Continuation from Ch. 1..

"So, you just have to make a meal? How is this a competition?" Kol sounds confused.

"Yeah, but you're restricted to what's in the baskets and the pantry, and you're timed in each round." Kai sounds like a kid explaining the concept of Christmas to his younger sibling.

"Do you get to choose what's in the baskets?"

"Nope. You've gotta work with what you're given."

Bonnie rolls over, "You'd kick ass at Chopped."

"I know, right?" Kai shoots her a grin before leaning down to press a kiss to her waiting lips. "Good Morning, sleepyhead."

"Morning." When he goes to pull back, she reaches out to keep him close, "Thank you for the potion, it worked." He beams, "Yeah?" Bonnie nods, "Yeah, great job." She's learned over the past months that both of them (and herself as well if she's being honest) have a bit of a praise kink.

Kol butts in like the forgotten child Bonnie suspects he always was. "The idea was really both of ours. In fact, I-" Bonnie cuts him off with a kiss.

"Well, now that all of us are awake" Kai dodges the pillow that Bonnie tosses at him, "I um, have something to tell you." Both Kol and Bonnie sat up and give Kai their full attention.

Kai is surprised at how nervous he is and decided that ripping off the band-aid was the best way. "I have the cure, and I'm eventually going to take it." Bonnie's mouth dropped open, while Kol was suspiciously silent. "I never intended to stay this way, I wasn't even sure why I stayed this way until I came across you" He looked at Kol. "Thanks for showing me that being a vampire could actually be fun, and that you don't have to necessarily be an asshole."

"Do you know when you're gonna take it?" Bonnie asked.

He shrugged, "I guess it depends on what happens with us. No pressure, but I'd like to continue with what we're doing, and I'd like to eventually work on rebuilding the Gemini Coven. Can't do that as a heretic."

"When you say rebuild the Gemini Coven, what exactly are you talking about? Like just the foundation? Are you looking for new members?" Kai knows what Bonnie was getting at, so once again he decided to be blunt, and he'd deal with the fallout later.

"I mean I'd like to join our bloodlines." He held her gaze. "You're the last of the Bennetts, and I'm the last of the Gemini. Can't think of anything more amazing than that combination."

Bonnie took in a breath, then looked to Kol. "What about you? Did you know about this?"

Kol shook his head, "No, this is all news to me little witch." His face was uncharacteristically stoic as he regarded Kai. "Why did you wait so long to reveal this, Malachai?"

Kai felt himself get a bit defensive, "It's not like I planned on…this." He gestured to the three of them. "I was going to tell you." He told Kol. "Then you came along" he motioned towards Bonnie, "and I wanted….needed to make things right. That was my main goal, and after that, I just wanted to enjoy the time we had together because I was sure you'd leave at some point and go back to Mystic Falls"

"And now that I'm not?" Bonnie queried.

"You're not?" Both he and Kol asked at the same time.

"Hell no! Do either of you really think I can go back to that place? That I even want to go back to being that girl?" Bonnie shook her head, "I like who I am with the both of you, and even if you stayed a Heretic, I'd still want to stay with you." She crawled over to wrap her arms around his neck.

Kai felt the pressure on his chest ease, as much as he had hoped that would be her answer, he had still been apprehensive about what she would say. He breathed a sigh of relief as her forehead met his, "What about the rest?" Kai wanted to be crystal clear on his intentions, he wanted to start a family with Bonnie, and see her swell with carrying his and maybe Kol's kids.

Speaking of Kol….

He broke away from Bonnie to see Kol looking off in the distance with a frown on his face. He saw Bonnie direct her attention towards the original as well. "Kol?" he snapped his head towards the two and his lips quirked in a half smile.

"Well, you sure do know how to drop a bomb, Malachai."

Suddenly Kai felt like the ultimate asshole, he had had time to come to grips with the end of his vampirism, but for Kol it would be infinitely harder. He had been alive for over 1000 years (years spent in a coffin daggered notwithstanding) it would be a much harder choice for him. Not to mention he'd be pretty much signing his own death warrant someday.

And of course there would be the backlash from his siblings to deal with.

He set Bonnie down next to him and reached out to Kol, "I know I just sprang this on you, and I'm sorry. I just felt like now was the best time. I don't want you to feel pressured to do the same. This is what's best for me, it was always going to happen regardless if I met you or not." He leaned in to give Kol a kiss, feeling hopeful when Kol responded enthusiastically like he normally did.

