Hello all Storm here with a new story idea! That's right another story idea and one I guarantee has not been done before! Well nothing more to say another than hope you enjoy the story. So, without further ado.

I own nothing

Walking down a hallway was a blue-skinned humanoid being. The being has long braided green hair, a tiara and earrings, golden eyes, wearing pink arm warmers, blue leg warmers, blue underwear, armor on his chest with shoulder pads, and a long blue cape giving him an overall appearance of a prince.

This being was Zarbon, one of the two highest ranking generals and right-hand men to the Emperor of the Universe, Lord Frieza.

Zarbon was currently going to meet with his master, after receiving a message on his Scouter saying he, Frieza, required his presence.

Soon Zarbon reached Frieza's quarters and entered, finding Frieza gazing out into the emptiness of space his arms crossed behind his back.

"My Lord." Said Zarbon kneeling and awaiting orders or a reason why Frieza wished to speak with him

For a moment nothing was said as Frieza remained silent focusing on something unseen in the vastness of space. Finally after what felt like forever, Frieza finally spoke.

"Zarbon I am going to ask you several questions, you will answer them honestly whether the answer angers me or not. If you do not answer honestly I'll kill you, is that understood." Frieza said without turning

Zarbon gulped at this but nodded.

"Yes my lord." Agreed Zarbon

"Good. First question, who are the three strongest beings in the universe? And list them from strongest to weakest." Ordered Frieza

"Beerus the Destroyer, Majin Buu, and then… you Lord Frieza." Zarbon replied hesitating at the end knowing Frieza wouldn't hesitate to kill anyone that implied he was weak

"Yes, out of this entire universe only Beerus and Majin Buu would be able to kill, and of course the so-called Super Saiyan." Frieza sneered at the end

"Next question, why are the Saiyans among all my followers the ones who have the highest number of planets captured?" Frieza said

"Because… the monkeys live for fighting and they grow stronger the more they fight." Replied Zarbon

"Yes, the monkeys have their uses. But think about this a single Saiyan child can wipe out an entire planet with the help of a full moon. Now imagine a group of fully fledged Saiyans considered as 'low-class warriors' taking on missions that normally only their 'high-class warriors' would take?" Frieza said

Zarbon hesitated not sure what he was supposed to say.

Finally Frieza turned around his red eyes glaring into Zarbon.

"Simple Zarbon, if the monkeys believe that a few low-class warriors can capture several high level planets, what do you think would stop them from believing they could rebel against me?" Said Frieza rhetorically

"Uh, Lord Frieza pardon me for asking, but couldn't you simply destroy the monkeys if they were to turn against you?" Zarbon asked nervously

Not at the prospect of the Saiyans betraying them, but that Frieza will kill him.

"Oh easily so. But this has made me realize something Zarbon. Despite my vast power I am still mortal and will eventually die, whether from time or someone lucky enough to kill me." Said Frieza before taking out an injector gun filled with a red liquid and a red scouter and tossed them to Zarbon who hastily caught them

Looking at the objects in confusion Zarbon looked to Frieza questioningly.

"On that scouter you'll find a list of planets I have compose home to several powerful races, mostly humans or other strange creatures that haven't progressed enough to be aware of the greater universe. The injector contains a sample of my DNA that when injected into a female, no matter the race or species, will become impregnated with my progeny." Frieza revealed, much to Zarbon's shock at the implication

Frieza wanted to create an heir!

"You Zarbon will go to these planets and find the strongest female you can, the one you choose will have the honor of carrying my child." Said Frieza believing any female chosen should feel honored that they would be chosen to birth his heir

"Of-of course Lord Frieza! How shall I go about approaching the chosen candidate?" Zarbon asked honored that his lord would choose him for such an important task

"Forceful, willing, without their knowledge. I don't really care, just make sure they don't terminate the child or do anything foolish." Frieza said not caring how it happens as long as he gets a worthy heir to his throne

"Yes, I'll leave at once My Lord." Said Zarbon standing up and bowing before preparing to leave only for Frieza to speak again

"Oh and Zarbon, if you return without having found a candidate or that you failed to ensure my heir lived well… I'm sure you understand what will happen." Said Frieza dangerously, Zarbon gulping

"Of course My Lord." Zarbon said exiting the room

Putting the scouter on and pocketing the injector, Zarbon began scrolling through the list of planets. There weren't many and most were just backwater planets that either haven't discovered space travel or only explored their own solar system.

But if Frieza said they had exceptional fighters then Zarbon will check them out.

