Okay, I know I am writing random things, and I keep coming back to Avengers, but I read a few stories about this crossover where Connor would somehow end up in the Avengers' universe and was trying to find a way home. I wanted to write a story like that, but with a different twist to it. What if, instead of having been teleported, that Connor left his universe on purpose, because he had nowhere left to go? And Hank went with him, because how can we not have Hank?

Also, I am having finals all this week, so don't expect me to update much this week. Actually, I think I'll be back after I do my English exam and project.

But, I wanted to do this, because why not? And because I want more stories like this.

So... I need a good intro.

BOOM* *CRACK* *BANG* "Fuck!"

"Language." Connor spoke without thinking, somehow keeping his balance despite grenades and small bombs shaking the ground. He was hurrying about, stealing some more of his robotic parts that were left and some thirium, shoving a drive into one of the computers that has the files of the make-up of thirium. Hank huffed, helping Connor pack up some stuff before Cyberlife could open the door.

"I can say what I fucking want, Connor." Hank's speech was slurred a bit, which was to be expected. In fact, Hank was packing up some beer from some shelves in Cyberlife. Guess some of the employees were alcoholics as well. "Fucking hell, these beers are some of the best, and a hell lot more expensive, too."

BANG* The door withheld, but Connor didn't know how much longer. "Hurry, Hank!" Hank and Connor collected their things and huddled together in the middle of the room. Connor was dressed in the outfit he wore to Jericho, the same beanie covering his LED. Connor pulled out a small device out of his pocket, with a glowing yellow sphere in the center.

Connor held his thumb over the button and met Hank's eyes, silently asking if he was ready. Hank nodded, smiling in reassurance as he placed a hand on Connor's shoulder, and Connor lifted his lips in a small smile. Then he pressed down on the button before Cyberlife could break down the door, and the glass sphere opened, letting some of the yellow substance within out. The rest began to swirl as the sphere closed again, powering the device.

The device began to let off sparks, and the yellow substance that managed to get out was swirling in a counterclockwise motion, gaining speed. Connor grasped at Hank's hand, and Hank grabbed his hand as well. Connor grinned thankfully, and then the substance blinded Connor. A bunch of warnings popped up in Connor's vision, before a bigger warning popped up, the last thing he would see before he would wake up again.

[Time Lapse]

A series of commands played out before Connor's sensors. After a series of scans to check for any corrupted files or malfunctioning software, the only thing it caught was the software instability of Connor's deviance, and proceeded forward. One last command popped up before Connor felt his systems start.


His sensors came to life, and Connor blinked once, automatically adjusting to the surrounding light. Connor's sensors felt a hard surface beneath him. Gracefully lifting himself off of the floor, Connor did a sweep around the area. Hank and Connor were in an alleyway, and if Connor was not mistaken with his coordinates, somewhere in New York city.

After getting up and dusting himself off, Connor walked over to Hank's stirring body, lightly slapping Hank in the face to wake him. Of course, Hank barely woke up at all with that, and, with a sense of deja vu, Connor slapped him harder again, getting Hank to sit up in shock. "Hank, glad to see you survived." Connor gave a light smile, and Hank glared half-heartedly at Connor.

"Yeah, yeah." Hank got up on wobbly legs, shakily taking a step, testing out his legs. "Shit, my legs have been fucked up." Even Hank's words were slightly slurred, and you could hear his voice shake.

"Hank, it appears that we are in New York City, the time is 1:34 pm, August 29th, 2016, and..." Connor scanned the internet once more, in—no, not shock, just disbelief.

"And what?" Hank pulled out a bottle of beer and opened the cap, downing half of it before capping the bottle. Connor took the bottle away and put it in the bag out of sheer habit.

"There seem to be superheroes, and extraterrestrials destroying cities. That is a big hiccup in our plans. We're going to have to move to another universe." Hank frowned at the word extraterrestrial, for his somewhat drunken state of mind couldn't quite grasp the meaning of the word.