When they broke apart Kol licked his lips before glancing in Bonnie's direction. She straddled his lap and laid her head on his shoulder without a word, while Kai embraced her from behind.

They stayed that way for a moment, just holding each other while each was lost in their own little world.

"I need time to think about it." Kol finally said. "I'm not saying yes, and I'm not saying no. I just need more time."

"Of course." Kai agreed leaning forward to meet Kol's lips with his over Bonnie's shoulder.

"Vivi get back here!" Kai chuckled as he heard Bonnie attempt to catch the rambunctious 4 year old as she took off across the yard.


While Kai was trying to smother his laughter, Kol had no such qualms and let out a loud laugh as he held out his arms. "Come to papa, darling." He swept her up in a huge hug just as Bonnie reached them.

"Vivian Sheila Bennett-Parker, you get back there and clean up your mess, right now." Bonnie leaned against Kai slightly as she scolded their daughter.

"NO!" Clearly she had gotten her rebellious nature from his side of the family. Kai was delighted that his daughter had a strong mind already, but one look at Bonnie told him that she was clearly at her wits end. He raised an eyebrow at Kol who carried the little girl back towards the house, talking softly to her the whole way.

"Ugh, that is so your child." Bonnie winced as she placed a hand on her belly. Kai stepped behind her and began massaging her lower back. "Oh, so she's my child when she's stubborn?"

"Duh. She does not get that from me." Bonnie moaned in pleasure as he hit a particularly tense spot.

Kai decided not to argue the point, "Aren't you supposed to be taking it easy? Chasing after Vivi isn't exactly what the doctor ordered."

Bonnie waved him off, "I'm fine, just a little more tired than usual. Carrying twins takes a little more effort than just one. Besides, Caroline and Bekah will be here later and we both know they're not gonna let me lift anything heavier than a pillow."

Kai reached around to encircle her in his arms, resting his hands on her growing belly. He sent a gentle pulse of magic and grinned as he felt an answering tug in return. He wasn't sure if it was both of them, or just one, but at just 6 months, the magic he felt in return was already strong.

None of them had planned on having a kid so soon after he took the cure. Kai had assumed it would take a while for his body to get used to being human again, but about a month after taking it, he and Kol woke up to Bonnie on her knees in front of the toilet. As much as he hated seeing her go through morning sickness, he wouldn't deny was overjoyed to know that both their lines would continue.

His elation was mixed with dread and apprehension as well. He was terrified of screwing up and failing Bonnie, not to mention screwing up his future kid. It's not like he had the best example. Caroline had actually been a godsend in that respect. She had been there to witness when he finally broke and spilled all his fears and doubts about becoming a parent.

"What the fuck am I doing? I can't do this." His words were slurred, having already consumed almost a whole bottle of Tequila by himself by the time Caroline found him hiding in their brand new wine cellar.

"Do what? Why are you drunk at 2 in the afternoon?" The blonde vampire looked down at the former heretic who was currently sprawled out on the ground.

"Be a parent. What the fuck do I know about parenting? I'm a sociopath that killed four of my siblings, got imprisoned for 18 years, then got out and killed the rest of my coven. What do I say when they start asking questions about the rest of my family?" His eyes were wide in horror as he imagined his kids no longer wanting anything to do with him after they learned the truth.

"Okay, first of all, no more drinking." Caroline flashed over and took the bottle from his hands. "Secondly, have you talked to Bonnie about this? Maybe you should-"

"NO!" He tried to stand up but ended up back on the ground, "No, I don't want to freak her out. She doesn't like to show it, but I know she's anxious as well. I just….I just wanna be better than my father." He finished lamely.

Caroline's face softened, "Look, I don't know what your relationship with your dad was like, but you know that you don't have to follow in his footsteps, right?" She made herself comfortable on the ground next to him. "None of us had the best relationship with our parents, we're all trying to not make the same mistakes, including Bonnie. You think the fact that Abby left her so young didn't affect her?"

Kai shrugged, or tried to. "She's not really a fan of talking about her mom, or her dad, for that matter." He laid back closed his eyes, "I know she saw her dad die while she was a ghost, but other than that, I don't really know too much about him."

"Talk to her, I can guarantee she's as scared as you are. Oh! I can help with this too!" She whipped out her phone, "Amazon has all kinds of parenting books nowadays, we'll get you ready in no time!"

