
It has been a very long time since I wrote anything. To try and ease my way back into it, I decided to do a Dragon Ball Z crossover. This is just for practice but I would still appreciate some criticism on my writing style and technique. If you could do that, I would appreciate it very much. Now, without further delay, here is the story.

The Monkey King


"The Son Family."

Once upon a time, there were humans and monsters living on Earth. The two sides constantly clashed and the monsters, while physically unchallengeable, were certainly not as crafty as humans. As new advancements were made, the population began to climb and the numbers of humans began to grow. Methods were developed to combat those that had preyed upon them for generations. Across the centuries, humanity began to slowly gain the upper hand over its rivals. Quickly, monsters became overwhelming outnumber by a a dangerous for with a superior wit and no remorse. The monsters, whom had ruled the Earth for thousands of years had been usurped by their very prey.

In order to survive, many monsters had to develops a way to hide in plain sight. Those that would not or couldn't, it made no difference to the humans, were hunted to extinction. Even when they fled to the deepest reaches of the wilderness, humans found and cut them down. They few that could adapt changed their appearance to that of a human, all whilst keeping the true identity a secret. It became the name of the game to blend in more and more seamlessly. They did so well in disguising themselves and remaining unseen that they had vanished entirely from the mind of humans. Unfortunately, a few reckless monsters was all it took to keep the myths of their kind alive through the centuries.

Regardless of any enduring myths or folktales, monsters had managed to blend into society with ease.

Sometime near the present day, a monster couple owned a rather large piece of land in Japan. The land consisted of several acres of forest for miles around and, at the center, was a complex. The center piece was a rather large manor that was connected to several smaller structures and wings by a large and intricate courtyard. It had many luxuries that most people wouldn't know what to do with. Luxurious kitchens, indoor theater, seven bedrooms, three bathrooms and a large underground garage were but a few of the things worth mention.

Despite this, despite the deep wells of money secure in their bank accounts, the couple was not happy. Since they had wedded, they had spent so little time together. He had explained, numerous times, that he had an important job to tend to. He wanted to spend more time with her as well but his schedule would not allow it. That marked the first time the husband had ever been slapped before, let alone by his own wife. She had screamed at him that night, screamed that this was not the life she had married him for. She wanted to have a real family with the man she loved and not to be a wife in title only.

That night, the husband left their home - unable to handle the whirlwind of emotions his wife had become. He didn't pay any attention to where he was going. He just needed to be somewhere he could clear his mind of everything. To escape the pressure of work, a demanding spouse and the idea of a family. Before he knew it, he hand found himself deep in the woods on a rocky ledge overlooking a steep decline.

He wasn't bothered in the slightest about his sudden arrival there. He also wasn't worried that he had discarded his human form long ago. Those things happened when one underwent the transformation. The transformation itself was only easier when under as much emotional distress as he was. The situation was just wrong and he knew that his wife was right. He had been brushing off, starving her of affection while trying to maintain his hectic career. Everything had been escalating far too quickly for him to get his bearings and now he was paying the cost.

He looked up to the sky and saw the crescent moon hanging above the landscape. He stared at it and did something he hadn't done in ages. He howled, he just howled away all of his sorrows in one breath full of air. After that he just waited and continued to stare at the moon, as if it had some answer to his troubles. He had no idea how long he had been staring before he composed himself. He had left the estate a while ago with Fujiko in a mess.

He went to turn his back to the cliff, to head home, only to halt went an explosion nearly popped his ear drums.

He clutched his ears in agony, and wailed. He took an unsure step before turning to scan the lower forest for whatever had made that noise. Nothing could be seen from up atop the canopy where he was. His eyes shifted frequently before a white glow secured his attention along with a muffled roar. His jaw went slack while his mind jumped to the conclusion that it was a falling satellite. It took but an instance before his body reacted to the object. He turned away and pushed off the ground before a shockwave lifted from his feet and flung him far away.

The satellite had slammed into the ground at a speed far exceeding that of sound. It had landed at the bottom of the incline, so far below where the werewolf had been. The sheer force of it flung tons of dirt and rock into the air and flattened any trees within a hundred feet. The grassy incline had been torn asunder and large cracks reached all the way to the top. It was a miracle that the werewolf hadn't been killed.