'Hopefully this won't be to hard.' Zarbon thought entering his pod

*Timeskip-Five Months*

Zarbon felt like smacking his head against a wall repeatedly until he managed to knock himself unconscious.

Five months have passed since Frieza gave him the mission to find a female worthy to carry his heir. So far he has met nothing but failure, none of the planets he's visited have had females with a power level of over a hundred.

Though after visiting the first few planets Zarbon had been able to get what he believed to be an accurate power rating for the people on the planets, as he can't scale the people of the planets to the same as beings like him and Frieza. So, Zarbon had estimated that those with a power level of fifty likely had enough power to destroy a city, while those with a power level of a hundred enough to destroy a continent.

It was only a rough guess though as Zarbon had decided against engaging any of the locals on the planets he's visited to really test their power, thinking it best to keep his presence hidden.

But while Zarbon had been unable to locate a worthy candidate on any of the planets he did learn many new and interesting things from observing the inhabitants.

Now though Zarbon was worried, and a tad fearful, as he exited his pod that had just landed on the last planet on the list Frieza gave him. If he couldn't find someone here Zarbon might as well kill himself, it would be far less painful than anything Frieza could come up with as punishment for failing.

'However, I have a feeling I'll find the one I'm looking for on this planet.' Zarbon thought

Something just told him this was the planet.

"Huh?" Zarbon muttered noticing his scouter was acting up

Pressing a few buttons Zarbon frowned when the device began showing several strange readings and different power levels.

'It's as if the very air is saturated with some type of energy. Strange, perhaps an elevated position would get better readings.' Zarbon thought before flying up into the air

Once he reached a high enough elevation he checked the scouter again to see it was ow showing normal readings, interesting.

'Now let's see who're the strongest beings on this planet.' Zarbon thought as he began scanning the planet for the highest signatures

Most of the readings he got showed a power level of five or lower, while others averaged ten-twenty. Zarbon could only guess the former were simple civilians and the latter must be the fighters on this planet.

Next were less than a handful of readings averaging fifty-sixty, possibly commanders or generals.

Next were nine readings that really got Zarbon's attention, as all of them were the highest readings on the planet, with the weakest being just over one hundred and strongest being…

'What?! Nine Hundred Ninety-One!' Zarbon thought shocked

That was the highest power level he found on any of the planets he's visited.

And it was still rising!

That settled it for Zarbon that he potentially found the perfect carrier for Frieza's heir, now he can only hope that the person possessing such a high power level was in fact a woman. If not then Zarbon will try one of the other eight signatures and hope at least one was female.

'For now though…' Zarbon thought flying off towards the high power level that had now exceeded one thousand

It didn't take the alien long before he reached the sight of what he guessed a battle took place. But upon closer inspection Zarbon would say it was more likely a massacre given the number of bodies.

And at the center of it all was his target.

'Oh my word she's perfect!' Thought Zarbon in amazement

His target was indeed female, thank goodness for that, and one of incredible beauty and ferocity.

Even now Zarbon could she was still cutting down enemies without the slightest hint of tiring out or stopping.

The skill with a blade, the chains shooting out her back acting as both a weapon and a shield, the brutality in how she cut down all in her path, the crimson energy that seemed to empower her and the any wounds she received, and that hair such a gorgeous shade of red.

Yes, Zarbon was sure he'd found the perfect woman to carry Lord Frieza's heir.

Rather than interfere in the battle Zarbon remained in the air to continue observing the woman's skill. And the more he saw the more sure he became in his decision, it also made him curious if she was this powerful using the energy on this planet how powerful would she become if she used Ki.

'She might even give my beastly side a run for its money.' Zarbon thought watching as she cut down the last of the enemies

Though Zarbon immediately had to move when those golden chains lashed out at him forcing him to dodge.

"Alright come out now, I can sense you a mile away, so it's useless to hide. So, you can either come out peacefully or I can force you out!" The woman shouted

'Oh my, she can sense even all the way up here. Well I better come out, I doubt I could dodge all those chains and not be punished.' Zarbon thought floating down

Once he was close enough he got a better look at the woman. Her long red hair was tied up in a ponytail with two strands framing her face, amethyst purple eyes that occasionally flashed red with slit pupils, wearing a headband with a metal plate depicting a leaf, a crimson red vest, a short sleeved black shirt underneath, form fitting black pants that stopped at her calves, and black sandals.

While at her side was a sword sheathe while she held the red colored blade that was still dripping blood.