Kai isn't sure what he replied, everything went kind of hazy from that point on, but true to her word, a week later he began receiving what seemed like every parenting book under the sun…all charged to his amazon account.

"How does your friend have access to my account?" He asked Bonnie one night.

She laughed out loud. "Are you kidding? She had access to all our information, I'm surprised it took you this long to notice."

"Not sure how I feel about that." He muttered as he took in the pile of books that seemed to grow bigger by the day. He noticed that she also slipped in books about psychotherapy and managing his emotions.

Despite all his grumbling, and though he would never tell her, he found a lot of the books interesting. The ones he had no use for he either donated or sent back, while the others joined many others in their shared library.

When the trio had finally decided on a place to settle in Northern California, the search was on for the perfect home for all of them with the expectation that there would soon be lots of little feet running around as well. They finally settled on a place that was surrounded by acres of land that they could build on as their family grew.

True to their word, they hired Caroline as their interior designer and she got right to work. Rebekah, having heard that Caroline was in charge of decorating most of their home had cried, cajoled, and eventually resorted to bribery to be able to be the one that decorated the nursery for their first child.

Kai was now the owner of an extremely expensive sports car that Bonnie allowed him to drive only when it was just him and Kol, no taking the kids, ever. He had agreed, knowing full well that that promise would only last as long as the kids' silence could be bought.

"Are you still meeting with the Fae tonight?" Bonnie asked, bringing him out of his thoughts. He kept his arm around her as they made their way towards the house. When they found the land to build on, Kai had made sure to do his research to see if there were any werewolf packs, Fae, or any other species already in the area. He had gotten permission from the local wolf pack due to Tyler smoothing the way, but the Fae had proven trickier to manage. He'd had to go back to the Gemini archives to find a solution that would allow all of them to coexist.

"Yeah, we've finally hammered out a truce. Which reminds me, Marnie Callahan sent us a few gifts. Do you want to just put them with the others?" He led Bonnie over to the oversized couch.

"Sure, we'll sort through them later." Bonnie took a seat to catch her breath.

They had managed to keep Vivian's birth pretty much under wraps, but in the ensuing years they had made their joint debut back in the supernatural world. The last Bennett witch married to the last Gemini Heir, with an original vampire thrown into the mix was enough gossip to keep everyone fed for years to come.

When they announced this pregnancy, and the fact that it was twins no less, they were inundated with gifts from covens all over. People who hadn't even interacted with the Gemini were sending their congratulations. Kai knew that had more to do with Bonnie than himself. In the beginning, he had a hard time getting anyone to meet with him until he dropped the Bennett name into the mix. He decided to hyphenate his name as well just to make things easier.

"Auntie Bex is here!" Vivian blew right by them with Kol hot on her heels.

"Why is that child always running?" Bonnie asked tiredly. Kai propped her feet up on a stool and made a mental note to make sure she got more rest from here on out. She seemed to get tired faster this time around.

"….and look, when I put my hand on mommy's tummy, I can feel them kick. There's two in there!" Vivian came back tugging on Rebekah's hand, chattering a mile a minute. She jumped up next to Bonnie and asked if she could feel the babies, when Bonnie nodded she pressed gently like Kai had instructed her to do.

"You have to press gently so you don't hurt the babies." Kai smiled proudly, she already sounded like a big sister. Rebekah smiled as she bent down to hug Bonnie before running her hands over her swollen stomach. "Wow, you are getting huge!"

"Thanks Bex, just what every pregnant woman wants to hear." Bonnie rolled her eyes.

"You know what I mean, you're still bloody gorgeous. How much longer until I become the favorite Aunt again?" Kai hid his laugh with a cough, both Rebekah and Caroline swore up and down that they were the favorite aunt, and with the impending birth of the twins, he had a sinking feeling it would get worse.

Especially since Elena had still yet to come around.

For both Kol and Kai this was no great loss, but Kai knew Bonnie felt a little twinge every time Caroline or Matt came to visit without her former BFF. Even Tyler had come around a few years ago. Kai knew he and the wolf would never be particularly close, due to Kai being responsible for Liv's death, but he was just happy that it wouldn't be held against Bonnie or their kids.

"I just hit 6 months, and I'm so ready for this to be over." Bonnie glared in his direction. "We're done for a while." Kai just smiled serenely at her, he'd let her think that all she wanted. He left her with Rebekah and Vivi, claiming him and Kol needed to make a store run. Bonnie gave him a knowing look on his way out.