From his spot on the ground, he under a layer of dirt that nearly covered his entire body. With a fit of coughs, he heaved himself onto his unsteady legs. Though his kind were renounced in the monster community for their powerful legs and great sense of balance, even he couldn't brush off an impact like that. He turned around as soon as he could to view the destruction behind him. The sheer scale of the devastation was enough to paralyze him on the spot. He felt his person again, giving each limb a thorough examination before letting out a breath of air. He then focused his attention on the crater at the epicentre of it all.

Any person with an intact sense of self preservation would had left well enough alone. They would have left the crash site and allowed the government to recover whatever the thing was. He was no ordinary person and the shock of the event had muffled any survival instincts within him. His hysterical curiosity had a strangle hold on him. It drove him closer to the edge in an attempt to peer through the smoke.

It wafted to and from in large plumes of toxic gray gas. More than two hundred feet down from where he stood. Despite the obscurities, his enhanced eyes could make something out amidst all of the haze. He learned further, the furthest he felt safe leaning, to try and gleam some kind of detail that would let hon guess what it was. Then the was a jerking motion and he sank a foot. He realized it a moment too late and, to his horror, the ground fell out from beneath him.


The smell of fire and charred wood filled the area. A hint of burnt ozone was also detectable but only just barely. These smells overloaded the nose of the werewolf and caused him to jump awake. He slowly pushed himself to his elbows before taking in the surrounding area. In just a second he realized he had fallen into the crater.

He paid no mind to the fact that his body hadn't been horribly burned by the crash site. Instead he rushed to stand only to collapse with a yelp. A pulsating pain was in one of his ankles, an injury he must have sustain from the drop. He quickly looked around for a rock that could help him gain his footing. Much to his displeasure, the are was unnaturally smooth with the only thing he could gain purchase on being the satellite its self. Sure, the other end of the crater wasn't nearly as steep but crawling of there would be far slower than attempting to use the satellite. With a heavy and painful grunt, he crawled towards the satellite.

Half way through the crawl, he reverted back to his human form. With much less body weight to drag, it was much easier to reach the object. Without even considering the possibility of being burnt, he hauled himself onto his good leg. That was when he finally took in the material the fallen object was made from. It felt like some kind of rock but looked like a foam of sort and, if the crash was any indication, much stronger than steel. A casual glance revealed a glass viewport situated on the roof. His curiosity egging him on, he chanced a peak inside.

Let it be known that he was not a scientist, he was even caught up with the latest gadgets on the market. Be that as it may, he was one hundred percent certain that what he was seeing wasn't normal. A bunch of machine wiring, an astronaut, a freaking alien were more believable. Right before his very eyes laid the sole occupant of the pod. A baby that couldn't be older than two years old had just plummeted from the sky in some sort of spaceship.

He did a double take to ensure he wasn't hallucinating.

A few swear words were mumbled under his breath. He watched the sleeping baby before glancing around himself. As insane as everything was, he couldn't just leave a baby in a freaking spaceship. He took a deep breath and grit his teeth before transforming into his true form. He cusped what seemed to be the lid to the pod and began to pull. A ear screeching squelch occurred as the metal joints tore apart. A slick hiss and peeling came from some form of rubber seal between the plates and the lid.

With a heave, he let the lid fall off the side of the pod and clattering into the dirt. Beneath him lied the baby and with it, a tail that he hadn't been able to see through the window. Not only was it a baby in a spaceship but it was a monster too. He quickly shifted to his human appearance once again. The idea hadn't really occurred to him of putting the child in an orphanage but the tail would ensure that idea remained buried indefinitely. Humans did not like monsters and that was a mild way of putting it. He swallowed as he realized what needed to happen and how it would look to his wife at home.

This would surely not be construed as anything other than saving a monster baby from a fallen spaceship.

"Come on little one, let's get you out of here." He cooed as he picked up the child from the pod. He gave them a quick examination before sighing. He looked into the pod one last time before he began his long and very painful journey to the edge of the crater. After that would be an exponentially longer walk back to the car. If only he remembered where he had parked it before running off into the woods.

