Hey there! I'm back again with the second prompt of this idea. This time, it was a request from NocturnalNonsense12. I don't know if you'll like it but I'm hoping I portrayed a bit of what you had in mind.

Remember you can all request a prompt of your liking!

Now, for the rules:

- No Jun Pyo/Jan Di requests. Unless is one in which they'll break up in the end, I won't take it. I'm sorry, but those two for me really wouldn't have worked out.

- No femslash

Saying that, you can ask for any kind of rating (yes, even M), setting (show or AU) and pairing (Please, remember the rules). Let's start!

Prompt: Almost three years and a half have passed since Yi Jung left for Sweden, and his communication with Ga Eul is becoming less and less frequent. Without being able to confide as often in her best friend, who's studying medicine, Ga Eul turns once more to Woo Bin, asking for reassurance.

Rating: Teen +16

Warning: Suggestions of sexy times

She turns to look to the calendar and sighs. Today marks another month since Yi Jung's departure to Sweden. Today marks more than two years since he left.

When I come back, I'll come find you first.

She repeats the words in her head over and over again, it's become mechanic.

Ga Eul is no longer working in the porridge shop; she doesn't have enough time. She's been studying to become a teacher, a kindergarten teacher, if possible. Her dream is to teach small toddlers and help them during those early stages of their lives. She just loves kids that much.

Her life is good; her mother is a happy housewife; her father is an office worker with good hours. And speaking of office, Ga Eul remembers it's still the same job Woo Bin got for her father all those years ago, when the Dragon Lady -as Woo Bin had so aptly named her- tried to sink all of those whom Jan Di cared for.

When she makes the call, she hopes she's not interrupting anything.

He says she isn't, that he's at a party at a club. She checks the time and corroborates that it's ten past noon.

Ten past noon. How is he partying at this time?

Ga Eul has never been to one of his parties; usually, when she calls Woo Bin, he picks her up to eat something or sends a car to bring her to his house where they laze around, watching movies or talking nonsense.

He says he's going home and sending his driver for her. Ga Eul tries to turn his offer down, knowing she has interrupted. He was having a good time; he shouldn't come running to her every time she feels down. But it's too late; she can hear the street sounds coming from her phone, and the 'Yes, sir' in the background from Woo Bin's security…

It's stupid to fight. No one says 'No' to Prince Song.

Half an hour later she arrives and is greeted with smiles from the staff and a warm hug from Woo Bin's mother. Somehow, his parents aren't the loving and doting TV commercial kinda parents, but they love hard, and she has witnessed that different kind of love when Woo Bin's father gives him a brand new car or when his mother takes him to the tailor for an entire set of new suits. This gifts do not replace love; they just express it. Besides, they have two other little girls to think about, two beautiful bundles of mayhem that make even Ga Eul lose patience sometimes. She must remember their 7th birthday will be coming soon.

"Hey. I was thinking a movie today." Woo Bin greets her when Ga Eul arrives at his 'male den.' She smiles and agrees to that plan.

Soon, the maids come in with popcorn, some finger food, and refreshments for the two of them. One of the maids gives Ga Eul the usual dismissive look she always reserves for her, and Ga Eul is used to it. This maid is young and very pretty, and Woo Bin has told her she has tried more than once to seduce him, but he really isn't interested. He doesn't want to fire her, though because he knows she needs the money. But, this of course, doesn't mean he doesn't notice her rude attitude.

"So Yeon-ssi."

"Yes, young master?" The girl is tripping over herself to get to him as quickly as possible.

"Please let the staff know not to interrupt us at all. Unless the Four Horsemen of the Apocalypse are descending to Earth, contact me only through the private line."

"Y-Yes, young master." One could feel her disappointment from a block away.

"Why do you keep her again?" Ga Eul asks him after the girl has left.

"Because she needs the job. I think she dreams of landing a rich husband so that her problems are solved. My parents are helping her, and our medical insurance is covering for a lot of her mother's illness, but...she wants to get more."


