Author: Look up modern/future katana & 3d futuristic sword art station if you want to know what the swords in this will look like also look up future assassin's creed & futuristic katana blender they should be the first images that ya Google search for why Google you ask because Bing sucks D**k anyway I've only recently finished the show and I loved it these characters are amazing and the story so strange but cool so that's why I decided I wanted to make my own OC or maybe two and insert them into the World and no I don't just like it for the 'Fan service' I love the animation, action, style & characters so shut up ya perverts but I got to admit Ryuko's character may have been an unintentional inspiration for my Saiyan OC Dakin.

"-Are you sure this is a good idea are you sure this will even work Akihiro?" a woman in a lab coat asked her two counter parts with worry as she watched a Machine work on their barely a year old Son his back was cut open to the base of his neck with needles holding open the wound while red glowing threads were being feed straight into the open wound surprisingly the Baby wasn't crying even though he was fully awake and semi-aware of what was happening to his body he was interested in the lights laughing happily at them like it was so kind of game He just didn't understand yet.

"Truth be told I'm not too sure on anything anymore Aimi." Akihiro signed in defeat as he turned around in his chair around to face his two comrades, "I'm not sure how Asura will react or how well his will take it there's too many factors."

"Well all three of us are scientists that specializing in Life Fiber Research he should be fine I know that my Daughter was." the oldest of the three stated with some remorse and regret in his voice his name Isshin Matoi for some unexplained reason he had mouse sitting on his shoulder was wearing an eye patch and carried around a cane with him at all times, "He certainly is handling the Life Fiber infusion better then other tests subjects we've had I'll give him that."

"Well I suppose that's true." Aimi hesitantly admitted Isshin suddenly stood up and walked over to a metal container with a glass cover that appeared to be holding two blades one was a large great sword with gold and silver metals a circular handle with interesting designs on it the other was a thin katana with a black blade and handle it in a hole sitting between the handle and blade unlike the other one it was away in a square black sheath with a small rut carved in it.

"So I see that you two have begun constructing the basic design for these swords."

"Yes those are just the prototypes for the Future Weapons we have planned to make Ultra Hardened Life Fiber are much harder to manipulate than regular Life Fibers." Akihiro admitted taking off his glasses to rub his tired eyes, "While Life Fibers are great for clothing Ultra Hardened Life Fibers have almost no use other then Weapons."

"Ultra Hardened Life Fibers are also very difficult to work with especially when creating a weapon."

"Hmm I see speaking of clothing how's the Kamui going?" Isshin asked.

"We figured that it would be best to complete the Swords first then make the Kamui." Aimi said Akihiro jumped back in.

"What about you how's your daughter's Kamui coming along and those what did you call them...Rending Scissors?"

"Wait hold on 'Rending Scissors' really I would have gone with 'The Sheers of Fate' or something like that."

"Who Cares What They're Called So Long As They Can Kill Life Fibers!" the Old Man exclaimed growing extremely annoyed by his two allies he took a breath to relax, "Anyway the process should be over for Asura soon."

"Okay but one thing will our son even be Human any more?" Akihiro asked this made Isshin fell silent.

"He'll be a Hybrid neither completely Human nor Life Fiber." Isshin admitted with a heavy sign after a moment.

"You wanna know something if Asura wasn't already dying of Cancer I would have never agreed to this." Aimi revealed tears finally spilling free from her eyes the two Men looked at Her awkward silence taking over the room with the Baby's happy giggling and the steady beeping of both the machine and heart monitor that he was linked too could be heard Aimi buried her face in Her crying loudly Akihiro stood up from his seat to comfort his wife Isshin looked on with sympathy.

"...I know...and I am sorry."

Flash Forward

"Ha Asura will never find me up here." a little Girl hiding up in a tree thought chuckling softly to Herself about her own cleverness as a Boy around the same age as her ran through a arch to a garden and stopped next to the tree she was in.

"C'mon Ryuko wait up for me." the Boy named Asura whined looking around for Her with no idea, "Where'd you go?"

"I'm Right Here Asura!" Ryuko exclaimed jumping from the Tree to land on top of the Boy the impact formed a smoke screen around the two of them when the smoke cleared it revealed that Ryuko was on top of Asura her head resting on his Ryuko smiled cutely as she did this while Asura only felt dizzy from the impact evidenced by the spinning spirals in his eyes and the stars that appeared to be circling around over his head, "Haha it looks like I got you good Asura."