The entire journey would be tiring on its own for anyone. It would be exhaustive for one with an injured ankle. It would be high unbearable for one with an injured ankle and a baby in tow. He didn't know his he had managed it but he had. That being said, he truly didn't have the patience nor energy to endure another round with Fujiko. He thanked whatever gods there were that she didn't immediately lay into him.

"Touma? What on Earth happened to you and why do you have a child?" Fujiko had lost her sharp edge that she held while arguing. This time, it was a refreshing tone of concern. This did bring up something important, the baby. Touma had already decided on a explanation on the way home. He wouldn't tell her of the pod, that would be insane. He would explain what happened in a much more believable way.

"I found the kid while I was out. He was in a carriage all by himself." He explained before seeing her suspicious stare. "I stuck around for a while to see what was up. No one came by and I couldn't just take him yo the authorities." He held the boy up and displayed the tail and waited for her response.

"What are we going to do with him?" Fujiko took the child from his arms.

"We'll have to take care of him if we can't find his parents." Touma replied before adopting a concerned look. Meanwhile, Fujiko adopted a very venomous glare and pointed it at him. He couldn't stop the tiny worm of guilt that burrowed into his heart. "Fukjiko, we'll take care of him... together." She didn't relent, not immediately, but after he held her gaze she let out a tired sigh.

"Alright." She said before looking to meet his eyes with a soft smile. "I'll give this... us a shot if you do to."

Touma couldn't help the tired smile that came over his face. Though he was sapped of energy, at least the it had ended on a positive note...


One month had passed since the abandoned monsters was brought into their family. They had tried to find his parents but with all monsters in hiding, the search was pathetically slow. The fact that Touma wasn't ready to five the boy a name drove Fujiko up a wall. She needed to find a reprieve from her husband already. He was trying to make an effort, she couldn't deny it, but sometimes he was top stubborn for her tastes.

At least she would get to have a break. Her father's sixtieth birthday was upon them and she wasn't going to miss it. Plus, it was an opportunity to introduce the little cheeky monkey to her father. Touma wouldn't be joining them as he was following leads on his possible parents. She sighed, at least he wasn't missing the trip for another work task.

She slowed the car down she had been driving. The dirt road up the mountain ended there and a stone pathway continued ahead. Through the light foliage and rocks, she make out the lights to her father's house. She pulled the baby from his car seat and quietly locked the car before heading up the path. The boy had fallen asleep during the car ride, which was good. He normally had enough energy to last the whole day and then some.

She couldn't help the yawn that escaped her mouth. It was true that she had wanted to be a mother; however, this was not what she had imagined. The movies and hearsay had always made it seem so much more serene than it was. Maybe it was because this was her first and she had to get her metaphorical sea legs for raising a child. Then again, movies and novels always did have a tendency to romanticize things.

After walking along the moonlit path, she reached the front of her father's home. It was a humble abode compared to hers. Three bedrooms, a single bathroom, a small kitchen and a living room. It was the same house she and her siblings grew up in. Childhood memories flashed for an instance before fading away, she needed to visit more often. With a grand smile, she gave the door three knocks. It was answered almost immediately by her older sister.

"Fujiko!" She quickly yanked her into a hug. "It's good to see you, you don't ever call." She whined.

"It's good to see you too Himari." Fujiko replied with a much softer voice. She had completely forgotten how lively her older sister was. An exaggerated gasp from her sister let her know she spotted the boy. She propped him up on her hip and moved him into the light.

"Who is this little bundle of joy? I knew you wanted kids but this is fast." Himari quickly moved to hold the baby.

"No, me an Touma haven't had one yet." She admitted before spotting the question glance from her sister. "Touma found him abandoned in the woods without a note or anything." She explained, which cause a look of worry to cross Himari's face.

"That's terrible and you have no idea who the little tykes parents are?"

"None and we've searching for a while now. To be honest, I'm worried something has happened to them." Fujiko explained.

"Well that certainly explains the hair and the tail." Himari smiled before handing the baby back. "You must be tired, come in already." She jeered.

