Chapter 4 - White Lies
(Brandon's POV)

Of all the times this could have happened it had to be now. I love Stella, I really, truly do. That doesn't mean that I don't realise she can be a bit dramatic - after all I love her despite her flaws - I'm going to need help if I don't have a reason to tell her... but I promised Flora.

"Stella I promise you that it's not what it looks like." The only response I get is a bit of a 'humph' but that's it.

"Stella, I promise nothing is going on between Brandon and I and I'll explain everything but... oh my god." Flora's statement seems to aid in convincing Stella a little but I can't be concerned.

"What's wrong?" I ask as my concern becomes evident to everyone.

"I need to call Helia! I wanted to tell him in person so bad that I forgot he'd be picking me up." With that said Flora's on the phone using a Siri feature on her mobile to call him and allowing me the time to diffuse the situation between Stella and I.

I'm sat in the cafeteria staring longingly at Stella who is sat between Bloom and Musa to prove a point. I know that she'll come to forgive me when she finds out the reason why - hopefully that'll be soon - but I hate having to be so close yet so far apart.

"Stella, can I talk to you? Oh... uh, you too Brandon." I breathe a sigh of relief knowing that Flora intends to clear up the earlier situation. I stand up, ready to oblige to Flora's request but apparently Stella's anger hadn't completely settled.

"Why should I after you were holding hands with Brandon earlier? You wh-" Gasps of shock are heard from around our table as the others learn of Flora and I holding hands, if only they knew.

It wasn't an interruption that cut Stella off, no a verbal one anyways. It was like someone flipped a switch in Helia and he became, well, dark. He straightened his back further, looming easily over everyone seated, broadened his shoulders and his eyes seemed to darken as he stood protectively in front of Flora. Don't get me wrong, I'm glad she's got someone who'll protect her like him but, well I mean, Helia can be terrifying. I do not want to get on his bad side.

"Can you just listen?" It was clearly a rhetorical question and it earned Helia a small nudge from Flora but she was obviously amused, if only she could see how terrifying he could be. A small nudge from Flora is all it takes for the kind, gentle, easy-going Helia to return.

Finally finding some privacy Stella, Flora, Helia and I can finally begin to talk about the earlier events without anyone overhearing.

"Stella, Brandon is my brother." Oh Flora, nothing like beating around the bush is there?

"Nice try, I've been to... wait! You mean you're the girl Brandon's parents adopted?"

"That's definitely one way of putting it," Flora responds with a soft giggle, still evidently amused by the situation.

"What... what about the hand holding then? Why?" A sigh escapes Flora's lips upon hearing the question and my instant response is to assure her she doesn't have to say anything, she doesn't give me the chance for that though.

"I'm blind."


"I'm blind. It means that I can't see and-"

"No, no. I know what it means. I'm just shocked and... I'm sorry, I don't really know what to say."

"Stella, I was holding Flora's hand to guide her from home to school. Flora is my sister and I'm not going to put her in potential harm," I explain as I take interlock Stella's fingers with my own.

Helia wraps an arm around Flora and pulls her close, whispering something inaudible into her ear causing soft giggles to erupt from her lips. I clear my throat to remind them of our presence - unable to control the new protectiveness towards Flora - and I'm met with a smack over the back of my head from Stella. The noise of impact only fuels the couple's laughter.

"I must ask though, if you''re blind how do you..." Stella's voice trails off but Flora lets out a small sigh obviously knowing what Stella is implying, she's probably had this conversation thousands of times over by now.

"My phone works on voice - you know, especially with Siri and all that now - so that's how I make calls, text and all of that, my textbooks are printed in braille and Helia helps me find my way around school - most places for that matter - but I've got the school memorised for the most part so I can navigate it myself."

"I should have got your explanation before jumping to conclusions, I guess we can all be a bit self conscious sometimes, huh. I'm sorry Flora and I'm sorry for letting insecurity get in the way of my trust Brandon."

"I'm fairly sure if anyone saw their other half walking around, holding hands with someone else, they wouldn't be quite as trusting as normal." Having heard me saw that Stella lifts her adverted gaze to meet mine with a small smile. I breathe a sigh of relief knowing the situation had been cleared up and offer my hand for her to hold. Some things aren't worth losing.

A/N Hey guys, I know it's been a while and that this is a much shorter chapter than usual and I'm so sorry! I just seem to have less and less time to even log onto my laptop yet alone write. I'm hoping to make it up to all of you with some updates over Christmas.

Thank you so much for all your reviews and encouragement! My favourite part about posting is reading the reviews left by all of you :)

hopefully it won't be too long until next time

- Mae xxx