"Ya sure did Ryuko." Asura muttered before shaking his head to get rid of the dizziness, "Man you have a hard head."

"I know that's why I tackled you silly." Ryuko giggled suddenly a shadow overtook the two children and the two looked up to see Ryuko's father Isshin with the inklings of a smile of his bearded face as the Boy and Girl smiled up at him.

"Oh Hi daddy." Ryuko greeted standing up before she helped Asura up, "How are you?"

"Hello Ryuko I am fine it seems like you're having fun with Asura here speaking of which how are you my Boy?"

"I'm fine Mister Matoi just a little dizzy after that tackle is all." Asura replied smiling widely as he put on his glasses.

"Well that's good then it seems like you're getting Stronger everyday." Isshin replied he looked like he was gonna say more but he paused confusing the Kids, "Asura your parents are here they are waiting by the entrance."

"Oh ok thank you for telling me this." Asura replied, "I guess I'll see you tomorrow Ryuko."

"Yeah I'll see you then." the Girl said feeling slightly sad to see Him go but She keep her head up knowing She'd see Him again so She gave Asura a smile and wave which he returned as he left the Garden the way that He and Ryuko came in.

"You two seem to get along well." Isshin noted.

"Yeah and when I get older I'm gonna Marry Him." Ryuko proclaimed happily Isshin chuckled slightly at this.

"I'm sure you will Ryuko."

Another Timeskip

"What...What's...What's happening right now...Why do I feel so much pain." a Ten year old Asura thought slowly opening his eyes to find himself in an overturned Car on the side of the road looking over he saw his Father Akihiro laying in the middle of the street with people around him two were in fancy looking outfits while another was in some kind of futuristic white armor with a katana who was clearly a Man was kneeling down next to his body checking his vital signs.

"Are you sure he'd dead?" the voice of a larger Woman asked it was hard for Asura to hear it sounded like echoes in Asura's head, "Though it's too bad we could only catch Mister Sharapova and not the Missus too."

"Yes I'm positive even if I wasn't his throat is slit wide open it must have happened in the crash." the Armored Man stated standing up and turning to face the two Women to prove his point he unsheathed his sword and stabbed Akihiro's heart, "There's no way in Hell He'll be coming back from this even with the help of Life Fibers my Lady Ragyo."

"And what about the Boy in the car." the short African Woman asked fixing he glasses, "He must have seen everything."

"Mhh you make a good point Rei." the Woman known as Ragyo said with a hum, "Genki take care of the Boy."

"Will do Ma'am." the Armored Man now named Genki replied tightening the grip on his sword which glowed red this made Asura's eyes go wide in fear as he could only watch the Man approach fear gripped him tightly making it impossible to even try to get up and run away even if he could the sign and seat belt kept him from moving.

"Oh no need." a New very childish voice said as a small Girl with a pink outfit and pink parasol walked into view.

"What do you mean Nui?"

"That Boy in the Car was stabbed in the Heart with a sign post." the Girl now identified as Nui stated giggling slightly.

"Oh My God that Girl psychopath also Her voice is like nails on a chalk board so annoying...wait I've Been What Now!" Asura mentally panicked looking down at his chest to find a speed limited sing impaled straight into it right where his Heart should be while sticking straight out the front window of the car resting on the ground slightly the pain only kicked in just now so Asura fought the urge to scream and cry but most of all he fought the urge to puke his guts or pass out as blood suddenly exploded from between his lips and upwards onto the roof of the car leaving a big dark red stain on it.

"Lady Ragyo the Police will be here at any moment we should leave." Rei stated.

"Very well I suppose you're right Genki ready the car." Ragyo ordered.

"Of course my Lady." Genki complied as his armor disappeared to change into a white suit and drivers cat.

"I always love it when you drive us around Genki." Nui cooed as the Man walked away moments later he came back with some vehicle and the three Women entered driving off in no time at all however Asura waited until he could no longer hear the engine allowing silence to take over to do anything when they were gone he place both hands on the sign post.

