It does things. Bad things. And time is precious here on Earth when it comes to these types of things, because of the major time difference between Earth and Hell."

"Will you shut up and watch. Stop pausing the show."

"But I don't want to miss any and it annoys you. How can I resist?"

She rolled her eyes and nodded. 'Okay, big guy. Fine, pause it as often as you like."

He grinned at her and nodded. "Oh, I will, don't worry about that!" And with that he pressed play again, just in time to see the new title sequence. "Oooh, pretty. I like this one best so far!"

Ella nodded, seeing as Dean was just walking a road and not much was happening at that moment. "It's one of my faves too."

He frowned at the arm print on Dean's arm, pausing the show again to get a good look at it. "Wow, that is painful to look at. How did he not realise he had that until he looked in the mirror? He was using that arm a lot to dig himself out of a grave. Whoever resurrected him did a real lousy job of it!"

Ella punched him. "He did fine, Lucifer. At this point, he's not high ranking."

He tilted his head to the side and stared. "Which one of my siblings did the botch up job?"

Ella looked at him with a stubborn set to her jaw. "How do you even know it's an angel?"

He stared at her. "Uh, only an angel can resurrect the dead. Or, you know, my mum or dad. They can too. How do you think Charlotte Richards survived her death?"

"Uh, easy, she wasn't killed. She was stabbed in the arm, remember?"

He grinned. "No, she was stabbed in the back of the neck, killing her almost instantly. I stabbed her in the arm to make it look like she was hurt and not killed. Sorry, try again."

She stared at him then, a look of surprise on her face. "Are you saying you resurrected her?"

He chuckled at that. "No. Dead souls who go to Hell should stay in Hell, unless they get over their guilt and learn their lesson and then they are free to leave. Trust me, it is not an easy thing to do. At all. And most get trapped. Not a single human soul has managed to walk out.'

"What about those that do really bad things but feel no guilt for them?"

"Their rooms get chained up so they can't leave. They're nasty pieces of humanity. Seriously, it's...there are whole levels of Hell dedicated to locked doors to keep them there, where they belong. Those who do feel guilt though, they are free to leave if they manage to work their way through what they did and learn to leave the guilt behind. It is possible to be forgiven even from Hell. Charlotte wasn't in a locked room, so she could work through her guilt. She didn't even realise that much guilt could get you in Hell. Being a defense lawyer was her only true mistake in life. Why do you think it's said that lawyers go to Hell?"

Ella stared at him and grinned. "I love how you never drop out of character, Lucifer. It's cute."

He frowned. "I'm not acting. I truly am the Devil."

"Yeah, well, until you prove it, no one will believe you."

He sighed. "I did prove it to my therapist. Almost drove her mad with the knowing...but I do have another way to prove it now. Or prove I am an angel at least. But I refuse to whip my wings out for no reason."

Ella stared at him, a smile slowly widening on her face. "Oh, I so totally would love to see your wings."

He cocked his head to one side. "I'll show you my wings...if my unknown sibling here shows his."

Ella immediately put out her hand, the smile on her face full and knowing. "Deal!"

"Ooh, a deal with the Devil. Lucky for you, I don't deal in souls." He shook her hand, knowing that he probably would have to flash her his wings sometime soon.

He pushed the play button to continue watching. He frowned and paused again after Dean hotwired the car and took off to go to Bobby's. "Wait a sec...Does that service station have no security at all? Isn't it a business that would, you know, see him steal all that stuff? I mean, he's not hiding or anything. And he's wanted in several states already. How does he keep getting away with shit like this? Seriously, it actually is one thing that annoys me about this show."

Ella stared at him. "Wait, that's what you stopped it for? Nothing about exploding windows?"

He grinned. "Darling, anyone can shatter a window. I usually shatter them by throwing people through them though, much more impressive than high pitch and much easier on the ears. Unless you're the one being thrown through a window and then you might get your ears cut...haven't really thought about that. Point being, windows break."

He watched a bit longer once he started the show again until he got to the point where Dean said he didn't remember. Then he paused it again and stared at the television. And then pointed at it. "Oh! You liar! You never, ever forget Hell once you've been there. The knowledge drives people who are brought back insane sometimes. Sometimes not. Depends on the type of person."

