A Home

Disclaimer: I don't own any part of the Harry Potter franchise but I do own this plot. :D

Harry was born in 1980

Percy was born in 1993

So Harry is (technically) 13 while Percy is 1.

Sally hasn't married Gabe and is living with Percy.

August 10th 1994

Aunt Petunia was yelling again. However, this time, instead of from the comfort of 4 Privet Drive, it was from in front of a motel somewhere in Manhattan.

Her voice was basically echoing off the run-down walls of all the nearby buildings. Her shrill voice could practically be heard by everyone in the vicinity. Heck, she wouldn't even need a Sonorus charm to drive everyone here deaf, Harry thought.

"Boy! We are going to be enjoying our holiday here, and the only way to do that is without you following us. I expect you to be back here by 10. Not a second later. Am I clear?"

Harry, at this point, was almost ready to roll his eyes and throw back a snide remark but instead, he mumbled a soft, "Yes, Aunt Petunia."

Satisfied, Aunt Petunia turned and left with her husband, who was grumbling about how it would be better if the freak wandered off and never returned, and her "darling Dudders" who was smirking at Harry, "Try not to offend people with your freakishness."

Once the Dursleys had left, Harry looked around and pondered his next course of action.

There would be less chances of a Death Eater ambushing and offing him in America, right? Yet, one could never be too safe so Harry tucked his wand securely into his back jean pocket.

Harry walked around aimlessly, observing people rushing, pigeons flying about and the ever present sound of traffic. There were families strolling around, children were giggling while their parents smiled. Harry gazed at them longingly and continued his stroll.

Securely in his pocket was the business card of the clerk working at the front desk of the motel. The name of the hotel was printed on one side of the card while the address was in bold on the other. Harry decided that it would be enough for him to be able to ask for directions back. His stomach grumbled and his feet carried him to the nearest food establishment. He had been fed a very meager lunch, courtesy of Vernon.

He just had to stay with the Dursleys for a few more weeks before he was free and off to Hogwarts. He couldn't wait to see Hermione and Ron again. Hopefully, he could also see Sirius and Remus. Maybe the Dursleys' spontaneous holiday was a blessing in disguise, Harry would take being left alone in America over slaving away in 4 Privet Drive anyday.

Harry was snapped out of his thoughts by the ringing of a bell as he pushed the door of the diner open. He could smell the freshly-cooked food from the kitchen already. The blond cashier noticed him and greeted him amiably.

Harry headed to the counter and stared at the menu. He scanned the prices and ordered the cheapest thing aside from a glass of water: a simple cheeseburger. The blond nodded and yelled his order to the kitchen through a hole in the wall. This was returned by more shouting.

"Darn teenagers…"she complained under her breath. She then promptly asked for payment, and Harry dug into the pockets of his baggy oversized jeans and dug up whatever he could find. A paperclip, some lint, a pound a few shillings and mentally slapped himself.

The lady noticed and shook her head at his hopeful, pleading glance toward her. He sighed and was ready to cancel his order and tell his stomach to shut up when a voice from behind him softly called out, "Here, I'll pay."

A five-dollar-bill was slapped onto the counter and was accepted by the blond cashier. She was counting the change when Harry looked back to thank his mysterious helper.

Behind him stood a brown haired-lady with really tired eyes. She was wearing a black baby-carrier which seemed to pull her shoulders forward down, and in that carrier was an adorable black-haired boy that was gripping his mother's hair tightly while sleeping.

Harry could see the dark rings around her eyes, probably because of the baby, and the freckles that dotted her face were a nice addition to her kind, motherly look.

This lady practically radiated the same motherly aura as Mrs. Weasley. A plastic bag with takeaway boxes was dangling from her wrist. She must have been ready to leave, had seen him and then took pity on him.

She brought her eyes down to meet his and Harry did not expect her to wink at him and hook her lip up. "Let me pay, you look like you won't last without this meal."

Harry was just about to interrupt her and protest that he, in fact, could survive without the burger when his meal was handed to him and he walked out with the lady.

Before he could even speak, the lady raised an eyebrow and asked him, "Hey, kiddo, judging from your…um, money problem, you're probably not from around here. Where are your parents?"

"Dead," Harry dejectedly stared at the lady before continuing, " I'm on holiday with my relatives, and I wandered off." Having said that, he was all but ready to turn around and storm off when a hand grasped his arm.

His hand was already inching for his wand and he had already put a thumb on it, a spell was on the tip of his tongue, ready to fire off anytime. Until he turned around and saw the understanding look on her face. "Kid, I know you're not telling me the whole truth. If you don't want to confess your family background to a stranger, it's okay. But I can't let a ten-year-old wander around the streets, it's not safe."

