Harry and Lavender poured over the limited information they had. Lavender sighed deeply at the papers scattered. "All we know is that they supported Voldemort," Lavender complained. "That gives us barely anything to know who's doing this."

"They all seem to be from around our time as well," Harry realised. "Which could mean it's a person out for revenge."

"They all seem to be from around our year group as well," Lavender added.

Harry began to write the names of people from he recalled from Hogwarts who also supported Voldemort, scribbling with his quill at a rapid pace.

"We'll need to question somebody then," Harry responded. "Do we have the location of any potential targets." He began to wave his wand, the loose papers organising themselves into piles on his desk.

Lavender thought for a moment, biting her lip as she searched her memory before she grinned. "We do. Gregory Goyle, remember him?"

"Course," Harry replied. "One of Malfoy's lackeys."

"Right, well, after he got released from Azkaban for his part in the Battle of Hogwarts, he had to register with us with his address and job. Same as Pansy for trying to give you to Voldemort." Lavender pulled a file from the pile and slid it to Harry's side.

"Gregory Goyle. Barman and Manager of The White Wyvern in Knockturn Alley. Lives at his workplace." Harry grinned. "Let's go get him, we Floo in five," he ordered.

Lavender nodded, getting leaving to get ready. Harry was about to put away all the documents the pair had scattered around his office when Teddy walked in, his excitement evident on his face, his hair and eyes both bright sapphire colours.

"Hey Harry I ..." He took notice of Lavender in the room before he cleared his throat, a faint blush rising on his cheeks. "Head Auror Potter," he corrected before turning to Lavender. "Auror Brown."

Lavender laughed good-naturedly, making no attempt to hide the humour she found in his embarrassment. "Trainee-Auror Lupin," she greeted, still giggling to herself.

"What's up Teddy?" Harry asked. "Thought you were still at your Concealment and Disguise exam."

"That's why I'm here, I went first and got my grade and it was my last exam." He thrust a parchment into Harry's hand, and waited for him to read it.

Name – Edward Remus Lupin

Exam name and grades

Combat Magic – Outstanding

Concealment and Disguise – Outstanding

Dark Magic Knowledge – Outstanding

Defensive Magic – Exceeds Expectations

Healing – Acceptable

Potions and Poisons – Acceptable

Stealth and Tracking – Acceptable

Harry couldn't hold back his joy as he read the results. "Congratulations Teddy," he said, tears gathering in his eyes. "Although maybe I should start saying Auror Lupin." He placed the paper on his desk.

Teddy grinned back. "Thank you Harry," he said sincerely.

"I suppose now that you're an Auror you'll be needed an assignment? So, you'll be joining Lavender and I. Get ready, we leave soon."

Teddy's eyes widened and he ran from the room to prepare. Lavender's gaze followed as he left. "It feels strange to call him Lupin," she admitted.

"Yeah, I know," Harry replied. "That's why I call him Teddy, I doubt he'll care if you do it too."

Lavender idly picked up Teddy's exam results from the desk and scanned it. "He did really good," she said in surprise. "Three Outstandings, although Concealment and Disguise isn't exactly a surprise."

"I know." Harry looked at the door as Teddy re-entered. "We all ready?"

"All set," Teddy replied obediently, although he was still patting his pockets.

"Ready," Lavender confirmed, slipping the list of potential targets into her robe pockets.

"Good," Harry responded. "We Floo to the Leaky Cauldron and then move on foot. Teddy I'll explain the assignment on the way."

The three Aurors walked to the Floo-enabled fireplace. Harry indicated for Teddy to go first. The newly appointed Auror picked up a pinch of Floo Powder before stepping into the emerald flames. "Leaky Cauldron!" he enunciated carefully, throwing the powder down as the fire engulfed him.

Lavender stepped forward next and repeated the method, disappearing as Teddy had.

Finally, Harry entered the flickering flames, the warmth tickling his skin as he was transported, his vision becoming a flash of colours. He exited the fireplace, now in the Leaky Cauldron, and spotted Lavender and Teddy.