"This Is Gonna Suck SO Much!" the Young Boy grimaced pulling the piece of metal out of his chest with great straining and effort he managed to remove it revealing that there were red glowing lines on his muscles like threads moments after he removed the metal piece that was impaling him all the way through his chest to his back it began healing much like stitching almost like using a needle and thread just like that the wound closed healing shut and only scarring over much to his shock as the pain from the impalement started fading away as he felt where the wound was.

"What the Hell...What the Hell am I?" the Boy questioned quietly feeling slightly bad for swearing because of how his parents raised him shaking those thoughts off he tossed the sign post out the window making it clang and clatter onto the ground with a gasp Asura unbuckled himself from his seat and fell to the roof of the car and pulled himself free.

"Okay now comes the other hard part." Asura thought as he turned over onto his back and flipping as the car was leaned forward with the front end touching the ground Asura couldn't get out that way so using his foot and strength he didn't even know he had he kicked out the window flipped back over onto his stomach and army crawled his way out cutting himself up a bit but these new wounds healed almost as quickly as they appeared but still slightly slower.

"Hey I Found Someone Call An Ambulance." a sudden voice exclaimed at Asura was panicked for only a moment but quickly calmed down when he realized that it must be the Police that the Woman was talking about so Asura promptly passed out cold from blood loss only hearing multiple sounds and bright flashing lights around him as he slept deeply.

"Ugh my body long has it been." Asura thought waking up in a hospital room to find himself hooked up to various machines like an oxygen mask, an IV bag and a bag of blood giving him much needed blood gently sitting up he looked around and saw his Mother sitting in a chair that was pulled up next to bed with Her head resting against the bed over in the corner curled up in a comfy chair was a sleeping Ryuko covered by his Mother's jacket like it was a blanket.

"Ah I see that you're awake now my Boy." a sudden voice softly said Asura looked over to the door to see Doctor Isshin Matoi carrying a bag in his arms while standing in the open doorway the old Man walked into the room and pulled a chair up next to the other side of the Boy's bed so he could talk softer, "So how are you feeling Young Asura?"

"I've been better...but now I have a question how long was I asleep for? And is my Father really-"

"Four days three hours and five minutes in that time your Mother moved in with me and Ryuko so will you." Isshin interrupted, "And as for the second question yes he is I am sorry we held a small private funeral not too long ago."

"Not like you could have stopped it." Asura muttered with eyes cascading downwards tears flowing freely Isshin sighed.

"Yes I could have if I didn't recruit them to my War and get them to work at the Revocs Corporation."

"What war what are you talking about?" Asura questioned growing louder Isshin quickly shushed him.

"I know you're mad but just one more question from me then when were back at the Mansion me and your Mother will tell you everything you want to know deal." Isshin stated Asura nodded in agreement to this satisfied with the that for now, "Alright good now then did anything strange happen to you before during or after the crash."

"Something did happen I-I was stabbed through the chest with a sign post and when I removed it slowly I healed shut and any other cuts I got healed too but slightly faster." Asura answered Isshin nodded with a thoughtful expression.

"Right I see well get changed into these new clothes I'll wake your Mother and Ryuko and then we'll head on back to the Mansion." Isshin ordered shutting off and disconnecting him from the devices before handing him the bag

"Right okay." Asura replied taking the bag with that in hand He hopped off the bed and wondered into the bathroom once there he took off the medical gown to find bandages wrapped all around his body on his legs, arms and chest covering up the large round scar that was now there looking closer Asura noted that there were now two scars on his face one went from his forehead over his left eye down to the middle of his cheek while the other one was an X shaped scar on his right cheek with a sign he quickly put on his new spare clothes consisting of a red shirt black sweatpants a black hoodie and a pair of white shoes when he walked out Ryuko therw her arms around him in a tight hug.

"I'm so glad you're okay." the His best Friend sobbed onto His shoulder Asura returned the hug lightly patting her back to calm Her down after a few moments she grabbed his hand and led him out of the room to meet Isshin and Aimi in the hallway after that they used the elevator left the Hospital through the front door went down to the car and drove to the Matoi house after a few hours Asura found himself down in an underground basement with Isshin and His Mother.

"-And that's the whole story." Aimi finished explaining Asura remained silent for a few moments shaking in rage.

"What even am I?" Asura whispered as he looked at the ground his hair covering his eyes, "Am I even a Human being."

"Yes you are you were born like everyone else we just infused your body with Life Fibers into your body." Isshin said.