20 minutes later he was parked on the outer edges of their property with his tongue shoved down Kol's throat as he rode him to completion. Something about seeing Bonnie carrying his kids, and seeing other people observe that fact always made him horny as hell. He knew both Bonnie and Kol knew it too, and sometimes he swore Bonnie even encouraged his little fixation.

As he panted against Kol's neck he thought about how soon after Bonnie gave birth this time around he could start hinting at trying again.

"You are utterly predictable, Malachai." Kol's voice broke into his thoughts, "You do realize our little witch will hex you into next year if you even think about asking for more offspring so soon." Kol still had his hand wrapped around his dick and gave a slight tug. Kai bucked in his grip before shooting Kol a grin, "She'll come around, besides, this pregnancy wasn't' even my fault!" He chuckled remembering Bonnie watching from across the room as he calmed their daughter down from one of her tantrums.

He had managed to get her calmed down and made her apologize for her actions when Bonnie had strolled over and requested that Kol stay with Vivian for a while. Kai had honestly thought he had done something wrong, but was quickly proven wrong when Bonnie escorted him into their bedroom and quite literally threw him on the bed.

He's not 100% sure, but if he were a betting man, he'd guess that was when the twins were conceived.

"Whatever you say." Kol mouthed at his neck for a bit, but was careful not to bite. Kol had been extremely careful ever since Kai had taken the cure to not so much as accidentally nip him. Kai knew that Kol had still not made up his mind about taking the cure, and if he were totally honest with himself, there was a part of Kai that was glad.

He had read enough of the books that Caroline had gifted him with to realize that it wasn't necessarily malicious on his part, but he loved the fact that Bonnie was carrying and giving birth to only his children. He would have shared with Kol happily, but deep down he knew it was due to the possessiveness that he would never be able to shake that gave him a thrill every time he came inside Bonnie. Knowing that it was his seed alone that would be fertilizing her.

Plus he really liked the idea of Kol being a steady guardian and protector for their children throughout the years when he and Bonnie would no longer be around. He knew their family would be strong, but he figured having a few originals by their side couldn't hurt.

"We should probably be getting back. I think the other blonde has arrived by now." Kai rolled his eyes and buried his head in Kol's neck. "Do we have to? Let's just grab Vivi and go get ice cream." He tried to bargain as he fixed his clothes and settled himself back in his seat.

Kol laughed as he started the car, "Sure, if you want to get on Bonnie's bad side. I have no idea what the other beds in our home feels like, and I have no inkling to find out."

They swung by the store to indeed get ice cream just to have on hand in case Bonnie got one of her middle of the night cravings. Then walked back into a madhouse. Caroline had showed up with swatches for the twins' nursery, while Rebekah had assumed that since she had done the first one, that she would be decorating this nursery as well. Bonnie threatened to cut off their balls the next time they left her to go get busy while she had to deal with their craziness.

Despite their constant butting of heads, Kai knew both Rebekah and Caroline had indeed become friends. He would always be grateful for them for stepping up to help with Vivian when Bonnie finally went into labor. 8 hours and countless threats of not letting Kai anywhere near her anymore later, they finally welcomed Cole Anthony and Jocelyn Yvette Bennett-Parker into the world.

Kai had placed Cole into his namesakes' arms and watched as the vampire softly cooed to the child who was still screaming bloody murder at being expelled from his former home. Meanwhile, Kai observed that Jocelyn was laying contentedly against Bonnie's chest, just watching as her brother continued to make his displeasure known. He swallowed a lump as he thought of his twin and what their birth must have been like.

"I hear the babies!" Over the sound of his son he heard Vivian yelling through the door. He made sure everyone was cleaned up before welcoming the small group of people that were outside in the waiting room. Vivian was the first to hold the babies, naturally. Her grin was ear to ear as Caroline made sure to take lots of pictures with her holding her new siblings.

When they had been given the all clear to return home, they had a few weeks to themselves before the gifts and well wishes started pouring in. Kai was shocked to see gifts from the rest of the Mikealsons. He made sure to place those to the side to be opened later, and grabbed a package that was postmarked from Mystic Falls.

It seems as if someone (or a few someone's) had finally managed to pull their heads from their asses. He opened the gift from Elena and Damon to see a set of silver rattles and baby blankets with a message that simply said "Congratulations." He scoffed as he tossed it aside, he wouldn't throw it away, but they wouldn't be at the top of the list for thank you notes.