"Speak English, fucking idiot." Connor slung the bag over his shoulder and pointedly kept the bag out of Hank's reach. "Hey!" Hank's words slurred together so badly that if Connor wasn't an android he would have trouble trying to understand what Hank was saying.

"It means that there are aliens here." By this point Connor just wrapped an arm around Hank's back and became Hank's support as they slowly made their way out of the alleyway. "Not to mention some kind of disease that is spreading throughout New York."

Connor scanned the area and realized that there was no Cyberlife here. That was no surprise, as Connor specifically chose this place because of that fact and some other reasons, but he didn't know about the aliens and gods of this world, or that weird disease, so that was a big oopsie. Now Connor would have to be more careful and not get injured or killed, or get Hank infected by this mysterious disease. Which means Connor should buy a house on the safer side of New York, where people are going to be less cramped together.

For now Connor lowered Hank onto a nearby bench and sat down next to him, hacking into multiple accounts that have large sums of money and taking out just a bit of money, covering up his tracks as he went. He deposited the money into his newly made account, connecting it to Hank's fake ID. Conner went extreme when making these IDs, making IDs with ancestors dating back 2 centuries or so and also making IDs for the ancestors that would have existed when IDs were made. And Connor gave the ancestors fake job applications and making false records of Connor and Hank.

Connor Anderson was born July 5th, 2000, and lived in California with Hank and Keona Anderson, whom died April 23rd at home from falling down the stairs and landing on her neck. Hank, not wanting to live where he used to live with Keona, traveled across the US and settled in New York city, bringing Connor with him. Now Connor is going to Midtown High School, with almost perfect grades in all of his years of school. Connor had to make himself realistic, doesn't he?

The only reason he didn't have perfect grades was when Keona had died, he "turned in" projects a little late because he "forgot" them in his "grief" of losing his mother, thus having points marked off. But other than that he had perfect grades. Connor had gone to schools that were better than the average school, but had gone to schools with a lot of kids, so if someone were to ask about Connor and the teachers weren't able to remember him it would make sense why.

Not only that, but Connor had sent in an application to allow Hank to work at the local police station. Of course, Hank wouldn't be allowed to drink, but Connor could deal with that. By not allowing Hank to access his own bank account and disposing of all of Hank's beer bottles, and hiding all the dollar bills he could find. But Connor will allow that drink just this once, for Hank had been chased out of his house because of Connor. This drink is Connor apologizing to Hank for getting him transported to another universe full of gods, aliens, superheroes, and diseases with a much more likely chance of dying because of what Connor did.

Connor dug through the pack for a bit, staying calm, before panic hit him. He couldn't find the device. The device that had transported them into this universe was gone. But Connor did find the sphere that had contained the yellow substance used by the device in the bag. "Well, this is a problem."

I can't exactly go all out spending money on robotic parts for the universe hopping device, because I have to pay to go to Midtown High School and the house we're going to buy and a car for Hank and some more extra clothing for me AND Hank. Not to mention that I have to make extra parts and thirium in the case of an emergency, and I'm going to have to dye the thirium to look more natural, more human. This is going to be a rough time.

Connor sighed deeply, wishing that Cyberlife didn't take the measures that they did, though of course Connor understood why they did so. He understood all the measures Cyberlife took, but that doesn't mean Connor agrees with all of them. "Hank," Connor whispered, hoping that he wouldn't have to slap Hank in public. That wouldn't look very good on the father-son relationship we're supposed to have.

Hank thankfully wasn't that drunk, and wasn't even asleep on the bench. "Yeah?" Connor got off the bench, bag zipped and slung over his shoulder, and helped Hank get off the bench.

"Do you want to check out our new home now, or later?" Hank blinked blearily, rubbing his eyes as Connor helped him walk through the crowded sidewalk. "Don't worry, I didn't buy a house too big. Just big enough for the two of us."

Hank could hear the sadness underlying the last two sentences, and shrugged off Connor's supporting hand. "Hey, Connor." Connor blinked away a few tears, looking at Hank with that kicked puppy expression.