"What Gave You The Right!" Asura exclaimed looking at them with spite, "To Make Me Into Some Kind Of Monster!"

"...It was the only way me and your Father could ensure that you'd live." Aimi admitted after a moment of silence this made the anger almost entirely fade away from Asura's body when he heard the words of His Mother she sounded so sad and guilty this was a weigh that She had been burdening for years She was finally getting it off Her chest, "When you were born your Father and I were so happy to have you in our lives Hell it might have been thee Happiest moment of our lives but then you were diagnosed with a Lethal Cancer that we kill you in within the your first year."

"But then they met me and I gave them a chance to save you if they agreed to help me in my War against Ragyo and the Life Fibers." Isshin added, "By making someone a warrior with one foot between the line of Humanity & Clothing."

"Okay I guess that makes sense but why did I only start feeling the affects of these 'Life Fibers' now why not sooner?" Asura asked starting to calm down, "Why did I only start healing now can I even die at all?"

"It might have something to do with nearly dying like the Life Fibers in that moment only activated in that moment when near death." Aimi guessed, "But it seems that the healing you got was only enough to keep you alive."

"Ok explain what She means by that?"

"The Life Fibers weren't Perfectly merged with your body but they were merged just enough to keep you alive you still needed surgery for the crash." Isshin stated sitting down, "But soon your training will begin."


"To fight Ragyo and Life Fibers that was apart of our agreement to cut them out like the Cancer that infected you Son."

"Ragyo, Nui, Rei and Genki they killed Dad didn't they?!"

"Yes they my Son."

"Alright..."I'll do it...but how do I do it but how do I do it?"

"They'll do it with these." Isshin explained pulling out a remote from his Lab Coat to press a red button that opened a metal container with a bright glowing light behind the glass case Asura saw what looked like a military uniform halfway through its construction it also for some odd reason had some kind of jacket that appeared to have eyes as pockets (The Jacket JDF wears in SPBD) while the other two objects were a pair of two very differently designed swords Asura stared at them for a moment before walking forward to place a hand on it, "Oh and one more there's one more thing."

"And what's that?"

"When the Life Fibers have been destroyed they should leave your body for good after that."

"So I'll be normal when this is all over?"

"So when do we begin?"

"Tomorrow training begins then...but now I need you to go to bed we'll see you in the morning." Aimi ordered Asura simply nodded in compliance before returning to the upstairs rooms did His nightly routines after that He entered the bedroom to find a seemly sound asleep Ryuko in Her bed so He walked over to the bed and got under the covers.

"Goodnight Asura." Ryuko mumbled out in Her near asleep state as She turned over snuggling Her blankets closer.

"Yeah Goodnight to you too Ryuko." Asura replied his head falling back softly against the pillow.

"Sometime after that whole incident both me and Ryuko found we could no longer get along with our parents nothing ever truly felt the same between the four of us after the Night I lost my Father the Night he was taken away from us maybe it was because the Two of them spent all their time in until they went to sleep in His lab never talking to us so we could get some kind of closure and so were sent away to some stupid Boarding School so that our Parents could better focus on their research into Life Fibers without having one of them to keep an Eye on us 24/7 and this was a place where we'd always get into fights almost every other week sometimes daily even going into our first year of High School where Ryuko would become known as a straight up Punk and I would be know as the Ass Kicking Nerd it took a special kind of Stupid to screw with us though there was almost no one who would Fuck with us though I would often get pulled out by a Man who claimed to be my Uncle because I was so far ahead of the other Students since I clearly inherited the intelligence of my parents but He was really my Sensei His name was James Richard Grey an odd Name for a Man living in Japan but he said he had His reasons for leaving America but those weren't really any of my concerns He was a very skilled Martial Arts Master and extremely talented in the Way of the Sword he would train me to the point of exhaustion and during free time I would train with Ryuko using some dull edged swords i got she seemed to enjoy it though slowly as time passed these memories started to fade and I had a tough time remembering why I was even doing this training."

"Oh My God! Are you seriously telling that story again."

"Shut Up I'm Busy! Anyway something happened that changed everything the War against Life Fiber would soon begin."

Press The Skip Button

"God Damn You Both You're Gonna Pay For This!" a beaten and bruised Male Teenager proclaimed as he got up from the ground and ran away with his group of pathetic wannabe thugs Asura scoffed at this empty threat before spiting blood out from his mouth and onto the ground as Ryuko walked up next to Him to glare at the retreating teens with Him.

