They meet in Greece, of all places.

Kai is basking under the noon sun (worlds apart from the never ending snowy hell of 1903) when his witch senses start tingling. He opens an eye and cautiously looks around. He'd scoped out the area earlier, had found no other vampires nearby, so this one must have arrived recently.

He finds him relatively easy (it occurs to Kai later that he probably wasn't trying to hide). Even though the other person has on sunglasses, Kai can tell he's looking in his direction. With his all over tan, and sun kissed hair, he blends in quite naturally with the locals. He's surrounded by people who are vying for his attention, but his focus remains fixed on where Kai is lounging.

He frowns and sends a pulse of magic out as a warning, he's got nothing against vampires (it would be extremely hypocritical of him if he did, seeing as he is currently one as well) but he is hoping to fly under the radar for a while. The few vampires as well as witches he's come across in his travels all soon learn to give him a wide berth. He's become something of a boogy-man in the supernatural world, something older witches tell their young to be careful of. He supposes it's somewhat fitting, after all, he did kill his siblings, then murder the rest of his coven in a fit of jealous insanity.

Although he won't admit to that part, it makes him sound unstable.

He watches as the vampire absorbs the hit, sees him reel back for a moment before a smile starts to spread across his face. Just his luck, he meets a vampire who has a thing for witches. Instead of being repulsed, he finds himself kind of…..interested?

If he were a less honest man, he'd blame Luke for that.

But Kai is truthful with himself, he knows that part of him existed long before he merged with his brother. He'd just not had the option to act on it prior to his 18 year time out. Once he'd gotten out, he'd only had eyes for….

He forcibly stops himself from thinking about her, and wondering what she must be doing nowadays. He wishes his body were as easy to get under control. He shifts in his lounge chair, noting that the vampire had left his spot at the bar.

Just as well, he didn't need the competition anyway.

A week later Kai had pushed the stray vampire to the back of his mind, when he unceremoniously popped up again. Kai had traded the pounding bass of the nightclub for the mostly deserted (and quiet) sandy beach.

"It takes a while to get used to it, mate."

Kai turns, defensive spell at the ready, when he sees it's the vampire who was eyeing him days earlier. "What does?" He asks warily.

The vampire cocks an eyebrow, "The noise, of course." He gestures to his ear, "When you first turn, it's a bit overwhelming, but you get used to it." He eyes Kai up and down, "Although, I suppose being a witch as well, you can conjure up a quick spell to ease your pain."

So he knew who and what he was. Kai took a minute to try and get a good read on this guy. He looked young, around the age Kai had been when he first got tossed into 1994, but his aura read as older.

Much older.

"Holy shit. You're an original." Kai had wondered if he'd ever come across any of the Mikealsons in his travels. He'd heard bits and pieces about the family, of course, but nothing to say where any of them were at any particular time.

"Kol Mikealson." The original introduced himself. "And you're Malachai Parker, current heretic and the last Gemini." He swept a low bow. Something in Kai sparked when Kol identified him as the last Gemini. He thought of the vial that he had smuggled out of the 1903 prison world after setting fire to the remnants of Lily Salvatore's "family."

"Just Kai, thanks." He pulled his magic back, but not completely away. The guy may seem okay, but he was still an original.

"I rather like Malachai, it rolls right off the tongue, don't you think?" As he spoke, Kol stepped closer, bursting Kai's personal bubble. That was a challenge if Kai had ever seen it, but it didn't look like he wanted to fight.

Well, shit. It looked like Kai was going to get to indulge himself in more ways than one on this trip.

Having Kol around meant Kai never went hungry. For anything.

Food? He was served a full course meal whenever he wanted it.

Sex? Kai very quickly found the upside to being a vampire with increased stamina. Bonus? He learned Kol could deep throat like a goddamn porn star.

Blood? They had people tripping over themselves offering up whatever vein or artery they could. Kai didn't even think most of the people were compelled, they just wanted to please the two of them.

