Hello all Storm here with a new chapter! I know it's been a while but this chapter took a long time as I decided to just wrap up the Akame Ga Kill world in this so expect this chapter to be super long. So, without further ado.

I own nothing

'Why am I here?' Naruto wondered not for the first time as he sat next to Esdeath on a cliff overlooking a bandit's fortress while the rest of the Jaegers killed everyone there

He wasn't that impressed by them, Seryu was a lunatic plane and simple, Stylish reminded Naruto of a more science oriented Zarbon along with being more gay, Bols was alright enough, Wave was someone Naruto just didn't like an idealistic brat who wants to be a hero, Run was a strange one seeming more like a pacifist rather than a killer, and Kurome…

Now Naruto was actually intrigued by Kurome, not just her but her Teigu as well. Being able to resurrect anyone killed by the Teigu and use them as puppets, it reminded Naruto of the Impure World Resurrection Jutsu. Though there was a limit to how many puppets Kurome could bring back.

'She also looks like that Akame girl on those Wanted Poster, maybe sisters.' Naruto thought before looking to Esdeath beside him

So far he doesn't have an opinion of his self-proclaimed "partner in love", other than knowing she was sadistic, could control ice, had a "survival of the fitness" personality, and she's apparently in love with him. Despite only knowing him for a few days now.

"Why did you bring me here?" Naruto asked annoyed having to sit here and watch a bunch of bandits be slaughtered

"You're part of the Jaegers reserves, I suggest you watch and observe for future reference." Esdeath said

"I'm no stranger to killing people." Stated Naruto a little insulted

He's destroyed entire planets, he doesn't need to learn how to kill. Hell he could destroy the entire fortress and the surrounding forest with a single Death Beam!

"Maybe, but it's good to learn how your comrades fight to better cooperate in the future." Said Esdeath

Naruto would give her that knowing the value if teammates knowing each other fought to create team attacks. While they were flamboyant, annoying, had stupid dances and poses, and even could make Frieza stunned to silence, the Ginyu Force were the elite in the Frieza Force for a reason.

"Huh." Naruto said being pulled from his thoughts when he felt something on his hand

Looking he saw Esdeath had placed her hand on top of his. Surprised Naruto looked at Esdeath seeing she had a light blush and a small smile.

'I think I have figured out and she does this.' Thought Naruto turning back to seeing the Jaegers attacking the fortress

"By the way Naruto-kun, who trained you?" Esdeath asked having been curious of who trained her partner to become so strong

"Oh, my parents did, along with my godfather and honorary uncle." Replied Naruto

"Really, they must be quite strong then." Esdeath stated pleased to hear her love's family was also strong, while Naruto nodded in agreement

"They are. My father in particular was brutal in training me, 'Your enemies won't go easy on you in a fight, why should I go easy on you in training'. That's what he said to me when we started and he ended up breaking my arm." Said Naruto rubbing his arm in remembrance

His Kaa-san had been pissed when she found out, going as far to chase Frieza and end up cutting off his tail with her sword along with the threat she'd do worse if he hurt her little baby like that again. Though Kushina wasn't any different in her training, go all out but holding back from seriously injuring him.

"Wise words. If one cannot being injured during training then they're obviously to weak to handle real life or death battles." Esdeath said

"Yeah, I've also done my own training along with going out on my own fighting dangerous creatures to get experience and better myself." Said Naruto proudly, Esdeath smiling at this glad her beloved seemed to enjoy getting stronger

Naruto turned his attention back to the fortress only to be surprised seeing the entire place engulfed in flames.

"Woah." Naruto muttered impressed that the Jaegers managed to take it down that quickly

While he could have done it in less than second with a Death Beam, it still impressed Naruto they could do it in only a few minutes.

'Is this the power of those Teigu's?' Wondered Naruto

"Soon you'll be able to do that as well, Naruto-kun. Though after my training, you'll be able to do it yourself rather than with a team." Esdeath said seeing him looking at the destroyed fortress and guessing what he was thinking, making Naruto look at her surprised again

"That's generous of you." Naruto stated while he's already stronger than Esdeath he isn't one to turn down training

"I'm not like all the rumors say I am. To be honest I haven't been feeling myself lately. Since I've met you, I've started to experience… love. And well, it feels good." Said Esdeath smiling softly closing her eyes and placing a hand over her heart, stunning Naruto at the display

Esdeath opened her eyes when she felt her hand being moved, looking down she saw her and Naruto's hands were now intertwined together, while Naruto smiled at her.

"Maybe I can also show you some tricks I've learned to, Esdeath-chan." Naruto offered, surprising Esdeath before she smiled again

"I'd like that Naruto-kun." Esdeath agreed

*Timeskip-The Empire-Esdeath's Room*

'I did not expect this.' Naruto thought in shock sitting on Esdeath's bed while the woman in question was showering not even five feet away

He didn't even have sex with Towa until after three months of dating, and Chronoa he had to wait until they were married.

Suddenly Naruto heard the bathroom door open and close. Looking Naruto felt his jaw drop at the sight that greeted him.

It was Esdeath wearing only a shirt with only two buttons done revealing her bountiful bosom that all but spilled out of it.

"Sorry for the wait." Esdeath said

"It's uh… it's… fine.' Said Naruto still mesmerized at Esdeath's lack of dress

Despite having seen both Towa and Chronoa's adult form nude, Naruto could still be spellbound at seeing such an amazing sight.

"Would you like a drink?" Esdeath asked

"No thanks." Naruto said knowing his healing factor would just burn away any alcohol before he could even get even slightly tipsy

"Hm, you seem a bit nervous." Esdeath stated in a teasing tone

"What? No, no, no, just surprised is all. I didn't expect you to… look like that." Naruto said motioning to her body, making Esdeath smile and blush

"Aren't you just adorable. Don't worry these feelings are new for me to, so why don't we let our bodies express what we feel." Said Esdeath giddy at the thought of becoming one with her love

"Are you… sure Esdeath? You don't think that's going a bit fast?" Naruto asked with a frown

While he'd love nothing more than to have Esdeath, he also didn't want to have sex with someone he barely knew. He wanted to know more about Esdeath before they went any further.

Before Naruto could react however Esdeath leaned forward and kissed him, much to his surprise. Losing his balance Naruto fell back on the bed with Esdeath on top of him.

"If I wasn't sure, then I wouldn't be in this bed with you." Esdeath replied

'Well no time like the present.' Naruto thought thinking now would be the est to convince Esdeath to join him

"Well before that could I ask you something?" Naruto said

"Of course, ask anything you like. To be intimate we must know each other." Stated Esdeath

"Why did you join the Empire?" Asked Naruto

"Hm, because it obvious the Empire is the strongest in the world and I am the Empire's strongest general." Esdeath answered

"So, you joined the Empire because it was strong?" Naruto clarified, Esdeath nodding

"And what if someone stronger than the Empire showed up, would you leave the Empire and join them?" Asked Naruto, Esdeath's expression now turning deadly

"Naruto…" Esdeath said lowly


"You do realize you're speaking to a general in the Imperial Army and what you're saying is treason. Treason punishable by death." Esdeath said, though Naruto only half-heard surprised he was just slapped even more so…

'I actually felt that.' Thought Naruto surprised he felt the slap when something like that would the same as a fly landing on him

"Okay, you still didn't answer me. If someone stronger showed, would you join them?" Naruto asked again only to yet again be surprised when Esdeath leaned down and licked where she slapped him

"Well it would depend, if they were indeed more powerful than the Empire. If they did then yes I would join them." Esdeath answered, her answer pleasing Naruto

"Okay, and what if this person also offered you the chance to become stronger than you ever thought possible?" Naruto asked

"How strong?" Asked Esdeath intrigued since she's already powerful enough to create an army of ice Centaurs and in case a good portion of the Empire in ice and snow

"Enough that you could destroy the entire Empire in less than a minute." Naruto stated with a smirk

"Then I'd gladly join them without hesitation." Answered Esdeath smiling widely as having that type of power would be to good to pass up

"Now last question. What if I said I'm that person?" Naruto questioned

Esdeath looked at Naruto for a moment now fully intrigued by him.

