A/N: This is my first Harry Potter story , so sorry if it sucks. Flames are welcomed. It just motivates me more to write. Thanks m00nprincess for being the beta reader for this story! ENJOY!!! This takes place in Ginny's 5th year. Everyone else is in 6th year! Chapter one: The Letter

~*~ Ron's POV~*~

Arrrggghhh! Why is the dumb owl always tapping the window at..10:30?! OOOH NOOOOOO! I was supposed to help Ginny de-gnome the garden an hour ago.now she'll be ticked.OH NOO! (Ron moans as he hears loud running up towards his room. His door opens and he sees a very ticked off Ginny).

"Hello dear sister." I said. "RONALD WEASLEY! HOW DARE YOU LEAVE THE DE-GNOMING ALL TO ME!?" Her eyes suddenly followed the tapping noise at the window.

"PIG!" She screeched. "WHAT ARE YOU DOING?! LET HIM IN RON!" She shouted. "Whatever," I mumbled and opened the window. Pig zoomed to.

"Ginny? Pig, if the letter is to Gin, why didn't YOU TAP HER WINDOW?!" I yelled. "Oh, hush will ya?" She said and walked out of my room after getting the letter from Pig.

I wonder why Pig is sending HER a letter? After about two minutes, I heard Gin yelling something that sounded like: "HERMS. MUM. IS. HAVING. A. BABY!". "WHAT!?" I roared. Mrs. Granger is having a baby, what if Mione can't stay for the summer? I ran down to Gins' room wanting to make sure I heard her correctly.

I banged the door open and Gin looked at me like I was a madman.

"WHAT ARE YOU DOING IN MY ROOM?!" She yelled at me. "What's this I hear about Mrs. Granger having a child?" I asked her calmly. "Must I repeat myself? Mrs. Granger is having a child.

It's due in July. So Herms won't be able to come here for the summer." She said equally as calm.

"What?! But Hermione promised she would stay!" I yelled. "Oh please. Her mum is having a baby, she wants to be there. She's an only child. She wants to be there to hold her baby." she looked at the letter. "Brother." She finished. I was looking at her like she was crazy! How can she be so calm! Mione isn't gonna be here ALL SUMMER! "Oh, and she did have one question in here for all of us." She trailed off. I felt like screaming, but I 'kept my cool'. "And that would be?" I asked her.

"Not telling you." She said simply and brushed past me. "What?!" I yelled. She started jogging down the stairs, and I ran in front of her and grabbed both her arms and shook her.

"TELLLL MEEEE!" I am pleading my sister! What has the Wizarding world come to?! "No." And she got out of my grasp and ran down the stairs and bumped into her older brother Percy. "Virginia, mind watching where you are going? And what have I said about running down the stairs? You could get hurt!" At that I snorted. "I'll keep that in mind, Mummy Dearest." She walked past Percy and into the kitchen.

"MUM!" She yelled to startle mum I guess. Mum jumped and dropped her cookbook.

"Oh, Ginny dear, would you please not try to give your mother a heart attack?" She asked. "Sorry, mum." I heard Ginny say. (Ron was outside the door listening in). "Oh that's alright. What do you need, dear?" Mum asked.

"Oh um. Mrs. Granger is having a baby. It's due in July. And Mr. Granger as well as Mrs. Granger are too busy to really make the guest room into the nursery." She stopped there. "And?" Mum asked.

"AndHermsaskedifFredGeorgeRonandIcouldstayathersforthesummer!" She said that all really fast.

"Of course Ginny dear. Write to Hermione and let her know we'll arrive on Friday at about noon." Mum said.

"YAY!" Ginny yelled and ran out of the kitchen and bumped into me. "RON! YOU WERE EAVES DROPPING!" She yelled.

I don't think I've seen her this ticked.She's scary.

Maybe if I just tell her that I was going in the kitchen to get a glass of water she'd believe me. No. She's not stupid!

"Well?" She started tapping her foot impatiently on the floor. "I." I started to squeak. She giggled! My baby sister is giggling at ME!

"Whatever. You obviously know we're going to Herms so buhbye!" She said and walked away.

"That was easy." I said to myself.

"FRED AND GEORGE WEASLY!" I heard Ginny yelling at the top of her lungs. "YOU READ MY DIARY! I'M GONNA KILL YA!!"

She yelled and ran past me and towards Fred. She kicked him in his shins.

And she went to George who she slapped. "Ow, Gin. That really hurt!" Fred moaned.

I snorted. George looked like he was gonna cry any moment. Again, I snorted.

Then something I never thought would happen, happened.

