Jedi Temple-Coruscant

The darkness around him was absolute; no light penetrated the solid blackness. There was no effort to remove the single bead of sweat that slipped down the side of his temple. He must concentrate. Any movement, any sound; the rustle of clothing or softest breath, would be heard and identified. However, he could feel restlessness creeping up his spine. Waiting seemed to be fruitless. Ever so carefully he shifted his left foot to his right, raising his light-saber slightly higher in front of him.

A small whistle of air was the only warning Obi-wan received as another blade slammed into his with a static hiss and buzz, feeling a painful jolt shoot up his arm in the process. He pushed against his attacker and disconnected the two blades, swinging in an upward arc, but was only met with another block. Disconnecting from the others blade, Obi-wan swung in a downward arc, from his shoulder to his left foot, hoping to ward off the others blade. His opponent had no other option but to retreat.

Sweat now beaded at his brow.

Obi-wan's assailant was quick on his feet, and had an even quicker blade, which sang through the air in a series of flashy spins and hits that racked Obi-wan's body with each sweep. Obi-wan tried to concentrate as he flipped backward in the air, reaching out with the force to determine where his attacker would strike next. He was losing ground, he knew. Obi-wan landed three paces from the wall. Reaching out again, Obi-wan sensed a blow, blocking it, Obi-wan pushed back, using the momentum of the hit, and swung to the side, sure of the target, but his opponent moved.

Standing still, Obi-wan reached out to the force, determining where is assailant was. Then, to late, Obi-wan received a screeching warning from the force. Throwing his body forward, he slammed and rolled on the ground, feeling the blow of the hit on his upper arm.

Breathing heavily Obi-wan went to raise his light-saber again, but then he felt something hard slam up against the back of his knee, driving him to the ground. Obi-wan felt his light-saber slung from his grasp as his opponents blade hit up against his, falling back to the ground in the process.

It was over, he lost.

Breathing heavily, Obi-wan heard the hiss of his opponents light-saber retreat into its hilt. Sighing, he raised his head off the ground ever so slightly.

"Remove your blindfold, Obi-wan." he heard a deep voice say over his head.

Shakily, he raised both his hands to untie the knot in the blindfold. Pulling it back, he ran a hand through his sweat filled, closely cropped padawan haircut, he raised his tired head to look up at his master, Qui-gon Jinn. The tall man's light-saber was already clipped to his belt at the side of his waist. His master didn't seem to appear out of breath, Obi-wan didn't know weather to feel envious or filled with awe.

Obi-wan has been apprenticed to Qui-gon Jinn for three months now- three months since the events that occurred on Bandomeer. three months since Qui-gon took him back to the temple and declared him his official padawan learner.

" You need to learn to connect more to the living force, you must reach out to your surroundings." Qui-gon began to advise.

Rising to his feet, Obi-wan bowed his head "Yes master." he said "I will do better next time."

Qui-gon nodded, studying him with a scrutinizing gaze. " Is there something wrong padawan? You seem distracted."

Obi-wan shook his head. "It's nothing master, I'm just tired, I didn't get much sleep last night, a dream I had." Sure that he would receive a reprimand, Obi-wan bowed his head, not wishing to see the disappointment that would surely appear upon his masters face.

Instead, Qui-gon's brow pinched slightly with concern. " Do you wish to discuss it with me Obi-wan."

Obi-wan's head quickly shot up out of it's bent position. "No master, its nothing, just a bad dream."

Qui-gon studied him for a few more seconds before slowly nodding his head. "Just remember padawan, focus on the here and now." Qui-gon recited his most famously used phrase.

"Yes master." Obi-wan said as he gave a bow to Qui-gon, then, he went over to retrieve his light-saber from where it had fallen. Obi-wan grabbed the all to familiar hilt of his saber, studying it for a second before clipping it to the side of his belt.

Obi-wan looked back at his master as he spoke. "You are dismissed Obi-wan, I expect to see you back at our quarters close to evening meal."

"Yes master" Obi-wan said respectfully.

Obi-wan watched as his master walked over and picked up his cloak from the bench and began to put it on. Obi-wan walked over to retrieve his own. Once done, Qui-gon turned to him and put his hand on his shoulder and gave a short smile " You are doing well my padawan, I'm proud of the progress you are making."

Obi-wan starred, then quickly ducked his head as his ears and face went beat red with embarrassment at the rare received praise. "Thank you, master." Obi-wan said shyly.

Qui-gon took his hand off of Obi-wan's shoulder and nodded. "I will see you later this evening." Qui-gon said as he turned to leave and headed for the training room doors.

