A wife is expected to care for her family. No hesitation. No thought. No questions. That is what Mikoto Uchiha dealt with everyday. A husband who paid her no mind beside the birth of their children. Even then, he expected perfect prodigies that would accelerate early.

Their first child, Uchiha Itachi, was everything that her husband wanted. Smart, efficient, successful. Three traits that made the Uchiha stand out amongst assignments, and cemented their status in the village. Then, their second-born was born. Uchiha Sasuke, she loved both of her kids to death. But, Fuguka expected the same, if not, more skill from Sasuke. Pushing him to surpass his brother and every inch that was not passed Itachi was deemed failure.

This was the everyday life for Mikoto. A housewife that cleaned and took her care of the children. Nothing outside of that existed, other than the time she would hang out with Kushina. Which, in all honesty, is few and far between with the birth of her son, Uzumaki Naruto.

Nonetheless, she continued her daily routine. Prepare Itachi for the academy, prepare Sasuke for training with his father, go out to the village's market, and return home. This cycle was mainly unchanged until she met him.

A white-haired shinobi distinct grey eyes that peered through her soul. He captured her attention with just looks alone, but she wanted to know more. Hoping that he would be there the next time she goes to the market.

Starting her daily routine, Mikoto stretches and turns over to her companion's side of the bed. Noticing that it was empty, " He is already gone as usual." The matriarch garments herself with the standard Uchiha attire before leaving the room.

"First things first, prepare Itachi." Walking to his room before knocking, "Are you up Itachi?"

"Yes, mother." His reply is swift accompanied with the rustling of clothing. Mikoto sighs softly knowing Itachi did not need her anymore. "Have a good day on your way out and your lunch is on the counter."

"Now Sasuke." Knocking on her younger son's door before entering quietly. "It is time to wake up Sasuke your father will be expecting you soon."

" Five more minutes..." His sleepy reply made her smile. Even after her husband's training with him, he still is her baby. But, to keep Fuguka from reprehending her and Sasuke she needed him to wake up. "I am sorry, son." Pinching his ear, Sasuke jolts awake from the shock of pain. "What was that for mom?"

"I needed you to wake up and now you are. So, go get dressed and meet your father." Mikoto's tone left no room for argument, as Sasuke gets dressed for the training session. Closing the door for her son, she smiles internally. She was almost done and could be off to see that stranger. He appeared to be enigmatic and asocial. More so different than the average shinobi, and she wanted to know more.

Mikoto begins to tidy their home, dusting and renewing its old charm. Along with opening windows to breath in fresh air and natural light. The Uchiha home now vitalized for the time being. She did not enjoy being a housewife, or maid, as some would call it. Her days of being a shinobi are few and far between. Nonetheless, it is time for her to visit the market and find the stranger she is so infatuated with.

Otsutsuki Avarice, leans against a vendor reading a book. His mind elsewhere on the woman, an Uchiha, by the looks of her. She stared at him far too long for him not to notice her interest in him. Black eyes filled with loneliness, curiosity, and hope if he would dare say it. He did not mind her looks as well, but the chances of him seeing her once again are quite slim.

Stowing away the thoughts, he delves back into the novel. "A tragedy, I must say."

Konoha's market square is bustling with many different vendors, civilians and shinobi alike, and various wares littering the market. This is a common site for Mikoto, but today is different. She is not here to shop, but to find this enigmatic man.

"Where could he be?" Scanning the crowds for a white-haired shinobi should be easier said than done. However, that is far the truth as it is mid-day in a busy village. "Hm. This is hopeless," Mikoto sighs and questions her own sanity. Chasing a man you do not even know, and for what? To say hello? Or, nice to meet you? The plan was solid in her head, but now that she is executing it not so much.

Aimlessly walking she bumps into a figure, " Oh, I am so sorry. I wa-" Looking up to the person she has collided with and eyes open albeit lightly. It is him, the stranger she was hunting in this busy market. To think all it took was an accidental collision and aimlessly walking.

Mikoto checks the stranger out in detail this time. Shaggy white hair , grey eyes that she wanted to gaze forever, lean figure that gave hints to his training regime, and baggy black outfit that hid his muscle. "Handsome." To describe him in one word.

"It is fine," Avarice said trying to defuse the situation. On the inside, however, he is unsettled. "I can not believe she knocked over my previous novel."

While helping the woman get to her feet, he checked her out. Slim figure, slight curves, pale skin, overall a good looking woman.

"I seen you staring at me yesterday, longer than a normal person would. Especially for the Uchiha Matriarch no less. Did you need something, or were you just curious about how I looked?"

Red ting highlighted her cheeks, similar to her best-friend, Kushina. "I-I... Well, I just thought you looked interesting. As I have never seen you in the village before, so yeah."

The man's deadpan's fade said it all. "What is the real reason you are trying to find me?"

"I just want someone to speak with. Hangout, party, and just basic things that I do not get to enjoy anymore. My friends are married with kids as well, so I am all alone. Left to the household duties of a wife, motherly duties to s kids that do not need me anymore, and husband who only needed me for child bearing..." Her voice began to crack as she explained her situation to the stranger.

The mask she has worn for so long finally brought to light. A shadow of her former-self, and empty shell of who she used to be.

"What's your name, Uchiha?"


"Your highness, huh. A fitting name for the Uchiha Matriarch."

"Well Mikoto since you tracked me down. We should have lunch, my treat." Avarice offered to the woman.

"I accept. But, what is your name? It would be rude of me to keep calling you stranger than your actual name." The woman politely suggests to the stranger.

"Otsutsuki Avarice." He promptly responds as he dust himself off and think of what they should eat.

"That does not sound from around he-" Before Mikoto could continue he interjects, " It is foreign. Do not waste your time pondering on it, but it essentially means greed in my home land."

"Lets go eat, shall we?" Avarice turns the conversation a different route, then heads towards the nearest restaurant.

Mikoto follows behind him. Interested in the unique man and how he treats her like a common shinobi. "What an interesting man. He is nothing like Fuguka."

A/N: Something a little different than what I usually write. But, so far I have a growing interest in Mikoto Uchiha. The next chapter will be out tomorrow, and any thoughts are appreciated.