Harry felt a sharp pain shoot through his body as he was slammed into the wall.

Uncle Vernon was always so violent when he was drunk. Harry found the strength to open his eyes just in time to see a foot crash down onto his face and his whole world went black.

Harry winced as he awoke to the sound of Aunt Petunia screaming at him asking why the breakfast wasn't ready yet. He groaned as he tried to get up.

Wow his uncle must have been really mad this time since both his arm and ribs were broken as opposed to the usual bruises and occasional sprained ankle.

He tried not to limp as he entered the kitchen but was informed that his efforts has gone to waste when Dudley scoffed at him laughing at how weak and pathetic he was when there weren't even any bruises on him. Breakfast was terrible.

The bacon he was making had been expired and he was punished for "attempting" to poison them, and just as he was about to be saved by the doorbell, an owl flew in with his hogwarts letter along with a note from Dumbledore. Earning him another slap in the face for almost scarring the guest.

After that Harry had been immediately send to his room while his aunt and uncle entertained their guest.

Thank god tomorrow he would get to go back to hogwarts even though last year he was almost killed at the ministry.

And Sirius, oh Sirius.

It was all his fault that Sirius had died. If he hadn't been so stupid and learned his occlumency none of it would have happened.

In a way, he kinda liked being at the Dursleys. He wouldn't even need to use his knife because they would punish him for him. He deserved the punishments. He was such a burden, and everyone around him was dying and it was.

All. His. Fault.