Fujiko, eager to get out of the cold, stepped inside. The room was a light with lanterns hanging from the ceiling. Decorative rugs were under each piece of furniture. Two couches and a coffee table, some paintings on the walls, it had been spruced up since she had last been by. A few of her siblings sat on the couches while the rest were in the kitchen with her father, to her right. She let a smile grace her features, it felt good to be home.

Once inside, it didn't take long for people to notice the little bundle she carried with her. She was swamped by eager relatives that wanted to get a good look at the new addition to the family. Having to answer the same questions repeatedly quickly became repetitive. When her father intervened to have a discussion with her, she was grateful. It had been months since she had actually talked to him, even long since they had been face to face.

"So, I wasn't aware that you had given birth to my grandson." He chuckled before leaning in to examine the baby. "I will say that is quite the unusual hair style." He added humorously.

"N-no, Touma-"

"Yes, yes, I already overheard when the others where pestering you." He reached up and patted the young boy's head, which cause them to crack their eyes and yawn. "What's his name?" He asked once he realized he she hadn't said. A troubled look crossed her face, she hadn't ever settled on something to call him. It wasn't a lack of good names but none of them seemed to match his personality.

"I... Uh." She stuttered, her eyes avoiding him as she tried to come up with a name or an excuse, whichever came first. Her eyes managed to focus on the cake that been brought for the celebration. The next monument they were drawn to the cutting board where her cousin was chopping carrots. She looked her dad in the eyes before settling on a name. She cleared her throat somewhat awkwardly before answering him. "Uh, his name is Kakarot."

The finality in her voice did nothing to cover the clear on the spot decision. There was a very clear bemusement in her father's eyes. A cracked smile had stretched across his face, the wrinkles not hiding the youthful gleam in his eyes. He shifted his gaze on to the boy and watched him for a moment. When the child reached out and pinched his nose, he had made a decision.

"What about Goku?" He suggested, which drew a questioning look from her.

"Why Goku?"

"He reminds about the old folklore involving Sun Wukong. He is rather playful and his tail does resemble that of a monkey than a wolf." He stated wisely.

"I don't know dad..." She wasn't so sure about using that one.

"Well you need to call him something."

"Yeah but what if his family-"

"If his family does find him then its fine; however, until that has happened, he is one of us." He lamented, giving her a new view point. Then, for the first time since arriving, the baby did something. It reached out and climbed into her dads arms, willingly. He was a feisty child since the day they had found him and extremely picky too. With him clinging to her father, she contemplated the name he had suggested.

"I suppose Goku is alright..." She muttered while watching the baby giggle from atop his shoulder. She smiled again before talking. "So little Goku, what do you think of your grandpa Gohan?" She cooed to him, which elicited a giggle from young Goku.

"Grandpa Gohan... I kind of like the ring to that." Her father said, drawing a grin out of her.

"Thanks dad."

"No problem dear. After all, what's a parent there for if not to help?"


For the new family, years came and went quickly. Touma received a promotion for his excellent work in the company. Fujiko grew quite found of young Goku and had become quite the expert at handling him. It had been over four years since they had found him and no one had come forward to claim the boy. Though Fujiko wouldn't never confess aloud, she was relieved that no one had. Goku had become such an integral part of her and Touma's life. She had put so much work and effort into raising him that she wouldn't just hand him over to anyone.

Goku was adored by his mother and father but his attitude was not. He was born with ungodly stamina and didn't grasp the simplest of mannerisms. Touma could never reign the boy in unless he practically waved food in his face. Fujiko could do so with difficulty but that was an issue. At this point, it was almost like having a pet instead of a child. Thankfully though, the boy was enamored by his grandfather, Gohan. It made it all the more easy when the news came that Fujiko was expecting.

Fujiko couldn't wrestle Goku back in line if she was pregnant. Touma still had business trips he had to accept, so he couldn't force his son to listen either. Grandpa Gohan though, he had a way with the boy unlike anyone else. He could watch after the boy until Fujiko had delivered and was recovered. Since Goku adored the man, he wouldn't notice the difference until he got back and was greeted by the new addition to the family.