Despite Kol's urging, Kai kept his blood drinking to a minimum, the witch part of him still recoiled in disgust whenever he gave in to that side of him. He'd had to learn the hard way to curb his bloodlust (he'd left more than a few bodies behind in his early days). Kol taught him to slow down, and use his senses when feeding so he could time it just right.

"Focus on the seconds between heartbeats, you don't want it to slow down too much." Kol was pressed up against a brick wall in an alley, Kai's back plastered to his front, while Kai was sinking his fangs into the neck of a grad student who was there on a class trip.

"I know she must taste heavenly, but don't let that distract you, take slow and steady sips. It's only blood, she can make more." At this he addressed their willing donor, "Can't you, darling?" She moaned yes. As Kai fed, Kol continued to instruct him with his words, while his hands reached down to unzip Kai's pants. Kai's moan into her neck caused him to break his tight suction and a line of blood dribbled down her chest.

Kol bit Kai's ear, "Be a shame to waste that, mind sharing with me?" He reached into Kai's boxers and started stroking him firmly. Kai leaned down to lick up the line of blood before tilting his head back to offer it to Kol's waiting tongue.

"Oh my God." The breathy whisper from the girl reminded Kai that he wasn't done. He turned his attention back to her throat and dove in. Between how good she tasted and what Kol was doing with his hands, Kai was having trouble keeping focused on not taking too much blood. He pulled back from her neck and leaned his head on Kol's shoulder as his hips moved in time to Kol's ministrations.

"Excellent. I think he deserves a reward, don't you?" Kol asked the glassy-eyed girl, who nodded eagerly. Kol laughed, "I really like you, I think we'll keep you around for a bit. Now I'm afraid between your delectable blood and my skillful hands, he's not going to last much longer, be a dear and make sure he doesn't leave a mess."

The girl drops to her knees and takes Kai into her mouth, while Kol nosed around his neck, waiting for the right moment to bite. Kai reached down to grab her hair, and made the mistake of looking as well. From this angle, with the cut of her hair, and how tanned her skin was she looked a little like…

No! Don't think about her. He tried to refocus his attention on his impending orgasm, but it was too late, especially when the girl looked up at him and he realized her eyes were the same shade of green.

"Oh, fuck. Bonnie-" He barely felt it when Kol bit him, didn't even try to control the blast of magic that burst out of him as he came. Windows shattered all around them and he vaguely felt Kol release him to shield the stunned girl who was still on her knees. There was nothing but static all around him, and part of him (okay, all of him) wished it were real. That it was Bonnie on her knees before him, and Kol at his back working him through one of the most powerful orgasms he'd ever had.

When he came back to his senses, he was surprised to discover they were no longer in an alley, but in the bedroom of the villa that they had been staying in. He had been stripped naked and Kol was straddling him, just watching.

"Oh, good you're back. I was beginning to worry."

"Liar." Kai said. He tried to sit up, but was pushed back down. "If you're worried about our lady friend, she's okay. A bit of blood and compulsion, and she'll have a happy memory to tell her friends in the sewing circle years from now."

Kol leaned down to nip his lower lip and work his way downward. "It seems we have a friend in common." Kai doesn't comment on his statement, content to close his eyes and just feel as Kol swirls his tongue around the head of his dick, giving a few light sucks before letting go with a pop.

Kai props himself up on his elbows in irritation, "Really?"

Kol blinks his brown eyes at him in innocence, "All you have to do is answer the question." He bobs his head a few times, making sure to take him all the way in. Kai is panting when he pops loose again.

"What question?" He'll answer whatever Kol wants, he just wants to cum again.

"How do you know Bonnie Bennett?" Kai figures he can't exactly say "Bonnie, who?" when the mere mention of her name makes him shoot off like a damn firework.

She finds herself in Greece of all places.

She knows she told her friends that she'd be backpacking around Africa (although, you would think that with her history of giving flimsy excuses to her whereabouts, they'd be concerned at her just saying Africa and leaving it at that) and she had intended on going there.

But no, Greece is calling. She figures it's because it's where Quetsiyah is from, so she doesn't really question it. Just changes her ticket and rolls with the change of plans.

She's settled on the beach when her witch senses start tingling. "No, no, no." She will not look. She is not looking….crap, she looked.

