The Invite to the Cool Cave

Percy Jackson sat on the pier, feet dangling off into the water, wondering what on earth he was going to do later.

Gulp, gulp, gulp.

Percy looked down at the naiad taking his cock deep into her mouth. She was slurping pretty noisily trying to make it as hot and nasty as she could for the young demigod.

Percy sighed. Fucking nature spirits was pretty good, but they weren't the same as a human, let alone banging another demigod. They just didn't have the same touch. More like they were just something that was there when, well, when he was.

The naiad that was gorging on his dick was getting angry looks and mean glances from the others in the bottom of the lake, so Percy took this as his cue to hurry up and finish so he could send her back down. Grabbing a handful of the naiads hair, he thrusted upwards furiously in an attempt to bust a nut quickly. In a few short moments, he sent seven shots of semen into her mouth and down her throat.

"Gah!" she gasped as he released her. "That was so great, wasn't it?" She left her tongue hanging out showing Percy his own cum.

"Yeah, terrific." Percy said a little unenthusiastically. "Listen, I'm going to get going. Gotta have a chat with Anna— I mean, Grover and Jason about what the gang will be up to later."

"Yeah, sure whatever," she giggled twirling her hair silly with a finger. "You should come back and see me sometime though!"

"Count on it," Percy grinned standing up pulling up his shorts. As she splashed back in the water, percy took time to stroll around his camp. It was a Friday afternoon, and ever since the fall of Gaea Chiron now granted weekends off! Irrelevant though, since counselors and senior adventurers like himself got to do whatever they wanted to most of the time. But still, it was one of the first weekends that wasn't too cold or too warm, and of course the weather was perfect due to the camp's magical borders. So pPrcy thought he'd grab Annabeth and take her out by the lake tonight or hang with the guys. He was down for pretty much anything.

He walked past the original new cabins to the original ones (A whole new wing of godly cabins were made— originals for older campers, new and luxurious ones for newer campers around sixteen and younger) to see who could find hanging around.

So he walked past hoping to find Annabeth in the Athena cabin but when he found it deserted he decided to peek into the rest of them to see who he could find. Though while he saw a lot of people he knew, he was only looking for his close buds, the fellow counselors and such, to have a good time.

"Hey! Hey Percy!" he heard a familiar voice yell.

Percy turned to see Grover running up to him slapping him on the arm on giving him the wildest of grins.

"What's up?" Percy laughed.

"Rachel's having a little get together tonight in her cave. You game?"

"What? Really? Yeah, that's perfect!" Percy said enthused. Now he wouldn't have to pick who to hang out with at all.

Grover looked triumphant. "Rachel wants the whole gang to meet there tonight. About seven o'clock sharp. Wanna hang out till then?"

Percy took a look out the sun going more towards the west already, guessing it was probably close to five. He nodded smirking and he and Grover went out strolling around the woods picking fights with random monsters, boosting each other's testorones before the night with their friends began. Grover looked at the setting sun and rising moon to tell that their hours of fun had passed and that it was time to meet the gang at Rachel's.

As they walked up, Percy noticed Grover getting more and more nervous.

"You're not nervous about it being a party, are you?" Percy asked him. "You shouldn't worry man, I'll make sure you don't drink so much and make a fool of yourself like last time."

"Oh yeah, just like you stopped me that last time," Grover chided, then sighed. "Tonight will be fun, I'm not even sure she has alcohol," he said trying to sound reassured. "I just sort of hope Juniper won't be there..." he trailed off.

"Alright," Percy murmured ignoring the weirdness. They walked quietly to the edge off the camps borders, a little ways past the main house where Chiron slept, and a slight ways up the rock wall where Rachel the Oracle slept. Right before the entry way, Percy glanced around at the view behind him. He thought to himself that Rachel was very lucky to get to stay here. It was just high enough to look over the woods, which looked pretty enchanting from the top, like all magical and mysterious, and then the gleaming lake beyond. It was her own personal 27th floor penthouse view, rent free.


He wheeled around to see his girlfriend, Annabeth, out of her usual orange camp shirt and sporting a small, light grey tank top and tiny white jean shorts highlighting her curves and her toned legs and tummy. Her hair was pulled back in a ponytail. She was smirking in an all-knowing sort of way and her eyes were shining bright.

"'Bout time," she mocked as they pulled in for a hug.

"Don't blame me, Grover was the one supposed to be keeping track of time." Percy said breaking away. As they stepped into the cave, they immediately came into the living room, which was the widest part of the cave. Decked out to look like a modern L.A pad, a large HD TV was hanging on the cave wall to the left, the couch was pushed up against the opposite wall to make more room in the middle, where Percy's friends sat. Only a large lamp in the corner by the couch lit the dark cave, which gave the place a more night-time feel to it.

It seemed quite a turnout. Silena, piper, Jason, leo, frank, hazel, thalia, nico, connor, travis, Katie, Rachel, Charlie, (apparently to Grover's disappointment) juniper, Tyson, he, grover, and Annabeth had all showed up.

"Aaaaand, everyone's now here!" Rachel said spiritedly.

"Yay Percy!" Tyson clapped. Percy laughed.

"Hey, big guy. What's up everyone?" he waved at the girls who were giggling and acting sillier than usual, and clapped hands with Jason and the boys.

"Psst," Jason whispered. Percy took a seat by him. "Want a tiny shot to pump the hot blood?" he asked, pulling out a tiny silver flask. "Tequila does wonders."

Percy grinned and took a swig of the flask. Whew… that stuff better do wonders.

"Allll right everybody," Rachel continued on like a high school cheerleader getting a pep rally revved up. "Time to get our Friday night kicked off!"

Percy raised his hand mockingly like a schoolboy. "What are we doing today?"

Most of the group sniggered, but Rachel shot him an I-know-you-didn't stare.

"Silly goose," she said. "We're playing truth or dare tonight!" Percy stared for a second, then roared with laughter.

"This is going to be great! We haven't played this game since we stopped the titans, remember that?"

"Too clearly," Annabeth and Grover mumbled together. Everyone laughed.

"Well let's not stall," Percy picked up being almost as enthusiastic as Rachel now. "Let's get started. What are the rules this time?" he asked.

Rachel looked dramatically between the girls, who all smiled and nodded, before answering.

"Strip a piece of clothing if you can't answer a truth, but you have to actually flash something to someone for a whole two seconds if you wimp out on a dare." She stated.

Percy chuckled. "So sexy… okay, who's up first?"

"Hmmm," Rachel mused, a finger playfully on her chin pretending to think. She looked from Silena to Annabeth then to Percy to Jason, but finally rested on-

"Piper.. Truth or dare sweetheart?"