Hey everyone,
So this story has been on my mind the same way The Fidelius and Harrison and Harry has. It drove me crazy and now it's on paper. Personally, I think I know why this story has been teasing/annoying me so much. It's the first time EVER that I write a story that takes place AFTER Order of the Phoenix.
As you all know, I HATE the ending of OotP with the raging power of the Infinity Stones and Fiendfyre (No, this is not a cross-over with Avengers, I just chose those, because Infinity war came out on DVD as I write this). However, my need to change the ending in a different, new way has gotten the better of me.
Now before we get to the story, I need to let out one major warning: LILY AND JAMES POTTER BASHING INCOMING! Yes, this story is going to include both Lily and James surviving Halloween 1981 and Sirius surviving the DoM, however the way the two parties survived will be alike, their characters absolutely not!
You have been warned,


The Unspeakable Escape Program
Chapter 01
The Grim Alive

20th of December 1996
The Burrow, England
Harry's POV

I don't know what's wrong, but ever since we came back from Hogwarts, I've felt off and an urge to head for London, to Grimmauld Place 12 where the Order is holding their meetings, has been growing stronger every day. Sometimes it even feels as if the urge is growing stronger with every hour that I'm awake, which makes it hard to ignore.

"What's wrong, Harry dear?" Mrs. Weasley asks and I realize that I am playing with the mashed potatoes on my plate. I grimace and say: "I – don't feel right.""Do you need a potion, mate?" Ron asks, but I shake my head and decide to just be blunt and answer the urge that now sounds like an alarm ringing in my heart and mind.
"I – it's just – I don't think we should celebrate Christmas. At least, not here." I say, looking down at my plate as I already know that the others are looking at me with shock and pity and I have no interest in that. "You want to do it at London?" Hermione asks, wrinkling her nose at the very thought, yet I nod and ignore this about her.
"Why?" The twins ask and I answer: "Because it was the last time – he was happy." And even though I don't say anything or give any names, do the others still nod in understanding. "But what about decorations?" Mrs. Weasley asks and I want to roll my eyes at this, but refrain as I am glad that she's not outright dismissing my need.
"Mum, if dad, me, the twins and you each take an hour or two of our morning in the next few days to decorate a bit of London, we should have it done no problem.""I'll help too." I say, knowing I need to be there. "Harry dear, it's really –." Mrs. Weasley tries, but I glare at her and say: "He left the house to me, Mrs. Weasley."

The woman keeps quiet at this, her eyes proving she doesn't like that I'm using this against her. But I remember just fine how she made it look as if Grimmauld was hers to own and how much that annoyed Sirius and I have no intention on letting that happen again. "I'll take Harry first thing tomorrow. Don't worry, mum."
Bill says, yet by the look in his eyes, which is a look that the others don't share with him, do I know that Bill is either onto me or at the very least suspecting that I have an ulterior motive for having accomplished this. And the fact that the urge has now calmed down in how it was calling out to me makes me agree with him.

The next morning
Grimmauld Place, London
Harry's POV

Bill Apparated us both to the front landing in front of the front door and told me that, even with the Trace at play, I have permission to use my wand to open the door as it is not the same as casting a spell. I nod at him and do as he shows me, causing for a lot of clicks to be heard from the other side of the door before it opens.
The inside actually looks worse than it did the first time I came here a year and a half ago, but I ignore this in favor of the urge, that now has the same crazy ass strength as it did before I opened my mouth the other night. I turn my head and while Bill says: "I'll go hang some lights in the staircase banister, okay Harry?"
I nod, not really listening as my gaze is aimed at the door leading to the Tapestry room and while I put my wand away, do I enter it. The sight of the Black Family Tree makes a lump grow in my throat as this was the last place I saw Sirius in person before the Battle six months ago and the memories of that day rush at me.

Sirius finding me here, giving me an explanation as to how he was related to some of the people I recognized and why some faces had been burned off, me telling him of how I had been feeling, him giving me his incredible advice and words of encouragement and giving me a warm hug before speaking those accursed words.
"When all of this is over, we'll be a proper family. You'll see." These words ring through my mind, making my eyes tear up as I whisper: "No Sirius. I – I can't see it." And as I say this, do I turn to where his picture is supposed to be, hating how it is nothing but a horrible burn mark with only the date he was born visible.
But then my mind catches up with what I'm seeing and I think: "Do people who get burned off not even get the honor of having their date of death put on here as well? Wouldn't the Blacks just love the sight of those traitors being dead?" And I look at the other spots where people have been burned off for ridiculous reasons.
The Tonks, which I know isn't going to help me as I know that Tonks' mother is still alive and then Alphard Black, who I know got blasted off for helping Sirius after he got disowned. And my eyes widen when I look at the burn mark as there are actually two dates here; a date of when the man was born and one of when he died.