"Well, well. This is a lovely surprise, anyone ever tell you that you look absolutely fetching in a bikini, Bonnie Bennett?"

"Stop trying to make fetch happen." Bonnie mumbles under her breath, mostly out of reflex. Caroline adores that movie, she can't count the number of times she's had to sit through it.

"Pardon?" Kol has a look of genuine confusion on his face, and for some reason, it cracks her up. She tries to reign in her laughter, but each look at his face is enough to get her started again.

She may have had one too many drinks, and not enough food.

"I'm sorry. It's a line from a movie." Bonnie finally gets herself under control. She can tell he still doesn't get it, but is willing to let it go. "How are you Kol?"

He brightens and plops down in the lounge chair right next to her, "My pride is a bit wounded, but I supposed it can recover. There are worse things than having a beautiful woman laugh at you."

"Oh Lord," Bonnie can feel her eyes rolling into the back of her head. "Why can you never just answer a question?"

"Why can you never just take a compliment?" He counters. "But to answer your question, I'm good. Just enjoying the Greek sun and all it has to offer."

"How long has it been since you've been back here?" While she was the anchor, Kol had attached himself to her and chattered on non-stop about any and everything. Eventually she grew to depend on him whenever she had a rough day of supernatural spirits crossing over. He would sit by her bed or wherever and regale her with stories of centuries before, anything to take her mind off the pain, really.

She never told anyone about his visits because she didn't think they'd understand, and more importantly, that he was one of the things tethering her sanity. Kol encouraged her to be bolder, and to stick up for herself more. 'You're a Bennett witch for pity's sake, they should all be kissing your boots!'

He was also there when her father was killed by Silas. Jeremy was nice to talk to, but Kol could actually touch her and therefore was the one to wrap her up in his arms. He didn't whisper sweet platitudes in her ear, or promise her everything would be alright. No, not Kol. He spoke of fire, and damnation, and urging Bonnie to bring herself back just so she could get revenge on the being that dared take someone that she loved from her.

When the other side collapsed, he was nowhere to be found, and she was beside herself thinking that he had succumbed to the darkness.

But to her surprise, he popped up in New Orleans. The original witch was doing some shady shit down there that Bonnie didn't really pay any attention to, she had her own problems to deal with. She remembers how happy she'd been when she received his text. He'd left it unsigned, and it was from a blocked number, but the 'little witch' tacked on the end, let her know who it was from.

Now looking at him laying out under the sun, Bonnie noticed he did look good. Happier.

"-sometime back in the 16th century." Bonnie refocused her attention, apparently he'd been talking this whole time. Whoops.

"What about the 16th century?" She tried to follow the thread of conversation.

"Were you not paying attention at all?" Kol tsked at her. "Naughty girl." Bonnie drew in a sharp breath at that. He didn't know, he couldn't have known the effect those words would have on her. Even now, after all this time, thinking of him left her feeling…..odd.

"What are your plans for dinner?" Kol had turned to face her once again, but had his head tilted away, like he was listening to someone else.

Bonnie took a quick look around, "Nothing, why?" She watched as a devious smile spread across Kol's face.

"Because I'm inviting you over to mine for dinner." He beams as if he's solved all the world's ills.

"Um, you're gonna have food, right?"

"You wound me."

Bonnie laughs, "Okay, just checking. Yes, I would love to go to yours for dinner. Should I bring something?"

He reaches for her hand and kisses the back, "Just your delectable self, I'll send a car for you." Before she can swat at him or scold him, he's gone.

She leans back in her lounge chair, at least she'll have someone fun to explore the islands with.

Bonnie stepped up to the front door of the sprawling villa that the car had stopped outside of. "Well dayum, alright. I guess if you got it like that." Before she could even knock, the door opened and Kol ushered her in. "Yes, we do "got it like that""

"Who taught you to do air quotes?" Bonnie teased. She took in Kol's casual attire, and let out a sigh of relief that her patterned halter dress wasn't too formal. "Something smells amazing, you never told me you can cook."