Ella looked at him and blinked. "What, you mean like a locked door person vs. an unlocked door person?"

He shook his head. "No, locked doors stay locked. Unless they're strong enough to break free, which humans aren't, there is no escaping Hell for them. No, I mean depending on what they did in life vs. what their Hell is. Take Charlotte again, I feel like she's going to be used a lot as an example. She remembers Hell, but doesn't remember being a suit worn to walk around in. And she must have been in Hell for only a few seconds of Earth time, before hopping a ride back with my mum..."

"Wait, so Charlotte herself isn't your mom?"

He frowned at her. "No. My mum is a goddess, Charlotte is a human. Big difference."

Ella rolled her eyes. "Of course."

"The point is, Miss Lopez, you don't forget Hell. And there's a counterpoint to Charlotte. Earlier in the year, there was a dirty cop called Malcolm who was also resurrected. He was in Hell longer than Charlotte. 30 seconds. Ouch. When he came back his greed ratcheted up. He couldn't stop eating. He bought everything he saw shiny enough. Abuse of his family raised in levels it never was. He went completely insane. But he was a bad person before he got there, Charlotte wasn't. She just chose the wrong profession to dedicate herself to. She can better herself this time around."

Ella shuddered, reached for the remote and pushed play herself, taking herself out of the conversation. He'd allow it this once, since it was getting a bit deep there. Personally, he could do without the reminders of Malcolm, thanks very much.

They both watched in silence until Dean brought up the all important episode question "if you didn't bring me back, then what did?"

Lucifer laughed as the screen went black and shook his head. "Seriously, demons from Hell exist in this world and no one thought 'Hmm, maybe someone from the other side of things might have done it. What do we know about angels?' Wow. I remember Dean thinking angels didn't exist before, but that's a stupid thing to believe and we know Sam does believe and always has."

"Is that a question, or are you stating a fact?"

"I think that Sam should have figured out it's not a demon and thought angel instead. It makes sense. We resurrect the dead, well, we are when ordered to. Bad mojo to do it on our own without daddy's permission."

"Is that why you don't?"

He glared. "No, I don't because dead souls shouldn't be jerked out of their afterlife. People yanked out of Heaven get so depressed about being denied that they commit suicide and those who get yanked out of Hell, as I stated before..."

"Go mad, yeah, you already said. Can we get back to watching now, please?"

He nodded and they both turned back to the screen.

He blinked at the obvious lie Sam told about not using powers because it was Dean's dying wish, paused the show again and just rubbed his hands over his face. "Urgh, I thought I was bad at communicating with my brothers. This is just...bloody tell the truth to each other, you idiots!"

Ella looked at him. "You okay?"

He nodded and started the program back up. "Yeah, just annoyed. It's always like that in this show, one of those things that always annoys me. I don't like people lying, especially to family."

Ella hummed at him, as Bobby knocked on the door to the psychic and Lucifer immediately perked up. "Hello, psychic goodness! Yum! Oooh and strong too. Lucifer likes."

Ella snorted at his side and gently punched his shoulder. He took a peek at her and noticed her noticing too. He grinned at the screen, glad they shared something in common.

He paused and blinked at the screen for a few seconds when the séance started, which was probably a good thing. He began laughing hard enough he fell off the couch.

Ella looked down at him. "You okay down there rolling around on the floor."

He nodded, still giggling, before picking himself up and dumping himself in the seat next to her. "Cassie?! It's Cassie, really?! Suddenly the season end theme song is hilarious."

Ella stared at him. "Why?"

"Don't you cry no more? Get it?"

She looked confused and shrugged. "Not really. But I did notice that the day he got out of Hell was a Thursday."

"Three domains here, got it. I have three too."

Ella raised an eyebrow. "You have three?"

He nodded. "Yes. Light I was renamed after and Music. And Desire, of course. Punishment is a subset of all three believe it or not, but it isn't my domain. It is more a job than anything else."

"Huh, I didn't know that."