My gaze rushes between the two, the mark showing Alphard and the one showing Sirius and after seeing the difference between them four times, do I shout: "BILL! COME HERE! QUICK!" The young adult rushes in, wand at the ready and asks: "What is it, Harry? What's wrong?" And I motion for the two marks.
"Look, Alphard has a date of birth and death, but Sirius only has a date of birth and they've both been blasted off for their actions. That doesn't make sense. And look, here are others that have died that were blasted off, they have a date of death as well." The man looks at this shocked and I tearfully asks: "Bill, how is this possible?"
The man runs his wand over the wall and mutters: "I'm not detecting any magic fooling the tapestry or magic that is supposed to make it show only the truth to some and lie to others. The only magic on this is the magic that keeps it to these walls and a spell that ties it to the live-energy to all those shown on it, whether blown off or not."
"But – but that –." I almost whine and Bill turns to me as he says: "Call Kreacher. He might be the only one who can solve this. His magic is tied to this House. It can make him do things we might never be able to." And while I still don't trust the little traitorous and obstinate House-Elf, do I feel ready to do anything to get answers.

"KREACHER!" I bellow at the full strength of my voice and the filthy old Elf appears, his head bowed and his lips moving, proving that he is still trying to mutter and spew insults, even though I long ago ordered him against this. Yet Bill ignores this and waves his wand over the little creature, his eyes widening as he does so.
"This – this is incredible. His own magic recognizes Sirius still as his master, but because he has been alone for so long has it weakened to the point that it is now being overwhelmed by the magic of the Veil, making him think that he is to listen to his master's last wishes and recognizing you as his new master. Harry, Sirius is alive."

And while I had already realizes this myself, does hearing the words spoken by someone else still bring tears to my eyes and I ask: "But then –?" But Bill seems to have already thought ahead as he says: "Kreacher, my grandmother is Cedrella Weasley née Black and Harry's grandmother is Dorea Potter née Black.
Use those connections to strengthen the magic you have within you and fight the control the Veil has over you. Use it to find Sirius, get him and bring him here." He then looks at me and I nod as we chorus: "Do it, Kreacher." And I make sure to put the same power in my voice as the time I cast my Patronus at the edge of the lake.
This memory does hurt as it was the first time I almost lost Sirius and an unbidden thought hits me: "What if something similar happens? Will I be able to handle it to see Sirius just as he is as close to death as he was back then?" And these thoughts make me almost deaf to the pop that indicates Kreacher vanishing from the spot.

"I better contact Dumbledore. Depending on where Sirius has been all this time, it kept him from letting us know that he's alive. That can't have been a healthy location. I just hope he can get Madam Pomfrey to come here too." Bill mutters to himself and I whisper: "I can't lose him. Not again." At which he looks at me and says:
"Harry, consider this my Christmas gift to you. I vow on my magic and skill that I will do everything and anything I can to give Sirius back to you, healthy, alive and strong." I smile at him as he lies a hand on my shoulder with these words and then another pop sound indicates that Kreacher has returned. And his return horrifies me.

"SIRIUS!" I yell in horrified fright as the man isn't even a man. He is in his dog form and has never looked more weak, more close to death, more like the vampire I compared him to when I first saw his picture on the Knight Bus to the Leaky Cauldron. The poor thing isn't even standing up, he is lying on his side, which is bleeding here and there.
I look at him horrified, my eyes shooting between his form that looks as if one more breath can kill him and his name on the wall and then Bill says: "Good Merlin, he – he looks horrible." I turn to him, terrified and feeling completely out of my league. "I'll cast a charm to keep his health steady and then call on Dumbledore.
He needs to bring Madam Pomfrey here on the spot." At which I turn to the Elf that managed to find him even though he's considered dead and I instantly make a decision. "Kreacher, if you bring Dumbledore and Pomfrey here, I will allow you to keep Draco healthy. Not help his plans against us, just keep him healthy."

Both Sirius and the elf look at me at this, Sirius shocked and Kreacher contemplative, but I lock eyes with him to prove that I am serious and to my relief does the elf vanish again, obviously to serve my orders. Sirius whimpers and I say: "I would serve Voldemort to keep you alive, Sirius, regardless of his past or actions."
At this Bill smiles at me and then the elf returns with the two, yet I instantly notice a horrible problem as the woman seems shocked and confused, whereas Dumbledore just instantly focuses on Sirius lying there. "I, Harry James Potter, hereby give Poppy Pomfrey to see the Ancient House of Black, also known as Grimmauld Place, London."
I rush to say, working my hardest not to stutter or have my need for help make me skip over a word and instantly, even though Sirius is alive and here, it seems as if the magic takes effect. The woman's eyes clear up and I hear Dumbledore hum in intrigue. I turn to him and motion for the mark as well as the one of Alphard Black.
The man's eyes widen as he sees this and then he turns to Madam Pomfrey and says: "Poppy, you're at the Headquarters of the Order. And it seems that the host never truly died. However, if we don't act fast, there might actually be a date of death added to that burn mark over there. Please, do not let Mr. Potter suffer that loss again."

Hurry up, Poppy,
So that's the first chapter. This story has been on my mind for the longest time and I actually thought of several starting points. One was two weeks into the summer between Fifth and Sixth, one was in the last week of that same summer, one was right as Dumbledore wants to tell Harry about the Prophesy and a few others.
But while I absolutely hate seeing Sirius hurt, dying or (heaven's forbid) dead, are there a lot of advantages to Sirius being in the state that he is in. Also, let me make one thing clear: this story WILL have Lily and James bashing, but NOT Molly bashing. That is one of the reasons I have this story starting here.
All clear, good,