The phone rang! Our WEASLY phone rang. Ginny answered it because she took Muggle Studies and knew more about phones then any of us.

"Hello?" She answered. "AH! OH MY GOSH! MIONE! HEY!" She looked like she was gonna leap of joy.

Wait- Hermione was on the phone? I WANNA TALK TO HER!!

"Really? Cool. WAIT! You're going to come here and pick me up by car, and the boys are gonna do Floo, and we're driving to Harry's house?" She asked bewildered.

"EEH!! Oh yeah, guess what! FRED AND GEORGE READ MY DIARY! AND RON EAVES DROPPED!" She yelled looking at one guilty face to the other.

"Oh ok. That'll be good." She said with a mischievous glint in her eyes. This wasn't good. Hermione just told her the perfect revenge.

But what?! Argggh! "Gin?" I asked her. "Hold on, Herms. Yes Ron?" She replied. "Can I please talk to Hermione?" I asked her.

She snorted. "Hey Herms, I gotta go. I'll see you tomorrow. But Ronniekins wants to talk to you." With that she gave the phone receiver to me! YAY!!

"Hey Mione."

"Hullo Ron! How are you? I can't wait for my baby brother! OOH! I'M SO EXCITED!"

"Heh. Heh. I can't wait to see you again."

"Same here. It's only been a week and a half and I'm already missing everyone!"

"Everyone?! HOW COULD YOU?!" Ooh. I'm so pulling her into a trick.

"How could I what?"

"Miss.. Everyone.MALFOY!"


"Wait.Miss Perfect used a 'vulgar' word? Hell must've had one snowstorm. Which means, you miss Draco Malfoy!"

Next thing I know, I'm hearing Hermione giggling. WAIT! Hermione Granger does not giggle.

"You're giggling," "Yes, so?"

"You never giggle," She giggled harder.

"THERE YOU GO AGAIN!" I burst out laughing.

Next thing I know, I'm hearing Ginny screaming again. "Why is Gin screaming!?" Hermione asked.


I groaned. "Oh.Gin's prefect! WHEE! That's so exciting! I'm still a prefect! YAYAYAYAYAYAYAY!" Hermione said.

"Yeah yea. Whatever. Now another sibling to compete with." "Aww. Well, I gotta go." "Ok. Bye!" "Byebye!" With that, Mione hung up her phone. I put the receiver down. "Gin?" I asked. "Yes?" "Please tell me you were joking about being a Prefect." "Want me to lie?" "Yes." "I got a letter saying they wouldn't make me Prefect till the end of time and seeing You-Know-Who in a pink frilly sun dress." "Right." And I left the room.

(A/N: I could stop here, but I'm nice so I'm changing POV's)

~*~ Ginnys' POV ~*~ EEEH! I'm so excited! Today Hermiones' parents are driving here to pick ME up. Then we're driving to Harry's! Oh.What am I going to where?! HOLY CRAP MY CLOTHES SUCK!

What am I going to do? WAIT! I forgot. I got a new strapless pink top with rhinestones and hip hugger (slightly flared) jeans with rhinestones going down the sides. PERFECT! I got dressed, curled my hair and went down stares with my trunk. "Hey everyone!" I said happily. "Gin, you better not wear that!" Ron shrieked.

"Why not?" I frowned. "I CAN SEE YOUR RED BRA! THAT'S WHY NOT!" He yelled.

"Oh please! Grow up!" I yelled. I pulled my shirt higher so by bra wasn't showing. After eating breakfast, I waited in the living room. About after fifteen minutes of waiting, the doorbell rang.

"I'LL GET IT!" Fred yelled and opened the door. He was dead silent. Wonder why? I looked over his shoulder and saw why! Hermione. She's changed. Her hair isn't bushy! It's sleek and shiny.

"Wow. Hermione! Only a week and a half and you're already looking like another person!" Fred said. Hermione turned red at that. "Hey hun!" I said and hugged Hermione

. Then I saw Mr. Granger. "Nice to meetcha!" I said happily shaking his hand. "Sorry my wife couldn't make it. Felt too sick. Oh well. She's got her sister with her. Now! Where's your school trunk, dear?" He asked me.

I pointed to the living room. "Mum and dad aren't home. They told me to give you this." I said handing him a letter. "Oh! I'll read it later." He said and put it in his pocket.

He picked my trunk up and went outside. "Heh. He's a goofball." Hermione said.

At that moment Ron ran inside the room with Percy at his heels. "RONALD! GIVE ME BACK MY LETTER!" Percy yelled.

Hermione and I burst out laughing. "Hello Percy! Pleasure!" Hermione choked out between fits of laughter. Mione has changed. She's not so serious. She's funny now!