'Could it be true, is his power that great? Could what I've felt before merely just be a drop in an ocean?' Esdeath though her blush returning

"And if you don't believe me, how about a demonstration." Naruto said getting up off the bed while offering Esdeath his hand

'A demonstration? Yes, maybe this will help me see the strength he has hidden within him.' Esdeath thought taking his hand

Leading Esdeath to the balcony Naruto pushed the door open and looked around, confusing Esdeath at what he could be looking for.

"There." Naruto said pointing to large mountain off in the distance

"What of it?" Asked Esdeath seeing Naruto smirk and keep his finger pointed towards the mountain

"Don't blink or you might miss it." Naruto said

Immediately Naruto fired a Death Beam, surprising Esdeath at the strange attack, straight at the mountain. Esdeath watched in fascination as the Death Beam flew through the air never once wavering or losing form. It soon got far enough she could no longer keep track of it, but not a moment later…


Esdeath gasped in shocked when she saw the mountain and the surrounding area be engulfed in a massive explosion. When it faded Esdeath saw absolutely nothing was left.

"Was… was that your Teigu?" Esdeath asked in awe at the power she witnessed though never hearing of a Teigu that could do that

"No, that is Ki. A power I use, my fathers uses, my mother uses, my godfather uses. And you can use it to if you join me Esdeath." Naruto said, Esdeath turning to look at him

"Just, who are you Naruto-kun?" Asked Esdeath

"My name is Naruto 'Froze' Uzumaki, my mother is Kushina Uzumaki 'The Red Death', my father is Frieza the One True Emperor of the Universe. And you Esdeath I would like you to join me and I can off- hmph" Naruto was cut off when Esdeath jumped at him and slammed her lips against his

While surprised at the suddenness Naruto eagerly returned the kiss, now more prepared for this one, holding Esdeath close. After a few moments they pulled apart for air.

"Not that I'm complaining, but you didn't let me finish what I could offer you." Naruto said

"You had me at 'join me' Naruto-kun." Esdeath said smiling lovingly at him

"That's great. But Esdeath you should know, I already have two wives." Naruto revealed, Esdeath losing her smile at that

"Are they strong?" Esdeath asked

"Yes, very much so." Answered Naruto

Considering Chronoa had complete control over time in her powered up state and Towa could become a Demon Goddess if she wanted to, then yes they're definitely strong.

"Very well then, I'll accept them. I refuse to have my chosen married to any weaklings. Not to mention given your status it isn't strange if you have multiple spouses or even concubines." Esdeath stated with a thoughtful look

"You… aren't upset?" Asked Naruto having expected Esdeath to be angry

"No, besides this way when we become intimate I know you will have prior experience." Esdeath said grinning at the thought

"O…kay." Naruto said

"But know this Naruto-kun. Do not expect to think you can change me, I will stay the way I am and anyone I deem a weakling I will kill no matter who they are." Said Esdeath refusing to change for anyone even her beloved

"I wouldn't want you to change Esdeath-chan." Replied Naruto frowning at her words

One thing Naruto swore whe he married Towa and Chronoa was that he want them to change who they were as long as they promised not to try and change him, the same applies to anyone he chooses to be his wife. If he chooses them, then they're already perfect in his eyes and don't require change.

'He doesn't want me to change.' Esdeath thought surprised having expected him to want her to change to his standards but he doesn't and wants her as she is

Holding her hands over her heart Esdeath looked down shyly.

'I will have his heart, Naruto-kun's heart will be mine alone.' Esdeath swore

Even if she had to share him with others, his heart would belong to her.

"Well it's getting late and we should get some sleep." Esdeath said as they went back inside

"You go on, I'll just be over here." Naruto said pointing to a chair, but Esdeath stopped him by grabbing his hand

"No, you'll sleep in the bed with me. I promise I won't do anything to you." Esdeath said wanting to sleep next to him

Naruto went up to Esdeath and tilted her head up.

"It's not that, I just don't require sleep anymore." Said Naruto

He already didn't' require a lot of sleep given his heritage, but after becoming the Shinju he didn't need it at all. He can still sleep, but it was a luxury rather than a necessity. Naruto just didn't want to be like Beerus and sleep for decades at a time.

"Either way you can stay in the bed with me." Esdeath said stubbornly

"Alright, fine." Naruto said laying down next to Esdeath

"Goodnight my love." Esdeath said

"Night Esdeath-chan."

*Next Morning*

"Hey how did you sleep last nigh-oh." Wave said when he saw Naruto enter the room

Naruto entered the Jaeger's dining room with a deadpanned expression.

Esdeath had said she wouldn't do anything last night and yet not even five minutes after she fell asleep she'd turned around and wrapped her arms around him with her head resting on his chest. Sure Naruto had wrapped an arm around her to hold her close, but still she said she wouldn't do anything but she still did.

In the dining room Naruto saw only Wave with a mug and Kurome munching on her cookies.

"You sure do start snacking early in the day Kurome." Wave stated having seen Kurome eating her cookies when he got up

"Mind your own business." Kurome retorted, though Wave wasn't deterred

"You should try eating seafood it's really good for you." Wave said

"I wouldn't want to smell like fish, like you." Said Kurome

"What, really?! Do I smell like fish?" Wave asked to Naruto

"Yeah, you do." Answered Naruto

He may like seafood but he doesn't like the smell.


Naruto's attention turned back to Kurome still eating her cookies.

'Something about Kurome, just seems off.' Naruto thought and he didn't just mean her strange obsession of playing with dead bodies

'No, something else. She's way to skinny for someone her age, it can't be from lack of eating and given she got Esdeath's attention she's likely stronger than she looks. That only leaves… enhancement drugs.' Naruto thought with a frown

He's seen several enhancement drugs on different planets and even in the Frieza Force, something his father explicitly banned the use of. As while they provide the user an increase of power it's only temporary and the more they use the drugs the less affective they become until the person is forced to keep taking them having become addicted and are forced to keep taking them.

If Kurome is taking those then that'd explain her appearance and why he's always seen her eating those, Naruto thought eyeing her bag of cookies.

"Got a problem?" Kurome questioned while holding her cookies after noticing how he was looking at her, while Naruto was pulled from his thoughts

"Well no offense, but you look like that Akame girl from the Wanted Posters." Naruto said

"Right, I noticed that to." Added Wave having seen the posters and noticed the similarities

"I'd think so. She's my big sister, though I hope to run into her again one day, so I can kill her with my own hands." Kurome said smiling at the thought

'Okay, I'm guessing Akame realized how corrupted this place was and left. Kurome didn't have that option given her dependency on whatever drugs the Empire's making her take.' Thought Naruto frowning

While Kurome said she wants to kill her sister, Naruto could sense her emotions and felt love, anger, and sadness. Kurome still loves her sister but is angry at being abandoned by her.

'Maybe I can help.' Thought Naruto

He could help reunite two sisters and if he's lucky get two deadly swordswomen on his side.

Suddenly the door opened revealing Esdeath.