'Yes, she will do nicely indeed-'

"What the fuck are you supposed to be? A crossdresser or a just a really girly looking guy?" The woman asked bluntly

If there was a record it would have come to a screeching halt.

'…Okay perhaps she has a bit of an attitude.' Zarbon thought his eye twitching at the jabs at his appearance

There was nothing wrong with looking fabulous!

"Introductions then. I am Commander Zarbon, top General of the Frieza Force Army, and Right Hand to Emperor Frieza himself. Pleased to make your acquaintance miss…" Zarbon said stopping hoping for a name

"… Kushina, Kushina Uzumaki. Can I guess you aren't from this planet." Guessed Kushina, surprising Zarbon

"You'd be correct. You see I have been sent on a very important mission my master Lord Frieza. He has sent me to locate a potential female that can carry his heir and after much time searching I believe I've finally found the one I've been looking for." Zarbon said smirking, Kushina raising a brow at him

"Me?" Asked Kushina for confirmation, Zarbon nodding in affirmative

"Yes, you are only female I've come across that has shown not only skill in battle but great power as well." Zarbon said

Kushina narrowed her eyes at the green-haired alien, not lowering her stance.

"Let's say I agreed to this, tell me about this Frieza guy and what would happen to the child once I gave birth?" Kushina asked considering the offer as she always wanted to be a mother but never found a guy that either didn't meet her standard, only wanted to get in her pants, or was just plain creepy

Zarbon briefly considered lying, knowing Frieza was not a nice person, in fact he reveled in destruction and chaos. But Kushina's next words stopped that train of thought.

"And don't even think about lying, I'll know if you are." Kushina warned, making Zarbon mentally curse

With little choice Zarbon told Kushina exactly who Frieza was, right down to every horrible thing he's done whether for a reason or simply because he could. From all the planets he's destroyed, to the races made extinct, and genocide on a universal scale.

Once he was finished Zarbon had a stoic expression knowing Kushina's decision will determine the next course of actions, whether she'll willingly carry Frieza's heir or Zarbon will have to trick her somehow.

"Okay." Kushina said after a moment, making Zarbon stumble for a moment

"Wh-what? Just like that?" Asked Zarbon surprised she'd accept even after hearing about everything Frieza has done

"Just like that. I've always wanted to be a mother and this is my chance, I don't really care what this Frieza guy has done, I just wanted to see if you'd try lying about him." Kushina said

Sure she'll admit hearing about a tyrant in control of most of the Universe was very unnerving, and the fact he destroys planets for shits and giggles didn't help but given the world she lives in Kushina has seen some of the worst humanity had to offer. Besides in a way Frieza was keeping peace in the universe, granted it was either submit to him or die, but still it kept them in line.

"Right. Well then, only one thing left to do." Zarbon said pulling out the injector and injected it into Kushina's arm

"That's it?" Asked Kushina with a raised brow not really having expect much to happen, just something more

"That's it. Now it is just a matter of time." Zarbon said before pressing a button on his scouter to report to Frieza his mission was successful and to see if he has further orders

*Timeskip-Five Months-Beerus' Planet*

"Oh my." Said the angel Whis looking at his staff

"Hm, what is it Whis?" Questioned the God of Destruction Beerus pausing in his eating to look at his attendant

"Do you remember the Otsutsuki Clan Beerus-sama?" Whis asked, Beerus grunting in affirmative before returning to his pudding

He remembered the Otsutsuki Clan, bunch of upstart brats that thought they ate some ancient trees they were powerful. One of them even had the nerve to challenge Beerus, while he was eating to!

Beerus had wiped out all but one of them, the only one he didn't wipe out was because she wasn't with the rest of her clan and Beerus was sure she wouldn't be stupid enough to challenge him.

It wasn't until a few decades later he found out what happened, eat the fruit of a God Tree and gaining godlike power before enslaving the humans on the planet she was on. Only to eventually be betrayed by her own sons who sealed her into a massive satellite that became the planets moon.

"Well it seems that a distant descendant of the Otsutsuki Clan has recently become pregnant, with Frieza's child." Whis revealed

That made Beerus pause midbite. His Agent of Destruction was having a child, now wasn't that interesting, and with an Otsutsuki descendant. Though Beerus was sure Frieza wasn't aware of the latter information. It's also unexpected as Beerus never thought Frieza of all people would have a child, the destroyer god thought it was more possible the tyrant would try using the Dragon Balls on earth or Namek to wish himself immortal.

