Heyo, guess who's back! Sorry about the delay for book 2. Between school and exploring the Tensei Slime community (I began to explore after starting to work for Guro), I haven't had time to write. But here we are now.

Haven't read Tensei Slime? I highly recommend it. Just type in 'Guro Translations' in google, and click the first link.

By the way, want to chat with me in real time? Join my discord by typing:discord DOT gg SLASH Ttf3wY

As the URL.

FF removes all outside links, so I have to work around that if I want to give you the link. DOT= . and SLASH= / and make sure to remove the spaces.

I've started posting on AO3! My profile name is SwordOfSierra, just like here.

Don't want to join the discord server, but still want to talk with me in real time? Message me or add me as a friend on discord. My username is SwordOfSierra and my number tag is #9685. Hope to hear from you soon!

Now for the story related stuff.

I do not own Overlord, it's content, or characters.

Massive thanks to Locko for Beta Reading!

Spells, Skills, and Items are still in [ ], and flashbacks are still in * *


"We have our sights set on the Argland Council Alliance. As a nation controlled by non-human leaders, I believe wiping them out would be unwise. I recommend beginning diplomatic relations."

The tall man, sharply dressed in a fine British suit, pushed up his glasses. A great many earrings glittered happily on his ears, and the glasses themselves reflected the luxurious chandelier hanging from the ceiling. This, combined with the man's gentle comportment, gave one sense of calm.

But this charade hid the man's inner darkness.

If one was to look more closely, the fact that this man was not human would be revealed. I plated tail swished gently behind, his ears were much too long, and a faint glint could be seen from rough diamond eyes beneath the glasses.

Unlike the man, who at a glance, a very fast glance, could be seen as human, the one he was talking to was not the same. A skeleton, over eight feet tall, with shining metal bones, could be seen. This skeleton donned 10 rings, one on each finger, and a smooth obsidian robe, detailed with gold and violet.

And from the skeleton came a rich voice.

"Umu, Indeed. It would be a shame to simply wipe them out. With the Theocracy gone, only the Dragon Lords have a change at opposing us…




"If all else fails…" He muttered. "You may get some friends."

Ainz gaze fell not to Demiurge, but to the wall at his left. There, stuffed and hung as a trophy, was the large head of a dragon. A white Dragon.

"Demiurge, are you not aware that I have already sent Sebas to Argland?"

The demon bowed low. "Forgive me, my lord. I was not aware of such an occurrence."

Ainz nodded, then called out two names. His voice echoed through the halls, before reaching the ears of two individuals. After waiting a few moments, the doors to his ninth floor office opened.

"Lord Ainz! Hello!"


The first voice, filled with slight joy came from a little girl, dressed in a purple yukata with a deep V. This V exposed a small white stone poking out of her chest. The other girl was dressed in a white and black toga, and carried a large scythe.

But this girl carried more than a scythe.

Invisible to the eye, she carried a heavy emotional pain, as well as a cracked mind. Ainz had removed the curse that he cast, but it mattered little. Her mind would never heal.

"Rubedo, Zesshi, I may have a job for you. If the Argland council refuses to make diplomatic relations, I see no point in their continued existence."

Zesshi nodded.

Rubedo broke out in a smile. It was an evil smile, that would chill a man to the bone.

The entire Argland country rested on the Dragon Lords' heads

Indeed, the life of a ruler was a dangerous one indeed.

Sebas gazed through the carriage window at Yilholm. The capital of the Argland Alliance was magnificent indeed. The largest buildings were made not with wood or stone, but polished marble.

Strangely enough, the council building itself was not located in the city, but about eight miles away. In order to convene with the Dragon Lords, one must go through the legal procedures and attempt for a reservation from the City Hall. However, few sought to convene with the Lords, and fewer still were able to do so.

Sebas glanced down at his hands. They tightly clutched a silk bag holding copper, silver, gold, and even platinum coins, all minted by Argland. Getting the money was a pain, but by pulling some strings, Ainz was able to get it via Jircniv and his remaining nobles, and the Re-Estize Kingdom, now managed by Renner.

When the carriage halted, Sebas' head jerked forward slightly. Sensing it was safe to disembark, he opened the door and felt a blast of cool air. Looking around, he saw people strolling by, barely giving him a glance before heading back to their own little world. Lightly hopping down, he bid farewell to the homunculus driver and walked off, hands clasped behind his back.

The roads are much nicer here than in Re-Estize.

The roads were smooth, perfect for walking, will little chance of stepping on a loose rock and injuring one's self. The whole environment led one to believe that all was right with the world.



Perhaps Sebas was used to the truly carefree environment of E-Rantel. Perhaps it has poisoned his view of the outside world.

In this city was distress.

In the Sorcerous Kingdom, Ainz had proven he wanted nothing but the best for his people. Would the Dragons have done the same?

The answer was no.

They care little for their people. Should it benefit them, they would commit genocide on their countries. No other country, except Sebas' own, would dare face a Dragon Lord's country directly.

The poor souls. If relations go well, perhaps we can save them.

As Sebas turned the corner, he heard the soft sound of crying. Not loud, and any person who didn't have such heightened senses wouldn't hear it. He peered down a dank alleyway, and his eyes met those of a small girl. If he had to give her and age, Sebas would say 13. The girl was in ragged clothes, and an imprint of her petite, sickly thin body was pressed upon a bundle of burlap sacks. It was clear the girl was homeless, and from her looks, wouldn't live much longer. The girl cringed away at the sight of Sebas.