"Naruto-kun, we're off to Mt. Fake. We'll be spending the next few days hunting." Declared Esdeath

"Mt. Fake?" Naruto asked

"It's in the range on the outskirts of the capital." Esdeath said putting her hat on

"Uuuuh…" Naruto trailed off making an exploding motion with his hands reminding Esdeath he did blow up a mountain, and probably a few others, last night

"Don't worry, it's nowhere in sight of the capital. So it should still be there, I think." Esdeath said muttering the last part to herself unsure exactly how big the explosion was

"Wave, Kurome you two will be joining us. We're hunting Danger Beasts as well as bandits." Added Esdeath

"Roger that."

"Kurome and I will take the east throughout the day. Wave and Naruto-kun, you'll take the west. We'll exchange partners at night, so Naruto-kun will be with me." Esdeath said

'The monsters that come out at night are especially vicious, it'll be my chance to impress him and maybe other things as well, ufufufufu.' Esdeath thought wanting to show her beloved her strength


After leaving the capital the four headed for Mt. Fake. Upon reaching the location they separated into teams, with Naruto and Wave now climbing up a trail.

"Hey, I didn't want to say anything in front of the team but you've got it pretty rough don't you. Let me know if you ever need to vent." Wave said, making Naruto stop and look at him with a raised brow

"Uh, thanks. But I can handle Esdeath-chan, and I'm no stranger to being treated like that." Naruto said

"Yeah, I can understand that. I just get this weird feeling you and I are kind of similar don't you?" Wave asked

"How exactly?" Asked Naruto knowing they couldn't be more different

He's the son of a Galactic tyrant and a woman who's basically a princess, and he possesses the power to destroy planets. And he doubts Wave has any of that.

"Uh, I'm not sure how to explain it, but it's like we're dealing with the same problems or at least gonna deal with the same problems." Wave said lamely thinking of the Jaegers

"I think I see it now." Said Naruto thinking of the Ginyu's

"Well let's work together, we can share each other's pain and, uh Naruto." Wave stopped seeing Naruto turn around with a dark look

Suddenly he jumped towards him shocking Wave who thought he was attacking him. Only for Naruto to jump past him while creating a Ki-Blade and slice through a tree branch from a living tree.

"Look out!" Naruto said

"Woah, thanks for that." Wave said drawing his cutlass as they stood back to back

"No problem."

"Man they keep popping up. You ready for this?" Wave asked

"Bet I kill more than you." Said Naruto with a challenging smirk which Wave returned

"You're on."


"Whew, that wasn't so bad was it." Wave said looking at the destroyed trees

"You finished over there Naruto?" Asked Wave looking to where Naruto was only to see all his enemies chopped up

"Uh, Naruto. Wha… where'd he go?" Wave wondered while fearing wat Esdeath will do to him since he lost track of her "partner in love"

"NOOOOO! I know how you must feel but I can't let you get away!" Wave said determined to find him and not be killed by Esdeath

'Guess it's time.' Wave thought looking at his sword before stabbing it in the ground

"Grand Chariot!" Wave yelled out before he was encased in black and blue armor

*With Naruto*

'Huh, this is nice.' Naruto thought looking at the waterfall and surrounding area

It hadn't been difficult to deal with the living trees, but he saw Wave still fighting his own and didn't want to wait for him to finish his off. So he walked off to explore the surrounding area.

'Maybe I shouldn't have though, who knows what Esdeath-chan will do to him if she finds out I went missing while with him… on second thought, nah.' Naruto thought with a smirk though it faded when he sensed something flying towards him

Jumping away just as an armored human land on the ground.

"Thank goodness I managed to find you." Wave said relieved he found Naruto now Esdeath won't kill him

"Wave?" Said Naruto surprised it was Wave in the armor

"Yeah, it's me. Don't be alarmed this is just my Teigu, Grand Chariot. It's an armor-type." Stated Wave

"Is it strong?" Naruto asked

"Yeah it increases my strength and speed, it's also invulnerable, and is in a constant state of equilibrium so it doesn't forcibly evolve like the prototype Incursio." Wave said

"Good to know." Said Naruto before getting into a stance

"Uh, what're you doing?" Asked Wave

"Getting ready to fight. I wanna see just how strong that armor is." Naruto answered

"What?! Bu-but I could seriously hurt you in this!" Wave said knowing Esdeath would do even worse if she found out he hurt Naruto

"Don't worry about it. Now let's fight!" Said Naruto speeding towards Wave

Wave was shocked at the speed before quickly raising his arms to block the coming spin kick. Though he still grunted in pain and shock as he skidded back a little.

'Woah, I actually felt that even with my armor. He wasn't kidding.' Wave thought

"Okay, we'll fight but remember you asked for it!" Wave said grabbing Naruto's leg and throwing into the side of the rocks causing the wall to crack

"I warned you didn't I. How about I lose the armor then we can spar." Said Wave walking up to him, while Naruto just smirked

Wave suddenly doubled over in pain as Narutos buried his fist in his stomach.

"Don't underestimate me, you'll regret it!" Said Naruto getting Wave in a headlock

Spinning around a couple time Naruto threw Wave into the air with a shout before flying up after him. Righting himself in the air Wave stared as Naruto flew towards him.

"Okay I'm ending this! Grand Fall!" Wave called out as he dropped down at highspeed delivering a drop-kick

'Crap!' Naruto thought raising his arms to block

While he stopped any major damage the kick still sent him flying into the river causing a large splash.

"Alright, that's the end of things. Okay Naruto let's get back!" Wave said looking into the water

"Huh, where did he go? Oh crap, did the current carry him away! Crap, crap, crap, crap!" Wave said running down the river hoping to find him

Once Wave was out of sight Naruto stepped out of the river, having using the Camouflage Jutsu to disguise himself. Shaking his head to side emptying the water in his ears Naruto reached behind his back and grabbed a crab that had been crawling on him. Without hesitation he bit half the crab and began chewing before throwing the rest in his mouth and swallowing, his teeth were strong enough to chew through the exoskeleton plus he's seen his dad do it before.

"Well that takes care of that. Now for Akame." Naruto said

After Wave had arrived he'd sensed someone else nearby as well, their energy felt similar to Kurome's and he figured it must be her sister Akame. It'd be a perfect opportunity to meet the other sister and extend his helping hand.

While he's sure she's loyal to Night Raid, and maybe even considers them her friends, Naruto's sure he can convince her if there's a chance she can be with her sister again.

Naruto looked up when he heard growling and saw a large Danger Beasts stepping out from the trees.

"It's just one of those days isn't it." Naruto muttered holding his index and middle finger together to prepare a Death Wave to kill it

But before he could launch the attack someone appeared and sliced the upper part of the Danger Beasts head clean off. Naruto was stunned by this, not at someone killing the Danger Beast, but because they just stole his kill!

Seeing who it was, Naruto it was a young girl. The girl had long black hair that reached down to her knees and red eyes. She was wearing a dark sleeveless mini dress that hugged her large bosom with a white collar and a red tie, a red belt that has a red side skirt cover, long black socks and black shoes, red gauntlets and black gloves, and carrying a katana sword.