Quickly scarfing down the rest of his pudding Beerus through off his robe showing his usual attire underneath.

"Whis let's go, I want to meet this woman. Along with seeing this kid for myself, who know he prove a challenge when he's older." Beerus said excited at the prospect of having someone that could challenge

"At once Beerus-sama." Said Whis as Beerus grabbed his arm and they were gone in a moment's notice

*Later-Uzumaki Compound*

Whis and Beerus reappeared within the Uzumaki Compound.

"We're here Beerus-sama." Said Whis

"Hmph about time, next time try to make trip go faster Whis." Said Beerus letting go and looking around the compound

He could only sense a single occupant which must be the woman carrying Frieza's child.

"Let's go Whis, she's this way." Stated Beerus going towards the big house where he sensed the woman with Whis trailing behind him

Once they reached the house Beerus forced the door open without a single warning.

He's a Destroyer God, he does what he wants.

"Alright, who's the fucking dead ma-" Kushina stopped mid curse upon just who had broken into her home

Kushina looked the same as she did five months ago, only now wearing more casual clothing rather than her shinobi gear, her hair was out of the ponytail, and of course she was five months pregnant.

Looking purple hairless cat and strangely dressed blue skinned man made Kushina blink in confusion.

"Uh, am I right to assume you're Beerus." Kushina said going off the description she's been given any important figures in the universe

"You would be right. And you are the woman carrying the child of the Emperor of Evil." Said Beerus, Kushina nodding slowly

"So… would you care to stay for some ramen." Kushina offered

Both the god and his attendant perked up at the mention of a new food.

"Very well, but if it's not up to my standard I'll destroy the planet." Beerus threatened as they entered the kitchen

"Don't worry, I've been told I'm a truly exceptional cook." Said Kushina smiling while wondering just when her life got so complicated that she was now hosting a destroyer cat god and his angel teacher

'Probably the day I agreed to become an evil space tyrants baby momma.' Kushina thought rubbing in slowly expanding stomach

*Timeskip-Five Years*

"GET BACK HERE YOU DAMN BRAT!" Beerus shouted chasing after a small red and purple blur

"You should be thanking me, pink is a good color on you!" The blur laughed, getting a growl from Beerus as he remembered the events leading up to the chase

He had just gotten up from one of his shorter catnaps, rather than one of his year long ones, and had immediately noticed something wrong. For starters he noticed both Kushina and even Whis looked like they were trying not to laugh, which had immediately set Beerus on edge having learned of Kushina's mile wide pranking streak. And Beerus also learned that just because he was a God of Destruction didn't stop him from being a target, the same with Whis. Now normally Beerus would simply destroy anyone who dared to prank him, unfortunately if he did then he could never enjoy Kushina's delicious cooking ever again, so he resigned himself to the pranks which were thankfully not to humiliating.

Beerus then proceeded to thoroughly check every inch of the house for any traps or anything of the like, along with triple checking anything he ate. After a few hours of searching he found nothing wrong and thought they might have simply been messing with him.

That is until he looked down at himself.

His clothes, the very attire denoting him as a God of Destruction, had been dyed a bright neon pink!

How that had been achieved Beerus still didn't know considering he slept in them.

All things considered Beerus took surprisingly well, he hadn't immediately destroyed the entire solar system. Didn't change the fact he was still absolutely livid and knew just who was responsible.

Which lead to the current chase.

"Got you now brat!" Beerus said grabbing his target by the back of their shirt and getting a good look at them

It was a boy five years of age, with spiky dual colored hair, with the top being dark purple and the sides being crimson red, blood red eyes, pale white skin, three whisker marks on each cheek, wearing a white shirt with a red Uzumaki swirl on the back, purple shorts and being barefoot.

This was Naruto Uzumaki, son of Frieza and Kushina Uzumaki.

Naruto had been born five years ago under rather strange and dire circumstances.

See Kushina had been the current Jinchuuriki of the Kyuubi no Kitsune, one of nine fragments of this worlds God Tree Beerus had learned, and when a female Jinchuuriki gave birth the seal holding back their Tailed Beast was weakened to the point the beast could escape. Now Beerus would have simply entered the seal and threatened to destroy the Kyuubi if tried to escape, so as to lessen the risk of the birthing process, not doubting giving birth to a half-human half-Frost Demon would be easy.