Obi-wan watched as his master exited the training room, then he slowly put his robe back on and tiredly sat down on the bench where his cloak once laid. He rubbed a hand wearily over his face and bent his head, feeling a slight pang of guilt.

Obi-wan hadn't told his master the whole truth as to why he was distracted and so tired, he had been having the same dream for over a week, each one as horrible as the last. He didn't want Qui-gon needlessly worrying over something as small as a few bad dreams or even worrying about the lack of sleep it caused his padawan. Master Qui-gon was far to busy for that.

Sighing, Obi-wan rose and went for the training room doors. He wasn't sure how Qui-gon would react to Obi-wan's dreams if he was to tell him how often he was having them, or what each dream consisted of. Shaking his head, Obi-wan quickly dismissed this thought, he needed to heed Qui-gon's advice and not dwell on it.

As he exited through the training room doors Obi-wan decided to go and find his best friend Bant. He figured that she could at least try to keep his mind off of things. Obi-wan turned down a corridor, heading to the place where he assumed his friend would most likely be.

Qui-gon stepped through the threshold of his quarters, feeling the door slide shut behind him. He examined the interior of the living space, noting that nothing seemed out of place. It was just a standard quarters, not much different from everyone else, besides a few plants that he collected on different types of missions, a couple data pads and halo discs lying discarded on the table or standing on the shelves, and the two meditation mats that lay by the window seal, where you could see the vast city of Coruscant.

Qui-gon stepped through the long doorway that led into the kitchenette, wanting some tea. As Qui-gon filled the tea kettle up with water and putting the tea leaves in, setting it on the stove top, he thought back to the training session he had with Obi-wan. His padawan did seem a little off today, and he had been noticing the small dark circles that were starting to appear under his eyes these past couple of days, and how he was moving a tad bit slower than usual.

Qui-gon felt worry start to creep into his chest. When he had asked Obi-wan about it earlier that day he seemed startled at the prospect of him knowing that anything was wrong. Obi-wan had told him that he had had a bad dream the night before, and that that was the cause to his unfocused state today, but Qui-gon figured he had been having nightmares longer than Obi-wan was letting on.

Though Qui-gon was worried about his padawan he would not push the prospect, he believed that Obi-wan would come to him when he was ready, and if he didn't, and it appears to be getting worse, than he will confront him about it once more.

Turning the heat off on the stove, Qui-gon took the kettle and poured himself a cup of tea. Clutching the cup in one hand, Qui-gon walked over to the coffee table in the living room and picked a data pad up off of it, intending to finish a report he had been working on. Before Qui-gon got started he noticed that he had receives a message. Tapping on the icon for messages, he scanned through them. It appears he had received a message from the council saying that he and his padawan where to meet them in the early hours of the morning.

Sighing, Qui-gon exited out of the tab and opened up the report he had been working on, 'the council would most likely have a mission for him and Obi-wan.' he thought wearily.

Putting that to the back of his mind, Qui-gon focused on his report. Hopefully the mission would fall in their favor.

Obi-wan stepped through the doors that led into the Room of a Thousand Fountains, taking in the beautiful sight of all the types of different plants, trees, and flowers that grew in the room, and breathing in the the fresh scent that came from them.

Walking down one of the many trails of the room, Obi-wan made his way toward one of the lakes that he knew Bant favored the most.

Stepping into the clearing, Obi-wan looked around. He finally spotted his friend swimming in the pool, moving gracefully as usual. His friend Bant was a Mon Calamari, a type of aquatic species. Bant had an orange tint in her skin. She possessed a high-domed head, webbed hands and feet, and large, silver, goggle-like eyes, much like the rest of her species.

Obi-wan watched as his friend performed graceful and angelic moves in the water, looking as if she was one with the current. Bant finally seemed to have sensed him, turning in the water he watched as a broad smile appeared on her face. She waved, starting towards the bank of the lake.

Obi-wan waved back and started to the edge of the lake, a smile appearing on his face as well. Once there, he picked up his friends towel that he noticed was on the ground and handed it to her.

Taking it, Bant smiled in thanks and began to dry herself off. Once finished, she picked up her cloak and wrapped it around herself.

Bant looked up and smiled at him once again, that was one of the things Obi-wan loved about Bant, the way she smiled about everything, no matter the situation, she always seemed to find the bright side of things. Bant was, and always has been a very good and loyal friend. She never abandoned him, even during Bandomeer.

"How have you been Obi?" Bant asked, a smile still on her face.

"As good as one can expect, I suppose."