'The Demon Sword Murasame and given her resemblance to Kurome this must be Akame.' Naruto thought before immediately dodging a sword slash from Akame

"Well that seems strange you save me from a Danger Beasts only to try and kill me yourself. Seems kind of counterproductive don't you think?" Naruto asked dodging the follow up sword strikes

"You are an associate of General Esdeath of the Empire and thus must be eliminated." Stated Akame continuing her attack to cut Naruto with her sword to activate its cursed poison, though Naruto just continued dodging

"Well that doesn't seem fair. You don't even know me, I'm sure if you did you'd see I'm not such a bad guy." Naruto said smirking as he dodged all her attacks though he inwardly frowned when he noticed Akame seemed to be getting faster in her strikes even giving him a few close calls

'Interesting, she seems to be getting closer in her attacks the more I dodge. The more I dodge the better she's getting at predicting where I'll be forcing me to change my patterns which she in turns begins adapting to. Interesting indeed.' Naruto thought bending backwards to avoid a slash that would have taken his head off if he were anyone else

"It doesn't matter, if you're affiliated with the Empire you must be eliminated no matter what." Retorted Akame her eyes darting to and fro as she memorized Naruto's movements and predict where he'll dodge next

She noticed when he prepared that strange attack against the Danger Beast he used his right hand, showing his right side was his dominant side. Though he's shown to still be quick with his left as well, given he's managed to dodge all her attacks no matter which direction they came from. But he's also focusing on her hands and Murasame, his smirk also told Akame he's confident, maybe even arrogant, in his abilities to not get hit.

'He's so busy watching my blade he doesn't notice my feet.' Akame thought going to sweep his legs out from under him

Only for her attack to be stopped by a tail of all things wrapping around her leg.

"Nice try. You almost had me but your eyes gave you away when you looked at my legs." Naruto said crossing his arms

Though Naruto was surprised when he felt a striking pain in his neck and feeling something dripping down. Looking Naruto was surprised to see Akame's blade slicing through his neck while black marks began spreading off it.

"Got you." Akame stated jumping back as Naruto's tail released her and sheathed Murasame knowing he'll be dead in a matter of seconds

'She… got me. She actually managed to cut me.' Naruto thought shocked that she managed to actually make him bleed

He didn't worry about the poison as he could already feel his healing factor purging it from his body. Naruto cursed himself for allowing himself to grow complacent, he didn't think anyone on this planet would be able to actually hit him, let alone injure him, this was just another reminder that he shouldn't underestimate his opponent no matter how much stronger he is.

'Still, that she managed to direct my attention to her attempt at tripping me to cut me. Along with predicting how I would react to her attacks, it's like Pure Progress.' Naruto thought

Pure Progress was an ability he and his father use, it allows them to grow stronger when fighting a superior opponent. Naruto used it during the early years of his training to improves his prowess the more he fought. And it appears Akame also has this ability or at least a similar one that lets her analyze her opponents at an advanced rate.

Akame watched as the black markings vanished, much to her surprise, and Naruto's wound heal.

'He can resist Murasame's curse, that can prove troublesome in the future if I don't kill him now.' Akame thought grabbing her swords hilt ready to draw it

She'll just have to kill him the old fashion way.

"Okay I'll admit, I'm thoroughly impressed you managed to draw blood. Not many can claim they've made me bleed, take pride in that achievement." Said Naruto

"I'll take pride in your death." Akame stated

"Really? Alright, but before that you should hear what I have to say." Naruto said his smirk returning

"Enough talking." Said Akame charging towards Naruto and starting to draw her sword, while Naruto looked unconcerned

"Even if it involves your sister Kurome." Said Naruto without moving from his spot

He got the reaction he wanted as Akame stopped in her tracks her sword an inch from decapitating Naruto.

Akame searched Naruto's face for any hint of deceit or that he might be lying but found none. Which he's either a really good liar or telling the truth.

"What about her?" Akame asked wanting to know what's happening to her sister

"What if I told you she's a member of a special group created by Esdeath, with the sole purpose of hunting down and destroying Night Raid." Said Naruto, Akame's eyes hardening at his words

"Then she's just another target to be eliminated." Akame stated even if it hurt that she'd have to kill her baby sister

"Your mouth says one thing, but your emotions tell a different story. I can feel that you would kill Kurome if it came down to it but it'd bring you pain to do so. Go ahead tell me I'm wrong." Naruto said, Akame not saying anything though

"But what if there was a way you didn't have to, that neither of you had to fight and kill each other where you can be sisters again." Offered Naruto

"Impossible, she is with the Empire and I'm a member of Night Raid. It can only end with one of us dying by the others hand." Stated Akame like it was the only way

"What if Kurome was only with the Empire because she has to be?" Naruto retorted, Akame narrowing her eyes at that

What reason could Kurome be forced to stay in the Empire?

"Enhancement drugs." Naruto answered getting Akame's attention

"Kurome's been taking enhancement drugs, which she's now addicted to and only the Empire can provide them. I'm guessing she wasn't as strong as they wanted her to be and thus performed drug therapy on her to make her stronger." Naruto said not having Akame and Kurome's full backstory and can only guess

Akame was stunned at this, she knew her sister had been terrified of being seen as weak, as if you were seen as weak in the Assassination Division you were killed. But to be taking artificial enhancements to increase her strength.

'That's why she didn't go with me.' Akame thought remembering the day she asked Kurome to leave the Empire with her

She couldn't leave because if she did, her body would likely give out from not taking the enhancement drugs.

"I'm also guessing it didn't help her mental state when her big sister basically abandoned her, leaving her only friends as undead corpses." Naruto said with a glare

While he may understand Akame's reasons for leaving the Empire she still abandoned her sister to the capitals cruelty, with her only company being the corpses she keeps with Yatsufusa. If there's one thing Naruto considered unforgivable it was abandoning one's own blood.

That made Akame flinch knowing it was true, she did abandon Kurome without even thinking of why she stayed with the Empire, never once considering she was forced to stay. It didn't help the friends they made in the Assassination Division were all dead, leaving Kurome well and truly alone.

"But what if I could help both you and Kurome, where you weren't on opposite sides anymore, and didn't have to kill each other." Naruto said, making Akame look at him her eyes suspicious but a spark of hope in them

"How?" Akame demanded

"Let's say I have… abilities that can purge all the medicinal drugs from Kurome's body and repair the damage they did. I also have a plan that can get you both together again, without either of you being labelled a traitor by your respective groups. But other than that the rest is up to you and Kurome, ask yourself this Akame what's more important fighting a war you have no true stake in and won't really matter in the long run or having your sister back?" Asked Naruto

This made Akame pause, if she agreed then she'd basically be betraying her comrades, her friends. But she can't deny that she misses her sister, thinking of her everyday and what will happen when they eventually meet again on the battlefield knowing one of them will kill the other. Something Akame didn't want to do, but will do if it happened, despite wishing there was another way.

Well another way just fell into her hands.

"What's this plan of yours?" Akame asked sheathing her sword

For now she'll listen to him, but she believes he's just using her and this is all a trick, she'll kill him… slowly.

"Great, now you need to do exactly as I say no matter how foolish or dangerous it might be." Naruto said dropping his smirk and turning completely serious, while Akame nodded

"Okay. First return to your base, I'll follow closely behind." Said Naruto

"No." Akame rejected instantly not willing to compromise Night Raid's base to an enemy

Naruto groaned in annoyance knowing she'll be stubborn.

"Look right now I sense several people on this mountain, one of the being Dr. Stylish, another member of Esdeath's team, and the guy who makes Kurome's enhancement drugs. We need him dead so he can't make more or get Kurome back on them. Right now Wave is probably reporting to Esdeath about me disappearing and she'll send out the Jaegers to locate me, with Stylish being the most likely to follow my trail, which in turn will be your trail straight to Night Raid's base, where I will kill him and anyone he brings with him. This way not only is there one less problem to deal with, but we take out the reason Kurome is the way she is, savvy." Explained Naruto, Akame surprised at how much thought he's put into this

"I understand." Akame said nodding

"Good. Now get going, once Stylish is dead I'll tell you the next part of the plan." Instructed Naruto

Nodding again Akame took off running back to base, while Naruto followed closely behind but still out of sight.