"And now you do! Soooo, what did Cassie do?" He pressed play again, a giant grin on his face.

He paused it a few moments later to take the time to facepalm. "Ugh, seriously. Cassie, human forms come in handy to not hurt humans. And how did she burn out her eyes?"

"Whoa wait, Castiel is a girl?"

"Uh, yeah, always has been. Regardless of the whole androgynous thing you people seem to think we all have, due to Gabriel being the Messenger and all, we do have genders. I am male, Amenadiel is a male, I have sisters too, you know. Most famous being Azrael, who everyone seems to think of as a man, because Dad forbid a woman holding domain over death."

"Oh, hah! Well, apart from like one episode in this, Castiel's a dude. Though played by someone real pretty. And all the angels are generally considered genderless in true form."

Lucifer titled his head to one side, hummed at over that comment and nodded. It does make sense in the context of the show. "Okay, so Castiel is a guy, I will use male pronouns then."

Ella nodded and cuddled up to his side. "Good, now shut up and watch the rest of the episode.'

He returned to the screen and once again pushed play to continue on with the episode.

He laughed at the perky nipples comment. So did Ella.

Both of them were quiet until the end of the episode, in which he turned it off, because he knew he was going to stop the binge watching as soon as angels appeared on the show. But he didn't really see any reason to quit the show over Cassie being a male in the show. Humans got genders of angels wrong all the time, after all.

"Well, at least he won't get in trouble for raising Dean without permission. That's good. But what is this about vessels? Are they saying angels possess people like demons in the show do? And that, by the way, is full of crap too. Both angels and demons have their own forms. And what is with the shadow wings? Why didn't he fully show them?"

Ella nodded at his questions. "Angel wings in this show are not visibly seen by the human eye. They are seen as either shadow or ash if an angel dies."

He froze at that. "They die in this? Only one of us has ever truly died before. Uriel is dead. Usually when we die we go back to Heaven, or in my case back to Hell, but we are still whole and able to function there. And we can get back if we're not stuck..."

"What was different about Uriel then?"

"The weapon used to kill him obliterates the soul, not just the life, of who it stabs. Remember stabby town? Yeah, that weapon. All those people never got to Heaven or Hell, they're just...gone."

She looked shocked and horrified at that, but shook her head. "Umm, vessels are like the demons, yes. It reminds me of what you said about Charlotte actually. She was a vessel for your mother."

He frowned, but he at least got the point. "Yes, it is. But unlike us, she doesn't have a physical body. She's just pure power."

"So, she is like the angels in the show then. It's that exact same concept."

He nodded. "Okay. That's good. So, watch another episode tomorrow night?"

She grinned at him. "Sure, but first, a deals a deal and you said you'd show me your wings if Castiel showed his."

He blinked, thinking he had gotten out of that one on a technicality, but if the show literally has humans unable to see the physical wings, Cassie did flash his wings at Dean.

"Oh, very well. A real angel's wings look like this!" And with that said, he let his wings unfurl out. He imitated the pose that Cassie had given in the show, arching his wings above his head. They glowed slightly in the dark of the room, since the lights were out. Ella stared.

"Oh, shit, you really are..."

"Yes, I keep telling people. It's not my fault if you don't believe. Now, I'll see you tomorrow bright and early, Miss Lopez."

He tucked his wings up against his back, but left them out, a tangible reminder to her that he was exactly who he said he was. She reached out and ran a hand through his scapulars.

"Oh wow, so soft... I better get going though, before I end up staying and just..."

"Touching them all night? Yes, they are quite the show stopper. But please, don't. Divine madness can happen upon looking at an angel's wings. Why do you think I was reluctant, but you insisted. I hope you don't go mad. I like you."

She turned her eyes away from the wings to look at his eyes and she grinned. "Nah, not mad. Just kind of amazed, you know? Well, goodnight Lucifer. See you tomorrow."

And with that, Ella left, her eyes glancing back every few steps to the lift to see his feathers. He put the wings away once when she was looking away. She was disappointed, but managed to get on the lift without looking back again.

He hoped he hadn't done irreparable damage to her.