Gohan had no problem with the boy having an extended stay. Since he had retired, he was in need of company in his mountain home. With his kids having picked up different professions and scattered to the wind, he had an excess of free time. To occupy himself he had taken to performing various lengthy activities, such as refraining from using a car or spear fishing. When Goku had been dropped off, the boy was anything but fine.

The idea of being left alone by his mother had brought out a fire in the boy. The ordeal had left the boy in a sour and bitter mood. He needed to get his mind off of it and Gohan knew just the way. When he was leaving to perform his daily fishing trip, he took the moment to invite the boy. Initially, Goku wasn't interested in going fishing. When Gohan had mentioned that he would be cooking any fish he caught, the boy's attitude turned around.

Though the boy was a well of energy, even a well could run dry. The walk down the mountain hadn't winded the boy but his attempts to catch fish with his hands did. Gohan had quite the few laughs while watching the boy fall into the river. He pulled the boy from the river before he caught an illness and showed him the proper way to spear fish. Gohan had caught thrice as many fish he would typically catch. Fujiko wasn't a fibber but when she made claims that Goku ate far more than any child his age, werewolf or otherwise, he didn't know what to make of it. Somehow, the boy made his mother seem to be modest on her claims.

After Gohan had gotten over his surprise, he gave his grandson a few toys. They had been left over from when his own children were his age. With the boy distracted, he took to a small court yard behind his home. Stone bricks covered the ground all the way back to the line of trees. It was here he would practice his art, as he had done every day since his retirement.

Though he was little more than a shadow when compared to himself in his hayday, Gohan was still very talented. He was still incredibly strong and maintained magnificent agility. Even so, his physicality had waned but Gohan compensated by being sharper in his form. Perhaps the greatest testimony to his improvement was his ability to use his own master's favorite technique. The great Kamehameha, a blast of pure life energy that was fairly strenuous to use.

He had planned to practice his old skill until sunset. He was mildly interested when Goku had come to watch him practice. He would later find out that the boy had ruined most of the toys by being too rough when playing with them. Noticing his grandson, he chose to put on a spectacle for the boy. A few flamboyant jumps and twists, not really practical in a fight. By the time he had finished, his grandson had a large grin on his face.

"Did you watching me?" He asked while walking up to him.

"Uh huh." Goku replied, amazement on his face.

"I'm glad you enjoyed, I know I did when I was little." Gohan chortled.

"Really?" Goku asked.

"Absolutely. In fact, I was only a little bit older than you when I began learning it myself." Gohan signed, it felt like a life time ago.

"Can I try?" Goku asked, which caused Gohan to raise his eyebrows. Truly, what were the odds of finding another martial artists within his family?

"Before you even attempted something like that, you need to master the basics my boy." He chuckled.


"Yes, the basics. Did you think that I was born with these abilities?" Gohan questioned his grandson, only to find a blank stare in response.

He sighed.

"Goku, there are things you need to learn before doing it. Stances, posture and discipline are a few."

"And then can I do it?" Goku asked again, which caused Gohan to sigh while smiling. Maybe Hus grandson was short a few nuts. It didn't make him anything less in his eyes.

"Sure Goku." The boy flashed a grin.

"Can I try now?"

With a laugh, Gohan began the first of many training sessions with his grandson.

The training was grueling, just as it had been when Gohan learned from his master. Long and tedious chores and hours of practicing stances and forms. Gohan was strict when demanding discipline and Goku learned that when he only ate regular portions after throwing a tantrum. Slowly, Goku was taught the fundamentals and learned basic discipline. Gohan did begin to notice something interesting about his grandson.

The more rigorous the training was, the quicker he adapted. While patience was still a work in progress with Goku, Gohan couldn't deny the developing physical prowess. The boy was almost as strong as a grown man and he wasn't even five. He was also fast, with the stamina of an Olympic gymnast and the speed of a highschool track runner. While Gohan could handle all of this, it certainly made the job more difficult. In one particular incident, Goku was being rowdy because he had found where Gohan kept the sweets. In an effort to stop the boy from bouncing off the walls, literally, he grabbed the boy by his tail.