'I wonder how Esdeath-chan is doing?' Naruto wondered

*With Esdeath*

"I don't know what else to say, except I'm very sorry for what happened okay." Wave said crying rivers of tears sitting in nothing but his boxers while his legs were pressed against a piece of wood with raised mountain points and several stone slabs on his lap

"General Esdeath, I humble beg your forgiveness!" Said Wave

"Naruto-kun got away because you weren't paying attention, and then you likely injured him along with losing him in a river where he could drown! Kurome more wait!" Esdeath demanded her eyes being shadowed by her hair

"Mm-hm." Said Kurome comically dropping another stone slab on Wave's lap getting a cry of pain from the boy

The only reason Esdeath isn't punishing Wave more is because she knows her beloved wasn't actually missing, she didn't know what he was doing but if he wasn't here he's likely off planning something. Esdeath was punishing Wave to keep up appearance of being angry at him losing track of Naruto, that and she enjoys satisfying her own sadism.

"Oh my dear Wave, your technique is impeccable but it's useless if you don't use your head. Please try to correct this." Esdeath said

"Okay." Whimpered Wave

"Oh and next time you disappoint me, I will be delivering your punishment myself! Is that perfectly clear." Esdeath said wickedly

"Yes ma'am!" Wave said quickly fearful of Esdeath would punish him with

"Commander, deepest apologies Koro hasn't been able to track him down yet!" Seryu reported, Esdeath mentally sighing in annoyance

"Hekatonkheires is built for combat, don't let it upset you." Said Esdeath before noticing someone missing

"Where's Dr. Stylish?" Esdeath questioned

"We still haven't heard from him." Answered Seryu

"Well I'm sure he's found nothing as well." Stated Esdeath

"Commander, may I ask a question concerning the young man you're interested in? If he did turn out to be an enemy then how would you like us to proceed?" Run said

Esdeath's head snapped towards Wave with narrowed eyes, the question angered her. As if anyone here could ever hope to match her Naruto-kun, he could likely kill everyone in the Empire, herself included, blindfolded, his arms tied behind his back, and hopping on one leg. But she also saw the sense in the question, considering if it was asked before she knew who Naruto was she'd have said for them to capture or kill him.

"There is no need for that concern Run, Naruto-kun has already shown he is loyal. But if it is shown he is an enemy then capture him if you can, but if not then kill him." Esdeath said

"As you wish commander." Said Run

"Naruto's been infected with evil, so we should just vanquish him right away." Seryu added

'You better have an explanation when you return Naruto-kun.' Esdeath thought getting up and exiting the room

Though something told Esdeath when Naruto returned, Stylish won't be coming back at all.

*Later-With Naruto*

Naruto relaxed in a tree on the outcropping on top of Night Raid's base giving him a good view of what's happening down below. He saw one Stylish's minions that was using Extase get vaporized by a pink haired girl and a guy wearing armor, he could also sense Akame deal with another one. He saw one Stylish's minions try to attack the pink haired girl, only to be attacked and killed by a blonde girl/lion hybrid. While in the sky Naruto saw a flying manta ray carrying who he recognized as the leader of Night Raid, Najenda, and two others wearing cloaks.

The reason Naruto hasn't interfered yet is because he's only hear to make sure Stylish dies, plus he had faith Akame can deal with any of Stylish's twisted experiments. The rest of Night Raid however… meh, he honestly didn't care if they lived or died.

Though Naruto's eyes snapped fully open when saw all the Night Raid members fall down, except the one wearing armor. All while they were surrounded by Stylish's experiments

'Poison, hypnosis, sound? No an airborne paralytic solution, which explains why the armored guy isn't affected, must be filters in the helmet or the armors a Teigu that protects him. Oh great.' Thought Naruto getting up to kill them

Though his presence wasn't necessary when one of the cloaked people on the manta ray jumped down and killed them all.

'Well now a biological human Teigu.' Naruto thought seeing the guy regenerate his body after being blown up

Seeing all the enemies dead the human Teigu jumped to where Stylish and the rest of his team was, Naruto flying after to make sure the mad scientist died. When he reached the area he saw Stylish inject himself with something before growing to giant size, eat his three minions and evolve into an even uglier form.

"Wow, that has to be the stupidest thing I've ever seen." Naruto stated revealing his presence as he landed next to the human Teigu and looked up at Stylish

"You! I had feeling you couldn't be trusted! No matter once I deal with Night Raid, I'll take you as well to experiment on!" Stylish said smiling widely

"Dude seriously, three things. The first bigger doesn't equal stronger, second you aren't experimenting on me cause you're gonna be dead soon, and third your taste in style sucks!" Said Naruto, Stylish gasping at the insult

"You! How dare you insult my stylish appearance, you'll pay for that!" Roared Stylish bringing his large fist down on Naruto

"Like I said you're gonna die." Naruto said pointing his index finger and firing a small, invisible energy sphere

When the sphere hit Naruto took control of Stylish's body freezing him in place.

"Wh-what, what're you doing?! WOAH!" Stylish shouted in shock as he was lifted into the air

"Hope you aren't afraid of heights!" Said Naruto lifting Stylish higher and higher until he was nearly a mile off the ground

"Boom." Naruto said clenching his fist detonating his attack

Stylish screamed in pain and fear before his entire body exploded into burning fragments.

"That takes care of that. Now to get back." Naruto said preparing to head back to the capital

"Hold it right there!"

'I swear just one thing after another!' Thought Naruto turning seeing all of Night Raid standing ready to attack him, including Akame to keep up appearance

"The fuck you want?" Naruto said

"You've been seen in the company of Esdeath, which means you're with the Empire and you've seen us. So you won't be leaving here alive." Najenda said trying to be intimidating

But Naruto they were about as intimidating as a kitten.

"Cute. You all saw what I just did to Stylish, who worked for the Empire. If I did that to an 'ally' what do you think I'll do to you. Also considering the fact I'm not even here anymore." Naruto said erupting into smoke showing it was just a Shadow Clone

"Damn, everyone split up and try to find him, he can't have gotten far!" Najenda ordered knowing there still unknown members could be endangered if he reports to the capital their identities

"Right boss!"

All the members split off in different directions to find Naruto, with Akame being the only one to know he's likely long gone.

'He can heal, resist Murasame's poison, has telekinesis, make things explode, fly, and teleport or make clones. Either he can use several Teigu or all that power is his own.' Akame thought not sure what was scary that there's a person who can bond with multiple Teigu or that one person could possess so much power

Suddenly she was grabbed and pulled behind a tree.

"Don't scream or attack!" Naruto hissed covering Akame's mouth and stopping her reaching for her sword

Calming down slightly when she saw it was Naruto, Akame relaxed allowing Naruto to let go.

"I said after Stylish was dead I'd tell you the next part of the plan didn't I?" Naruto said rhetorically

"You did." Stated Akame

"The next part is getting Kurome off the enhancements drugs, if I cured her of them now she'll just try and get more afterwards, I need to let the ones currently in her system leave her along with getting rid of the ones she still has. After that then I'll purge the remnants from her body so she'll have a clearer mind, then it'll be convincing her to meet with you without trying to kill each other. Is there a place you both could meet where you won't be interrupted?" Naruto asked, Akame nodding

"Yes, we used to meet up at an old church in the woods when we were put in separate units." Answered Akame

"Good, good. When the time comes I'll you message to meet up there with Kurome along with the details of how both of you can slip away with no one being the wiser. For now just continue like everything is normal." Naruto said

Akame nodding before running off to continue her "search".