"Jealous?" he asks as he sits beside her after turning on the Blue-ray.

"Of course, I'm heartbroken over here."

Woo Bin laughs. He really enjoys her company.

Both Jan Di and Ga Eul are strange to him, like no other girls he's ever met. However, Jan Di is really busy with her studies, more so than Ga Eul. And because Ji Hoo is the one helping her, Woo Bin usually doesn't share much time with Jan Di, unless Ga Eul and Ji Hoo are present.

Now, his friend has asked him to look over Ga Eul because he might get busy with his own classes, plus the 16-hour time difference. At first they'd stayed awake just to be able to talk to each other, but as time goes by and classes start to prove more difficult, they both have needed their respective rest. When Yi Jung is free, Ga Eul is sleeping; when she is free, he might be out or also sleeping.

So, Yi Jung has asked Woo Bin to be there for her if she ever feels sad or lonely, and he has done so, finding a pleasant surprise after discovering Ga Eul's true personality. Yes, she is shy and somewhat innocent, but after her experience with Yi Jung and his first love and witnessing Jan Di and Jun Pyo, and of course, Ji Hoo's unrequited romantic love, the blindfold has fallen.

Woo Bin and Ga Eul have reached a stage in their friendship where she confides in him her insecurities about waiting for a person like Yi Jung, and he tells her about his fears about being part of the mafia. He lends her a friendly ear and an insight into a guy like Yi Jung, being that Woo Bin is also like his friend‒going from bed to bed just for fun but never hurting a woman on purpose. Ga Eul, on her side, always reassures him that she will always be his friend, as long as he stays true to his beliefs.

The movie is a bit slow and heavy. It tells the story of three friends, each one starting like normal, innocent children, only to grow up into something completely different. One is kidnapped and abused as a kid; the other grows up to be a cop, while the last one becomes some sort of mafia boss in the community.

How apt.

As the movie moves forward, they find out the firstborn daughter of the mafia boss was murdered, and his childhood friend, now a police detective, is in charge of the case. The scene when the father discovers his daughter is, indeed, dead, is heartbreaking. Even Woo Bin can imagine for a bit what it would be like. Did his father or mother have the same fear when he was younger? Do they have the same fear even now?

He reaches for a box of tissues and hands a couple to Ga Eul, who obviously has tears running down her cheeks.

The plot unfolds, and different leads point to one of the mafia guy's childhood friends as the killer, the one who was abused as a child. He begs and cries, swearing he never would've touched his friend's daughter. He swears on his life, on his wife, on everything holy that he didn't do it, but the other guy isn't listening; he keeps asking for the truth and demanding that he should just admit it. Woo Bin feels his chest tighten. What would he do if one of his best friends, one of his brothers, by accident or not, killed his firstborn? He would probably do the same thing the guy in the movie does when his friend finally confesses.

He would kill him.

With pain and sorrow in his heart, he would avenge his child's death.

When he turns to look and see if Ga Eul is covering her eyes or crying again, he only sees sheer determination and the hint of...satisfaction? He can't be sure.

Of course, what none of them expects is that hours later, after killing one of his friends, the police detective comes around telling him they've found the killer. The mafia guy asks if they're sure, and the detective says they are: they have all the evidence, the murder weapon, plus the confession. The guy has killed one of his childhood friends, for nothing. For a hunch, some gossip, and false leads. He made a woman a widow and a child an orphan.

Later, in his bedroom, shirtless in front of his window, he thinks.

His wife interrupts his train of thought; she knows what he has done, and she doesn't seem to care. They have two other daughters, and she starts telling him how she tucked the girls in to sleep and told them the story of how big their daddy's heart is. She told them that he actually has four hearts, filled with so much love that sometimes it feels like they will explode, and one of them did when their big sister went to sleep forever.

The guy can't take it; he doesn't want to hear it, but his wife takes his face and looks at him, telling him he's a King and that a King knows when to do certain things, even when they are difficult. In no few words, she lets him know she's there for him, no matter what, and that she feels safe for her and their girls, knowing that daddy will always protect them.

