Author's Note:
Hi everyone! This is not only my first TVD story, but it's also my first story on this site. This has been in the works ever since the show ended and I'm still in the middle of finishing up s1 (I'm nearly there!). I'm planning on gauging how this installment goes before I continue onto s2. This doesn't follow the show 100%. There's certain things I've changed because one of my biggest pet peeves is when people add OCs to a story, but then it's basically the same plot with just an added character. I just find it boring. Therefore, my OCs impact the storyline a bit differently. Currently, this is rated T, however there will be mentions of abuse and even some scenes were it is written out/described, so it might change as the story progresses. I'm not sure yet. I hope you enjoy this fic nonetheless!
Elowen's FC: Victoria Justice
Josiah's FC: Blake Michael
Esmeralda's FC: Gina Rodriguez
Elowen woke up with a start. She had had a nightmare, though the scariest part was knowing it was real and not just a dream.
It had been of a couple in a car, driving through the woods heading back to town. They seemed to be playfully bickering about something when a figure suddenly appeared in the road. The driver didn't have time to break and appeared to hit it. They panicked, thinking they killed someone and rushed out of the car, only to be attacked by the man they had hit.
As a result from the dream, she was drenched in sweat and out of breath. A quick glance at the clock told her that it was a little past 4 in the morning. After a few failed attempts to go back to sleep, she decided to get up and get ready for the day. She needed a shower, anyway.
Elowen lived with her mom, Esmeralda, and her younger brother, Josiah. Her dad left shortly after her 8th grade year and even went as far as kicking them out of the house. They moved out of Atlanta shortly after. Her mother's power was empathy, which meant it was literally impossible to get away with anything (Elowen couldn't even do much as steal a cookie out of the cookie jar), while Josiah's power was pyrokinesis. Of course, the baby of the family got the active power. Elowen's power? Elowen had the power of premonition. Not only can she see the future, but she can see the past and the present as well. Whether it's in forms of dreams or touching something and getting an image (sometimes she just simply knows without even trying. It's actually a huge invasion of privacy, though it's not really her fault), Elowen is never wrong.
Which is why her mother immediately confronted her at breakfast later on in the morning. Elowen sighed and set the syrup down, watching as Josiah mosied his way into the kitchen. She turned back towards her mom and started to speak hesitantly.
"I um…" Elowen pushed her bangs behind her ear (her hair was really starting to get too long for her liking), "I had a dream last night."
Josiah had his head buried deep inside the fridge and pried it out at this piece of information. Esmeralda had also perked up, sitting up straighter.
"What about?"
The look she was giving her daughter told her not to lie, though it's not like she could even if she wanted to. Josiah was pouring himself a bowl of cereal as quickly as he could before sitting down at the table. Elowen had retold her dream to her mom and brother, and when she was done, Esmeralda had her lips pressed together in worry.
"Vampires. It has to be," she looked at Elowen and then to Josiah. "You two be extra careful at school today, understand? At any sign of danger, come right home." Esmeralda told them, her voice authoritative and stern. The two siblings nodded their heads. Neither of them were familiar with vampires, so they figured Esmeralda knew what she was talking about. They finished breakfast in silence before heading off to school.
Walking into the halls of Mystic Falls High, Josiah nudged Elowen's arm.
"So, what's it like being an upperclassmen now, Junior?" He asked, his voice teasing. He was trying to help lighten the mood from the walk to school. Elowen silently scoffed at her brother. He really had to find a way to joke about everything, huh? He wouldn't be Josiah if he didn't. She nudged him back.
"What's it like not being fresh meat anymore, Sophomore?" She retorted back and the two of them started laughing. They walked passed the office and saw Bonnie and Elena standing there, just looking in. The Ramirez siblings weren't exactly sure how to act around Elena. They weren't exactly friends to begin with, but ever since her parents died, it got harder to communicate with her. However, they remembered how much people tried so hard to act worried and concerned when their dad left. It's not the same thing, but the both of them had a silent agreement that they weren't going to bring her parents up when they said hi.
"Is there a celebrity that's going to attend or something?" Elowen asked casually, coming to stand next to Elena. Said girl just turned and awkwardly smiled in acknowledgment. They only knew each other because Elowen and Josiah knew Bonnie and the only reason they were friends with Bonnie was because Esmeralda was apparently friends with Sheila, Bonnie's grandmother. Go figure.
"Nah," Bonnie began to say, not even sparing Elowen or her brother a glance. "Just a hot new student."
Elena scoffed, waving her arm in the direction of the office. "We can't even see his face, Bon. How are you so sure he's hot?"
Bonnie shrugged. "I just know."