"I'm already fourteen," Harry deadpanned. Sure, he knew he was small but he wasn't actually that short was he? "And don't call me 'kid', my name's Harry." The lady was taken aback but recovered quickly, "The name's Sally Jackson" She patted her baby on the back and he gurgled a bit, "and this little guy is Perseus." She beamed like the proudest mother in the world.

"Anyway, you don't look like you're in too much of a hurry to get back to your guardians so you obviously know the way back to your hotel." Sally glanced at the clouds gathering overhead and continued, "From my experience, it's probably going to rain soon. Would you like to come to my apartment? I live pretty near here."

Harry proceeded to fix her with the most skeptical look he could muster and Sally embarrassedly sputtered, "That.. came out wrong, I'm just offering an umbrella so you can head back safely."

He was still a little suspicious but he also didn't know the way back to the motel and having an umbrella would certainly help a lot. Hesitantly, Harry nodded and decided to follow her back. Sally smiled and took his hand and led the way.

It had already started raining on the way home and Harry really wanted to know how on Earth a woman carrying a baby could still run so fast whilst wearing high heels on wet pavement.

The things a mother would do for her son, Harry thought as he shoved any jealousy bubbling upward way back down into the deep crevices of his heart.

Sally was already panting as she fumbled with her keys. Harry had only managed to keep up with her due to his Quidditch training but wow, Sally could run.

Perseus was safely tucked against his mother and mostly dry, how he managed to stay sound asleep was a mystery left for next time. Harry's food had managed to stay kind of warm and sort of dry so he mentally celebrated in his head.

Sally opened the door and Harry looked at the clock in her living room. It was already 8.30. Sally placed the food on her coffee table and Harry was cozy just standing in her living room. Her home felt strangely safe and Harry felt his magic thrumming comfortably.

Funny how a stranger's living room was more homey than 4 Privet Drive ever was. Perseus started crying and Sally rushed to get some milk from the fridge. Harry sat down and took a bite from his cheeseburger and watched Sally scramble around.

Soon enough, Sally was sitting on the couch and Perseus was happily gulping down his milk and Sally turned to Harry, who had already finished his burger.

"Aren't your guardians going to be at least a little worried for you? I get that you're fourteen but you are still in a foreign country." Harry instantly snapped back, "They would be glad to see me gone. They don't even deserve to be called 'guardians'."

Sally's eyes were filled with disbelief but it soon melted into pity and sympathy. "Well it looks like the rain isn't going to let up any time soon and it's already so late. Why don't you spend the night here? You can give me your hotel's name and I'll drive you there myself tomorrow."

Harry was shaken yet he was touched. The words just tumbled out his mouth, "Tha.. Thank you."

"It's no big deal, plus Perseus seems to like you enough," as if on cue the child began waving his hands wildly towards Harry as if asking to be carried. Harry was unable to hold back a smile and reached for Perseus.

Holding Perseus close to his chest, he pushed his fringe out of his eye and held him securely. He was in the middle of baby talk when he heard a loud inhale from Sally.

She had basically teleported to him. In an instant, she was caressing his forehead and the skin around his scar. It tingled a bit when she touched it and Harry averted his eyes.

Sally obviously understood that he didn't want to talk about it and, instead, caringly pushed half his fringe back while leaving just enough to to cover the scar. "You look nicer with your fringe pushed back," she grinned as she fastened the hair back with a clip.

"Well, I've set up your bed in the guestroom for you and I don't know how you did it but it looks like you've successfully tired out Perseus. This little rascal has always managed to keep me up all night," Sally commended while kneeling down to tickle her son under his chin. Harry handed Perseus back to her slowly.

She had moved to put Perseus in his crib when she suddenly leaned her head back to ask if Harry wanted to use her shower. In his hurry, Harry had barely noticed his dishevelled clothes and rushed to the bathroom.

When he came back out, Sally was in the middle of her meal and Perseus was sound asleep. She noticed him and motioned him towards a warm glass of milk. Harry gratefully gulped it down and let out a long loud yawn.

Sally flashed him an amused grin and wished him good night. Harry blushed and hugged Sally, "Thank you so much Mrs. Jackson." He rushed back to his room without looking at her reaction. He could hear a soft, 'no problem' coming from outside.

Harry glanced at the clock hanging on the wall, it was already 10.30. Just imagining Aunt Petunia yelling for him while freaking out the surrounding pedestrians was enough to make him giggle.

The Boy-Who-Lived knew that he was bound to be punished by Aunt Petunia when he got back, but hey, he had faced a basilisk and even Voldemort (twice) and survived.

For now, he just wanted to relax in the only other place he could feel safe in besides Hogwarts.

Author's note: Hiya! I'm new to this site but I've wanted to write this for awhile now. Constructive criticism is always welcome and I hope you'll excuse my errors. Hope you liked the fic!