"Hey Fucktards I Didn't Start This Fight Jackass But We Sure As Hell Finished It!" Asura shouted after them.

"Yeah It's Not Our Fault You Little Bitches Can't Take A Real Punch!" Ryuko added just as loudly as She wiped some blood away from Her lip Asura wiped some blood away from His nose glancing to the side Ryuko noticed a pair of glasses on the ground so she picked them up cleaned the mud off and checked them over, "Hey hold still for a second okay."

"Huh uh for what Ryuko...?" Asura began turning toward His Friend but was cut off as Ryuko carefully put His glasses back onto His face after a and after a few seconds of looking Him over to make sure that they were still in good condition and were not broken in any place She let His head go but not before pushing the nose piece up, "Uh Thanks for that."

"Yeah it's uh no probably I can't have my Best Friend walking around sightless or with broken glasses after all why do you think I carry around your spare ones." Ryuko stated as both Her and Asura blushed slightly.

"We should probably get out of here and patch ourselves up." Asura said changing the subject.

"Yeah we are pretty messed up aren't we we'll sneak into my room it's not as far away as yours so this way we won't get into trouble for fighting again I hate detention." Ryuko added with that decided the two trouble makers took off in a full sprint toward the Girl's room they remained on undetected and unspotted as Ryuko opened the window and the two went inside shut the window back up and covered the window in no time at they had taken care of their injuries which were only minor scrapes and bruises pretty easy to cover up now they were on laying on top of Ryuko's bed with music playing in the backround their heads next each other as a comfortable silence set in between the two.

"Hey Asura can ask I you a question?"

"You just did." Asura replied without missing a beat Ryuko just groaned, "Yeah that was pretty bad...What's is it Ryuko?"

"Why do always seem different when fighting versus well...anything else you do?"

"What do you mean by that?"

"Well normally you're pretty relaxed ya know calm but whenever your or I get insult and then into fights you change."

"Hmm I guess I just have another side to myself whenever I get angry."

"Huh yeah alright I'll accept that as an answer...Hey is it possible that you like blackout or something?"

"No I don't think so I mean I fully conscious and I know what I'm doing so it can't be that." Asura replied as both he and Ryuko placed their hands behind their heads while crossing one leg over the other, "You've got great taste in music."

"Uh Thanks." Ryuko blushed along with Asura but they both looked away hoping the other wouldn't notice.

"He's/She's my Best Friend there's no way He/She thinks of me that way." they both thought as they tried to fight off the blush on their faces suddenly without any warning there was the sound of loud knocking on the door this made panic set in as Asura rolled off of the Bed to hide behind it while Ryuko dash to turn off the music and opened the door up.

"Yeah what is it?" Ryuko asked it was some other Female Student who looked slightly nervous about standing here.

"A letter came for you it arrived in the Main Office and I was asked to believer it." the Girl replied surprisingly not stuttering as She held Her arm out despite Her nerves Ryuko took the envelop from the Girl's hand and slammed the door shut in one fell swoop she only spared a single moment to glance down at the letter before an angry look overtook Her face and tossed it away causing it to fly through the air and land on the bed which Asura soon popped back up.

"So what's with that look on your face?" Asura asked resting his elbows against the bed and fists against his cheeks meanwhile Ryuko was shaking with rage Her arms crossed looking like She was ready to punch something or someone.

"Ugh Just Take A Look for Yourself!" Ryuko snapped a tick mark appearing on Her forehead as She leaned on the door.

"Yep She definalty wants to punch something right now it's a good thing that Girl left when She did and even better I'm over here out of Her fists range." Asura thought picking up the letter and sitting on the bed again dead center with his legs in the criss cross position looking at the envelop he read it and understood why Ryuko looked so upset.

"Tch what bullshit a 'Message sent directly from the Lab of Isshin Matoi and Aimi Sharapova' great now they want to talk to us after all these years of not contacting us and now they remember 'Oh yeah we have Kids'." Asura scoffed crossing his arms as He now understood why Ryuko attitude suddenly changed without any warning, "So...What do you think?"