Once Akame was out of sight Naruto shot into the air flying back to the capital.

It didn't take long before Naruto arrived and landed on the balcony of Esdeath's room. Entering the room Naruto saw Esdeath sitting in one of the chairs drinking tea. Though she instantly stood up and smiled seeing him enter.

"You're back." Esdeath stated happily he's returned

"Yep, also I blew Stylish up hope that isn't a problem." Said Naruto casually, Esdeath's smile instantly vanishing

"He was a comrade." Said Esdeath

"He was an annoying pest that would've interfered in my plans. Now he's just a dead annoying pest. Esdeath-chan something you should know, is that anyone I consider a threat to me, my family and loved ones, or my plans I will kill them no matter who they are. That's not a problem is it." Said Naruto both knowing it wasn't a question

'We truly are soulmates.' Esdeath thought with a smile at just how ruthless Naruto can be

"No, but still I'm sure the others will be devastated when they learn the news. Seryu especially since Stylish was the one who built her weapons." Esdeath said knowing how close Seryu and the doctor were

'Let the little psycho feel whatever she wants, she'll likely be dead soon anyway.' Naruto thought

When he had first felt Seryu's emotions it honestly made Naruto feel physically sick as just how twisted she was. She spoke of bringing "justice" to the world and yet enjoyed slaughtering anyone she deemed evil, whether thy were innocent or not. Not only that but she was also a hypocrite, as while she preached about justice she had no qualms about shooting someone in the back.

Naruto would gladly admit he and his father were monsters that committed planetary genocide on numerous occasions at least they were honest about being evil.

"So, what is this plan you apparently have?" Esdeath asked curious since he didn't make any mention of a plan to her before so it must be one he came up with recently

"Don't worry about it, just know that if all goes well then we'll have two powerful new allies joining us when we leave this rock." Naruto said exiting the room leaving Esdeath curious of who these potential allies were

*Timeskip-Three Days*

'I really don't like this.' Naruto thought frowning as he stood invisible within Stylish's lab while Kurome searched desperately through all the cabinets

After he'd returned from killing Stylish and talking with Esdeath, Naruto had headed for Kurome's room, thankfully she wasn't inside, and destroyed all her medicinal drugs. Afterwards he'd had to watch her begin suffering from withdrawal symptoms, he didn't like it but knew it was necessary to help her in the long run.

Now here he was watching her trying to find more, though he knew she wouldn't as he'd already destroyed all ones Stylish had on hand as well.

Naruto was pulled from his thoughts when he saw Kurome collapse to her knees and started breathing heavily.

'Okay that's enough.' Naruto thought appearing behind Kurome

Activating his Rinne-Sharingan Naruto called on the Naraka Path summoning the King of Hell. Its mouth opened up and pulled Kurome into it before she could react, when the mouth close Naruto waited a few moments as the Naraka Path healed the damage done to Kurome from the drugs. Though there'd still be the mental side affects and the lasting physical affects, that'll be up to Kurome to heal on her own.

'Hopefully with Akame there by her side.' Naruto thought before the King of Hells mouth opened up and Kurome fell out breathing heavily

"What was… I don't… what happened?!" Kurome shouted freaking out

She had come to Stylish's lab in order to try and get more of her medicine after finding out she couldn't th ones she had left, and she had begun feeling the affects of not taking them. But she couldn't find any in the lab and the withdrawal symptoms started getting worse. Then suddenly she felt herself being pulled into something then nothing but darkness, though soon she started feeling better, the pain from not taking her medicine vanished.

Then she found herself back in the lab and was freaking out over what just happened!

"Easy, easy Kurome. Calm down." Naruto kneeling down next to her to calm her down

"Yo-you, what did you do?" Demanded Kurome figuring he was responsible for what just happened given he suddenly just appeared

"I helped you. I purged all those drugs out of your body and helped with your withdrawal. You don't have to depend on those anymore." Said Naruto, surprising Kurome though her surprise didn't last and was replaced by anger

"I didn't ask for your help or want it! They were helping be strong, I have to be strong!" Said Kurome her old fear of being seen as weak coming back

She can't be weak, if she's seen as weak then she'll be silenced like the other members of the Assassination Division. She needs her medicine so she can be strong!

"Well I hate to break it to you but those enhancement drugs didn't make you strong, they only made you weak and dependent." Said Naruto

"No they didn't, they helped me get stronger! Now I'm weak." Said Kurome fearfully not wanting anyone to find out

If Esdeath found out she wasn't strong anymore who knows what she'll do to her.

"Really? Cause from what I saw a few moments ago you looked pretty weak." Naruto retorted

"That's because I needed my medicine!" Kurome growled out

"Let's agree to disagree. You say you need that medicine to be strong, I say it makes you weak. But what if there was a way for you to grow stronger on your own, stronger than even that medicine could make you." Said Naruto

"What do you mean?" Kurome asked

"First do you know about that massive explosion that happened a few days ago, the one that destroyed a mountain?" Asked Naruto, Kurome nodding

She had heard about that, and even heard it and seen it from outside her window. It had been a shock to everyone that saw it, seeing an entire mountain and the surrounding area being destroyed in less than a second. It had the people in a panic of what could have caused it.

"That was me." Naruto revealed

"Yeah right, you're probably just lying." Stated Kurome thinking he was lying to get her to trust him

"It's true, you can even ask Esdeath-chan, she saw me do it. I'll even do it again right now just to prove it to you." Said Naruto, making Kurome pause at that

Kurome doubted Esdeath was one to believe tall tales, especially if it concerned power like that, maybe he was telling…

"What if I could also reunite you with your sister." Said Naruto, Kurome perking up at that

"To kill her?" Kurome asked hoping to finally kill her big sister

"No, so you can be sisters again without fighting on opposite sides." Said Naruto

"That's impossible, my goody two-shoes sister abandoned the Empire and joined up with a bunch of assassins. The next time we meet, we will fight and one of us will die." Kurome stated

"She abandoned the Empire or she abandoned you? Cause from where I stand you seem angry that she left you behind rather than leave the Empire. But you couldn't leave could you? Because if you did you wouldn't get the medicine you needed and which only the Empire could provide. Tell me I'm wrong?" Asked Naruto, Kurome not saying anything to his words

"It doesn't matter, we both made our choices now we'll accept the consequences of them." Said Kurome walking to the door to leave though his next words made her stop

"Akame's already agreed." Naruto said, Kurome stopping in her tracks at those words

"What did you say?" Kurome questioned lowly

"I've made this same offer to Akame, the chance to see you again and not have to kill each other. She wants her little sister back." Said Naruto, Kurome freezing in place shocked at his words

Both his words, the fact he's met and spoken with Akame, and that she wants to be sisters again all shocked Kurome.

'Akame, do you really wish to be sisters again?' Kurome wondered

That's what she wanted, more than anything, to have her big sister by her side again whether alive or as one of her dolls didn't matter to Kurome as long as she had Akame by her side again.

"So, what do you want Kurome. To continue being a puppet of the Empire or do you want to see your sister again?" Naruto asked, Kurome turning to look at him

"… What do you have in mind?" Asked Kurome making her decision

*Next Day*

"There we go. Freezing these creatures was the most effective way of capturing them." Esdeath stated as she, Naruto, and Kurome looked at the three frozen creatures before them

The Jaegers had been sent out on a mission by Honest to track down and destroy or capture the creatures that have been running around and killing people. Naruto figured they must be experiments created by the late Dr. Stylish, given how unnatural they looked and the mechanical parts attached to them.