After a few more scenes, the movie ends, leaving Woo Bin with a raw feeling in his chest.

He's watched mafia movies before, hell "Goodfellas" is one of his favorite ones; even if violent, he has always liked that one. He's never had issues with mafia movies, but this one? This one isn't directly one of those and still leaves him with a bitter taste in his mouth.

From the corner of his eye, he watches Ga Eul take a sip of her drink and then leave it on the coaster on the table.

"Sorry about that," he finally says.

"About what?" Ga Eul is confused.

"The movie, the plot, the things that happened. I know you don't like all those violent movies."

"This one wasn't violent; it had some things like that, but it wasn't all like that."

"I beg to differ, but okay...As long as you were entertained."

"It was...interesting. A very powerful movie."

"You were crying at first; I should've stopped the movie then."

"No, it was okay. I mean, it wasn't. But just, the way he lost it when he found out the girl was his daughter….I can't even begin to imagine that kind of pain."

"Well yeah, look at where his pain led him."

Ga Eul turns an incredible look to him. "It led him to fight, to find his daughter's killer, to do every-"

"He killed his friend! He wasn't her killer."

"Yes, but his friend's wife led him to believe that. I mean, it was pretty sketchy what she said."

Now it is Woo Bin's turn to be shocked. "Are you for real, Ga Eul?"

"About what?"

"Do you agree with what he did?"

"I agree that he was intent on finding his daughter's murderer."

"And he killed the wrong person!" He stands up.

"Because the police didn't move fast enough! And why are we yelling?"

"Because!" And he has no other answer for her.

"It's just a movie, Woo Bin."

"What if that happened in real life? What if that happened to me? What if I…"

"You'll have a movie reference to pace you down."

"That is not funny."

"I wasn't trying to be."

"So what? You'd be as calm as that woman?"

"Woo Bin, she was his wife. His woman. Of course she knew what she was getting into when she married him. That's why she said everyone else was weak. You can't afford to be weak in the mafia world." She stands, too.

"Oh, so knowledgeable you are."

"Only because of the things you've told me."

"So, it was okay then? What he did?"

"What if it was you? You just asked me that. What if...What if it was me? What if we were married and had children. What if you were certain one of your friends had done something to harm her; wouldn't you do the same?"

"I would." He said with certainty. "But then, how would you, my wife, feel about that?"

"I'd support you." Woo Bin scoffs. "I would. I would stand next to you through hurricanes and earthquakes, walk over hot coals if that meant you and our family would be safe."

"Why would you go so far for a murderer?"

"Because that 'murderer' would be my husband, and he would've done it for his family." She goes to him and forces Woo Bin to look her in the eye. "The woman who stands next to you has to love you, completely, unconditionally, because you're the King and she is your Queen. The least a Queen expects is for her King to protect their cubs. Isn't that right?"

Ga Eul doesn't get to the smile she means to give him because after she finishes her speech, the only thing she feels is his lips on hers.

The kiss is totally unexpected but not rejected.

One of his hands goes to her waist, holding her in place while the other cups her face. Ga Eul's hands are trying to find a place to land, and they finally do on his back. This isn't one of those rom-com movie first kisses where the protagonist slowly exhales and her foot goes 'pop'. This kiss is searing and deep, slow and sensual, and Ga Eul quicky feels her knees failing her. Woo Bin starts to move, leading them back to the sofa. He sits first and she follows, ending up sitting astride him.

The kiss loses the touch of impatience from the beginning and turns into something more exploratory and less hurried. Never would she have thought a tongue felt so soft.

Minutes pass, hours maybe? They can't be sure. But their lips feel a bit numb when they finally break apart.

Both are breathing a bit hard, and now, the funny, electrifying fog is dissipating.

"I should go." She quickly leaves his lap, but her wrist is trapped by his hand.

"Don't run." His eyes are serious and honest. "You must feel like you've betrayed the trust of the guy you like, but I've betrayed the trust of my brother. Who do you think is feeling worse right now?"