Stefan had stopped by before he left the country to go traveling and brought gifts for the impending twins as well as Vivian. He had asked to speak to Bonnie alone. Kai isn't sure what was said, but he saw Bonnie hug Stefan before he left, so they must have come to some kind of an agreement.

Kol kept them in suspense for a while. Almost a year after their latest son had been born, Kai woke to find himself alone in their shared bed. He followed their hushed voices to the living room.

Bonnie was sitting in a rocking chair, feeding Rudy while Kol was reclined on the couch with Cole spread across his lap, fast asleep. Kai walked in and offered to take the sleeping boy from Kol, but the original just shook his head.

"You might as well know, Malachai." Kol said as he stroked Cole's wild curls. "I've decided not to take the cure."

He wouldn't say he was surprised, but Kai still felt his stomach do a little dive as he dropped onto the couch beside the vampire.

"I look at what we've built, and as much as I would love to pass on my no doubt fabulous genes," Kol tried to joke, "I want to stick around and watch it grow." He paused and added, "I want to make sure the children know they still will have a parent when you two…" he trailed off.

"I figured." Bonnie smiled sadly. "When you stopped talking about it after I had the twins, I kinda knew then."

Kol nodded as he kept his gaze on the sleeping boy in his lap while he addressed Kai, "When you placed Vivian in my arms for the first time, I felt it then. But it wasn't until this one here that it clicked for me. As long as I have breath in my body, I will be with our children."

Kai looked at Bonnie who appeared to be holding back tears, "Bon?" She waved him off, "Don't mind me, I'll be fine." She gazed down at the now sleeping baby. "I won't lie, I was looking forward to seeing what a little you and me would look like."

"Absolutely beautiful, of course." Kol responded immediately with a wink.

Kai squinted playfully at Kol, "Come on, tell us the truth, you just don't wanna deal with wrinkles and the gray hair."

"I'm sure I would have worn it better than you ever will."

"Exactly how long do we have to stay here?" Bonnie asked him in a hushed voice.

"We can take off right now if you're ready." He whispered back.

"Let's go."

They giggled like naughty children as they snuck out the Autumn Fest that was being hosted by a neighboring coven. While Kai drove them to their hotel, Bonnie called to check up on the kids. Neither was particularly worried, they knew they were in good hands. Tyler had taken Cole and Rudy with him to hang out with his wolf pack for the weekend, while Vivian and Jocelyn were having a girl's night with Caroline and Rebekah back at the Bennett/Parker/Mikealson compound.

He waited until Bonnie hung up then wrapped his arms around her waist, grinding into her from behind, "Do you realized this is the first time we've had no kids around in months?" He licked from the back of her ear down to her neck, "We have this kick ass hotel room for the whole weekend."

Bonnie's moan would always be one of Kai's favorite things to hear. Their quality time as of late had been reduced to quickies in the shower or after all the kids had gone to bed. It was partly the reason he had pushed for them to attend this Autumn Fest, it gave them a chance to be adults again, and not just Mommy, Daddy, and Papa.

Speaking of Papa, "Did Kol make it?" Bonnie managed to get out between kisses.

"I heard my name." The original emerged from the bathroom, holding out a flute of champagne for each of them. Kai threw his back in one shot and got busy undressing Bonnie. She had had four kids which included a set of twins, and Kai knew she was a bit sensitive about the weight she gained with each pregnancy, but Kai thought she was even more beautiful now than when they first met.

Both he and Kol made quick work of her clothes and led her into the bathroom where a full Jacuzzi tub waited. The three of them splashed and played around until the water grew cold. They bundled up in robes and settled on the bed, leisurely kissing and touching each other until Bonnie pulled away and requested a show.

She walked over to the armchair and moved it to it faced the bed, giving her a direct view of what was about to happen. Kol grinned devilishly as he maneuvered Kai so that he was sitting with his back to Kol's front. Kai untied his belt and let his robe lay open to Bonnie's gaze, he always got a kick out of seeing her indulge in her voyeuristic side. He leaned back onto Kol's shoulder and tilted his head up for a kiss, which Kol immediately granted.

As he tangled his tongue with Kol's he felt one hand slide around his chest to tweak his nipples, while the other made it's way down to wrap around his dick. He bucked into Kol's hand and gripped the other man's thighs to anchor himself. He didn't want this to end too soon, they had promised Bonnie a show, after all.

