Seeing Ron and Hermione after three long months away from each other should have been fun and delightful.

It was, kind of, but he could tell that something was off.

Everyone had just moved on about the several deaths at the ministry but how could they!? How could they just go off about their lives without caring about the deaths of so many people.

As Ron and Hermione excitedly shared they events of their summer to Harry and many of the places they went together (that very suspiciously sounded like dates) , along with their not-so-discreet flirting.

Harry tried to laugh along but his smile didn't quite reach his eyes. Not that either one of them noticed of course.

Harry was relieved to see that they had finally arrived at Hogwarts.

As they entered that great hall, Dumbledore stood up to announce that this year, starting from 6th years and up they were starting a new event of sorts.

Well fuck.

Why did they have to be in their 6th year? Harry wondered with a grumble. He could swear that Dumbledore's blue eyes were twinkling more than ever.

So apparently they were going to be paired up to people anonymously that seem to fit you and you were both given a journal and you needed to write down your feelings, but the other person could see it too. Hermione obviously thought it was a great idea, and since ron was legit almost drooling over her, he enthusiastically agreed too. Not that Hermione noticed.

Just great. It was so that people would feel "less lonely" and it was a grade too!

They had even came up with a bloody spell that could apparently check your sincerity and emotions you wrote in the journal/diary without actually seeing the words!

At least it was all going to be anonymous.