Stories of the Hogwarts Sisterhood

Disclaimer: Athena and Oliver's twins belong to me. As for the rest, see "What can I do to forget about the love between us" (why the hell did I make such a long title..)

Disclaimer 2: Some of the characters' words came from "Divine Secrets of the Ya-Ya Sisterhood" and "Clash of the Titans" So you may find their action and their words familiar. And I don't own them.

Ships: AD/MM, Madam Hooch/OC

Note 1: Ok, like what Freelancer said: My fic, my rules. So instead of 80 years older than Minerva, I make Dumbledore to be 8 years older than her! *grins*

Note 2: All right, this is it, the last chapter of the "Hogwarts Sisters"! *sniffs*

To flamers: I don't take kindly to flames, so back off, if you know what's good for you.

Mostly rated PG for swearing

Thank you for all your reviews!

Gross Reality: I have my own way of telling a story. If you don't like it, I believe you could go to hell.

Dedicated to my friends in the Albus/Minerva group-Thank you for consoling me.

Chapter 19: The Hand-over Ceremony

"Say, Albus? What exactly is the hand-over ceremony about?" Jonathan asked Dumbledore on 18th August. It was 9pm and Jonathan and Dumbledore were sitting in the Dumbledores' living room.

"It is for you to find out." Dumbledore said, standing up. "Well, I am going to see what Minerva is doing...."

"Hey, wait a minute! You can't leave me here!" Jonathan said frantically. Usually the Dumbledores had their lights on but today, under Minerva's orders, all the lights were switched off and candles were used in replacement, giving the whole house a dark and mysterious atmosphere. And not to Jonathan's surprise, Dumbledore went along with Minerva because he thought that it was interesting. Athena had gone to the Woods' for the night because she was not allowed to be in the house to witness the ceremony. Even if she is a Hogwarts Sister's daughter.

Dumbledore ignored his protest. "I am sure that Georgia will attend to you soon." He said and went upstairs.


Dumbledore looked into his and Minerva's room and saw Minerva checking her reflection. Her hair was pinned up and she was wearing white robes. (Think of Maggie Smith in "Clash of the Titans")

"Is the ceremony going to begin?" Dumbledore asked, walking towards her.

"Yes." Minerva said, smiling in satisfaction at her image. "I am going to call Georgia to get Jonathan. How do I look?"

"Beautiful. Like a Goddess." Dumbledore said and gave her a kiss. "Call me when the ceremony is over, I will be in the garden, reading."

"Sure....." Minerva said, when she saw something. "Oh no, I forgot! Albus, can you please put that on for me?" She asked, pointing at a tiara made of diamonds on the dressing table.

Dumbledore picked the tiara up carefully and put it on Minerva's head. "Now you look like a real Queen Cold-As-Ice."

"Thank you, King Calm-As-Night." Minerva said and smiled as she gave Dumbledore a light kiss.


"Mr. Jonathan Wood?" A strong voice asked and Jonathan turned around. He raised his eyebrows at the sight of Georgia wearing light green robes and a tiara of emeralds.

"The hand-over ceremony has begun. Come with me." Georgia said and Jonathan got up from his seat.

He followed Georgia to the second floor, and to end of the hallway. On the way, Jonathan gave nervous glances at Georgia. She acted like she didn't know him at all and she had a serious look on her face.

When they stopped at the last door of the hallway, Georgia patted Jonathan's shoulder and said: "Don't worry. Just relax, we won't kill you."

Jonathan gave her a smile and nodded. Georgia knocked on the door impatiently and Poppy with light blue robes and a tiara of pearls opened the door. Jonathan's mouth dropped open at what he had seen. Minerva was standing at the other side of the room with her hands together as she was praying. A large portrait of a Goddess with a bow and arrow was hanging behind her and in front of the portrait, there was a marble alter with white candles and a long black box on it.

"You are now in the temple of the Hogwarts Sisters. Enter." Minerva said in a clear, strong voice and Jonathan and Georgia entered as Poppy closed the door. "Bring forward the suitor."

Georgia grabbed Jonathan's hand and led him to the front of Minerva.

"Kneel, Jonathan Wood." Minerva commanded.

"What?" Jonathan asked back.

"You heard me." Minerva said and glared at him.

"Just kneel already, it will be over soon." Georgia whispered and Jonathan kneeled.

"Empress Singing Flower, bring Countess Rising Sun out." Minerva ordered and Poppy left. A few moments later, she returned with Mandy, who was wearing yellow robes and a tiara with rubies.

"Hear me, Jonathan Wood, you are about to marry our sister, Madeline Zoë Hooch. Also known as Countess Rising Sun. But before you may do so, you must do what I say or I will not hand her over to you." Minerva said seriously.

"All right." Jonathan said slowly.