Kol guided her over to the table and pulled out a chair, "That's because I normally don't. Cooking isn't really my thing, funnily enough, it is one of Elijah's hobbies of choice." Bonnie halts, halfway in the chair, "If you tell me Elijah is in there cooking, I'm leaving."

Kol laughs, he's always gotten a kick out of Bonnie's distaste for his dashing older brother.

"Well, that makes me feel a whole lot better." Bonnie freezes. She can see Kol waving off someone just outside her field of vision.

"Oh come on. She knows my voice, any second she's gonna-" He stops talking as Bonnie quickly sends a motus his way. She watches as he simply absorbs the magic, shooting her a shit eating grin.

Before Bonnie can do anything else, she feels Kols arms wrap around her from behind. "LET ME GO!"

"Now, now. Play nicely little witch." Kol spoke in her ear.

"Fuck him, and fuck you!" Bonnie feels oddly betrayed by Kol's actions. "How are you not dead? Damon took your head off!"

"Did he? Or did you both just see what I wanted you to see?" Kai stepped forward. "Did you really think it would be that easy to get rid of me?"

"Kol, you need to let go of me, right the fuck now." Bonnie threatens.

"How are you okay with him and Damon? But I'm still public enemy number one?" Kai asked incredulously.

"Are you fucking kidding me?" Bonnie shouted. "You couldn't handle not getting what you wanted, again, and you lashed out. Took Lily's blood and killed yourself, your whole fucking coven!"

"Okay, that might have been an overreaction on my part." He conceded.

"MIGHT HAVE?" Bonnie is sure her voice reached a decibel that is heard only to dogs.

"Oh, mate." Kol released Bonnie and grabbed a bottle of wine off the table.

"I'm sure you only know a fraction of what Damon has done over the years! And him" He gestures to Kol, who pauses mid-drink. "He's gotta have a high as fuck body count by now, but yet I'm the one you can't stand? How does that make any fucking sense?"

"You know what? I'm not making any excuses for him or Damon. They did what they did. The difference is they've both worked to try and be better people. You gave up after one half ass try!" Bonnie looked around for her purse. Screw this, she was leaving.

"You call saving your life a half ass try?" He scoffed. "No wonder no one else does it, if this is the thanks they get." He ducked out of the way of a flying plate.

"What are you even talking about? You never saved my life." Fuck it, she doesn't need her purse, she'll buy a new one. No, she'll have Kol buy her a new, more expensive one.

"I'm talking about on your birthday, when you tried to kill yourself? Hello? Is any of this ringing a bell?" Kai threw his arms up in exasperation.

Bonnie stopped cold. "How did you know about that? Who told you?" She can't believe her friends would ever tell someone like Kai her lowest moment.

"Nobody told me, I was there. I saw it." He had stopped pacing when he saw she was standing still. "Didn't anyone tell you what happened that day?"


Two hours, three bottles of wine, and one extremely uncomfortable phone call to Jeremy later, Bonnie knows exactly how things transpired on her birthday. She feels unimaginable rage towards Damon for keeping her in the dark for so long. Towards Elena for going along with it. Hell, towards Jeremy for never following up with her after she returned.

It doesn't excuse him going on a rampage and killing himself, thus killing his coven, but Bonnie can see just how much he (and she) were used to fulfill another one of Damon's wishes.

She blames herself as well.

She wanted blood and vengeance, and didn't stop to think about what would happen afterwards. She'd bought into the whole 'shutting Kai away would exorcise her demons', knowing damn good and well that it wasn't really Kai (or just Kai) that she was having trouble sleeping over. It was everything that led up to that moment, and everything that came after.

Now, because of her need for payback, a whole coven is dead.

'No', she warred with herself, 'Kai knew what he was doing when he killed himself.'

"I need to leave." She stands on unsteady feet. She can feel the weight of Kai's gaze on her, but she refuses to meet his gaze. Kol slides in the car with her and holds her hand all the way back to her place in silence. He leaves her with a kiss on the forehead and a few words of wisdom, "I'm not an angel, and I never was, Bonnie Bennett. But you took the time to see something good in me, and that encouraged me to be better. Not just because I wanted to do right by you, but because it was the right thing to do. Can you imagine what he'd be able to do if he'd had that support all along?"