Sebas slowly walked up to her, pausing now and then when she retreated further back.

"No! Sta-stay away, n-n-n-noble!"

The girl shouted at him, leaving him confused. He glanced at his clothes. Ah! he was dressed in a nice, perfectly tailored suit, with shoulders that accentuated his muscular build. Personally, Sebas would not have pegged himself as a noble. He was far too fit and grandfather-ly looking, contrasting nearly every noble he had met.

Sebas told to the girl to remain there, and walked off to the nearest food stand, one selling grilled direwolf kebabs. Fishing out a gold coin, he bought 12 kebabs from the wide-eyed salesman, grabbed a fistful of napkins, and walked back to the alley, where the girl was fishing though a pile a garbage.

"I have returned, little one. Would you like something to fill your stomach?"

Her ears twitched at the mention of food, but she still looked at him warily. Slowly, like an animal, she crawled over to him, but would not take a kebab.

Sebas chuckled, "They're not poisoned, you know. I will have one myself to prove it. Pick a random one."

She hesitantly pointed at one near the middle of the triangular stack, and he grabbed it. Without hesitating, Sebas bit into it, and chewed. It wasn't Nazarick food, but honestly, it wasn't bad. The outside had the right amount of salt, and the inside seemed to have had spices in it when cooked. Sebas decided to ask for the recipe before he left, sensing that it could be improved by removing the human aspect. Seeing Sebas eating surprisingly happily, the girl also lightly grabbed one and put it to her mouth. She glanced at Sebas, who nodded enthusiastically, and attacked the kebab.

The pair said nothing until the girl had eaten six kebabs. As she started on the seventh, she began to slow down, and started talking to Sebas.

"Mister? Are you a noble?"

Sebas smiled. He loved this child. "No, child. I am a butler. However, I suppose I could be called a noble. My name is Sebas Tian, personal butler of the Sorcerer King Ainz Ooal Gown. What do they call you?"

The girl locked her emerald green eyes on a brick in the alley wall, chewing slowly, while her violet hair was swaying slowly in the breeze.

"... I don't know. I know I got a name from my parents when I was a baby, but I don't remember it."

The girl told Sebas her story. Her parents died when she was 2, and she was raised on the street until the age of 5, before she was abandoned. Since then, she had been living on scraps and garbage, and had to move many times to avoid slave hunters.

When Sebas heard this, something in his heart cracked a little. He looked at the girl, who had been unloved, uncared for, and rejected. For all the love she never received, Sebas would give it to her while he was in this country. Upon leaving, he would arrange for her to be adopted by a good family. But one thing came first.


She looked up at him, his reflection shimmering in her teary eyes.

"How would you like to stay with me for a while? I can guarantee a nice room and bed of your own, as well as three hot meals a day. You always wanted a parent, correct? Then, I will be your parent."

Her emerald eyes filled with hope. In the little bit of time they spent together, she felt that this man was, for the first time in her life, someone she could trust.

"However, first you need a name."

Sebas got to his feet, and with one hand reached out to the little girl.

"Let's go… Violet."

The girl, Violet, clutched his hand, tears running down her face.

Now, I REALLLLLLLY wanted to end it here, at this emotional scene(maybe?) but alas, you all would yell at me for such a short chapter (don buwwy me pweese!). So fuck it. ANOTHER 3000 WORDS HERE WE COME!




Oi, Locko. Be useful and say something here!

Locko Note: Here's to BOOK 2 BABY

Sierra Note: Double fuck it. Let's play this off as the Prologue. Those are always short, right? Right?

Well, here we are in book two! Been awhile, hasn't it? Got a new beta reader, let's hope this one, you know, does his job breaks into coughing fit. I believe in Locko though (he's actually an admin on the discord server I co-own).

Before I say anything else, I must inform you all of something. Chapter One will be pushed back. I am getting surgery very soon after this (depending on if I upload this on time, my surgery could be tomorrow) and I will spend a few days on pain meds. As such, I do not trust myself to write well while tripping balls on such meds. I wish to give you all only my best work, after all! As such, Chapter One has been pushed back, like I said. Please understand :)

Wish me luck!

Also, PLEEEAAASE don't yell at me for a short chapter. I told you I will make longer chapters (4000-5000 words instead of 3000) and more chapters, so just hang in there. I think it will be worth it.

I need to have a smart ass remark here… Got it!


Too far? Making fun of too many youtubers? Maybe… Oh well

I want to do some answers for the reviewers who are under a guest account, named or not.

DARCRY1: Yes, I do in fact plan to start my own universe for a book series. However, at the bare minimum, I want to finish Book 2 (this one) before starting it. I also have to secure a place to post it besides my blogspot (under contruction), and I cannot post it here. AO3, maybe, but elsewhere too. I plan to contact RTD at some point.

Bob: Incorrect. It is expressly stated that Ainz was in the Upper Middle Tier of players. It is also stated that Shalltear is, at her best, Middle Upper Tier. However, Ainz was the best ability user in Yggdrasil (I believe that's true. I have read so many fanfictions they start to blend with the actual novel).

Adios me amigos,


Me, Sierra, setting a new standard for bad writing.