Bant's smile disappeared as she studied him up and down, taking in his ragged appearance. "You look tired Obi-wan, are you still having those dreams?" She asked in a worried voice.

Obi-wan sighed. Yes, he had told Bant about the nightmares, hoping that she could council or console him in some way, but she seemed to know nothing that could stop the horrible dreams.

"Yes, I'm still having them." Obi-wan looked down, already knowing what his friend would say.

"You need to talk to Qui-gon about it Obi-wan, he would be able to help, I'm sure." Bant said, almost pleadingly, staring at him with concerned eyes. "Does he even know that you haven't been sleeping well?" Bant questioned him.

"Master Qui-gon has enough on his plate, he doesn't need to concern himself with something as small as this." Obi-wan said defiantly, a little upset that they were talking about the exact thing he came here to get away from.

Bant looked at him incredulously "Small?" she said "Obi-wan, he's your master, he's supposed to help you if there is something wrong, he wouldn't think something like this is meaningless."

Obi-wan looked at her, a little frustrated. "Maybe your right Bant, but I'm still not convinced he needs to know anything, he already knows that I didn't get enough sleep last night due to our training session earlier." he said in a sour voice, looking down at the floor from the memory. Looking up again, Obi-wan gave a determined and slightly angry look. "I'm sure its nothing."

Bant looked up at him with a concerned gaze. "But what if it is something Obi?' She said in her soft voice. "What if this means something, we've heard of Jedi getting visions of the future before, what if this is one of them?"

Obi-wan stared at her, it warmed his heart the concern she was showing for him. Bant has always been like this, soft and kind hearted, but she was also brave, talented, and strong willed. It's some of the things that made her such a great Jedi. "I'm sure it's nothing like that, I've never had a force vision before, what makes you think i'd be having one now?"

Bant sighed, looked down and shook her head, then looked up at him with desperate eyes. "Just promise me something Obi, if they get any worse, if they continue, you will tell Qui-gon." she looked at him seriously, eyes never leaving his. "You'll tell him everything, promise me that?"

Obi-wan looked down, unsure. He really didn't want to endanger his relationship with Qui-gon by seeming needy or weak, but he also thought that this could get out of hand. What if he was experiencing force visions, then there would be a possibility that all the horrible things he has seen might come true, and he would never want that. It scared Obi-wan, even thinking of such a possibility coming true. Looking up again, Obi-wan stared at Bant and gave her a small reassuring smile. "I will Bant, I promise."

Giving a small smile, Bant nodded. "Good." Checking the time on her comm, Bant looked up. "We better get ready, our next class starts in twenty minutes." She said as she picked up her towel.

Obi-wan scrunched up his face in disgust. English. Obi-wan didn't particularly like this class. It wasn't that he did bad in this class, quite the opposite in fact, and he understood the needs for it and how it would most likely come in handy later in the future, but he just thought that it was fairly boring. Sighing,Obi-wan bent his head as he followed Bant down the path that lead the way out of The Room of a Thousand Fountains. He saw out of the corner of his eye, Bant smirk at him, knowing perfectly well how much he disliked this class.

Somewhere in Aargau

In a dark room a man stood, waiting. Then, all of a sudden a door opened and a bright light cut through the darkness. A silver protocol droid moved into the room, slowly making its way towards the man.

"Did the council receive the message?" the man asked in a low, dark voice.

"Yes." the droid said in its mechanical voice. "And they sent the message telling him of the meeting. It is in the morning."

The man gave a low, evil smile "Excellent." he all but hissed. 'Yes', he thought to himself, things were going to plan quite nicely.

Coruscant-Jedi Temple

Obi-wan stepped through the threshold to him and Qui-gon's quarters. Seeing that his master was seated on the couch, Obi-wan went over to him. "Hello master." he said.

"Hello padawan, how was your daily classes?" Qui-gon asked as he set down the data pad he was working on to look up at his padawan.

"They were good master." Obi-wan said, taking a seat beside him on the couch, leaning slightly back. Obi-wan felt exhausted, he hoped that he would get a peaceful sleep tonight.

Qui-gon stared at him for a moment, and Obi-wan thought he saw concern flash through his eyes, but it was gone as soon as it had appeared. "I have something to discuss with you Obi-wan."

Obi-wan's heart constricted slightly, was his master going to talk to him about the state he was in this morning, had Bant said something? Thoughts started racing through his head as he sat up. "A-about what master?" Obi-wan stamperred slightly.