'Of course I've already dealt with the guy letting them loose.' Naruto thought having sent a clone to hunt down the one releasing the creatures

From his clones memories it was some scar faced little shit with a Teigu that let him teleport, and for some reason Naruto just really hated the bastard and his clone expressed that hatred by peeling his skin off one strip at a time, castrating him, making him eat his own balls, and then shoving his dick up his own ass.

The Teigu Naruto just sent to Towa since she always enjoys tinkering with new things.

Plus not only that, but this presented the perfect opportunity for Naruto's plan to come to fruition. He'd already spoken with Akame, learning Night Raid was also destroying the same Danger Beasts as the Jaegers, and told her to head for the church she told him about to meet Kurome. Naruto also expressed that it was important Akame made sure someone in Night Raid was aware of where she was going, but to make sure it was someone that wouldn't interfere if she asked them.

Once that was taken care of Naruto sent a clone to trail Akame with orders to dispel when she headed for the church.

"Mmm." Kurome muttered

'Huh.' Naruto thought looking at the girl

Only to sweatdrop when he saw her drooling and moving towards the frozen creatures.

"It's not a snack." Esdeath said not even looking to know what Kurome was trying

That made Kurome stop and back away saddened she couldn't eat the creature.

Naruto suddenly felt a rush of memories as his clone dispelled showing Akame heading to the ruined church.

"Kurome." Said Naruto, getting both Kurome and Esdeath's attention

"It's time go." Naruto said

Understanding what he meant Kurome nodded before running off into the forest her destination clear.

"Naruto-kun why are you ordering around one of my subordinates?" Esdeath asked

"Like I told you a few days ago Esdeath I have a plan." Replied Naruto

"You mean Kurome is one of the two allies you want to join us." Said Esdeath confused

While she'll admit Kurome was a strong swordswoman, Esdeath didn't believe that'd warrant Naruto's attention.

"Yes, on her own Kurome is quite the fierce fighter, when she's not hopped up on enhancement drugs. Plus with the right partner she'd be part of a very dangerous team." Said Naruto smirking

Together Akame and Kurome compliment each other perfectly, their swords as well. With Murasame's poison weakening an enemy, Kurome can finish them off with Yatsufusa and add another doll to her collection. Though that part was a problem Kurome was to attached to her dolls, seeing them as still living people or creatures.

'I can only hope spending time with Akame and other actual living people will do Kurome some good. It's not healthy to be obsessed with dead bodies.' Naruto thought

"The right team… the other person is Akame isn't it." Stated Esdeath having read reports of the two sisters when Akame was still in the Assassination Division

"Yes. Is that a problem?" Naruto asked

"No, and you're right while separate they ae both dangerous but together they could be downright lethal. They might even give me a challenge if they fought me together." Admitted Esdeath even willing to say that if Akame had still been in the Empire she'd have wanted just the sisters to work with her to destroy Night Raid

Kurome with her dolls and fight abilities, Akame with Murasame and its poisonous curse, and Esdeath herself and her control over ice.

Yes, they would have made quite the team.

'Though given Naruto-kun's desire to have them join him, I suppose there's still a chance to see how well we'd work together.' Esdeath thought with a smirk

"Glad to hear that. Now then Esdeath-chan, I believe it's time that we start preparing." Naruto said

"Preparing for what?" Asked Esdeath

"Why our deaths of course." Answered Naruto like it was obvious

Esdeath looked at him confused at his words before realization dawned on her at what he was planning.

*Later-With Akame*

Akame walked through the forest as the moon hung over head, She could just see the ruined spires of the church a couple yards away.

'This is it.' Akame thought knowing her sister will be there

She could sense Tatsumi following behind her, having been the one she told about her coming "battle" with her sister. This is her last chance to change her mind as once she goes in there will be no turning back. She'll be abandoning her team, her friends, the Revolutionary Army, everything she believed in so she can see her sister again and not have to fight to the death.

'But can I really do that again? Turn my back on my little sister, the only family I have left? If I did I doubt I'll ever get the chance to try and make things right, she'll hate me forever and do everything she can to kill me.' Thought Akame before shaking those thought away

No, she won't leave her sister again. She made that mistake once, she won't make it again.

'I'm sorry everyone, but I have to be there for Kurome now.' Akame thought saddened at leaving her friends behind but determined to fix her mistake

Entering the church Akame saw Kurome sitting on the altar with her sword and something else in her hand.

"You actually showed up. I didn't think you would, Akame." Kurome said hopping off the altar and stepping into the light

She was genuinely surprised her sister showed having still been skeptical of Naruto's plan or if Akame would show up at all or bring her little assassin friends in the event it was a trap.

"Hello Kurome." Greeted Akame her face not betraying any emotions

She looked her sister over, Akame noticing she looked different from the last time she saw her, more healthy.

'I guess he was telling the truth.' Thought Akame

"You want a snack." Kurome offered holding the box of pocky, Akame nodding never one to turn down food

Once she took a stick of pocky the sisters sat on opposite sides of the aisle, eating their snacks in silence until Kurome spoke.

"You remember this place don't you? It's not the first time we've met here." Kurome reminded

"It's also the place where you turned your back on me. Seems like the perfect place to finish things." Said Kurome twisting the knife in Akame's chest

She may have agreed to Naruto's plan so they can be sisters again, but that didn't erase the hurt and anger Kurome's felt since finding out Akame left.

"Sure takes me back, no matter what happened you were always there looking out for me. And then you left me without a second thought big sister." Kurome said, Akame flinching at her words

"We didn't have anyone but each other and this was the only place we felt needed. We were assassins trained to kill anyone that might be a threat to the Empire, stopping uprisings before they could happen. We thought we were doing the right thing." Stated Akame looking up at the memories

They had been trained in different squads, until Kurome joined Akame's to replace someone who had been killed. They were inseparable making up for the time they had been apart.

"We were the ultimate team, the missions might have been difficult but I made it through because I had my sister by my side. I was happy we were together again." Kurome said smiling before her smile dropped into a glare

"But then you abandoned the Empire, abandoned me, and joined Night Raid. Your new family!" Growled Kurome as they stood up glaring at her sister letting out all of her pent up anger and sadness she's kept bottled up since she learned Akame left

"Everyday I've imagined more and more ways to kill you, to hurt you the way you hurt me. I imagined making you watch as I turned each of your little friends into my dolls before making you fight them, or maybe cutting them into little pieces. But what I wanted the most sister, was to kill you myself so you could never leave me again." Kurome said drawing her sword but not summoning any of her dolls

One thing Kurome's noticed is ever since Naruto purged the enhancement drugs from her body she hasn't felt any strain when using Yatsufusa, no pain when summoning her dolls.

"Do you believe killing me will solve your problems?" Akame asked wondering not for the first time if her leaving really hurt Kurome that much

"I don't know, but it'll be a start." Said Kurome holding her sword up

Nothing more was said as both sisters stared each other down. Kurome suddenly jumped and slashed at Akame who quickly drew Murasame blocking the attack before jumping through a window Kurome following close behind.

Landing outside Akame turned and blocked another slash from Kurome.

"Why did you have leave?! Our entire lives we only had each other, but you had to leave and join Night Raid and the Revolutionary Army! What makes them any different from the Empire?!" Kurome demanded

"They fight for the good of the people and the nation. We only ever did the Empires dirty work, murdering people without question. The way things stands no good will come from this government. It's why I wanted to come with me." Said Akame

"And what about our friends, the ones who died for the sake of their missions?!" Said Kurome

"All that sadness was caused by the leaders of the Empire. If we can bring happiness to people by overthrowing the leadership I know our comrades would understand!" Akame retorted running forward

"That's a selfish excuse!" Said Kurome as they clashes sword yet again

Suddenly the ground started shaking as the church came falling down while a massive Danger Beast rose out the ground.