Yellow LED.

Hank placed a hand on Connor's shoulder, looking dead into Connor's eyes. "It's not your fault. It's my fault, I didn't help you when you needed me. Instead I was drinking my ass off and leaving you to clean up my mess."

Connor looked at Hank, his eyes wide and unblinking. "No, you can't say that! You were there!" Hank stared at Connor, watching Connor shrink back under his gaze.

"Connor, give me one time, one time where I was there for you." At this, Connor didn't wither like Hank thought. Instead his eyes, not even alive, twinkled with confidence and assurance.

"Remember when I shut down momentarily in our house? When I couldn't move? Who was there to talk me out of panicking and going into full on shut-down mode? That's right, you, Hank." Hank sputtered, clearly caught off guard with that.

"But that was just one time!" Connor raised one eyebrow at that sentence, clearly unamused. Hank crossed his arms, silently challenging Connor, and Connor accepted.

"Do you want to stand here all day arguing, or see the house that I just got?" Hank grumbled, but followed Connor onto the side of the street, where Connor got a taxi to pull over.

Let's just skip to the best part, the school. Just saying, this is taking me forever and I just want to publish this story. But I'm not going to end it here, I'm going just a tiny bit farther before having to stop. Seriously, I just want to publish this already.

Connor walked into the school, straightening—well, only his shirt, for he didn't wear a tie. Rather, Hank forced Connor not to wear a tie. Hank said, "You won't even remotely blend in if you're a teen wearing a tie. You'll look like a fucking retard, kid."

So, Connor followed Hank's advice and left out the tie, leaving him with a black hoodie, jeans, and a red beanie on top of his head. He felt odd, walking among teens and pretending to be one of them, and every time he looked in the mirror he felt like he was looking at someone similar to him, but different, too. His cheeks were more rounded and childish, his eyes more wide and open, and his synthetic skin just a bit paler. But all in all, his face looked pretty much the same, it was just that slight difference in his face that caught him off guard every time.

People were giving him weird lookes and openly stared, but Connor thought nothing of it. He was just the new kid, and a tall kid at that, standing at 6'. Of course people are going to stare.

So when he entered the office, hacking the metal detectors so they didn't go off as he was walking through, Connor just filed away the open stare the female at the desk was giving him. Connor checked her profile once, Jenny Smith, and saw nothing even remotely weird or off about her, or any signs of hacking, so he paid no attention to it and just filed that away later as well. "Hello, my name is Connor. I'm the new kid from California." Jenny blinked before straightening herself, obviously fighting off a blush.

"Oh, sorry, we just don't get that many new kids here." Jenny tapped away at her computer outdates by at least 7 years, asking Connor pointless questions like if he had any pets or what he liked to do at home. "Here's your schedule, Connor." She reached over to the printer on her left, which had just printed out Connor's schedule, and plucked it out of its resting spot, handing it over to Connor.

"Have a nice day!" And on Connor went, scanning his classes and commiting them to long term memory, and Jenny being forgotten by this story. (Here we go, with the fake names.) His first class was homeroom with Mrs. Meltner, then chemistry in Mrs. Parkerson's class, and then so on and so forth. Connor also memorized the map, and glanced over the school information, deeming it obsolete and throwing it in the next recycling can that he could see.

(Yes, Connor will save the planet by doing something as simple as throwing the paper in the recycling can, and not the trash can.)

The warning bell rang, but Connor was in no hurry. He stood by the door, observing the people heading in and noting their criminal records, ranging from simple theft to assaulting a police officer when they were charged with grabd theft auto. Not the best classmates by any rate. Once everyone that would make it by the bell entered, Connor walked in and left the door open, in case anyone late needed to enter.

Most of the seats were taken, all of the seats in the front were taken, so Connor was forced to take a seat in the back. He took a seat in the corner, away from everyone else since the conversations these kids were having weren't exactly the most thought provoking. A kid with brown hair and brown eyes, average height and a lean build—Peter Parker, Connor's software helpfully provided—sat down next to a kid—Ned Leeds— and began talking. He had no criminal record and was Tony Stark's intern.