It was then he learned that Goku could be incapacitated by simply squeezing his tail. A fact he made use of when he began training the young boy in combat. He didn't need to exploit the child's weakness, he could have beaten him with one hand, but it was a lesson. Goku may not have understood the reason behind his grandpa's compulsive tail grabbing but he did learn to keep his tail out of his grandfather's reach. After five whole months together, Goku had managed to actually hit Gohan. Gohan was still going easy on him but it signaled to him that it was time for Goku's next level of training.

He waited until the night of the full moon to begin. When Goku joined him for the daily spar, Gohan wasted no time before he set in on him. The moon was partially revealed through the clouds and it granted the old timer a boost to his speed. In the blink of an eye he was behind his grandson. The boy had completely lost track of him and took a step back, bumping into Gohan. Goku twirled around and leapt back from his spot. This time, he watched his grandfather intently, unblinking, only for the man to move once he did.

"Hey, no fair!" Goku pouted, only to jump back when the old man blurred in front of him.

"Of course it is." Gohan allowed himself to slow just enough for Goku to react. He threw a sloppy punch, which Goku barely blocked. The force was ever so strong enough to push the boy off balance. This allowed Gohan to dart forward and shove the palm of his hand into his grandson. The boy collapsed into his rear, his pride more hurt than he was.

"No its not!" He threw his fists to his sides. "How can I hit you if you keep hiding!" He shouted. Gohan paused as he thought about what Goku meant. That moment of thought was followed by a fit of giggles. The laughter slowly died down as Goku rose to his feet.

"Goku, I'm not hiding, I'm just moving too fast for you to see." Gohan tied to explain but Goku wasn't open to such an idea.

"Nu-uh! No one's that fast!" He claimed, only amusing the elderly man before him.

"Is that so?" Gohan issued a challenged and was met by the stubborn look of his grandson. The man waited for his grandson to blink before snatching up as many rocks as his body allowed. By the time Goku could see him again, Gohan was lazily tossing the pebbles at him. The boy jumped and twisted out of the way of the rocks before leaping clear of them entirely. His eyes were much less confident than previously, his stance shaken by his grandfather.

"You know Goku, a werewolf's speed is intrinsically connected to the moon." He spoke with a calm smile.

"In-trick-lee?" Goku said

"Intrinsically, it means our speed belongs to the moon." He pointed up to it, the form barely obscured by a few stray clouds. "The more the light shines upon us, the faster we become." Goku managed to tear his gaze away from the sky to nod. "Tell me Goku, do you know what it means to be a werewolf?" He asked.

"What it means to be a werewolf?" Goku parroted, not entirely focused.

"It means one can transform into a werewolf, into this." With a grunt, Gohan began to morph into his true form. His clothes, surprisingly, expanded to fit the bulkier and taller body he grew into. As expected of such a size, his voice deepened and became more clear. The little old man who stood less than five feet had just become nearly seven feet tall. Now he stood and towered over his grandson who could do nothing more than stare with his mouth agape.

"Goku, while being able to become this is what it means to be werewolf, you must understand. Each werewolf and their families follow ideals that are unique to them. Just as I am different from your mother and she, your father. Just as you shouldn't fear a werewolf, you shouldn't trust them either. Do you understand what I mean Goku?"

"Yeah... Grandpa..." He muttered, his focus was elsewhere. Gohan forced his grandson to face him and even snapped his fingers in front of his face. Still, Goku kept his gaze fixated on the sky.

"Goku?" Gohan kneeled before the boy and allowed the moonlight to shine upon his face. He checked his eyes and noticed, with no small amount of concern, that his pupils had dilated. A finger to the neck revealed his heart was pounding as if the boy had just run a marathon without break. His breathing quickly escalated into him hyper ventilating and soon his began to twitch and spasm. Believing it to be some form of a seizure, Gohan looked over his shoulder for anything that could be the source of his strange behavior but could only see the full moon, now cloudless, sitting alone in the night sky.

He looked back to the boy before jerking away. The small boy had been replaced by a monster that was approaching his own height. Dark brown fur had sprouted all across their body, their face had elongated into a maw with several sharp teeth. The eyes no longer were anything natural, they had entirely been consumed by an evil red glow. Gohan spotted the tattered clothes that hung off of the beast that had grown to be a head talker than him. He quickly came to the conclusion that this was his grandson's true form.

