The Tale of The Six

As the night rises, light falls, revealing The Ones of The Dark. Orders would join forces but the power of the Demons was to strong. The Devil's Bible speaks of six deamons who had the knowledge to bend and rule over magic. Zed, Xeros, Arno, Atrox, Balistic, Trident.

Zed, a young wizard who felt betrayed by his people, found an acient box. The Box of Shadows. As soon as he opened it, he was engulfed in shadows. Thats how Zed became The Master of Shadows.

Xeros, on what seemed an ordinary day, suffered a great defeat. He was stabbed in his heart, the tragic thing was that it was by the person he considered as his brother. Xeros and his friend from school went on a journy to find the Devil's Bible. It was a joke at first but they didn't think they would actually find it. When it was time to open it, it requiered a sacrifice. His friend stabbed him in the heart as a sacrifice. Ironicly, nothing happened, as the saccrifice was invalid. To open the book, you needed to sacrifice your soul. Xeros, filled with hatred, let himself go, and accidently activated the sacrifice. That's how Xeros became The Devil.

Ever heard about assassins? Arno trained his whole life to become The Assassin of Life. It was a group serving the good in this world. When Arno's sister was raped, he lured for revenge. His brotherhood disgarded him and declared him an enemy of the light. Disgusted by their acts, he decided to revenge his sister. He traveled across the whole world to reach the Dark Forest. It was a place where light has never reached the ground. Entering that place gabe Arno powers, combined with his Assassin skills, Arno became The Dark Assassin.

Atrox was known for being a nice student. Once he fell in love with a girl from his class. Classic love story, she left him for another student. It might seem like that isn't a reason to burst, but that wasn't the only thing that broke his heart. His mother refused to show him mother love, his father beat him while he praised his brother. It caused Atrox to flee from the school and seek help from the Death itself. So he became The Deathwielder.

Balistic is an orphan who lost his whole family because of light warriors. They killed every member of his family because they tought his family was supporting the dark side. He swore to avenge his family, so he seeked for the power unknown to man. He ended up learning to speak to Dragons,that is how he became The Dragon Lord.

Trident was murdered, he died in his school. He was killed by his professors, when he saw them teaming up with bandits, they planned to sell the kids from their school. He was brought back to life by a Red eyed priest. Sworn to the death to serve it's purpose, he became The Deathsworn.

Six of these Deamons formed the Order of Lotus with Xeros on the lead with the Devil's Bible. They roamed the earth, serving the Dark.

Ofcourse it is all a fairy tale, right?