Bonnie cries herself to sleep that night, and a few nights after.

This time, Kai gives her the space to figure out what wants to do.

It takes her a week.

A week of waffling, a week of switching between anger and refusal to be the first to budge. A week of anxious phone calls with Caroline to scream and vent, and for Caroline to tell her to "put her big girl witch panties on" and do what she clearly wants to do.

So, a week after she learns just how far her (former) BFF is willing to go to get his way, she finds herself standing in front of Kol's villa once more. It only now just occurs to her that Kai might not be staying with him, he could have been just there for dinner like she was.

Once again the door is opened before she can knock, only this time it's not Kol, it's a housekeeper (or who Bonnie assumes is a housekeeper) ushering her in and pointing down a hallway. She moves down the hallway hoping she's not catching Kol while he's sleeping, she knows she values her sleep, she can only imagine….

Whatever she had been thinking flies out of her mind, and she stands stock still while her brain finally reboots and registers what she sees before her. Kol is definitely NOT sleeping, but he is in bed. Or more accurately, he's sitting on the edge of the bed, one hand braced behind him, while his other hand is wrapped around the head that is currently bobbing at his groin.

She thanks every deity that ever existed for his eyes being closed, it makes it easier for her to slip out of sight and slap a hand over her mouth to stifle her giggles. She hears Kol moan in disappointment, "Why'd you stop? I was almost there."

Bonnie rolls her eyes, boys are all the same, it seems. Living, dead, all they care about is busting-

"Well maybe if you had carpet in here, instead of hard ass ground, I'd stay down here longer." Wait. She knows that voice, she was stuck with nothing but that voice for months.

"Speaking of hard and asses." Kol is abruptly cut off, and there is rustling of sheets and then a breathy "Fuuuuck." Bonnie feels rooted to the spot. She knows she should leave, but the temptation to look is overwhelming. On a purely aesthetic level, both men are handsome as sin, and her imagination is running wild, filling in the blanks as to what they must look like.

She can practically hear Caroline telling her to not just look, but to make it a whole photoshoot.

The angel on her shoulder must have just woken up just then, because the guilt hits her pretty hard. Bonnie knows she'd be pissed as hell if someone were listening in on her private times. Properly chastened, she moves to leave, but makes the mistake of glancing in the mirror that is hanging in the hallway.

Positioned so that it points directly into the bedroom.

Once again Bonnie is rooted to the spot, but instead of imagining what's going on, this time she can clearly see what's happening. Kol is lying flat on his back with his hands over his head gripping the headboard, while his legs are draped over Kai's lap. Kai is kneeling on the bed, one hand wrapped firmly around Kol's dick and the other gripping his hip to keep his rhythm steady as he thrusts into Kol.

She feels Kai's magic in the air, and comprehension dawns. Kol is not holding on to the headboard, he's magically bound to it. She's surprised someone like Kol would so easily let himself be put at a disadvantage, but she supposes it's probably not the riskiest thing he's done while having sex.

"Yeah, do that again." With a start, Bonnie realizes he's been talking this whole time, scratch that, they both have.

"I bet you're imagining I'm her, right now aren't you?" Kol's voice is silky smooth. "You've been insatiable since she was here. You damn near sucked the magic out of my dick when I came back from dropping her off at her place."

'Holy shit, he's talking about me.' Bonnie tried to keep her gasp in, but knew she hadn't succeeded when Kol turned his head to face the mirror. She watched as a grin spread across his face. 'That cannot be good.'

"What would you have done if I came back smelling like her?" Kol asked innocently. Kai's breath hitched and he groaned low in his throat.

"We both know I don't mean her perfume, Malachai. What would you have done if while you were sucking my dick you could taste how she came for me?" Kol goaded him. "Would I have to break your neck to get you to stop?"

Kai's hand moved from Kol's hip to his throat, his thrusts coming faster and harder. "I'd fucking kill you, you know that."