"Hermione, how wonderful to see you. Now, will you help me get Ronald to give me back my letter?" He asked politely. "Sure!" Hermione said. "RONALD WEASLY! GIVE YOUR BROTHER HIS LETTER!" Hermione yelled and ran after Ron.

I heard a huge thump from the living room and went to see what was happening. I just about died of shock. Ron was under Hermione struggling to get her off. She was trying to get the letter from him.

I started laughing. Mr. Granger walked in and saw. He started laughing and held on to the wall to support him.

"RONALD WEASLY! GIVE ME THAT LETTER! ITS NOT ANY OF YOUR BUSINESS WHAT PENNY HAS TO SAY TO PERCY!" Hermione yelled and finally got the letter after she tickled him.

Hermione got off Ron and walked in the Kitchen where Percy was.

"Here Perce." Hermione said handing Percy his letter. "THANK YOU!" He said and hugged Hermione and ran upstairs.


"Well dahlings, we best be off! Must pick up Harry." Mr. Granger said.

"OK!" Hermione and I said in unison causing us to laugh again.

Fred and George gave both Hermione and I sandwich hugs. (You know where the both hug at the same time squeezing the person in the middle!). Ron hugged me tight. "Ron!" I gasped. "CAN'T BREATHE!" I yelled.

He chuckled and gave Hermione a hug. "See ya" He said. "Yeah!" Mione said. Mr. Granger walked out.

I followed, and soon Hermione followed. I think she went to make sure I brought everything. Hehe.

It was a long drive. Soon after about three hours of driving, we were there. Number 4, Privet Drive.

"Hermione dear, will you and Gin get Harry? I have to make a phone call." Mr. Granger said holding his cell-phone.

"Sure daddy." Hermione said. Hermione and I got out of the car and were at the door when we heard yelling.


"Answer it." I heard a woman say.

Next thing I know I see Harry standing there at the door frame. "Hey!" I said.

Then Harry did something I didn't expect. HE HUGGED ME! HARRY POTTER HUGGED ME!!! AHH! YAY! "Somebody's happy to get away from here." I mumbled only loud enough for him to hear.

He chuckled and hugged Hermione. He motioned Hermione and me to walk in. I saw a very purple beefy man.

And then a very thin woman who looked very much like a horse. "Where's your trunk?" I asked Harry.

"In my bedroom." He answered. "OK." Harry and me walked up the stairs and heard the woman say something harsh to Hermione,

"You better know this little girl, this is the only time you will be in this house. NEVER again will people like YOU be in MY house!".

"Oh believe me. I take no pleasure being in the same room with YOU." Hermione spat.

Harry looked at me totally shocked. "Heh. I guess she's changed." He said and we walked into the smallest room in the house. I saw a familiar snow owl.

"Hullo, Hedwig!" I said. I took Hedwig and put it on top of Harry's trunk. Harry and I both lifted the trunk and walked downstairs when I saw a very mean looking boy.

"FREAK!" He said to me! HOW DARE HE! "Mind if I hex him?" I asked Harry. Harry looked shocked.

"You can if you want. Don't blame me if you get expelled." He answered. I nodded and looked at the boy again.

"Take that back." I spat. "No." He said. Fine. Takes two to play this little game. But I'm a witch! I took out my wand and muttered a hex to make the boys legs JELLY! "AAAH!" He cried.

Hermione ran into the hall and yelled, "C'MON!". Harry and I ran outside and got to the car, threw the trunk in the back seat (the car is a big van!) and then we saw Mr. Dursley at the doorframe.

"OH NO YOU DON'T RED-HEAD!" He yelled. "GO!" I yelled at Mr. Granger. Soon we were off.

After about 15 minutes of silence, Harry muttered to me, "Thanks.". I looked at him shocked.

"For what?" I asked. "For hexing Dudley. He's been bugging me all week." He answered.

"No prob!" I said. "And thank you Mr. Granger for letting me stay for the summer! You have NO IDEA how much it means to me!" Harry said.

"Heh. No problem. I'm glad to have you," Mr. Granger said.

We all grinned. Then it was back to silence. "By the way, Hermione, I forgot to say HI!" Harry said cheerfully.

"Yes, you did!" Hermione said in mock outrage and sadness. We all laughed and about an hour later, we saw Hermione house. Ok, more like CASTLE! It was huge!

4 stories, not including the attic. The yard was huge. I could see the pool in the back yard. In the middle of the front yard was a fountain. This place is beautiful.

*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~* A/N: I know. It sucks! But it WILL get better! I'm just starting off. And I'll have the next chappie up by tomorrow most likely! Byebye!! ~Natalie~