"G-Goku..." He muttered as his grandson seemed to finish his transformation. He stood at a grand twenty-five feet tall and emanated a very oppressive aura. The massive beast that vaguely resembled an ape sucked in a deep breath of air. Then it bellowed a ferocious roar the resounded for miles. Gohan could have sworn the ground shook with it but that was probably just a side effect of his powerful ears being more sensitive.

The beast suddenly turned it's gaze to the werewolf, who suddenly felt very small. With another roar, the beast flashed at Gohan. He leapt into the air to avoid the massive fist that completely collapsed the ground he had been on before. He was still in the air when the beast locked onto him again. Faster than anything its size should be able to manage, the other fist lunged towards the old werewolf.

Before the fist could slam into him, Gohan crossed his arms and channeled his inner strength into them for good measure. He was flung away and into the woods surrounding them. He didn't hit any trees on the way down but the speed he landed with did cause him to trip and tumble. He quickly recovered from rolling head-over-end and planted his feet while digging in with his front claws. He slowly rose to his full height and rubbed his forearms. The blow had hurt but it wasn't truly painful, his forearms would definitely be bruised though. The fist was just so massive that it was easy to be carried by it.

He charged back to where he had been at high speeds. When he arrived, he was greeted by the beast flinging two trees around in its fists. He watched as it smashed the trees around it with no regard for life before chucking the ruined stumps from it's hands. He jumped as the stumps crashed below himself and skidded upon landing. The minute sound was enough to draw the beast's ire.

The monstrous ape suddenly leaped more than one hundred feet into the sky and Gohan's eyes widened. It came crashing down towards him and he regained his composure just soon enough to prevent himself from being smashed. Still, the impact rocked the ground around them and Gohan struggled to maintain his balance. The ape wasted no time and immediately brought his tail down next to the werewolf.

Gohan found himself propelled into the air by the impact. Before he could reorient himself, the ape had turned around and lunged. This time he narrowly avoided the hammer fist that smashed into the ground by skimming the side of it. He landed on the fist a moment later and turned to spot the other hand coming down on him. He immediately turned and began to run up the giants arm. After reaching the bicep, he leaped at its face to slice it across its face. Before he could do it, the memory of his grandson flashed in his mind and he hesitated.

His efforts where met by a sudden blast of energy. Gohan found himself thrown backwards from the ape and sent skidding along the ground. Gohan took even longer to pull himself from the ground because of the shock. That form his grandson was in could use ki attacks, something that required an accomplished martial artist that was in touch with their spirit. When he finally managed to face the boy-turned monster again, he took note of another beam of life energy within its maw. This time, the beast took the time to charge the blast. This left the old werewolf with very limited options. The last attack had actually winded him and this attack would probably have a blast radius as well.

He took a deep breath before slipping the horse stance.

"Ka..." He stuck both of his arms out in front of himself, inverting his hands from one another and exposing their palms to the giant. Tiny specks of ki gathered around the beast's mouth.

"Me..." He withdrew his hands to his sides while continuing the chant. His hands had now shifted to cup the air between them.

"Ha..." Between his hands a small ember of blue light flared to life. Similarly, the ki particles around the ape's mouth condensed into a large orb.

"Me..." The blue light between Gohan's hands suddenly swelled and a white filled the air. Static danced around the ball of ki as it threatened the escape from his hands. The beast its self had already finished and now its attack burst forth from its maw. It soared towards Gohan, bathing the area around then in a white hue.

"Ha!" With a mighty roar, Gohan unleashed his own attack. The mighty Kamehameha erupted from the ball between his hands. It met the monsters attack head on and the ground shook as bolts of ki tore at everything around the collision point. His grandson was strong, maybe even stronger than him. Even so, he wasn't strong enough to overcome the technique he wielded.

With a mighty grunt, he poured more of his energy into the attack. Suddenly, his own beam doubled in size as the attack head began to envelope the other. The point of collision slowly drifted back towards the boy. The boy's own beam head was already being torn to pieces by the intense pressure at the tip of his own attack. The end was at hand, so Gohan let out a gutteral growl unbecoming of someone his age.