Both wore the standard Auror uniform, black robes with a gold trim. Lavender's pink-tinged scarred flesh contrasted with the dark uniform. Teddy had shifted his appearance in the few seconds since Harry had last seen him. Teddy's previously blue hair was now a chocolate brown while his smooth face now sported a faint hint of facial hair.

Harry glanced around the Leaky Cauldron to ensure there were few people that could listen. The pub was dark and shabby with a few customers too engrossed in their drinks to pay attention to the new arrivals. Still, Harry cast a silent Muffliato to cover their conversation. Harry turned to Teddy and explained, "Earlier today, there were three reported murders; Cassius Warrington, Pansy Parkinson, and Theodore Nott. All the victims were either Death Eaters or sympathisers of Voldemort." Teddy's eye twitched with barely restrained rage at the mention of the name. "We are here to question a potential target for information, to see if he knows of a motive as well as if he can tell us where other potential victims are."

The three walked in silence, ignoring the curious glances that their uniforms always attracted. The street darkened as they went down Knockturn Alley, a variety of morally deprived stores around them.

The White Wyvern was ahead, its pale walls worn from the years. The door squeaked loudly as Harry opened it and the drunks inside turned to look, cowling at the Aurors as they entered the pub.

While the Leaky Cauldron was shabby, compared to the White Wyvern it was a palace. While the tables in the Leaky Cauldron were shabby, the one's in the White Wyvern had a thick layer of grime and dust, and the building had a strong smell of stale vomit and spilled beer. The people inside were either getting the money on bar games or meeting at the women scurrying around.

Harry headed to the bar, flaked by his colleagues, and spotted Goyle. The man was no taller than his Hogwart's years although he was significantly more muscular now. A narrow scar ran along his left cheek.

"Unless you got a warrant, you ain't searching anything," Goyle said gruffly as the Aurors approached.

"Official Auror business, but not of that sort," Lavender replied, pulling the slip of potential targets from her robes. "Do you know where these people currently work?" she asked, passing him the paper, making sure Harry had his quill and parchment ready to record any information.

He eyed them suspiciously before reading the names. "Aye. But if this is all official I expect a reward?" he said smugly, showing his yellowing teeth.

Harry nodded. "We'll have five Galleons to you by the end of the day for every name you help with."

Goyle was satisfied returning his attention to the list. "Marcus Flint, e's at 'ogwarts now as the flying teacher. Blaise Zabini works at the alchemy shop down 'ere, only a few doors down. Malfoy," as he spoke the name Goyle's nose crumpled in disdain. "e's an 'ealer now, at St Mungos. Pretty much an 'armless guy now, he don't have anything to do with us lot no more. Greengrass works at Madam Malkin's robe shop."

Harry finished writing. "We'll have your money to you by the end of the day."

"Wait, wait," Goyle said as the Aurors made to leave. "What's this 'bout? Anythin' to with Warrington's corpse?" He grinned at their silent glances to each other. "Word travels fast down 'ere. Now talk."

Harry sighed, rubbing the bridge of his nose. "What about Pansy Parkinson and Theodore Nott? Still see them?"

Goyle shrugged. "Course. Me, Blaise and Daphne saw 'em every month for wine night. 'Cept Pansy don't drink no more." He made an indication to his stomach.

Harry tried to suppress the image of a giggling Goyle sat around with a glass of wine. "Seeing as how word travels around here, and that you're friends, I'll tell you. You might want to sit down though."

Goyle rolled his eyes, but still conjured a bar stool that he sat on.

"Pansy and Theodore have been killed. They were murdered in their home."

Goyle's eyes watered and his mouth opened in defeat.

Lavender spoke softly, "We're going to find who did this, do you have any idea of who it could be?"

Goyle laughed, a loud chuckle that held no humour or happiness. He ran his finger along his cheek scar, harsh enough to redden his skin. "A lot of people hate us lot. It could be anyone."