Minerva turned around to the portrait of the Goddess and said: "Bear witness, Artemis, our beloved Goddess of Chastity, Hunt and Moon. I, Minerva McGonagall, Queen Cold-As-Ice, is going to hand over our sister, Madeline Zoë Hooch, Countess Rising Sun, to Jonathan Wood. Please give her your blessings and protect her throughout her marriage. If Jonathan Wood has done anything wrong to her in the future, give us, the Hogwarts Sisters, the permission to curse him."

"You can't be serious!" Jonathan exclaimed before he could stop himself.

Minerva gave him another glare as if she was saying: "Silence!"

"Sorry." He mumbled.

Minerva turned around. "Duchess Sleeping Butterfly, give it to him."

Georgia took a container decorated with plastic roses and gave it to Jonathan. "Drink it." She said.

Jonathan stared at the dark liquid in the container. "Hey, what the hell is this?" He asked.

"This is the blood of the Hogwarts Sisters." Minerva said as if it was nothing unusual.

Jonathan gave a glance at Mandy and Mandy shook her head. Glad that it was not real blood, Jonathan drank the liquid, which tasted like dark chocolate. He finished it and gave it to Georgia.

"Arise, Jonathan Wood." Minerva said, lifting her hand.

Jonathan stood up slowly.

"Raise your right hand." Minerva said. "And repeat after me. I,"

"I," Jonathan started and repeated what Minerva had said: "Jonathan Wood, the suitor of Madeline Zoë Hooch, a Hogwarts Sister and Countess Rising Sun, has swore in front of the Goddess Artemis, that I will take care and love her for eternity. If I break my oath, the Hogwarts Sisters will have their revenge on me. As Madeline Zoë Hooch suffers, so will I. I promise you."

"Good." Minerva smiled. "Come forward, Countess Rising Sun." She whispered.

Mandy stepped forward and stood beside Jonathan.

"Hold hands." Minerva said and Jonathan and Mandy held their hands.

Minerva turned around, opened the box and took out a sliver silken thread. She lifted the thread above the couple's hands. "As I bind their hands with this silken thread, bear witness, my sisters, that since Countess Rising Sun is our sister, so Jonathan Wood will become our brother."

Poppy and Georgia smiled. Minerva tied the silken thread on Jonathan and Mandy's hands. "Empress Singing Flower, bring forward the crown."

Poppy carried a box to Minerva. Minerva opened it and took out a crown of rubies. "Jonathan Wood, I shall now named you as Count Evening Sun." She said seriously and placed the crown on Jonathan's head. "We will hand over Countess Rising Sun to you. Now you have the Hogwarts Sisters' and Artemis' permission to marry her. Congratulations." She smiled. "You may kiss the Countess, you know." She added.

Jonathan smiled and kissed Mandy lovingly.

"Now I declare that the hand-over ceremony is over!" Minerva called and the Hogwarts Sisters applauded.

Jonathan and Mandy broke their kiss and smiled.

Minerva removed the thread and said: "And I declare that the Hogwarts Sisters bonding ritual has started."

"Huh?" Jonathan said.

"Don't "huh", Count Evening Sun. It is a tradition." Minerva said firmly and practically shooed Jonathan out of the room. She closed the door and said: "All right, let us begin. Form a circle, everyone."

The Hogwarts Sisters formed a circle.

"Countess Rising Sun, the day after tomorrow is your wedding day, let us combine our blood together." Minerva said seriously. "After this ritual, we will be even closer as sisters and if you have any trouble with Jonathan Wood, we will be there to help you."

Mandy nodded and Minerva went to the alter, opened the box and took out a knife.

"Oh no, are we really going to do that?" Poppy groaned.

"Hell yes, of course we are." Minerva said, going back to the circle. She poked her palms with the knife and passed it to Georgia. All of the Hogwarts Sisters cut their palms with the knife and Mandy, the last one, put the knife down.

"I can't believe you are all cutting your hands for me." Mandy said.

"That is what sisters for. Now let's join hands." Minerva said and the Hogwarts Sisters joined hands. "We are the mighty Hogwarts Sisters, let no man to have the full control of us. Now our blood floods through each other and it will for all eternity. Loyal forever, we raise our voices and do our Hogwarts Sisters cry....."

The Hogwarts Sisters raised their hands and cried: "YA-YA!"


Dumbledore looked up from his book to the second floor, shook his head and said in amusement: "Here they go again." The last time the Hogwarts Sisters gave that "Ya-Ya" cry was after his and Minerva's wedding ceremony.


Jonathan leaned on the wall as Minerva opened the door and all the Hogwarts Sisters came out. He smiled at Mandy. "Is it over?" He asked as the rest left the hallway.

Mandy nodded and smiled back.


"I love you, Countess Rising Sun." Jonathan suddenly said, putting his arm over Mandy's shoulders.

"I love you too, Count Evening Sun." Mandy said and kissed him.

The End