Kol laughed as though Kai choking him was merely an inconvenience, "You could certainly try." She guessed Kai's concentration had slipped because the next thing Bonnie knew, Kol's arms were free and he yanked Kai's head down next to his.

"Just imagine, the whole ride back was spent with tasty little Bonnie bouncing on my dick, knowing that you were going to drop to your knees the second I walked back in. Do you think our little witch is that devious?" Kol licked up Kai's neck, but kept his eyes on Bonnie's through the mirror. "I think she is. In fact, if you concentrate real hard, you can probably smell how much she likes that idea."

Bonnie knew the exact moment Kai realized she was there, and not just in his mind. She barely had enough time to throw up a shield before a blast of magic shook the entire house. No longer frozen in place she scurried away back to her temporary home.

She needed a cold shower and a change of panties.

Bonnie needed to get her mind right.

It had been two days since she had inadvertently walked in on Kol stayed to watch his dalliance with Kai. She wasn't sure what she was feeling. Surprise for sure, in Kai's case. She already knew Kai had a thing for her, but she'd never guessed that he swung both ways. Was it always there, or was it because he merged with Luke?

Kol flirted with literally everyone, and he'd never been shy in letting Bonnie know that all she had to do was say yes. Plus, in a few of the stories he'd shared with her back when she was the anchor, he'd mentioned having a boyfriend or two.

She could admit to herself that while it was a bit of a turn on to see them both together, what really did it for her was the fact that they were thinking about her.

Did that make her narcissistic? Possibly. It made her feel desired, like she was an actual woman, and not just a walking magical dispensary. After years of being the back-up or the 2nd and 3rd choice for a partner, here were not one but two powerful men that made no secret of the fact that they both wanted her.

She had loved Enzo, knew he loved her, but deep down, she knew that had she not been so sequestered from everyone, (or God forbid Lilly had returned his infatuation), their relationship wouldn't have even gotten off the ground.

So she did what she normally did whenever there was a personal issue that she didn't want to deal with, she ignored it. She had plans to spend the next few days going from island to island just taking in the architecture and history of each place.

Her luck ran out in Syros.

She's wandering around Miaouli Square when she feels the telltale signature of Kai's magic brushing against hers. She's honestly surprised that it took them this long. Bonnie doesn't react, doesn't even let them know she knows they're there, she just keeps walking.

She stops on the front steps of a church, and bites back a snort of laughter when she sees the name, The Church of St. Nicholas. Knowing that the two are still trailing her, she goes inside.

She's studying the alter when she feels them flank her, one on each side.

"Is there a reason this particular place called to you?" Kol asks, "It's the name, right?" Bonnie smiles, "Trust me, even if I were looking for absolution, a church with your brother's name on it would send me screaming the other way.

"No, I like churches." Bonnie continued. "They're a good place to sit, think, and reflect."

"And just what exactly are you reflecting on today?" Although Kol's question is directed towards her, he's still facing forward.

"I'm thinking about all the times that I jumped to conclusions and acted without having all the important information." She feels Kai turning to look at her in surprise. "I'm reflecting on how that may not be the best way to live my life." She takes a deep breath before facing Kai, "I'm sure no one said it, but thank you for helping me. Thank you for trying so many times even though you were injured yourself."

Bonnie made sure to look him in his eyes, "And even though we all know you could have handled being left in 1903 a lot better," She throws an elbow back to stop Kol from laughing, "I'm sorry that my short sightedness and actions contributed to what ended up happening at the wedding. I was so fixed on getting my revenge that I didn't even stop to think that you might be sincerely trying to change. No, that's not right." Bonnie shook her head.

"I didn't want to stop and think that you might have changed. I didn't trust that whatever qualities of Luke you gained through the merge would be permanent." She lifts a shoulder, "Plus, it was easier to hate you than to examine how and why I ended up in 1994 in the first place. I wanted someone to pay for how I was feeling, and you were the closest target."

She faces forward once more, and for a moment there is nothing but silence.