He is right. Between Yi Jung and her exists only a promise, a five-year-long promise that seems to have been quickly fading from her mind.

"I'm sorry...I just…"

"Whatever you need to think about, you can do so here, right?" She weakly nods. "Then come here. I'll lend you my shoulder."

Ga Eul climbs onto the sofa again, lays her head on his shoulder, and lets the tears fall. She's not letting heart-wrenching sobs escape, but she know this represents a problem.

On his part, Woo Bin can't feel more like shit. It is true he has been looking at Ga Eul more the past few weeks, but that can't excuse his actions. Thing is, listening to her saying that if she was his wife she would support him, walk through fire for him and their family made something inside his head snap, and he had to have her, even if one time.

Finally, he understands how Ji Hoo felt that night in New Caledonia.

He receives a call at an ungodly hour and picks up his phone without looking.

"Whoever you are, you better be dying, or I will kill you."

"What the hell happened with Ga Eul!?" The voice belongs to Yi Jung, and the sleep haze Woo Bin had a second ago is gone.

"What, wait...what? What do you mean?"

"She just called me." Woo Bin checks the time, almost 4 AM so that means almost 8PM in Sweden. "I could tell she was crying, and she told me she was sorry but that she couldn't wait for me anymore."

"She what!?" He remembers what happened after that kiss in his den; Ga Eul cried for a while before saying she really needed to go. They kissed one more time but still didn't talk about what happened.

"Yeah, and...I tried to convince her, man, I did. But she says she just can't because there's someone else"

"She...she said that?"

"Who the fuck is this guy? You've been with her, right? When did she have the time to see someone else?"

"Listen, Yi Jung, it's very early, and I need to go to a family meeting in a couple of hours. I promise I'll call you with more information as soon as that's done. Don't worry."

"Fuck...Sorry. I didn't even think...Yeah, that's okay. Just let me know. I mean, I know I told her I would come find her first when I returned if she hadn't found her soulmate by then, but it was a figure of speech!"

"I promise I'll get back to you…" Is all Woo Bin provides.

"Yes, thank you. See you. Thanks, for taking care of her."

Woo Bin hangs up and covers his face with his hands. A few minutes pass before he calls her.


"Why did you call him?" There is silence from the other side of the line for about a minute.

"Because when I think of Yi Jung, I no longer feel happy. I only feel obligation and the burden of a promise he thought would keep me single for five years."

"I understand. I'll be going out of the country for two days. I'll call you when I get back."

"Wait..where are you going?"

"I promise I'll call you. Just give me two days."


"What the hell? How come you're here?" Yi Jung hugs his best friend with a smile on his face.

"I told you I'd call you back, but I think these kind of things are better done in person." Woo Bin hugs him back and holds him for a beat longer than usual, but then he lets go.

"Sure, let's quickly talk about that and then we can go party." Sitting down, he asks the maid for drinks.


"Well, yeah...I'm just curious about this guy, but I mean, I thought about it, and this thing between Ga Eul and me wouldn't have worked. I was just buying time on a promise that I didn't know if either of us would be able to fulfill." Woo Bin is shocked. "Don't look so surprised; you know guys like me can only bring pain to the women they love, so it's best if I don't open that door again. So, what about this guy? Is he the white knight in shining armor she always dreamt about?"

"Hardly. I'd say she's better off without him. He's a scumbag, has slept his way around, a lot, and she knows this, but still...there's something there."

"Really?" Woo Bin notices the hint of surprise and even hope in his friend's voice. "So, how the hell did he get close?"

"Well...you did ask me to keep an eye on her."

"Yeah, so that you could help her when she…" Woo Bin sees it, the moment the penny drops in his friend's mind. He quickly stands up and roars, "WHAT!? Are you trying to tell me that you are that guy!?"

"I think so...yes." He also slowly stands.

"You think so? How the fuck are you not sure!"