Being a wiccan witch, Bonnie had the power of knowing by default, which is a sub power of premonition. It wasn't as advanced or in depth as Elowen's power, but it was enough to let Bonnie know she could trust her instinct. She lightly wondered if Sheila had told Bonnie yet. She was broken out of her thought as Elena suddenly huffed, "I'll be right back," and walked off towards the boys bathroom. When Elowen turned back towards the office, she was abruptly struck with a new piece of information.
'Oh my god,' she thought to herself. 'He's compelling the secretary!' Pulling out her phone, she sent Josiah a discreet, one letter text.
Josiah read the text and glanced at Elowen as the new student began to turn around.
"Please be hot," she vaguely heard Bonnie mumble, but she was too focused on the fact that he was a real life vampire. What if he was the one from her dream? Oh god.
Elowen waited in anticipation as he finally turned all the way around. She got a good look at his face aaaaaaaand…. Fuck, Bonnie was right. He was hot. But she couldn't think of that right now. Josiah started tugging her away before he could notice them staring.
Elowen saw Elena exiting the bathroom. She panicked a little, because new guy was heading right towards her. No, she thought. She wouldn't let Elena become caught up in this mess. She had too much on her plate right now.
Acting without fully thinking, Elowen pulled out her phone and pretended to mess on it. She walked right in front of the boys bathroom entrance and collided with the mysterious vampire. Thankfully, she didn't have to continue acting too much, as her phone fell on impact and new guy dropped his class schedule. They both dipped down at the same time, Elowen grabbing his schedule as he grabbed her phone. She could see Bonnie and Elena walking away in the corner of her eye, the two of them trying to look back at her and new guy without being obvious.
Elowen winced as she looked up at the vampire, a sheepish look easily crossing across her face.
"I am so sorry. I guess I should watch where I walk instead of looking at my phone."
New guy lightly laughed as he started to stand. "It's okay. I should've been paying attention, too. Maybe I would've known to stop walking before I crashed into a pretty girl," new guy smoothly flirted, making Elowen tilt her head and raise an eyebrow.
"Huh," she mumbled, amused.
"Elowen," she introduced herself after a beat of silence, handing new guy his schedule back.
"Stefan," he introduced back, handing over her phone. They swapped items. Elowen put her phone back in her bag, while Stefan folded up his schedule. She glanced down at the piece of paper and tsked.
"Couldn't help but notice you have Tanner first period. Good luck," she patted his arm, nodding her head in the right direction down the hall to his class. Quickly looking back, Elowen gave her brother a look that told him she would be okay and watched as he grumbled. He reluctantly turned around and walked down a different hall to his first period class.
Stefan walked beside her, his hands in his pockets. "I'm assuming Tanner is a difficult teacher?" He asked. Elowen snorted.
"That's an understatement. I just transferred here last fall. I remember being told I was lucky to have him last period. Guess I wasn't so lucky this year." She shrugged and sighed dramatically. Stefan smiled at her, causing her to give a small smile in return.
"You're in the same class?"
"Unfortunately," she complained under her breath. Stefan used his elbow to nudge her arm.
"C'mon, he can't be that bad," he joked, the air around them light and friendly. Elowen had to remind herself that vampires were known to manipulative and that she shouldn't trust anything. So, she just turned to him and gave him a look that caused the both of them to burst out laughing.
"So," Stefan spoke up a moment later. "Are you and the girl from earlier close?" He asked, trying to be slick but Elowen saw right through it.
"Girl from earlier? Are we talking long black hair, mocha skin, round face?" She tried first, but Stefan was shaking his head.
"No, the other one."
Elowen nodded her head in understanding. "Ahh, you mean, long brown hair, pale skin, doe eyes?" This time, Stefan nodded his head.
Elowen nonchalantly slung her arm around Stefan's shoulders. "Well, my friend," she began as they turned a corner. "I'm actually closer with mocha skin, round face. Sorry to burst your bubble. Her name is Elena, she recently broke up with her boyfriend Matt, and on top of that, she lost her parents over the summer. She's vulnerable right now, so if you're planning to pursue her, I wouldn't bother." Elowen removed her arm as they took the last turn. The first bell finally rang to indicate class would start soon. Stefan turned to her, an eyebrow raised.
"How did you know I was interested?"
She only shook her head and rolled her eyes.
"You were really obvious, dude," she clapped a hand on his shoulder. "Be more discreet next time. C'mon." She led him into Tanner's class and took a seat towards the back. Stefan sat next to her.
It turns out they also had English, Science and P.E together. Elowen felt relieved that she could keep an eye on him for most of the day. As she was exiting the locker room (P.E was her last period), she heard someone call her name and turned to see Stefan jogging up to her.