"I received a message from the council earlier this afternoon, it appears that they wish to see us early in the morning. More than likely they'll have another mission for us. So, I'll need you to be ready in the morning, do you understand?" Qui-gon said while he stood up and stretched his arms and back, then looked at his padawan.

Relieved and disappointed at the same time, Obi-wan nodded "Yes master, I understand." Obi-wan reluctantly stood up with his master as well.

Qui-gon nodded his head then looked at Obi-wan again, studying him up and down. "That is if you are up to it my padawan. Are you feeling any better since our training session from earlier today?" he asked concern showing slightly on the broad man's face.

Obi-wan ducked his head slightly, face flushed. "I'm fine master, just still a bit tired from the long day." Obi-wan half-lied.

Qui-gon squinted his eyes at his padawan, Obi-wan could feel his master checking the bond that they shared together, trying to determine if his padawan was lying to him or not. Quickly Obi-wan checked his shields, making sure they were in place, then sending a slight wave of reassurance to his master.

Qui-gon's eyes un-squinted and he sighed, "As you say Obi-wan, but tonight I want you to get a good night's sleep, we have to be at the council room early in the morning, so I will be coming to wake you.

"Of course master." Obi-wan replied, bowing slightly. Then he smiled up at his tall master. " Just as long as you get the rest you need as well." Obi-wan said, looking down at the pile of data pads that lay on the coffee table where Qui-gon had been sitting.

Qui-gon looked down at the data pads as well, then smiled. "It's a deal than my padawan. I will take a break after I finish up with this last report. I'm nearly done." Qui-gon looked back at Obi-wan. "How about you decide what you would like for evening meal, padawan. I will join you in the kitchenette in a moment." Qui-gon said as he bent to pick the data pad he had been working on backup and turned it on.

"Yes master." Obi-wan replied then gave a mischievous smile at his master. "Just so long as you will not be the one cooking."

Qui-gon looked up from the data pad at his padawan and made a face. "Brat." Qui-gon said in a fake irritated tone, as he gently tugged on Obi-wan's padawan braid, amusement sparkling in his eyes.

Obi-wan gave a broad grin to his master, mirth dancing in his eyes as well, before entering the small kitchenette to willingly prepare dinner for he and his master.

Qui-gon watched with a small smile on his face as his padawan entered the kitchenette, then he sat wearily back down on the couch to finish up one of the many reports he had been working on for the past four hours. Qui-gon sighed and rubbed his tired eyes. He was starting to see spots from looking at these dang screens for so long. His thoughts drifted to his padawan. Obi-wan still seemed rather tired and not as focused as he usually was. He wished his padawan would tell him about the dreams, or how long they have been going on for.

Qui-gon ran a hand through his long, brown hair, sighing to himself, concern for his padawan bubbling in his chest. There was nothing he could do yet but wait until his padawan decided to open up to him about this.

Putting his focus back on this pesky report, Qui-gon started to get to work. The sooner he finished up here, the sooner he could have evening meal with his padawan.



The man paced up and down the room. He could just barely contain his excitement.

"Soon." The man spoke to himself in a soft, cold voice. "Soon I will have my revenge against my old master and that new good for nothing padawan of his. They both will pay for the setbacks they caused in my plans on that sorry excuse of a planet called Bandomeer."

The man spoke in a sinister, angry voice. "And I will make sure Qui-gon Jinn pays, He will feel the loss I felt all those years ago when he killed my father." He stopped and turned to look out the window. He looked over the land where he stayed. It consisted of many trees, plants and wildlife. He was on a jungle planet.

The planet consisted mostly of humans, and the humans and the ones who made up their government, he thought, were a bunch of stupid fools. They were following his plan without even realizing it. The chaos that will consist on this planet will be apart of the destruction of his old master.

An evil grin appeared upon the man's face. He will be the destruction of Qui-gon Jinn, and he knows just the way to do it. All he has to do is get rid of the thing the old man cares most about, His precious padawan. They both will feel his wrath.

They both will feel the wrath of Xanatos.

Author's Note

This is the first part of my VERY first fan-fiction, I know there is a lot of imperfections but I am asking anyone that reads this to please go easy on me and give me a chance. I think that if you continue on reading you will really like it. So just keep reading and I will have the next chapter up as soon as possible and I will try to make it longer.

I would love it if anyone decides to leave any comments and I will try to answer back as soon as possible. I would be honored if anyone that has been writing fan-fiction for a while would leave any feedback on how to better my writing skills. Thanks for everything and please review!

Disclaimer: I do NOT own any Star Wars: Jedi Apprentice series story properties, nor do I make any money from the writing of this story.