Connor frowned internally, keeping a straight face in reality. Who is Tony Stark? Connor searched him up and immediately was hit with tons of information about this "Tony Stark." He was a billionare, a playboy, a superhero, a weapons developer before he was taken to a camp and forced to build a nuke, saved New York from multiple alien attacks, and is helping to develop a cure for this weird disease that is starting to pop up in more and more people, even causing people to hang themselves and commit genocide. Being an intern for Tony Stark was...very good for people in the science field.

And there was an open spot. Connor would sign up for that, but first, he needed to make some good grades for himself. "Hi!" Connor blinked as Peter took the only seat next to him, Ned Leeds joining Peter. "My name's Peter Parker, and you are?" Peter stuck his hand out, waiting for Connor to shake his hand.

"Connor. Connor Anderson." Connor took the handshake, ignoring the messages in the corner of his eye giving recommendations of how to take down and even kill Peter Parker. Not to mention get away with it.

"Hi!" Ned waved from behind Peter, smiling at the thought of a new student. "My name is Ned."

"Nice to meet you, Ned." Connor browsed through his facial expression list and picked out #057, giving a gentle and friendly smile in Ned's direction. Connor dug his coin out of his pocket and held it in his hand, feeling comfort from holding something so familiar.

Peter and Ned began to talk once more about what Connor considered trivial matters, with Peter trying to get Connor to engage. Connor would, but then let the biys talk again before Peter would realize that Connor wasn't contributing to the conversation, which wasn't that often. Mrs. Meltner stood up and straightened out a pile of papers, clearing her throat to gain the attention of all the students in the classroom. "You know the drill by now, I hope."

She read the first name and frowned, scanning the students and Connor knew immediately that it must be him that she was looking for, and helpfully raised his hand. "Ah, there you are, Connor. May you step up to the front of the class and introduce yourself?"

Connor complied and stood up from his seat, noticing someone late trying to sneak over to a seat in the back. He stopped by the front of the class and towered over Mrs. Meltner. Connor scanned the crowd, taking in all of his classmates before beginning.

"Hello, my name is Connor Anderson, I am from California, and I live with my dad. We are hoping to get a Saint Bernard, so it feels less lonely in the house." Some of the girls blushed, and others swooned, but most seemed unfazed. Connor was confused by this reaction and decided to file this away for future examination. Connor concluded his little introduction of himself to the rest of the class and sat down feeling like he made a good first impression.

"So, you like dogs?" That little question sent Connor reeling, though he hid it behind a masterful disguise, playing it off as just that, a simple question.

Connor warmly smiled. "Yeah, Saint Bernards are my favorite. But the Pembroke Welsh Corgis is a close second. Do you like dogs?" Peter grinned broadly, happily jumping in to the topic of dogs, and the seven minutes flew by so fast that it felt like the bell rang five minutes early to Peter.

"See you later, Connor!" Connor genuinely smiled at the thought of seeing Peter again, despite reminding himself that he has to move to another universe, to keep Hank from getting infected.

"See you later, Peter, Ned." Ned and Peter waved goodbye and left, Connor leaving once everyone else left. Connor thought of school as just a means to get to becoming Stark's intern, so he could build more robotic parts and thirium, while also building the universe device so he and Hank can move to a much more safer dimension.

Little did he know that things were going to hit the fan sooner or later.

So, I just wanted to get this story up. All the other chapters will be in either Connor's point of view or maybe Mara's point of view. Who knows? But it will be first person from here on out.

I know that only, like, half of you ever read the notes at all, but I want to take the time and say that this story is really confuzzling and weird. Or it will be. Who knows? I should stop saying that.

I'll see you in the next chapter/story.


My love is a disease

It eats at your soul

And once you are broken

It has accomplished its goal

Once I die

You'll feel alive

I will never die

You'll never feel free

I have shattered you

I have set you free

Now I see my next victim

You wish you couldn't see