Chapter 22: For How I Met Your Mother Fans


An explanation of the last tag added, for How I Met Your Mother Fans

I am a huge How I Met Your Mother fan, yet I write only Harry Potter crack fanfics.

I have given shout outs to Futurama (Lord Bendermort), Star Trek (both the original and Next Generation), and My Little Pony, Friendship is Magic. But the references to HIMYM are brief, yet deeply heartfelt from this writer. The first is "Old Granny's Dirty Potty Mouth Fixer Elixir", an homage to Barney Stinson's Hangover Fixer Elixir. The second is the plot device I used to end this story, the same one used by Ted to end his story to his children. Classic Schmosby, I think!

I write Harry Potter crack fanfics, but my use of the HIMYM plot device at the end earned it a HIMYM tag. Please realize that I LOVE HIMYM, and mean it no disrespect. I am writing this now only because I realized that I should have inserted something at the end of Chapter 21, but I just needed the story to be done, it's been in the works for 7 1/2 months and it needed to be finished.

Thanks for reading!