"Oh," she blurted, surprised. "Hey." He chuckled, seemingly amused that she was taken aback to see him.
"Elowen, you're the only person I know here," he reminded her.
"This is true."
"Do you ride the bus, or?" Stefan asked, noticing they were walking back toward campus. She shook her head.
"Nah, I have a younger brother who's in the year under us and our mom won't let him walk home alone so I have to wait for him," she shrugged her shoulders. "We're originally from Atlanta, so she's not used to that whole 'it's a small town where nothing ever happens' thing yet."
Stefan nodded. "Understandable."
A few moments of silence passed as they waited for Josiah. Stefan jabbed his thumb in the direction behind him.
"I can go if you want me to, y'know. I don't want to impose."
Elowen just waved him off with her hand. "It's fine, trust me."
Another few minutes passed. Eventually, a lanky boy slightly taller than Elowen emerged from the school building, talking with Jeremy Gilbert of all people. The two parted and Josiah started making his way towards his sister. He noticed Stefan but remained calm. Upon arriving, Elowen cast a questioning glance in the direction Jeremy went.
"What's up with you and Little Gilbert?" She questioned. He wasn't exactly the normal crowd he talked to. Josiah shrugged.
"He's in my advanced art class 7th period. Great drawer. He's a good kid," he added the end as an afterthought. He shook his head and looked up at Stefan.
"Sup, I'm Josiah, Ellie's brother. You gotta get through me first if you want to to date her." Josiah poked Stefan in the chest, who looked highly amused. Elowen, on the other hand, facepalmed and shook her head.
"I told you not to call me that in public." She yanked his beanie down over his face and grabbed Stefan by the arm. She headed in the direction of their house, leaving Josiah behind.
Stefan started to laugh. Elowen turned and smacked him across the arm.
"Shut up, it's not that funny!"
Behind her, she could hear her brother yelling after them, trying to catch up. Once he did, the trio fell into a steady pace with more small talk. They asked stuff like why Stefan moved back and little questions about his family. They arrive at the Ramirez residence and Elowen turned to Stefan.
"Did you want to stay for a bit?" She asks once Josiah is already inside the house.
Stefan starts to shake his head, a small, apologetic smile on his lips, but Elowen grabs his wrist and starts dragging him towards the door. She steps inside and faces Stefan, who's awkwardly standing outside. He starts to rub the back of his neck, unsure of what to do while Elowen crosses her arms.
"I know," she softly admits. "My mom is probably gonna kill me for even revealing this to you. Wouldn't be surprised if she's rushing downstairs right now."
"Know what?" Stefan warily asks, and Elowen sighs.
"You know what. I haven't invited you in yet and any normal person would've asked why you're just standing there."
"Oh," was all Stefan said. Before anything else could be said, Elowen heard footsteps descending down the stairs and knew it was her mom.
"I trust him," she blurted, turning to Esmeralda. "He doesn't mean any harm." Esmeralda looked at Stefan and sighed.
"No offense," she directed toward him before turning to her daughter. "You have no experience with vampires, honey. They can trick you."
"Yeah, and you're not the one with the power of premonition." Elowen talked back, and she saw Stefan blink and take a step back.
"Whoa, wait. You're witches? All three of you?"
"Yep, elementals," Esmeralda answer offhandedly, still staring at her daughter.
"Look, mom, if he were bad, I would've gotten some kind of premonition or jolt or something. I'm getting nothing but good vibes from him." Elowen turned to Stefan. "I need something really personal if I want to be sure to get a premonition, but….." she trailed off, looking down at his hand. "Your ring….." she mumbled. She knew the only way she was going to convince her mom was if she had a proper premonition about him, even though Elowen was never wrong.
"Quick, gimme your hand." She stepped outside again and reached for his fingers, feeling the cold metal from the ring come in contact with her own hand. Immediately, she felt images surge through her.
Fog. A crow. A shadowy figure. Dark Hair. Blue eyes.
Elowen opened her eyes again, her mouth agape. "Blue eyes," she breathed. "He has blue eyes. The vampire behind the animal attacks, his eyes are blue." She whipped around to stare at her mother. "Stefan's eyes are green."
Esmeralda sighed in defeat and stepped aside. "You may come in."
Elowen pulled Stefan inside seconds later and closed the door behind them. "The only way I could've gotten a vision like that must mean you know this person," she blinked. "Stefan, who do you know personally that has blue eyes?"
Stefan had a dark look in his eyes and he stared at the ground, silent. A few minutes passed before he spoke. "My brother. Damon must be in town," he looked up to stare at Esmeralda and Elowen. "This isn't good."