Morning had come. Six was already preparing his weapons for close encounters. Meanwhile, Neo was fully dressed and prepped to fight, stowing her rapier in the umbrella that acted as its sheath, she smirked as she saw the man stand up, racking the bolt of his rifle and feeding a round into the chamber, before stowing it on his back. He looked at his Energy Sword, then flicked it on. The weapon hissed and sparked as the Plasma containment flared and the blade took shape. Neo's eyes went wide at the sight of the sci-fi weapon. Six deactivated and stowed it back on his belt, before grabbing his other gear.
He nodded to her... And the two walked out of their new base, weapons at the ready. Neo held a grin as she walked beside the UNSC Spartan, who seemed calm enough. The trip for the base was short. Only a cab drive away. The Spartan and Neo both took positions outside the base's main entrance, where a slew of guards was still present. About 15, from what Six counted... Neo must've really tried to get in if there were this many guards just outside.
The soldier readied his AR and showed Neo to go around... He dashed in beside her, next to the wall of one of the buildings and took up his position, ready to boost Neo over. She nodded, then ran toward him... Acrobatics aside, Neo moved pretty fast. And as she made contact with Six' hand, the Spartan pushed with about a fifth of his strength, sending the little ice cream girl flying onto the top of a building. He turned about, then jumped twice, climbing up the one-story building without much fuss.
From there, they had a perfect view of the compound. On the far right, there was a makeshift motorpool with what seemed to be fuel canisters. On the far left, a small barracks made from a repurposed storage room. On the mid right was the main storehouse, which Six didn't know fully, since Neo never got that far as to scout it. He'd assume for now it's ammunition and food... And finally, mid-left would be the main guard tower. Thankfully, the sniper was turned around and watching the outside of the gate. Close left would've been the gate and guardhouse, with the 15 guards and close right was the building they were on...
Six looked at the Motorpool, where several makeshift armored cars resided, bearing the White Fang's symbols and few guns, if any... He scoped in the fuel depot, then looked to Neo, who grinned and gave a thumbs up... The Spartan drew his DMR, scoped in the closest fuel tank and calmly snapped off the first shot of the battle... The fuel tank was punctured and a spark ignited whatever volatile compound was used on Remnant. The ensuing chain reaction blew apart the Motorpool and chunks of the barracks, which woke the guards.
The DMR Barked again and the Sniper fell from his tower, dead onto the floor. Six then switched rifles, drawing his AR and jumping over into the compound. With a hard boot to the back of the head, the Spartan collapsed the skull of one of the Guards as she scrambled to find whoever shot. He stepped off the corpse, gazed upon by the surprised guardsmen, who staggered, mouths agape. They trembled...
Six raised his Rifle once more and emptied a full mag in a 90 degree arc in front of him, killing 5 guards and wounding 3 more. He stowed the rifle on his back, then surged forward as the recovered guards started firing. Bullets made his shield flare as they disintegrated into it, lowering the bar on his HUD little by little. He grabbed the first Fanger he saw by the throat and squeezed. The vertebrae in the man's neck popped and turned to dust as the Spartan threw the corpse over into his mates, disarming a few of them. He felt a sword stab through his shields, but break off the plating. Turning about, he grabbed a White Fang member and snapped his arm in two, making him drop the Sword, before he was pummeled into the ground with a single punch.
Neo, seeing the onslaught, got in on it herself, a fiendishly mad grin on her face as she stabbed through two more Fang members, one of which came out of the Barracks, rifle in hand. She went back-to-back with Six, then looked back with a grin and nodded. Six gave a nod back, grabbing his AR and reloading it, before kneeling and firing in bursts at charging Fangers. Neo, meanwhile, danced a dance of death behind him, using her parasol as a shield while she stabbed with the rapier from behind it. She kicked into the stock of a weapon on the floor, stowed the Rapier and grabbed the gun out of midair, kneeling behind the parasol and firing on full auto into the open door of the barracks.
The Spartan once again slung his rifle on his back, before drawing his pistol. The first SAPHE round punched through the mask of a Fang trooper. Neo had foregone the rifle she grabbed from the floor in favor of her Rapier again, stabbing the heart of a Fanger who came at her with a sword. All the while, her devious grin remained. She looked to Six, who was using both his fist and pistol to kill the foes before him.
The girl's grin widened, watching the man kick ass. She gasped as she saw a Fanger coming in behind him with what seemed to be a rather large explosive... She kicked off a White Fang trooper's corpse and stabbed the would-be Corpse clean through the back of the head, so much so the sharp tip went out through the mouth. She withdrew the weapon, stowed it and grabbed the explosive from the corpse, then hurled it toward the storehouse's wall, where it blew a hole the size of a tank through the aluminum plates.
Six took a Grenade from his belt and, before the smoke dissipated, tossed it inside the breach. He looked to Neo, who nodded and the two rushed inside after clearing the courtyard. The explosion came on cue with them jumping inside, firing and, in Neo's case, stabbing through several more White Fang members. Neo slammed the closed parasol, which acted like a baton, over the skull of a White Fang member, somehow caving his skull in, before thrusting the rapier into another's mouth.