"Because Ga Eul and I still haven't talked about it." Yi Jung waits for the next part of his sentence, and Woo Bin is dreading telling him, but he knows it's best to be honest. "We kissed."

Yi Jung doesn't move fast enough. Woo Bin can see in his eyes the next movement; he knows he can quickly dodge the punch that's coming his way, but he doesn't move.

The sound of knuckles against his jaw is loudly heard, and he hopes Yi Jung hasn't broken anything. He's now lying on the floor, holding his hand up to his bodyguards to remind them not to interfere.

"You piece of shit! How could you do this?!" Yi Jung is enraged, seeing red and screaming loudly.

"Because I feel something for her, because she was lonely and I was there and because I simply couldn't resist. To be honest, I thought she would push me away." Woo Bin's jaw is hurting like hell, but he still stands up and waits for the next punch.

"And you call yourself my brother?"

"I do...I came here to tell you that I care for her, deeply, and if she wants me, I'll be hers. You can hit me until you're satisfied."

Yi Jung punches his gut hard. Any other man would be coughing his lung out, but not Prince Song.

"Get out. Don't ever speak to me again."

"Yi Jung, please call me when you've calmed down. I am sorry that I noticed her, but I-"

"Fuck you, Song Woo Bin. Get the fuck out of my house."

"You were so ready to go out partying; what would've happened if I had told you it was a simple guy, the knight in shining whatever she had been waiting for? Weren't you going to fuck some random woman?" After two seconds, he adds, "Have you fucked someone else already?" The silence is enough for Woo Bin to understand the answer is affirmative. "I'm leaving, but bear in mind that I kissed her, not the other way around. I waited until I got here to talk to you man-to-man. If your immediate reaction to her call was to bury yourself in another woman, then you don't deserve her."

Turning around, Woo Bin feels his eyes fill up with tears. He is leaving behind more than 20 years of friendship, and he hopes he might salvage some of that someday.

"Will he forgive me?" He asks Ji Hoo after he tells him what happened.

"I don't know. Maybe, in time."

"Are you also mad at me?"

"I kissed the girl my brother liked, too, remember? I'm, in fact, in love with the woman he's going to marry. There's no judgement here."

"How do you stand it?"

"One day at a time." Ji Hoo sighs and drinks a bit more of his scotch "But know this, if she ever gave me the same opening Ga Eul gave you, I'd run away with her without looking back once."

Woo Bin raises his glass to him and acknowledges his struggle.

A year and a half passes, give or take. He hasn't heard a word from Yi Jung since. Jun Pyo obviously finds out and gets mad at him for at least seven to eight months. Jan Di is more supportive when she hears about them, causing a huge fight with her fiancé.

Woo Bin is lying in his bed, remembering the day he went to Ga Eul's house to confess. He knows he doesn't have the greatest record, but he is willing to try for her.

The body next to him starts to stir and stretch. The beautiful sight of a couple of bare breasts salutes him as soon as she turns around.

"Hey," he says.

"Hey…" Ga Eul's voice is a bit hoarse. "What happened?"

"I think you passed out." He smirks.

"Oh, shut up. After that move you pulled out I thought I was going to die." Her mind is getting the last moments of their lovemaking back.

"But what a way to go, huh?" They both laugh out loud.

Ga Eul says yes when he confesses; they start going out, and it's only at their one-year anniversary that she gives herself to him. The night was beautiful, the hotel bedroom bathed in soft candlelight, and their first time is something she keeps as one of her most precious memories.

His hand starts caressing her back as he kisses her, his fingers tracing the first tattoo on her back‒a beautiful koi fish surrounded by delicate waves and pink sakura flowers.

She feels the proof of his desire for her against her hip and smiles. They have done it not twenty minutes ago. Still, Ga Eul doesn't ask what he wants to do; she just lets Woo Bin pull her over him and starts preparing for the next round.

After all, no one says 'No' to Prince Song.

For those of you who haven't watched the movie, it's called "Mystic River". One hell of a movie and directed by one of the best, Clint Eastwood.

Remember that reviews are love!

See ya XOXO