"Danger Beast." Kurome stated

"It must've sensed us fighting and come out." Said Akame before they jumped back when the creature brought its fist down on them

Though a chain attached to a shackle on its wrist flew towards Kurome who had no time to dodge.

"Kurome!" Akame yelled about to jump to her sister

Though she didn't have to when one of Kurome's dolls appeared and pushed her out of the way while being crushed by the chain.

"Natara!" Said Kurome seeing resurrected friend being crushed

Glaring at the Danger Beast for destroying her doll.

"You'll pay for hurting my friend! Doya!" Kurome said summoning her other resurrected friend

The undead girl jumped into the air shooting the Danger Beast with her pistols only for them to be ineffective. The Danger Beast grabbed and crushed the doll in its hand.

"No! That's it I have no time to waste on you!" Shouted Kurome jumping up into the air and bringing her sword down on the creatures head only for it to do no damage thanks to the thick armored helmet it was wearing

Kurome then saw the creatures hand about to grab her in midair leaving her unable to dodge, though just before it can grab her Akame jumped up and grabbed her getting them both out of the way as they both hit the ground.

"That was really close are you okay?" Akame asked worried

"Akame." Said Kurome looking at her sister surprised she saved her

Standing up the sisters looked at the Danger Beast before they both stiffened and grabbed their heads. Though it quickly passed as they looked around then at each other and nodding.

"Let's go." Akame said

"Right." Kurome nodded

Running towards the creature Kurome ran ups it's arm before jumping into the air and with a shout brought her sword down on the tube on the creatures back causing the helmet to fall off revealing its face.

"You're done!" Akame shouted leaping into the air slashing Murasame straight through the creatures head killing it

Laughing as she stepped out the smoke Kurome looked at her sister with a smile.

"Looks like you and I still have what it takes." Said Kurome

"I guess we do." Akame agreed before noticing the creature started glowing making her eyes widened

"Get down!" Shouted Akame running over and shielding Kurome with her body

"What're you-"

Kurome couldn't finish before the creatures body suddenly exploded engulfing the two.

"Akame!" Tatsumi shouted jumping out of his hiding spot when he saw the two be caught in the explosion

"Kurome!" Yelled Wave flying down

He had noticed Kurome missing and had instantly gone off to look for her, finding her location when he saw her fighting the giant Danger Beast and a member of Night Raid. Seeing this Wave flew off towards them as fast as he could when he saw the creature explode.

The two armored boys didn't even care an enemy was nearby only try to find their comrades.

Though after searching through the area all they found were burnt fragments of their clothing. Seeing this both boys fell to their knees in despair that their comrades were dead. Wave punched the ground repeatedly before looking at Tatsumi.

"I won't kill you now… but the next time we meet it'll be our last." Wave said before flying off to mourn another fallen comrade

'Damn it.' Tatsumi cursed mentally that he couldn't save another comrade

*With Naruto*

"I must say that was quite the performance you girls put on. I was actually close to stepping away to stop you both from killing each other." Naruto said to the still very much alive Akame and Kurome

The four, Naruto, Esdeath, Akame, and Kurome, were currently standing on a flying platform Naruto created with a Truth Seeking Ball and was flying towards where his ship was.

"Who said I was pretending." Said Kurome having genuinely attacking her sister to help release the pent up anger towards her

"Well either way you both put on a convincing performance, and I'm sure you'll be reported dead the next day. Esdeath-chan it might take a while for you to be declared dead considering how strong you are but give it maybe a week you'll be declared dead as well." Naruto said, Esdeath nodding

"As long as you made by death a glorious one and against a powerful opponent Naruto-kun." Said Esdeath crossing her arms

Even if she wasn't really dying, she still wanted her fake death to be a worthy one.

"Of course Es-chan. Now hang on we'll be reaching my ship shortly." Naruto said

Akame and Kurome sat next to each other looking down as the land became a blur beneath.

"Akame, why did you throw yourself in front of me when he made the Danger Beast explode? You knew we were going to be fine, so why did you do it?" Kurome asked having been genuinely confused when Akame shielded her from the explosion

"Because… I haven't been there to protect you for a long time and I think it's time I started being a better sister. A sister you deserve Kurome." Answered Akame, Kurome looking at her surprised

She was further surprised when Akame wrapped an arm around her shoulder and pulled her close. Though Kurome soon relaxed into the embrace smiling softly as she rested her on her sisters shoulder.


When they arrived at the Tempest, Akame, Kurome, and Esdeath were surprised to see that rather than a boat it was something that looked like it was supposed to fly. While around the Tempest was what looked like a mining operation with small flying spherical drones flying around levitating large amounts of materials into crates that were pushed into the storage area of the ship.

"Alright pack it up I want all evidence of our presence removed within the hour! Pack up what you've mined already, put away tools, and collapse the mines!" Naruto yelled to the drones that all immediately began following his orders

"What are those and that?" Asked Akame motioning to the drones and the Tempest

"They're mining drones, I've been having them collect materials since I arrived on this planet and that is the Tempest my personal ship. Come on I'll give you a tour." Naruto said as the ship opened up allowing them entrance, while the girls processed that information

While Esdeath already knew Naruto wasn't from the planet it was still something else to see proof right in front of her.

'I can't wait to see other planets, I hope I'll find some weaklings to crush.' Esdeath thought smiling sadistically

"Ah Naruto you are back. Just in time, you have an incoming message from your father." Said Gideon startling the three girls as they instantly went for their weapons at the sudden voice

"Dad huh." Naruto muttered to himself with a frown since his father didn't contact him unless it was important

"Okay. Looks the tour will have to wait, but feel free to explore the ship and if you have any questions just ask Gideon and she'll answer them." Said Naruto going up to the meeting room which also doubled as the communication room

Reaching it Naruto pressed the blinking button connecting the call as a projection of his father in his floating throne.

"Father." Naruto greeted, Frieza nodding once

"Froze. I heard you destroyed your home planet and left to start your own conquest." Frieza stated

"Yeah. I was actually just about to leave after gathering some resources from a planet. What did you need?" Asked Naruto

Rather than response Frieza pressed a button in his hover throne making a hologram of a planet appear.

"This planet is one that I've had my eye on for a while now. It's in a mostly lifeless solar system but it is close to neighboring systems that are filled with planets I'm targeting. It's the perfect place to set up a base, unfortunately it's inhabited by humans." Frieza said

"And you want me to purge it." Said Naruto smirking, Frieza shrugging uncaringly

"Wipe them out, enslave them, I don't really care whatever suits you when you arrive. Just contact the Ginyu's once you're finished and they'll arrive to begin setting up a base." Frieza said, Naruto grimacing at having to deal with the Ginyu's but nodding anyway

"Does it have a name?" Asked Naruto

"Yes, it's called…"

So, what did you think, good. Yes Naruto has gotten Esdeath, Akame, and Kurome to join him and it is believable in the reasons. Esdeath loves power so she was easy to get to join considering the amount of power Naruto has, while Akame and Kurome joined to be sisters again and that they don't have to be on opposite sides or betray their comrades either. And not only that but Frieza is sending Naruto on an assignment, and before any of you ask no Naruto isn't going to the Dragon Ball world yet he's going to an alternate earth. So, review if you liked go away if you didn't.

Storm out