Kol pulled away to nibble on his ear, "Should I start slow, or can you take two fingers right off the bat?" Kai moaned and panted out "two." Kol laughed, "Someone is ambitious tonight." He squeezed a little harder.

"Someone needs to get on with it." He shot back.

"Alright then, open up." Kol barely got the words out before Kai was eagerly sucking on the fingers that Kol presented to him. He made sure to slurp extra loud for Bonnie's benefit.

"I think we're good now, don't you?" Kol removed his fingers from Kai's mouth and brought them down to circle his entrance before easing in. Kai closed his eyes, content to just feel how good Kol was making him feel at that moment. He jumped, more out of surprise than pain, when he felt the soft smack of the belt from the robe across his leg. He opened his eyes to see Bonnie standing at the end of the bed dangling her belt from her hands.

"Eyes open, Kai. We don't want you missing anything, now do we?" Bonnie asked with a smirk. He groaned as Kol added a twist on his next upstroke. "Listen to the little witch, Malachai." He watched as Bonnie sat back down, this time with her robe open. Kai kept his eyes on her as she trailed her hands down to massage her breasts before continuing on to her center. She leaned back to steady herself on one hand while she used the other to circle her clit before sliding a few fingers inside herself.

"Weren't we supposed to be giving her a show?" Kol mused, speeding up his actions. Kai shifted back against Kol, feeling his impending orgasm and wanting to hurry it along.

"What do you think, Bonnie? Should we let him come?" Kol teased, running his tongue along Kai's neck.

"Maybe if he begs." She answered in a breathy voice.

"Please, let me cum. Please, please, please." He chanted in time with Kol's strokes. He must have done a good job because Bonnie pulled her hand from herself and crawled on the bed. Kai watched as she situated herself between his legs, removed Kol's hand from around his dick, and took him in her mouth. Kai groaned and whispered 'fuck' as she bobbed her head, her tongue leaving no part of him untouched.

He started thrusting shallowly into the warmth of her mouth, and between the way she was deep throating him, and Kol massaging his prostate, he came in no time. He marveled at the ease in which Bonnie swallowed him down, wanting nothing more than to get her on her back to return the favor.

She pulled off with a pop and winked at him before surging up to kiss Kol over his shoulder. He was treated to an up close and personal view as Kol licked into her mouth, chasing the remnants and taste of him on Bonnie's tongue.

Kol removed his fingers, and Kai quickly set Bonnie between them, placing her legs over Kol's and buried his tongue inside her. He hadn't been lying, it had been a while since they all were able to take their time with each other, so he wanted to make this last for a while.

He made her come twice before she pushed him away and demand that Kol fuck him.

"Yes ma'am." Kol shoved him onto his back, and in less than two seconds Kai groaned as he felt Kol press inside him with one thrust. Kol paused once he was fully inside, giving him a little time to adjust, but Kai was too pent up to take it slow. He hooked his legs around Kol's waist and flipped them so he was on top.

He grinned at both Kol and Bonnie's surprised faces as he continued to fuck himself on Kol's dick, never missing a beat. Until Kol regained his wits, planted his feet and thrust up into him, throwing off his rhythm. "I do believe I was the one who was supposed to be fucking you." Kol grunted out.

"Well come on then," He goaded the original. "Or else I'll have to continue to keep doing it myself."

Kol growled as he pulled out and bent him over the edge of the bed and proceeded to fuck him wildly. " . . . . ?" He punctuated every word with a thrust. Kai would love to say he held out, but it was only a few minutes before he was fisting the bed covers and coming with a yell.

"Okay, my turn." Bonnie called out.

They spent the rest of the weekend in much the same manner. As much as they loved their children, all of them admitted that some time away periodically was good for everyone. They went back to their hectic lives with fond memories of that weekend.

Well, Bonnie came away with more than just memories.

Kai was woken up one morning six weeks later to Bonnie hitting him with a pillow. "I can't believe you knocked me up again! I swear this is the last time, Malachai! Knowing my luck it will be another set of twins."

7 ½ months later

"Congratulations, you are the parents of a healthy boy and girl."

A/N: Okay, this is the last chapter. This was originally intended as a one shot that got waaay out of control, but I'm so glad it's been warmly received, I've had a blast writing this. Thank you to everyone that encouraged this madness (damn Discord) and for loving these characters as much as I do!