Kai cleared his throat, "I didn't understand why you could give someone like Damon chance after chance to degrade and hurt you, but shut me down every time I tried." He began. "Even before I merged with Luke, I thought it was bullshit how he treated you, but after." He lets out a breath, "After, all I wanted to do was apologize to you. I didn't understand it, I just knew it had to be done."

"Guilt is a powerful thing, isn't it?" Bonnie said wryly.

"I'm sorry, Bonnie." Kai said earnestly. "I'm sorry about siphoning you without your permission, for shooting you with an arrow. I'm sorry for drugging you and kidnapping you-"

"Pardon?" Kol sounded bewildered. Bonnie guessed Kai had probably skimmed over why she and Kai were at odds.

"For bringing you to Portland against your will, for tying you up and tossing you in the trunk, for stabbing you, and most of all for leaving you in there alone."

"Bloody hell, mate! Anything else? I think you've rather covered the gamut there. No wonder she wanted your head on pike." He leaned over and pretended to whisper in her ear. "Say the word love, and I'll level it clean off his shoulders for you."

Bonnie knows her laughter is inappropriate, especially given the fact that they are in a church. She also knows that for all his jokes, Kol is deadly serious. She also suspects that Kai wouldn't fight him on the issue either.

"No, I think we'll leave it as it is." She watches as his shoulders drop in relief. "Besides, I've heard it's a notoriously hard thing for someone to do. I know I was kinda delirious and in pain, but I will swear I saw Damon chop off your head. How did you manage that?"

"Simple illusion spell." He shrugs. "I can teach it to you, if you like?" It suddenly occurs to Bonnie that she is standing in the middle of two walking talking magic dictionaries. Kol was a witch who practiced prior to his turning. Even after he turned, he still ran with mostly witches when he wasn't with his family.

Kai was the last member of a coven that had spanned centuries. Bonnie's head starts to spin with the possibilities of what she could learn from just these two. "Okay, yeah. I'd like that. I've been trying to broaden my magic horizons. I didn't get a lot of time to have fun with my magic, I kinda jumped into the heavy stuff right away."

With that, Kol took her arm and swept her out of the church into the bright sunshine, both he and Kai talking nonstop about all the spells they knew that she would need to learn first. The rest of the day was spent touring the island and Kol regaling them with stories of his time there previously.

The only awkwardness came at the end of the day when they dropped Bonnie at her rental home. Kai opted to stay in the car while Kol walked her to the front door. "I do wish you'd take me up on my offer to move into the villa. There's clearly enough room, and even though I know you can handle yourself, we'd feel better if you were closer." Kol leaned against her door, batting his brown eyes.

"Enough with the puppy dog eyes!" Bonnie pushed him away, "They don't work on me, remember? Besides, I don't want to interrupt whatever you two have going on." The words slipped out against Bonnie's will. She blames the many glasses of wine they'd had with dinner.

"I was wondering when you were going to bring that up." Kol wasn't even fighting the grin on his face.

"I'm sorry I invaded your privacy, I should have left right away." Bonnie's face feels like the surface of the sun, she's blushing so hard.

Kol scoffed, "Are you kidding me? Thanks to you, I got an encore that afternoon….and later that night."

"Oh God, take me now." Bonnie just wants to curl up in a ball and die of embarrassment.

"Stop, Bonnie. There's no need to be embarrassed, are you really going to stand there and tell me that you didn't enjoy the show?"

"That's so not the point!" How the hell had Bonnie lost control of the conversation so fast?

"Actually it is the point. Listen closely, I'm not sure where you got the idea that you are not desirable, but rest assured, there are at least two people on this earth who would beg to differ." He stops and cocks his head, "Or beg any way you want, according to Malachai."

"Oh my God!" Bonnie should have stayed at that church.

"We won't push you, nor will it be brought up again, unless you want it to be, but the invitation to join us is always on the table." With that he lifted her left arm and pressed a lingering kiss to her wrist, right on her pulse point. "Goodnight, little witch. Sweet dreams."

He saunters away nonchalantly, as if he doesn't know he just caused a flood in her underwear.

The little shit. Both of them.

She takes an extra-long bath that night. And if by the time she finally manages to fall asleep her left hand is a little sore, who's to know?