The Spartan stowed his pistol and began using his fists again, cracking bones and breaking skulls and snapping necks. He spun through the air and delivered a roundhouse into a Fang rifleman's hip, sending a bloody corpse with a broken back spinning through the air. Upon landing, the Spartan slammed his head into another fang Member, then punched a third in the gut hard. The corpse skidded across the floor, before stopping into a wall with a sickening crunch.
The Spartan parried a slice from a Sword with his gauntlet, making the shields flare once more. The Spartan grabbed the blade, disarmed the Fanger and punched him into one of the high shelves, almost knocking the construct and all of its contents over into a neighboring shelf. He then snapped another man's neck and punched yet another in the spine... Followed by many more dying by gunshot wounds.
Neo followed up her step in the dance with thrusts, stabs and bashes from her signature weapon and a scarily large grin on her face. She seemed content with her work... And as the last Fang member lay in front of the Spartan and the girl, she started pleading with'em. But Six and Neo ignored her for now... Neo leaned herself on her umbrella, then smirked and raised 3 fingers. She spoke to him via sign language. 'I killed 34. You owe me Ice Cream.'
'I got 34 as well.' Six showed... Neo raised a brow... Then the two slowly turned toward the pleading one beside them. Neo's vile grin returned... And she and the Spartan took their shot at the survivor... Six's quicker reaction time had won him the kill. The Spartan and pouting little girl walked out of the place, with Neo crossing her arms and looking like a little child.
Thankful for her, the Spartan didn't have any major requests. Just a little calm walk after a mission well-done. And possibly a pit-stop at an ammunition store/maker. The pit stop was short, with Six specifying their address on paper to the ammo maker and where to deliver about 600 rounds of each type of ammo he had. Thank God 5,56 was common here too. Neo smiled as she saw him get out and questioned him via hand signals. 'Is it okay?'
Six nodded calmly, giving a thumbs up, then showed her to follow him.
At Miss M's Office.
"Fang base's been taken care of." Evelyn smirked, leaning her head on one hand as she looked at the man on her holographic screen. A scruffy, grey-haired man, but that had aged well with time. His amber eyes stared back from behind a pair of tiny black spectacles and he wore a set of clothes of emerald colors. A Scarf wrapped around his neck, with a cog emblem on the right, as well as a gentleman's suit of similar colors.
"Well... That was quick." The man in green noted, smiling as he held a cup of coffee in his right hand. He seemed calm. "So this 'Six' you were talking about helped one of your operatives."
"Yup. Guy's big and tough, but smart. He did what Neo couldn't do with all the Intel available and half a year's worth of time to it. The mission did require strength instead of stealth this time, so we were in luck." She noted, grin with standing. "If you've got other missions for them to prove themselves, you can easily get'em into Beacon... But if you don't, I'd like to keep both around for a bit longer. I've got a few loose ends to tie up and now, with this little dream team, I think I can deal with them."
"Thinking of working against Torchwick's associates?" Ozpin noted "Curageous."
"Wick For Brains ain't got nothing on me, Oz. You know me... After all, we did train together." Evelyn answered, leaning back into her chair. Ozpin nodded, then poured himself a bit more coffee, since he apparently had finished the cup, then gave a questioning glance to Evelyn. The woman chuckled and said "I'm one of your Orphans, Oz. If I couldn't handle myself, I wouldn't be working as your door holder to the underground world of Vale... I'm asking you to let me keep them for at least a year, though. A year and a half, maybe. Six seems like some kinda Alien and his tech ain't Gods-damned Atlas. I'd have recognized it."
"Then? What do you suggest he is, Evelyn?"
Miss M shrugged "Alien? Ghost? Fuck if I know, Oz, but he's a Godsend."
"I see your coloured Vocabulary still seeps through at times." The man smirked, then took a sip from his cup. Evelyn chuckled, leaning her steepled hands onto the desk and nodding. She shrugged, then said "Well, I've been in this place for so long, I'm starting to think Junior's bravado's getting to me. Wonder how fun he'll find it when I snip his balls off for too much flirting."
Several of her personal guard chuckled. The man before her did too.
"Don't make the man a eunuch just yet, Evelyn. We need him to keep your little business out of everyone's prying eyes." The man noted, grin withstanding. Evelyn nodded, then mocked "Yes, daaaaaad." and laughing. The woman waved one of her guards to bring her a little something to drink, before looking to the man and finishing "So, Ozpin... One year and a half?"
"It sounds good to me, Evelyn... Do keep them both safe. Beacon needs a pair of new teachers for its curriculum and Glynda can't handle all of it on her own." The Headmaster of Beacon academy noted, arranging the files neatly on his desk. He looked at the screen, then said "Do take care of yourself as well, Evelyn. And if push comes to shove and you have to run, get back to Beacon ASAP."
"Will do, old man. Will do." Evelyn nodded, then gave a mock salute and said "Miss M, over and out." as she cut off the transmission. Ozpin chuckled, then turned about to see some of the new buildings and dorms being built in Beacon's backyard and smiled. Several hundred more students would join the coming 5 years, at least. And that made it easy for the man to do his job... Yet he was right, his teachers would need the two extra hands, in Combat Classes at least.