Unfortunately Minato Namikaze, the Yondaime Hokage, took Kushina to a secret location to help keep the seal tight and not let the Kyuubi escape. Now personally Beerus didn't like the blonde mortal, he was far to obsessed with Kushina, whom Beerus considered a friend and his personal chef, and frankly he just real annoyed the destroyer with his constant need to put his nose in business that didn't concern him.

After Naruto's birth a masked man had appeared and took Naruto hostage, angering Beerus that some human took his future opponent hostage, even worse he threw the boy into the air with explosive tags. After having Whis secure Naruto, Beerus planned to destroy the masked human only find he had vanished along with Kushina.

Locating them the same time as Minato, Beerus arrived in time to see the masked man extract the Kyuubi from Kushina. Then he even had the gall to taunt them that they had no time to stop him and defend Konoha at the same time.

To bad for the masked man Beerus didn't really care about some village and proceeded to show him why it was a bad idea to anger a God of Destruction. Even the man's intangibility ability didn't help him, it might have intrigued Beerus for a moment, but he was more than fast enough to hit the human before he could turn intangible.

Before Beerus could deliver the killing blow Whis showed up and told him Minato had taken Naruto and Kushina to the Kyuubi. Appearing near them just in time to stop the Kyuubi's claw from impaling Kushina, Beerus and Whis witnessed Minato then use the Reaper Death Seal to summon the Shinigami and seal half the Kyuubi into himself and the other half into Naruto.

Afterwards there was a council meeting between the Clan Heads and Elders to discuss Naruto's situation, Beerus didn't bother going knowing Kushina would handle it. Which she did as once she returned saying she got Minato to agree that she could leave the village to train Naruto, but he had to return in sixteen years to become a Genin with the other clan children.

Since then Naruto and Kushina had moved the Uzumaki Compound to outside the village, thanks to Fuinjutsu, and stayed there with Beerus and Whis occasionally visiting, as Beerus still had his duties as God of Destruction.

This one particular visit was also an important one, as it was the day Naruto would finally meet his father.

After Naruto's birth, Kushina had used the communicator Zarbon had given her to contact him when Naruto was born so he could tell Frieza. It wasn't long until Zarbon contacted Kushina again saying Frieza would arrive in five years to personally meet his son and begin his training. Beerus was here simply to make sure Frieza didn't kill Kushina or blow up the planet, not that Beerus really cared about the planet or its inhabitants, but he's sure once he's older Naruto will want to destroy the planet himself.

But back to the matter at hand, Beerus angry Naruto dyed his clothes pink.

"Now brat, give me a good reason why I shouldn't destroy you right now?" Beerus said raising his hand and creating a ball of Energy of Destruction

Though Naruto just smiles cheekily despite the fact he was inches away from a power that could erase him from existence.

"How about several, one if you destroy me Kaa-san will never cook you food again, two you won't be able to fight me when I'm older, and three I just know you won't." Said Naruto

Beerus narrowed his eyes at the boy a several silent moments passed.

"… You're a wordy little bastard, aren't you?" Beerus said dismissing the Energy of Destruction while dropping Naruto on the ground

"Let's go, I'm sure your mother wants to make presentable when Frieza shows up." Said Beerus crossing his arms behind his back


Naruto stood slightly behind Kushina a nervous look on his face, while Beerus and Whis stood off to the side out of sight and suppressing their energy.

The hybrid was worried as he would soon be meeting his father, and Naruto was aware of just who his father was, a tyrant who thrived on pain and suffering. But that didn't change the fact Naruto always wanted to meet him ever since his Kaa-san told him about his father.

While most would be horrified to have a monster like Frieza as their father, Naruto simply had a single thought when he learned who his father was.

'I've got the coolest dad ever.'

That didn't stop Naruto from feeling nervous at finally meeting him. As if sensing his nervousness Kushina patted her sons head and smiled at him warmly.

"Don't worry sochi everything will be fine." Kushina assured

It didn't take long before a large, round spaceship appeared from the sky and began lowering from the ground. Naruto gulped as he sensed a massive presence on the ship, it was the biggest power Naruto's ever sensed, only being surpassed by Beerus and Whis.

Not only that but it was also the sheer malevolence and cruelty that came with the power. Naruto knew this was his father.

Once the ship landed the hatch on the top of it opened up allowing Naruto and Kushina their first look at Frieza as he came out in his hover chair.

'He's shorter than I thought he'd be. And not that scary looking.' Kushina thought having expected someone a bit more intimidating looking

But despite his appearance Kushina could feel the evil radiating off him.