"Open let's just see what they want before we decide on anything else." Ryuko sighed nodding Asura opened up the envelop to pull out the letter as he was doing this Ryuko walked up sat down next to Him and looked over His shoulder so that they both could read it as they continued on they grew less angry mostly likely because of Aimi's contribution to the note the basics was that they wanted to talk that was it, "Okay I can't be angry at your Mom she's just too nice."


"Plus She lost Her Husband not to long before we were sent off so I can forgive the grief."

"Yep I suppose that's true...As for your Father it seems like he's trying to reconnect with you like Mom."

"Hmm I guess he is..." Ryuko grumbled under Her breath crossing Her arms while looking up at the ceiling.

"So were going back to the Matoi Mansion."

"...Alright Fine We'll Go! But I still don't like it."

"Alright good we'll sneak out tonight meet outside and take the Bus bring whatever Money you have."

"Yeah sure whatever you say boss Man." Ryuko muttered falling back on Her bed as Asura stood up, "See you tonight."

"Yeah I'll see you later tonight for now we should get some rest." Asura replied walking out of the room later in the dead of Night just a little passed midnight Asura and Ryuko snuck out of their rooms wearing some jackets to cover their uniforms and made it out to the Bus Station in no time at all and bought themselves some Tickets and were waiting.

"The Bus should arrive soon it'll take about half way there but we'll need to stop along the way though and get food."

"So going with by all that we should arrive tomorrow close to Night fall and be at the House after Sundown right Asura."

"Yes indeed Ryuko how are you failing Math Class again." Her Best Friend replied joking slightly in response the Female punched him in the arm and soon after this the two bordered the Bus beginning their traveling stopping only to get food, enjoy themselves a little and maybe take some pictures here or there along the way now they were in the Last Bus they needed to ride to get to the Matoi Manner so they decided to get some sleep in the very back of the bus which had the largest seat in the whole thing while using some jackets they brought as blankets Ryuko rested her head on Asura's shoulder while the Male's head was gently resting on Her head as they slumped slightly as they peacefully slept together no Nightmares this time for what felt like hours on end until the Bus jerked to a stop rousing the two Teens."

"End Of The Line Everyone Off!" the Bus Driver announced so Ryuko and Asura rubbed the sleep from their eyes collected their things stepped off the Bus and began walking along the side walk as the Bus took off back to the station.

"So now what do we do?" Ryuko asked looking around, "I don't even remember where the House is."

"I looked it up on the Computer I know where it is so we can either get a Taxi or call an Uber." Asura stated.

"Which one is less creepy?" Ryuko questioned with a slightly disgusted look on Her face.

"Well that all depends on the driver really but I personally trust public transportation slightly more than a random Uber Driver that we don't even know way too many factors with that one." Asura said so with that decided they got a Taxi which picked them up and drove out to the House by the time they arrived sometime after the Sun had already set and darkness took over a little longer than they thought it would take but it took them quite some time to find a Taxi.

"Hey you two wake up we're here." the Taxi Driver stated waking the Teens up from sleep again so they both grabbed what they had with them paid the Man for his serves and stepped out of the car to find themselves in front of the old Matoi Mansion again the sight of the place caused them to drop the bags they had in completely shock as the Driver left.

"It didn't look like this in the last picture we got from the Christmas card your Mother sent did it?" Ryuko questioned as both of the Teenagers observed the damaged building with many broken doors and windows with matching torn drapes.

"No, no it didn't it almost looks this must have just happened recently Oh My God it looks almost like a Small Tornado ripped through here." Asura stated this caused their blood to run cold as they feared the worst could have happened.

"Dad...DAD!" Ryuko shouted running to the Home she once knew so well.

"Damn It No Not Again...MOM...Just Hang On!" Asura exclaimed as He joined in on the shouting and the running into the House the two Teenagers split off to cover more ground Asura ran through the dining room which had blood covering in the walls finding two metal guitar suit cases addressed to Him and his friend while Ryuko rushed through the family room and into the library to find Her own Father slumped on the floor against a book case while He was covered in his own blood with what looked like half a pair of giant Red Scissors impaling Him right through the gut.

"Dad..." Ryuko gasped She looked out the door, "Asura I Found Him!"

"Alright I'm On My Way!" Asura shouted seconds later stomping sounded down the Hall, "Is My Mom In There Too!"

"No She's Not!" Ryuko replied before rushing to Her Father's side as Asura burst into the Room carrying both of the guitar cases he had picked up from the Dining Room, "Dad Just Hang On!"

