AN: I'm back! Please review:

Calleigh Lucas sat in the trauma room, staring intently at the chart in front of her and the patient laying critically ill to her right. The patient that had been brought in just over three hours ago and who Calleigh had spent every moment with since. The mystery patient. The cops had arrived shortly afterwards, but Lucas had been too busy trying to save a life to speak with them. Apparently, they had gotten bored and told one of the nurses that they'd be back later. So, she had waited. Waited by her patient's side, watching the machines report back critical information. Her patient, her mystery patient with no known identity, the mystery patient who arrived nude, badly beaten, malnourished and comatose. The patient who couldn't be much older then Lucas herself.

"Calleigh?" A deep voice startled her from her thoughts and she looked up to see the lead trauma surgeon staring down at her.

"Ross." She nodded, handing him the chart. "She isn't stable enough, she wont even make the trip upstairs." She whispered.

He nodded, glancing at the chart. "Jesus," he whispered, his eyes darting back and forth between the patient and the chart. "She shouldn't be alive…"

"I know. The police want to talk, said they'd be back; that was a few hours ago."

"Have you told the family?" He asked gently, knowing he didn't have a job here. This patient wouldn't survive surgery. He doubted she'd survive the next hour.

Calleigh sniffed and shook her head. She was an experienced doctor but this case was getting to her already. She sunk into Ross's arms as she felt them wrap around her. She allowed herself to cry into her husband's chest, silent tears as he gently rubbed her back and kissed the top of her head. "No, she doesn't even have an identity. We have no idea who she is."

"The police will be able to figure it out," Ross offered soothingly.

Calleigh shook her head. "In time? You know how the police work here; they'll take the report and we may or may not hear from a detective in a week."

"Its not their fault, Cal. Crime is up and they are underfunded; they are doing what they can with what they have. They can take DNA, fingerprints- there are ways to identify her. That's their job and they can do it. Someone is missing her."

Calleigh nodded grateful for her husband. "She's been tortured, Ross. Her injuries… the pain she must have been in."

Ross nodded as he looked over the woman. Blood coated her hair, her ears, nose and eyes. Her nose had been broken and he knew that was the least of it. The woman's arrival and condition was already making its rounds through the hospital and it would be a matter of time before other staff started trickling in to get a look at her. "Cal, you…" he paused. "Cal, I cannot take her to surgery. She won't survive."

Calleigh nodded, wiping the tears. "I don't know why she is getting to me, she is a stranger, just another patient…"

"Because you are human, that's why. You still care about your patients, you see them as people not just strangers. Its okay to care Cal." He paused. "Are you going to be okay when she…"

Calleigh nodded. "Yeah, I will. I just want someone to call her by her name one more time. I don't want her to die without her name."

Ross smiled at her and brought her in closer one more time before giving her a soft kiss. "I'm just going to look her over, okay?"

Calleigh nodded, "just be gentle. I think I cataloged all her injuries but there were so many."

Ross nodded and pulled the drapes around them and their patient before gently pulling the blanket and gown away. "Hi there." He was a kind doctor who was known for always talking to his patients, even the ones who couldn't hear him. "Sweetheart, my name is Ross, I am a surgeon here. I am just going to look you over okay? I won't hurt you." Carefully, he pressed his stethoscope to her heart and closed his eyes. Her heart was tired, he could tell that; the machines were doing all the work for her. She was, in every sense of the word, on life support. He then gently looked at her arms, both broken and splinted; her legs had been broken, her pelvis was shattered. The amount of pain this woman had to be in was astronomical. It was better if she was comatose. It was when he got to her hands, that he noticed her fingers and the burns on all of them.

"Sadistic." Calleigh whispered. "Whoever did this was sadistic. They burned off her fingerprints."

Ross nodded and gently placed her hands back down as he continued his exam. Gently, he began to examine her neck, carefully avoiding the trach that had been placed. He shook his head, a trach had been placed to breathe for her. They couldn't do it the normal way, her throat had been too damaged.

"Spinal fracture, too." Calleigh whispered, watching as her husband carefully moved his hands along the woman's body. "L1-L3."

Ross took a deep breath. "You know they'll ask for a rape kit. Has it been done?"

Calleigh shook her head, "No, we were too busy trying to keep her alive. I don't want to put any additional stress on her body. Id rather hold off on it is possible." She stood up and helped her husband carefully cover the woman with a blanket, mindful of the multiple tubes and wires.

"Call…" Ross started but was interrupted by the door opening.

"Dr. Lucas?" It was Tina, the charge nurse. The nurse who had found the woman dumped outside their hospital near the dumpster. "Dr. Lucas, the police are here. Can they come in?"

"Yes." She stood up and quickly rubbed her eyes as two police officers walked in.

They stopped dead in their tracks when they saw their victim. "Holy shit." One of them whispered.

"What do you need?" Calleigh asked anger burning inside her as they gaped at the condition of the woman.

"We just need to know her condition, if you found anything?" One of them asked, pulling out a notepad.

"Her condition? Look at her! She's been tortured, her fingernails are missing, her fingerprints have been burned off!" She raised her eyebrows as one of the officers took out his phone and began snapping pictures of the victim.

"She gonna live?" One of them asked.

"No." Ross spoke up. "She won't; that's why we need a detective here that can do their job. Her family needs to be here to let her go."

"It's Christmas. Not sure how many detectives we have right now; but Ill see if we can get a homicide detective over here." He paused and looked at the two doctors. "don't let her die until the detective can get here, alright?"

And the cops left leaving the two doctors alone with their patient.

"She looks like a Jennifer," Calleigh whispered, as she stood smoothing her patients hair back. "We have to call her something."

"Then we'll call her Jennifer." Ross agreed gently tucking the blanket closer around their patient. "Its Christmas, Calleigh. Lets go get some dinner." He tried to pull her away but she stopped.

"My shift is over," she sniffed, "we can't leave her on Christmas. What if.. lets make her last Christmas a decent one."

Ross smiled and pulled up another chair to sit besides his wife. "She won't be alone, Calleigh."

And the two of them sat there, eyes glued to the monitors that reported their patients deteriorating condition. It was only a matter of time- but at least she was with people who wouldn't hurt her anymore.

Over three hundred miles away, a little boy was asking Santa to bring his momma home for Christmas. A distraught husband was asking for his Christmas miracle. And the lights of the BAU office remained on as a unit chief stared out his window- hoping for the safe return of his young agent.