Once his chair was close enough to the ground Frieza jumped out and looked at Kushina, recognizing her from Zarbon's appearance. Checking his scouter Frieza frowned when he saw her power was only five hundred, Zarbon had said it was close to a thousand now it was half that.

Frieza then took notice of the boy hiding slightly behind the woman, making his frown turn into a scowl, he would not have his son cowering behind his mother's skirt. Checking the boys power Frieza was stunned when his scouter immediately exploded, that made Frieza grin darkly that his sons power level was already high enough to overload his scouter, which is of the latest model to handle his own high power level.

'Perfect and with training he'll grow even stronger.' Frieza thought

"Boy come here." Ordered Frieza wanting to get a better look at his child

Slowly Naruto came out from behind Kushina and walked forward until he was in front of his father and looked down at his feet unable to meet his eyes.

"Look at me." Frieza said annoyed at his shyness

After a moment of hesitation Naruto looked up his red eyes locking with Frieza's own.

Suddenly a red tail emerged from behind Naruto while his body began transforming, his skin turned red, he gained white bio-armor on his calves, around his waist and crotch, his upper chest and shoulder forearms, and his head covering his hair, along with purple bio-gems, purple markings around his eyes, black nails, and three toed feet.

Frieza was both a little impressed and pleased his son had a Frost Demon form, rather than looking like a regular human.

"What is your name boy?" Frieza said not having learned it

"Naruto, father. It means maelstrom." Said Naruto

"That's your human name, you need a name suiting my heir…" Said Frieza rubbing his chin in thought

"… Froze, that is the name I give you." Frieza said, Naruto looking shocked at this

"Let's go, it's time to leave." Said Frieza turning back to his ship, snapping Naruto out of his shock while Kushina frowned and stepped forward

"And just where do you think you're taking my son?" Kushina demanded, Frieza turning to glare at her

"You do not question me human. But if you must know I am taking him to begin his training." Said Frieza

"Oh no you are not!" Said Kushina marching up to Frieza and glaring down at him

"You think you can suddenly show up and just take my baby to who knows where?! You can just as easily start his training here where he is with his mother! And if you think otherwise, you've got another thing coming pinkie." Kushina said poking Frieza chests several times

She didn't care who he was or how powerful he was, no one was taking her son from her.

Frieza grit his teeth in anger at this woman's insolence, who was she to command him, Lord Frieza?! Who's very name struck fear in even the bravest beings, who could destroy an entire planet with in his base form alone?!

And this human dared to believe she could order him around?!

Just Frieza was about to kill Kushina for her insolence, Beerus decided to make his presence known when he noticed Frieza's intentions.

"I have to agree, it'd be best to simply train Naruto here for a few years. After that maybe you could take him to a few planets to get some fighting experience, wouldn't you say Frieza." Beerus said, stopping Frieza in his tracks

Frieza instantly went still when he heard the familiar voice, the voice of the one being he would never fight if he could avoid it.

"Lord Beerus, I was unaware you were on this planet." Frieza said turning to the destroyer and angel

"Yes well, when I heard the Emperor of Evil was going to become a father, I just had to meet the lucky lady. By the way I highly recommend you try Kushina's cooking, it's absolutely to die for." Beerus said smirking the underlying threat more than clear

"Of… course. I'm sure I'll try it during my stay on this planet." Said Frieza seeing his hands are tied

"Wonderful. Who knows I may even teach the bray a thing or two." Beerus stated offhandedly

"So, you're staying?" Asked Naruto looking at his father

"Apparently." Frieza said not pleased that he now has to stay on this planet for the foreseeable future

"Yatta! When can we start training, what're you going to teach me first, when can I learn the Supernova?!" Naruto asked rapidly

'Dear Lord, what've I gotten myself into?' Frieza thought

So, what did you think, good. Yes, that's right Naruto is the son of Lord Frieza! And until someone says otherwise I'm claiming I did the idea first. And not just that but Naruto is also on Beerus' radar as a potential opponent when he's older. Now who wants to guess how Naruto's presence and new family will affect both his world and the Dragon Ball world once he gets there, also don't worry Frieza will still be the cold, heartless bastard we all know and love/hate, and Naruto will eventually show he's every bit his fathers son just as much as his mothers. Haven't decided when to have Naruto go to earth, thinking maybe the Android Saga. Anyway, now Naruto will be receiving training from not just his parents but also Beerus and Whis, and next chapter he'll be showing the results of that training. So, review if you liked go away if you didn't.

Storm out