"Doctor Matoi what happened here?" Asura asked kneeling on the Old Man's left side while Ryuko stayed on his right.

"Something bad happened my Boy but for stop fussing and listen the both of you if the two of wish to lead peaceful lives the two of you will leave here right now." Isshin grunted out holding his daughters hand for a moment.

"Dad stop moving you've lost a lot of blood." Ryuko requested Isshin ignored Her as he realized Her hand to grab the blade edge that was sticking out of his gut Ryuko stared wide eyed, "Dad Stop What The Hell Are You Doing!"

"Doctor Matoi Stop That You'll Only Bleed Out Faster!" Asura exclaimed wide eyed.

"But If You Want To Continue My Fight." the Old Man grunted out pulling the Blade free from his body and tossing it into Ryuko's awaiting hands, "You're going to need that along with the other Swords that are hidden in that Case Boy."

"You shouldn't have done that you God Damned idiot!" Asura snapped quietly, "You only made it worse for yourself."

"I'm pretty much dead already my Boy." Isshin grumbled out with some regret.


"Wait Fight what do you mean by Fight?" Ryuko interrupted with a question.

"If you find the other half of that Scissor you'll find the People who did this the one who killed me but Cruel Fates will a lay in wait for you both." Isshin explained suddenly a noise sounded from behind Ryuko and Asura they turned to the window just in time to catch the glint of the other half of the Red Scissors and a Crimson Blade along with two figures.

"Hold You Bastards!" Ryuko snapped at the intruders as She got up into a sprint.

"Damn It You're Not Getting Away With This!" Asura added running with Her then a thought came into His mind.

"That Blood Red Blade and that Pure White Red Lined Armor why do they both look so familiar."

"Ryuko, Asura Come Back Here Just Let Them Go For Now I Haven't Told You Everything I Didn't Tell You Where Aimi Went!" Isshin shouted after them but however the two Teens ignored his calling and rushed outside of the Mansion getting into the driveway to see two figures leaping through the air away from the House Asura and Ryuko were about to give chase again until the House suddenly exploded and was instantly consumed inside a giant blazing fireball.

"Son of a Bitch I knew I smelled something strange while I passed through the Kitchen Damn it I should have known." Asura muttered to himself Ryuko sank to Her knees tears falling down Her face

"Dad...DAD!" Ryuko screamed out through Her sobs Asura walked next to Her and kneeled down with Her both remained silent as they watched the inferno rage on until Asura carefully and calmly lifted His arm up and wrapped it around Ryuko's right shoulder pulling Her close to Him without warning She turned and hugged Him tightly.

"I should say something but sometimes kind words only make the pain worse." Asura thought sadly.

"Please don't leave me too I don't wanna be alone." Ryuko sobbed out burying Her head right into His shoulder.

"I won't I'll never leave you not now not ever I promise." Asura swore as he started crying too upon realizing what this situation really meant for the both of them as some memories came back, "Ryuko are you with me?"

"What do you mean?" Ryuko asked leaning back from the hug.

"Are we going after the people who did this or not?" Asura asked Ryuko's eyes hardened and Her eyes turned into at steely glare as She nodded the Teens released the hug and stood, "Good cause I know where we can start and a few other places we can check it'll take time for us to get the exact place down and we'll need a mod of transportation."

"Yeah a starting place that sounds good and all but where do we get transportation?" Ryuko asked.

"Just give me a second will you I'll be right back oh and hold onto it this?" Asura replied handing her the empty case on his back Ryuko nodded as She took case with a questioning look on Her face Asura walked away and around the burning House carful to avoid anything that might fall on Him a few minutes or so later He came back from around the House dragging a Motorcycle along with Him, "I found this in the back shed it was Dad's he bought sometime before he died."

"Awesome that'll do let's get going." Ryuko stated storing the Scissor Blade half the case She got into Her case and attached it to the side of the Motorcycle while Asura did the same with his only putting it on the other side.

"Hey Ryuko here you go take this and put it on." Asura ordered tossing Her a helmet which She caught pretty easily.

"Hmph Safety first I guess." Ryuko joked as they both put their helmets on and got on the bike, "Hey hold on tight."

"Yeah got it." Ryuko blushed wrapping Her arms around His waist with that Asura started the bike and the two took off.