With the added effort, Gohan's Kamehameha finally broke through and slammed into the beast's face.

Gohan didn't wait for the smoke to clear. Instead, he rushed at the beast while it reared back in pain and roared. He channeled his ki into his fist for a super charged attack, only for that cursed tail to blindside him. Reacting as quickly as possible, he dug his claws into the tail to prevent from being sent flying away. This only caused the beast to panic as it began flicking its tail back in forth to detach the source of the pain. Its reaction reminded Gohan of his grandsons greatest weakness. Unfortunately, just as the revelation occurred, he was flung loose and into the sky.

Time seemed to slow while he was airborne. He could see the smoke clearing and the burns he had inflicted on its face. He could also see the tail no sticking straight out and stiff as a board. In a moment of pure predation, he understood what he had to do. As he stopped climbing into the air, he reoriented himself.

His body weight carried him and allowed him to accelerate far faster than a human could. He silently focuses his remaining energy into his claws. He twisted himself past the beast's head with the ease of the wind. He quickly slammed into the ground as his ki trailed him. Seconds later the thunderous thud of a massive tail echoed out.

He turned to resume his battle with his out of control grandson only to pause. The beast had grown stiff and stopped making noise. The beast began to shrink before his very eyes. Fur fell to the ground, the face flattened and it shortened. Within seconds his very grounds on laid before him, naked as the day he was born.

It took a moment for to truly register in his mind what had happened.

He looked at his hand, his claws had still been coated in blood of his grandson. The mere thought of the was capable of sending a shiver down his spine. In a fit of instinct, he had gone and severed his grandsons tail. That very same tail had, like his grandson, shrunken back to normal size. He wondered of there was a way for this to have ended differently.

For the first time in a very long while, Gohan felt conflicted with himself.


Two months had come and gone since the full moon incident. Since that day, Gohan had made it a point to never allow Goku out when the moon was full or close to it. While Gohan was sure that the boy's transformation had something to do with his tail, he wouldn't chance another fight with the beast. If it were to ever be reared, the boy could harness power on a scale not seen in ages. Even so, it didn't help to alleviate the earful Fujiko had given him about his missing tail.

Despite the meltdown his parents had over his missing tail, Goku didn't really mind. At first he was pretty upset and even had difficulty walking but he got over it. In truth, losing the tail had gotten ride of a big weakness he had. When his parents found out he had been battling his grandpa, they weren't happy. Now they were constantly checking on him and wouldn't let him do anything fun.

While these things had been irritating, they weren't at the forefront of his mind. That belonged to the babies his parents now had with them all the time. They had called them Yuuto and Keito and said they were his little brothers. They had said it was his reasponsibility to protect them. Goku himself didn't know what to think of the new babies.

On one hand, they were annoying to him. He had to spend a lot of time with them instead of doing fun things. On the other, they did distract mom and dad long enough for him to do some training. He needed to improve if he was going to beat grandpa one day. He didn't know when he would get to visit him again, so he had to be ready.

From that point on, life was pretty mundane for the family of four. Fujiko raised the children with Touma whenever he wasn't called over seas for a meeting. Another child was born less than two years after the twins. They had called them Ichika and they were apparently a girl. As they all got older, they were taught lessons about learning to disguise their monster identities from the public.

For Yuuto and Ichika, these came easy. Keito had some difficulty hiding certain parts like his ears and tails. Goku had the most difficulty as he has discovered once his tail grew back. Try as he may, he couldn't make the little appendage disappear. It became a point of mockery from his siblings. This frequently lead to brawls between them. Typically Goku would wrestle his way to victory as he had actual combat experience.

Unfortunately, his siblings could easily bridge the gap by transforming in the middle of the fight. Goku himself was forbidden from using his transformation because of his dangerous it was. Even if he desired to, he couldn't call upon the form willingly. This, while disheartening to the boh, motivated him to train harder and push himself. Much to his parents dismay, this determination didn't transfer over to academics.

Yes, Son Goku was truly one of a kind - even among the Son family...